Chapter Nine: Arrival

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I don't own Naruto or the following characters listed in this story, Kishimoto is the rightful owner. Enjoy!:)


"Brownies" He said nonchalantly, face as expressionless as always. Hinata confusingly sighed, unsure of what he meant by brownies.

"E-E-Excuse me, but I don't-"

"Nothing" He mumbled, shaking his head slightly. He inhaled then exhaled, before shoving passed her and walking away. Hinata blinked repeatedly, pouting faintly.

"Naruto, were here" Sakura announced quietly, standing on top of a tree. Her green eyes roamed the outskirts of the clan. The clan was surrounded by huge mountains, tall trees, and lovely flowers. There was nothing out of the ordinary and that's what scared her. It looks pretty big, almost as big as Konoha. If not even bigger She thought, jumping off the tree.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go" Naruto said grinning sheepishly, emerging from the shadows. But was quickly shoved backwards, as he stumbled upon the roots of the trees. Falling on the ground with a loud 'thud'.

"Baka! We have to put on our disguise first" Sakura hissed loudly, walking away from the blonde. Disappearing within the tall trees and small bushes. Naruto groaned tiredly.

"But I'm tried!" He whined, walking after her.


Sasuke stoll down Konoha, his hands inside his pockets. The stares, beginning to irritate him. He could feel their burning gazes and hear their filthy words utter his name. They're fucking disgusting He thought bitterly, rolling his dark eyes at a passing by 'wanna be ninja' Me and Naruto can beat him to pump, so I don't understand why he seems to put on that tough act. He continued his trip to the Hokage tower, almost dragging his feet along the way. He was dressed in a pair of black sweats and a navy blue sweater, plain and simple. He wore a black t-shirt underneath and Konoha's signature ninja shoes. No katana or weapon pouch was located near him, since he was told not to bring any of that.The old hag thinks I'll attack someone, maybe even kill. Not that I'll deny it. With a soft knock, against the reddish door he stepped inside. Not really caring if he allowed to enter or not. He hated this women and everyone in this tower. It reminded him of the untold and now revealed secrets that persuade Itachi to kill his clan. The same place that holds those living bastards who asked him to murder his family, his mom and dad. He thought coldly. He stood inside the room, six pair of eyes were on him. Belonging to no other than Kakashi, his Sensei. The boozers assistance, Shizune and last but not least. The boozer herself, Tsunade fucking Hokage. He heard the door close shut, and he could already hear their unsaid but will be said lectures. He growled.

"Who told you, you can come in? You sure have alot of-" Cutting Shizune off he coldy asked.

"Why did you call me in?" Sasuke asked, directly towards Tsunade. Who at the time was seated in her roller chair with her hands massaging her temples. He could hear her sigh deeply and he smirked. Already annoyed with my presence,

"Leave me alone with the brat" Tsuande ordered. Shizune who looked at her and back at Sasuke, noticing the growing atmosphere shook her head. She stood near Tsuande with the pig in her arms.

"I don't think that will be a-"

"You heard your master, leave" Sasuke smirked, amused by their change in expression.

"Sasuke, did I not-"

"Kakashi, listen to your boss and leave. Can't you see she wishes to speak to me, alone" He said emphasizing the words 'alone' Shizune and Kakashi sighed deeply, exiting the Hokage's office. Closing the door behind them, the door closed shut. Sasuke mentally counted down 3...2...1

"First of all brat, don't you ever speak to them in such a rude manner. Kakashi is your Sensei and he has been there for you when you" Stopping her mid-way, Sasuke sighed deeply observing her annoyingly.

"It's just a title, it means nothing to me." He said coldly, his eyes cold.

"Brat listen to me! Kakashi has been there when-" Cutting her off once more, he replied.

"Just get to the point of the whole meeting, I don't need to hear any lectures from you or anyone." He replied harshly. With Tsuande's headache only growing more, she inhaled.

"Alright, the reason I called you in was to talk to you about specific matters" She pointed out, her voice already sounding drain.


