Chapter Nineteen - Ignorance

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Gomen! *bows* Words can't describe how horrible I feel for the LONG update!! I'm so sorrryyy!!! T-T Life just got in the way, and recently Wattpad hasn't been acting to nice (neither has my brain/mind) But, I sincerely hope you enjoy this update, and all the future updates as well.

***Also, just wanted to give a special Thanks to two amazing people,

-@AndreiaVieiraSantinh for constantly reminding me to update, she's very special! And a very supportive reader, so thank you!!♡ (Also for constantly reminding me me to Update, and for helping me with my story!)

-@Tayyabalaraib for her amazing drawing (up top ) that I instantly fell in love with!!♡ (BTW I don't own the drawing, my lovely friend does. I take no credit) For future reference, it's Daichi and it's a brief description of what I imagine him to look like:)) Also, for her collaboration for our new SasuHina Page called/named xXKawaiiSasuHinaXx. Please follow our page dedicated for SasuHina writers, readers, and to help other readers and writers brainstorm!!:)

Thank you for the wait, and on with the story!---》

I DON'T own Naruto, or the following characters mentioned in my story! Kishimoto is the rightful owner.


Silently he took in the amazing appearance of Hinata Hyuga. She seemed at ease. The way her lips twisted in a faint smile in her state of sleep. And the way how she unconsciously chewed on her bottom lip. A bad habit of hers.

Her lips turning the same shade of a dark, red hue similar to her crimson cheeks. The moon complimenting her fair and pure skin. White and soft. Her long blue hair, draped around her. Covering her bare neck from the chilly air, like a scarf. Sasuke's eyes observed her with care.

Noticing the smallest details of her face features, and her childish actions.

She hugged her blanket closer to her shivering body, burying her face within the soft material of cotton. Earning once again, Sasuke Uchiha's attention.

Bringing her legs closer to her body. As the sudden air passed, causing the swift strand of hair to fall from Hinata's messy braid. Falling gently, covering the details of her face slightly. Without much thought or hesitation, Sasuke reached out. His fingers softly moving the piece of strand behind her ear; and away from her porcelain face.

Similar to a light, a bright and beaming yellow ray. Filled with warmth and clarity; shined. Glaring through the dark abyss. Lighting, and gleaming through the bitter cold; through the confusion.

It happen suddenly, it was rare and unexpected. His eye's twinkled.

It was like seeing the sun for the first time. Like laying his eye's upon something rare, something special; something valuable.

He gazed at her, and only saw the brightest and purest sun. Hinata Hyuga. His eyes widen and his mouth draped slightly open. Less than two to one inches away laid Hinata Hyuga, Her beautiful complexion out shinning all the stars, the sun, and the universe combined.


Large gates, tall and decorated with cravings of old designs made from fresh pine wood; stood proudly. Two guards attired in Samurai robes with swords tucked besides them stood on each side of the traditional gates. Inscrutable expressions written across their features.

With small and careful steps, Hinata and Sasuke advanced forward. The smell fresh wood from trees, and the bright green that represented the soft grass that ran across miles and miles around each corner; lifted the tension. By a little.

Yellow, pink, red and violet; the varieties of colors of each flowers spread across the area in a graceful way. Ornament to the meadow and grassland.

Mountains were painted in the background of the Kyuogoku clan. The music of water running down waterfalls and to rivers or lakes; was relaxing. It was a calm morning.

But Sasuke,

Nevertheless, scanned the area with his dark oynx orbs. Taking in the details of the environment and analyzing the domain.

Taking in deep breaths, Hinata nervously walked next to Sasuke. Her legs shaking from beneath her. Her left arm wrapped around Sasuke's right arm. A aura of anxiety surrounded Hinata, in a mist that accompanied her in every step she took. She grew stiff, as the gates seemed to grow closer and closer. Her eye's, now able to make out the fancy designs cut on the giant doors.

"Due to certain circumstances" Tsuande, the Fifth Hokage paused. The room grew silent, as the atmosphere developed a tensed aura. A dead silence hanged in the air, as Tsuande eyes scanned the pair. She exhaled, taking in the air to cool her burning lungs.

