Chapter Five : His guard

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*Author's Note, as you might be able to see above there is a photo displayed above☝. This is how I imagine Daichi Kyougoku to appear like. Same length hair but with bright orange hair color. That's exactly how I imagine his hair to look like while tied up and the outfit he has on is how I imagine him to look like while he wears his kimono's. But of course with different colors. He is a Samurai in this story, simply because I think their cute and awesome. Well anyways I don't own Naruto, or the characters involved in this story except Kyougoku who is a made up charcater that I came up with, with my random ideas. So I hope that you enjoy Chapter 5 of 'You've Fallen For Me'. By the way when you see words in italic there usually going to be thoughts from now on.


"Well Naruto let's head off" She said, double checking she had all the things she needed. With a successful search, they took one last glance at Konoha village. With a small smile, they head off North from the village."Here we come Kyougoku clan."

Early morning Hinata, as promised woke up early and made her way to the Hokage tower. Where she was expected to meet with the Hokage. Walking through Konoha village she said hello to her fellow comrades ready to head off to a bandit mission. Her friends Shino, Kiba and Ino. She confusingly approached the group, finding it strange to see these particular group of friends in one place, talking to one another.

"Ohayou Gozaimasu, Ino-chan, Kiba-kun, and Shino-Kun" Hinata said softly, waving to her friends. She bent down, bowing.

"Ohayou Gozaimasu, Hinata-Chan!" Ino said happily, with a smile on her face. Stepping forward to the timid kunochi, pulling her into a hug."You don't have to be so formal to us, were friends right?" Ino asked rather loudly, hugging her tightly. After a few seconds, she pulled away placing her hands on Hinata's shouders. She eyed her with her blue eyes, waitimg for her response. A smile decorating her face.

"H-H-Hai" Hinata replied softly with a small smile, and a tint of pink on her pale like snow skin. Ino smiled warmly, removing her hands from her. Taking a few steps away from her, as she stood near Kiba and Shino.

"We were just heading out, Hokage-sama gaved us a mission." Shino replied in his usual monotone voice. Hinata gazed at her friends, nodding in understatement.

"We'll be back in 8 days tops, our mission is in the Sand Village so we'll get there in three days, and will take down the guy and come right back home. Hinata-chan, When we get back be ready for some training, cause I'm looking forward to it." Kiba said grinning happily. She smiled, watching Kiba, Shino and along with Ino begin to walk away.

"We have to go now, Hinata-chan. Ittekimasu" Ino yelled out loudly, waving farewell.

"Sayounara, Hinata-chan!" Kiba yelled out, as Shino just simply waved goodbye. All three of them turning around as they walked away.

"Itterasshai!" Hinata yelled after them, waving them off. She stare after them until they turned right on a corner and completely disappeared before her eyes. She smiled softly, turning back around and making her way to her destination. As usual she said good morning to her elders and bowed towards them when she came across them. She'll smile at the little kids that were playing or walking to the academy or waved them hello. She passed by the usual shops and would admire the shops that caught her attention. Like the book store, or the bakery shop. Slowing inching closer to the Hokage tower.


"Sakura-chan, can we rest a bit and eat something? I'm starving!" Naruto whined, rubbing his belly repeatedly. Sakura rolled her eyes, almost smack him in the head if it wasn't for the fact that he fell off the tree.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled, completely stopping. She saw him land on one of the many shrubs with a 'ouch'. She stood on the branch of a tree, waiting for his response. But all she received were grunts and moans of pain. She winced.

"I'm fine" She heard him mumble with a small grunt. She sighed in relief, jumping off the tree. Walking towards the shrub in which Naruto had fallen at. She could see his two legs sticking out the green leafs and his right hand dangling on a small twig. An amusing sight to her.

"Are you okay Naruto, you didn't seem so healthy when we departed from the village" She asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm okay" He said, as he slowly rised from the ground. Dusting off his clothes and removing the leafs and twigs from his hair. She smiled at him softly shaking her head in disbelief. He smiled softly, chuckling childishly.

"Let's take a break, I'll go get camp set up. Can you find some wood so we can make a fire?" Sakura asked, removing her bags from her shoulders. She gazed at Naruto's pale face and was about to reject her offer when he piped in.

"Sure, I'll be back " He said without much emotion, stalking off somewhere in the woods. She stare after him and sigh. What's wrong with him? She thought in a worried state, concern for her friend.


"Excuse me," Daichi Kyougoku asked, tapping on the shoulder of a elderly man. Taking a few steps back when he noticed him turn around. The older man, much shorter than he was, had to raise his head to look at Daichi towering figure.