Hinata stood outside of Sasuke's apartment, her hands red and numb. She was numb and shaking against the chilly weather. Her nose was red, and her slender fingers felt completely frozen. She held her blue jacket closer to her body. This was a bad day to bring a light sweater. She thought sadly, knocking once again on his door. Over and over again, for the past three minutes. I wonder if he's home She questioned herself, breathing in deeply. Her pale eyes looked around the area, she came closer to his window. Taking a peek inside. It's empty. She looked away from his window and stood still. Her body trembling from the cold air. Her legs growing tired and numb, decided on taking a seat on the ground. Hinata slowly took a seat in front of his door, bringing her legs upwards. Wrapping her arms around her legs, as she rubbed her hands to conserve some heat. Everything was silent, but the chilly wind blowing pass her cold figure as she shivered.

Sasuke took in a deep breath, his hands cold. Making a u-turn around a small candy shop. As he slowly made his way to his apartment complex. Tsuande words replayed in his mind"You won't be able to do any missions anytime soon. In fact, you might not even be able to do any missions anymore. The council is no longer giving you the blind eye, they'll soon start take action." He shook his head, his knuckles clenched.This is bullshit He thought angrily, kicking a pebble across the road. The wind brushed passed his figure. Coming to a conclusion Sasuke made a detour. Heading to Team 7 training grounds. He walked a bit faster, his cheeks red from the chilly air. His hands tucked inside his sweats. His toes numb. The view of the grassy field made his pace quicken. Soon it was the grass that covered his numb toes and the smell of wet wood that filled his nose. He came across a small pole, a smirk appeared on his face. He was such a idiot, now hes less of one. He thought, his body falling on the ground. His arms and legs spread, as he took in the scent of grass and wood. The grass tickled his exposed skin, but he didn't care. He laid on the green grass, with his eyes closed and a calm face. The time passed, and he only noticed when he could no longer feel the light. His eye peeked open, and he was greeted with the gray skies. The air felt moist and colder. He sighed deeply, having realized he fell asleep. Standing up from the grassy ground, he dust off the small strands of grass.

Making his way to the tea shop near his apartment complex, Sasuke decided to take his time. She's probably back home by now He thought, his eyes roaming the roads of the village. He made occasional turns until he stood in front of the small tea shop. Entering the small shop, he heard the small 'ding'. The door closed behind him, and he walked deeper inside the shop. His eyes gazing at the different types of tea. His eyes glued to a specific flavor that was placed on a specific shelf in a different aisle.

"Excuse me, do you need help?" The voice of a eldery man asked, Sasuke turned around. Expecting a harsh glare that would soon be followed by a few curse words. But it never happened.

"No" Sasuke said. Eyeing the man. He wore a thick jacket, followed by a pair of sweats and a pair of Konhoa boots.

"Well if you do, please don't hesitate to ask" The older man said, a smile appearing on face.

"Of course" Sasuke answered confusingly, seeing the man walk back to a small stool. Sasuke shrugged it off, going back to the varieties of teas. He went from aisle to aisle. From bitter to sweet. From plain and simple to different and complex. From cheap to expensive. In the end he came up to the counter with four boxes of tea. Mint, Lemon, Matcha, and Cinnamon.

"I'll take these" Sasuke voiced, placing the boxes of tea on the counter. The older man smiled warmly, taking the boxes. He calculated the total amount, as he placed them inside a paper bag. Handing him the bag, the older man smiled. Sasuke nodded his head, taking the bag.

"Thank you for coming in" The man said, earning a small akward smile from Sasuke. Sasuke with the bag in his hand, took one last glance at the man before walking out the small shop. Sasuke felt the bleak air hit his face as he came outside.