Feeling their questioning gazes, she could almost hear their unanswered questions. Biting her lip, she released the shocking words. Words, that revealed Hinata and Sasuke's new status. "Your married."

The air grew thicker than before as soon as the words left her mouth.

Suddenly becoming harder to breath, the room seemed to close in on them. Her words were sharp knives, cutting through the silence in a unpleasant manner. Their eye's were on her. Tsuande felt the confusion vibes radiate from Hinata and Sasuke; mostly Hinata. Sasuke radiated another darker emotion, a dangerous one. Anger.

"A-A-Ano?-" Tsuande heard it, she could hear Hinata's innocent and pure voice supplicate her. Plead her silently,

"Married?" Deep and cold. The word that came out of Sasuke's mouth were like poisonous daggers. Harsh and menacing. Sharp and livid.

Sasuke came forward. Letting a sinister chuckle escape his bitter lips. Cold and icy eyes, if possible burned like fire. Like black, and agonizing fire. A fire that couldn't be extinguished.

A white scroll, with golden lines and fancy patterns decorated on the sides around it; was placed in front of the pair. On top of Tsuande's table, up top of stacks of papers that filled her desk.

Eye's never leaving the scroll, Sasuke raised both eyebrows "What is it?" He knew what it was. And he could feel the importance of the scroll, which laid flatly on top of paper's in a messy desk. But he had to hear her say it,

Unable to speak or utter any words Tsuande motioned Sasuke to take the scroll, using her index finger as her unspoken words.

And he did, without any sort of hesitation Sasuke held the scroll in less than a second.

He unrolled it,

And as the long paper fell, solemn and ceremonial words were written across the fragile paper. He read the contents of the scroll, with speed yet care. From black to crimson red, Sasuke's anger only grew.

His eye's harden.


Even so, he couldn't understand the loud pounding in his heart.

He couldn't understand the chills of electricity running up his spine, or the strange feeling that slowly begin to form. To take shape into something utterly confusing, and unfamiliar. It was a completely different feeling. A feeling, an emotion that he has never felt before.

It's true his blood boiled from anger, but it was burning for something else.

Leaving his heart wrapped in heat, and feeling alive.

"They're your marriage documents; your confirmation."

With shaking and trembling hands, Hinata held on to Sasuke with a tight grip that she couldn't seem to loosen.

Unknown to Hinata, Sasuke could feel her body tremble. And carefully his eyes averted themselves to his right side. Hinata Hyuga, chewed on her bottom lip as a form of distraction.

Sasuke eye's moved to her lips. Her rosy and plump lips; stare back at him mockingly.

Realizing his mistake, Sasuke's face flushed right pink. An uncomfortable heat rushed to his bashful face. He instantly felt as red as his favorite treat; like a bright tomato.

He turned around. Feeling something come to live inside him, a heat enclosed him in a threateningly way. It became a fluttering feeling; and a overwhelming emotion.

He cleared his dry throat,

"Stop with your lip bitting,"

She flinched, and stopped her feet from advancing forward. Her feet came to a halt, and she slowly turned to her side. Her big white eyes eyeing Sasuke confusingly and almost fearfully.


"It's problematic." His voice, came out as deep and husky. Unlike his usual distant and cold tone. He declared his words, but they were said in a strain manner. As if making a strenuous effort.

Directing his eyes to the grey and stony path, Sasuke ignored her questioning eyes and kept moving. Pulling her along sides him. The path they walked in, was the only leading way to the giant gates and inside the Kyuogoku clan.

Blinking twice, Hinata turned away from him. Walking next to him. Her mind burning with the past seconds image's. Sasuke Uchiha's with a slight hue of bright pink spread across the tip of his ear. She frowned. "Is he sick?"

Like waves that become unpleasantly harsh, as they travel to the shore; with little less than a warning. Hinata could clearly see the images of her morning awakening.

They flooded her mind, swelling her in a unbreakable roll of waves that couldn't be stopped or paused.