"Yes young man?" The elder asked, in a gentle voice. Facing the orange haired man with a smile on his warm face. He trembled from weakness, carrying two bags of groceries on each hand. Daichi raised an eyebrow, observing his struggling figure.

"Gomesnasi, I was actually wondering if you had the time to help me with something. But it would seem your hands are full" He stated. Gazing at the elderly man's face, and his struggling hands. Smiling, the old man slowly begin to chuckle softly.

"Young fellow I'll be glad to help you" He said, as Daichi refused his offer. Shaking his head back and forth, waving his hands furiously.

"No thank you very much sir, I appreciate your offer. But I must decline." Daichi said politely, bowing before his elder.

"You must be from a high family, eh?" The older man asked, smiling softly. In which Daichi smiled back.

"I actually am sir. My parents are the head of my clan. The Kyougoku clan, a Samurai clan that developed about a century ago." He replied with a bit of pride in his voice.

"Ah well I see, that'll explain your formal kimono and sword." The man said, pointing to his attire and sword.

"Would you like some assistance? I'll be delighted to help you," Daichi asked, stepping closer to the man. Offering him his hand, as a gesture to hand him a bag. The older man declined.

"It's alright, young fellow." He declined softly.

"I insist " He begged.

"Your of a high family, you come from a big background. And you shouldn't trouble yourself with someone like me" The man soflty mumbled.

"Indeed I do come from such 'high' family, but your a man in help. Your fragile and I insist on helping you."

"I'm positive your parents would be disappointed of you if you were to help out someone from a lower class."

"My parents have taught me that if someone is in need of help, you lend them a hand. Shall it be a criminal, an enemy or a elder like yourself. You lend a hand. So please, I insist."
He begged, offering his hand. The old man sigh, smiling gently at Daichi.

"Arigatou Gozaimasu" The older man said warmly, handing him a bag. The older man, seemed to have the heavier bag and this didn't go unnoticed by Daichi.

"Sir, I am young and strong. Please, you shouldn't carry such heavy bags it's bad for your health. So let me be of a service to you" Daichi politely asked, offering his hand once again. The man smiled warmly, finally agreeing with him. Handing him the bag. Together they walked, with the older man by Daichi side and the two bags on each hands of Daichi's figure. As they both joined in a peaceful conversation along the way to the home of his elder.


"Konnichiwa" Hinata mumbled softly, bowing before the last remaining Uchiha. His cold and dark eyes observed the small girl as she bowed down at him, show her respects.

"I-I-I came here to-" She came to halt, stopping midway through her sentence. Closing her mouth shut tight. Her cheeks puffing out. Slowly she opened her mouth, then closed it again. She stood still in front of his cold stare, playing with the helm of her sweater. Unable to come up with a descent explanation. Should I just tell him I'm here to keep an eye on him? That I'm here to look after him and make sure he doesn't goes on a killing spree? How do I phrase my words nicely? She silently asked herself. Becoming impatient with her lack of words, Sasuke growled at her figure turning around from her. Making his way inside his apartment, and to his living room, taking a seat on his black leather couch. He sat on the couch with his legs spread open about an inch or two and his intertwined fingers in between his legs. His back slouched towards his arms, his head hanging low, and his eyes shut tight. He sat patiently as he waited. Hinata confusingly gazed at him as he went inside, leaving her alone. Standing at the entrance of his apartment. She didn't know if she should go inside, if this was a way to invite her, or dismiss her. She glup and took a step forward. Then with shaky legs made her way inside his apartment, closing the door behind her.

"A-A-Ano, I was wondering if you-" She spoke softly in a quiet tone, but was interrupted by the louder voice that belonged to Sasuke Uchiha. She flinched from the tone that he used and took two steps back. Keeping a good amount of distance between them. Her fingers locked in a fist as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"Your stuttering is annoying, your flinching is uncalled for and most importantly your useless to me." He said rather harshlyThe atmosphere thicken as the silence passed on. Hinata tried swallowing the huge lump that formed in her throat. She bit down on her lip, her knuckles turned pale white as she tighten her grip on her sweater. Her figure trembling slightly.

"I'll tell the old hag to hire some one else so, leave. I don't need you." He said coldly.

"H-H-Hai" She mumbled softly. Her heart clenched beneath her ribcage. Without much of anything else, she knew that, that was her que to leave. So she made her way out of his house. Her quiet steps becoming dimmer and lighter, as she came near his front door. When she stood in front of his brown door, she took a deep breath, unsure if she should try to convince him or not. However, deciding upon not angering him and stressing him over an unnecessary topic she gave in to his request. She opened the door and stepped outside. Closing the door behind her as she made her way to her house, with a sorrowful look displayed on her face. Leaving Sasuke alone in his empty apartment building, gazing at his floor like before.