He continued his path to his apartment, only passing by two passengers. A eldery couple, who were wrapped around identical yellow scrafs. Holding each others hands as they made their way pass him, greeting him along the way. He frowned. Somethings off with older people, He thought. Sasuke inhaled deeply, coming around the same candy shop. He pass by it and within a few more steps came across his apartment complex. He climbed the three small steps and made his way towards his apartment door. Noticing a small figure leaning on his door. He raised an eyebrow. Walking closer to the hooded figure. He saw the person seated in front of his door, shivering really bad. Her head rested on her knees, and her arms were wrapped around her legs. What is she doing here? Sasuke questioned, hunching down. Gazing at her shivering figure. His dark eyes roamed her cold body. He sighed annoyingly, reaching out to shake her awake. But all he received were grunts basically saying 'Leave me alone'. Raising an eyebrow, he tried again. Using a little more force than before.

"Hyuga get up" He said, shaking her arm. She stayed still. Frowning deeply, Sasuke stood up. The air is only getting colder. Sasuke thought, his hand feeling the chilly air. He took his keys from his pocket and unlocked his door. He shoved the small bag in his sweater pocket, sticking out in the edge. He reached down, tucking his arms under Hinata's legs and behind her neck. He adjusted her sleeping and shivering figure on him, and went inside. Carrying the sleeping girl inside, and kicking the door close with his leg. He walked inside his living room, looking at his couch. She'll probably fall out, but then again why do I care? He shrugged, setting her figure on his couch. He took her boots out and went to place them in the mat near the front door, doing the same thing with his shoes. He slipped on his own black slippers, heading to kitchen. Placing the bag on the counter, and then walking back to his living room. Where Hinata laid in the couch shivering slightly. She's in the way He thought, gazing around the room. He shook his head, going to his room. I guess I'll be reading inside my room today. He took the left hallway and made his way to his new bedroom. He open the door and went inside. Grabbing his book as he took a seat on his bed. He leaned against the wall and opened his book. Reading were he left off, only to stop after a few mintues. He shoved his book aside, standing up.

Biting the inside of his cheek he made his way to his old room. He opened the door, stepping inside. Making his way to his bed. He fixed the bed and made his room somewhat presentable. Going to his living room, where he stood in front of Hinata. His eyes roaming her sleeping figure.

Rubbing his temples, Sasuke sighed deeply, walking over to her body and picking her up. Carrying her in a bride style position. He held her sleeping body as he made his way to his old bedroom, the one he trash and completely destroyed. It's been almost three days since he managed to buy new furniture and fix his old room. He somehow managed to open the door, and once he did he entered the room. It was cleaned, and held new furniture. The walls were re-painted and new mirrors were replaced. He laid her on top of the bed, covering her body with the blanket near his bed. He made sure to tuck her beneath the blanket to keep her nice and warm. His eyes never leaving her face, decided to take a seat on one of the chairs. He came closer to Hinata, checking her forehead. She must just be cold. He said, removing his hand. He took a seat, his eyes never leaving her shivering body. The time passed and Sasuke didn't move. Soon he heard the small waking sounds coming from Hinata. He saw her body begin to stur, the blankets slowly begin to fall from her body. And very slowly Hinata opened her eyes. Trying to adjust her eyes to the light, she blinked multiple times. Until she stop, her face scrunched up in a small confused pout. Sasuke almost smiled.

Hinata immediately sat up, the blankets now completely off of her. Her eyes looked around the entire room.

"Your pathetic" He stated, his eyes roaming her face. Hinata flinched upon his words, looking at his seated figure. Her eyes were wide with shock.

"W-W-What am I doing here? W-W-Where am I?" Hinata asked him confusingly. Her eyes gazed into his dark orbs. He didn't move nor did say anything. Everything was silent for the pass few seconds.

"You fell asleep outside, in the cold" Sasuke voiced in a accusing manner. Hinata felt her cheeks grow warm.

"I-I-I did?" She asked. Sasuke nodded in confirmation.

"Your unbelievable" He claimed. Leaning in on the chair, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Thank You" Hinata replied softly, playing with the helm of the blanket. Trying her best to dodge his narrow eyes.