A warm ray, bright enough to wake up Hinata from her slumber beamed proudly. Her eye's remained closed, unwillingly finding herself from opening her eyes. She snuggled deeper in her blanket, burying herself in the soft material.

It was warm and cozy, no longer able to feel the cold waves of air from last night or the chilly morning.

But instead, the reassurance of being tucked in a warm blanket, in a comfy bed.

She was unable to move the mellow and heated blanket away from her body,

But a sudden trickle, and the cracking sound of wood breaking apart was enough to wake her up. Yet she kept her eyes closed,

However, the smell of burning wood and fire infiltrated her nose. She sniffed, and sniffed a little too much. Her lungs burned and ached, and she stood up abruptly. Her throat dry as she burst into a set of coughs.

She covered her mouth, coughing away the burning smell. Her lilac eyes met the burning fire and she could feel the heat radiating from the bright flames.

She studied them closely and carefully. Appearing to be a new set of flames. The wood looked new, and it seemed as if they were barley assembled; from less than two hours ago.

She stare openly at the different hues of burning flames, and slowly raised her body. Her hands were placed on the ground to help secure her weight. She felt her thin blanket become thick and heavy.

Putting her in a state of confusion.

Directing her eyes away from the falmes, she let her eyes wander to her blanket. Light brown and dark blue.

Blankets of different colors, fell to her bottom waist. Her hands reached for the Navy Blue one and gazed at it confusingly "T-T-this isn't m-mine,"

The sun was fully out, beaming brightly with it's gold rays. Enveloping them in warmth and comfort. Not to cold or not too hot, the humity was perfect. The air and heat surrounded them in a pleasant temperature. That is, besides, Sasuke's burning demeanor.

A pang of guilt was fuel to her embarrassment. Feeling her cheeks burn in a soft hue of red.

Eyes of confusion, gazed at Sasuke. Silently observing him.

He laid less than a feet away from her.

"U-Uchiha-san?" His nose the color of bright red, and his cheeks the shade of deep scarlet. Worry, anxiety, and concern washed over her.

She was left feeling uneased, and discontent. Sasuke let a soft cough escape his dry lips. As she made out the dark circles under his closed eyes. His light olive skin now a pastel white.

The wood made a deep cracking sound, and the smell seemed to only intensify.

Slowly she stood up, removing the two blankets away from her body. She could feel the warmth and the heat from less than two minute's ago on the blankets now on her hands.

She held them close to her body as she advanced towards Sasuke Uchiha. Her legs continued to move forward and her eyes never leaving his shivering body.

Her eyes soften as realization was drawn to her. She could feel her heart flutter in a happy sensation.

She could feel her cheeks turn the same shade of red similar to Sasuke's own cheeks.

She bent down, and with her soft hands she placed the blanket on top of him. Wrapping them around his cold body.

A faint smile appeared on her features,

Then a sight, a sight she never thought could possibly occur; happen right before her. She saw as glimpse of warmth, an amazing sight. A view that left her wordless, and became a breathtaking moment. Her chest became tight, and her stomach felt suddenly queasy. Electric chills ran up and down her spine. Feeling her heart race, as her cheeks turned a shade of strawberry red.

She saw Sasuke Uchiha's smile,

A real smile,

Not a grin, not a smirk


A smile, that managed to take her breath away in an instant.

Hinata's eyes cast down. It was a strange feeling. It was an emotion so unlike other feelings she has come across. It left her confused and feeling unsettled.

Her right hand moved to her heart, feeling it's pounding vibrations.

Then the sudden image of Sasuke Uchiha flashed in her mind.

And her heart danced.

Skipping a beat or more, as it swayed inside her.

Her first word,

"Konoichiwa" She let a smile decorate her face. The first word spoken to him, a word spoken to him for an assigned mission.

"His guard" The nervousness she felt that first day, still lived inside her today.

Then, there was his first words,

His own pair of unique and harsh words. They were said bluntly, as they escaped his lips. Those words chosen for her from him still live in her mind.

"Your stuttering is annoying, your flinching it uncalled for, and most importantly your useless to me" His tone livid and cold. Distant and filled with extreme irration. "Your pathetic, your useless!"