Tsuande glared at the raven haired shinobi, her eyes filled with anger and disbelief. She stood in front of him, pointing an accusing finger towards him.

"What do mean you don't like her! You don't have much of a choice, brat! She'll be the one to look after you and make sure you don't go on a rampage. You will listen to her! And you do so until Naruto and Sakura come back!" She yelled angrily. Her eyes glaring at Sasuke. She made her way to her messy desk, taking a seat as her knuckles turned white.

"I don't want-"

"You don't have a word in this brat!" She yelled louder than before, slamming her fist on her table. The desk splitting in two equal parts. The aura around her was dark and filled with anger."Listen to me Uchiha brat, Hinata Hyuga is going to be looking after you. She'll be in your place first thing in the morning, you will let her in and you will not kick her out again. Do I make myself clear or must I repeat it again?!" She asked in a venomous tone. Sasuke rolled his eyes at the older lady and waved her off.

"I don't-"

"Do I make myself clear?" She asked loudly. Glaring daggers at the man in front of her, receiving a few curse words. Making her blood boil with rage.

"Tch" He said, turning away from her. Sasuke made his way to the front door and left slamming the door shut.



A simple knock interrupted his train of thoughts. A single, small and soft knock was all it took for him to get up and open his door. A knock was all it took.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu, Uchiha-san" Hinata greeted him, with her gentle tone. She was wrapped around a lavender scarf, a black sweater and navy blue training pants. She wore sandals and her hair was down. He eyed her and let her inside. Opening the door wider than before. She smiled softly, before entering his home. She took her sandals and placed them on a mat next to her. Putting on the slippers that were placed before her.

"Well then, I'll be in my room. Don't bother me" Sasuke stated coldly, making his way to his room after closing the door to his apartment.

"H-H-Hai" She said. Watching his retrieving figure walk away as she stood in the same spot he left her two minutes ago. Looking around the room. She noticed the plain walls and the lack of decoration. It's as if no one lives here. She thought sadly, inching her way to his shelves as curiosity got the best of her. She noticed a picture, next to a plant. As she made her way to it. Hoping to get a closer view of the photo frame. She almost instantly smiled when she saw the picture. Naruto-kun, Sakura-chan and Uchiha-san. They look so happy back in the days. Deciding upon making something for him to smile about she dashed to the kitchen. Staying in their for an hour and a half. She clean, she organized. She made food all in less than five hours. She was left tired, exhausted and most importantly proud. A clash was all it took for her to turn around. From the sudden sound, she had placed her hand over her heart, gazing at the figure in front of her. Sasuke Uchiha.

"I'll go get the broom," she said softly, ready to walk away. Only to be stop by his cold tone.

"You can leave now" He said in his monotone voice. "I'll clean this up" He continued. Silence filled the room and Hinata stood quiet. She looked at Sasuke with uneasiness. Hokage-sama gaved me specific orders to look after him so I should listen to her. But he doesn't want me here. But Hokage-sama is the Hokage and I should follow her orders, on the hand what she doesn't know won't hurt her right? Oh Kami! What do I do?

"I won't tell anyone you left early, I just want to be alone and catch up on some sleep and apparently I can't do that with you here." He continued on with his emotionless face. She gulp.

"G-G-Gomenasi! I'll leave right now" She spoke abruptly. Bowing slightly, offering him a small smile before dashing out his apartment building. Closing the door quietly behind her, leaving a quite Sasuke. Turning around, he walked to the kitchen to find his broom, where he knew she must've left it. Stopping mid way, he caught sight of something from the corner of his eye. Upon his table, sat a chocolate cake. Decorated with frosting and other toppings. He stare at the chocolate cake walking closer to it for further inspection. It was a decent amount of size, had too much chocolate. It was decorated with nuts, strawberries and a sprinkling ingredient along with the frosting. Aside sat a small note. Enjoy, I hope you like it.

"Tch" He rolled his eyes, taking the note in his hand crumbling it up. Unknowingly he shoved it inside his pocket, he eyed the cake. It does look good. I'll give her credit for that. Taking in a deep breath he tucked his hands inside his pockets. Reaching for the broom that was half a yard away from him, taking it along with him to clean up the mess he made. After he did manage to clean it up, he placed his broom inside his hallways' closet and made his way to his room. Hoping to get some rest.

Thank you for reading my story, please vote or comment. It would mean the world to me, however reading my story is just fine. Thank you for your support!

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