"You could've freeze to death" Sasuke claimed with a cold tone, his eyes taking in her features. She was shocked yet she seemed to be perfectly okay with everything.

"B-B-But I didn't" She softly argued, a small smile appeared.

"You would have" He argued back, replying much harsher than intended. Why the fuck do I give a damn?! He yelled inside his mind, completely irritated and beyond confused. She's weak, pathetic, a complete waste of time. She's clueless, and annoying. Yet she's determine and she's Hinata He argued back, he growled in frustration. Making Hinata jump in surprise. Sasuke stood up from the chair and sigh deeply.

"I'll be back" He said, exiting the room. Leaving behind a clueless Hinata. She looked after his retrieving figure until he was out of eye sight. She sighed deeply, relief to have a few moments to herself. Did I really fell asleep? In the cold? She asked herself, her mind trying it's best to recall her memories. She couldn't believe it.

"Here" Sasuke said entering the room as he walked over to Hinata. Handing Hinata a cup of tea. Hinata, surprised by his actions, stuttered.

"I-I-Is this for me?" She asked unsure, her eyes looking at the cup on his hand. Sasuke growled, annoyed.

"I'm handing it to you, aren't I?" Sasuke asked, Hinata only nodded. "You know this is the time you would take the cup and-"

"G-G-Gomen,"She replied embarrassed, quickly taking the cup of tea off his hands. "Arigatou Gozaimasu" Hinata said thankfully, her eyes gazing into his face.

"What ever" Sasuke said, turning around from her burning gaze. Hinata giggled, noticing the small blush on his cheeks.

"Arigatou, Uchiha-san" Hinata said thankfully, smiling. She took in the scent of the tea, noticing the cinnamon smell. "Cinnamon?" She questioned a bit too loudly, Sasuke cleared his throat.

"Um yeah, I decided to buy some. I thought you would like to try it" Sasuke said, turning around to face Hinata."It wasn't for you, but for me" He stated, shaking his head. He inhaled deeply. And without much of anything else he walked out the room.


"Baka!" Sakura yelled, smacking Naruto's head. Naruto whined, rubbing the back of his head as he took a few steps back.

"What did I do now, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, a pout on his face. Sakura turned around to look at him, her eyes glaring daggers."Sorry" Naruto quickly said. Sakura inhaled deeply, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Let's go" Sakura said, moving forward. She wore a simple green with pink kimono, her hair tied in a bun. Naruto followed closely behind her, wearing a black kimono with orange flames on the bottom, accompanied with a orange wig.

"Why do I have to wear the wig?"Naruto asked, scratching the uncomfortable wig.

"Because the wig is too short for me to wear, besides I'm suppose to be a friend. Your suppose to be a civilian of theirs." She whispered with a smile.

"Still it isn't-"

"Naruto!" She hissed.

"Alright, already. I'll be quiet" He said defeated.

"Good," Sakura said happily, a smile on her face. "Now pop quiz. What's your new name?" She asked suddenly.

"Um, is it T-T-Tomei?" Naruto asked unsure. Sakura hissed angrily, smacking his face.

"Baka! It's Yury. You didn't even come close!" She yelled,

"Gomen, gomen" He said pouting. Both making their way to the front gates, until Sakura sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry Naruto" Sakura mumbled, scratching her head. "This whole things has me-"

"Don't worry Sakura-chan, we'll be back home after this and it won't take long." He began, turning around to face Sakura with a happy grin."I promise" He said, chuckling softly.

"Thank you, Naruto" Sakura smiled, grabbing Naruto from his arm.

"Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked confusingly, looking at her hold on his arm.

"We have to make an entrance don't we" Sakura flashed him a smile, tighten her grip on his arm."So put on a smile and let's go" She said happily, pushing him along as they made their way to the giant wood gates. Where two men in formal Kimono stood, swords in hand and their hair tired up.

Thank you for reading!:) I'll appreciate the votes, comments, and of course feedback. Until next chapter.:)

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