First argument,

It was a moment filled with rage, and was an argument that fueled his anger to a greater extend. She could still feel his vexation, and hear his and her own bitter words.

"I-I-I'm just aching,"

"Aching and suffering are the same thing, Hyuga!" He declared his words harshly, and even now she could still remember seeing hope lingering inside his eyes. She knew it then, he wished to see pain inside others. She wished to see pain in someone else's eyes to gain hope. To see that he'll turn out okay. To know he wasn't alone.

"No, when one is aching they feel intense sadness or c-compassion. They could hold concern for the s-s-suffering of others or their misfortune. However, when your suffering you have undergone pain, distress, and hardships. Y-Y-You can't feel compassion when your suffering, because when one is s-suffering they can only think of themselves. I-I-I'ts completely different from someone who is simply aching. That's they difference between you and me U-Uchiha-san"

She bit her lips forcibly. Recalling her poor words and behavior. "Gomen!"

Their sudden close proximity,

"A-Arigatou, Uchiha-san." Her face flushed, feeling herself become the familiar shade of red.

His face was so close, she could still remember gazing into his dark eyes. Memorized by his hypnotizing orbs that stare back at her; equally entertained. "So close,"

A weird sensation formed in the pit of her stomach that day. And as soon as his finger began to caress her hair, chills ran up her spine. She grew weak in her knees.

Ever since that day, every single time she laid her eyes on him. It became weird. She could no longer hold his intense eyes, because every time he stare at her. It was like drowning. She couldn't breath, and was unable to react. She became paralyzed under his oynx eyes. She found it impossible.

Then, there was their first kiss,

Sasuke kissed her harshly.

She could feel her lips burn from the memory, a bittersweet moment that left her captivated. She was left with a heart warming feeling but with sorrow as well. It was pleasure, tinged with pain.

His hold on her tighten,

She used her two hands on his chest; trying to push him away from her but to no avail.

Sasuke, deepen the kiss. Pushing her body closer to his.

Her knees buckled.

"Hyuga?" There. She heard it. Worry lingered in his tone. She turned to look at him, and she saw his features soften.

He's different now,

His changed caused a strange reaction to her heart. It made her heart tingle and dance to the rythmn of an unknown music.

But it was a nice feeling, like being swallowed in heat in a cold and icy day.

It put fuel to the dim fire in her heart.

It was the type of sunny feeling that formed in your heart when being thanked for a Birthday meal.

"Thank you,"

Like the lighthearted feeling of being protected from harms way.

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Her!"

From being taken care of, or being watched over.

A dark blue, and light brown blanket fell to her waist.

Sasuke laid, without the comfort of a blanket; on the hard ground. As he shivered from the chilly morning air.

She smiled, nodding her head.

Sasuke Uchiha, cold and heartless. A man of intense pride. A man has undergone the unbelievable. He's a strong and powerful figure, and a true shinobi of honor. She has come to that conclusion.

With her hands wrapped firmly around Sasuke's arm. Hinata couldn't help but smile. Her eyes dancing across the lively blue sky. Clouds, soft and hypnotizing floated on the sky. "It's a lovely day"


Walking side to side, arm to arm. Hinata, dressed in a white kimono with navy blue patterns; walked slowly. Admiring the scenery of bright and tall trees. Taking in the fresh aroma of flowers and the smell of clear water. White lilies and, light pink water flowers; decorating the affluent clans' giant clear blue pond.

Sasuke, dressed in a navy blue kimono with white fire designs walked with caution. His eye's taking in the secluded and serene dynasty.

His eyes, his mind, his whole being. He knew this clan, this place was a line of hereditary, rulers and people who play a prominent role. He couldn't help but silently wonder, Would his clan, if they were all alive and well. Would they smile like these people? Would they take long strolls along the river bed or around the large and decorated pond? Would they stop and take in the smell of freshly baked bread or food? Would they stop and talk? Would they even be as happy as them? Would they smile profoundly as them?

He watched as the many individual's interacted with one another, like acquaintances, like friends, like family. They smiled brightly, and laughed loudly. They greeted and thanked. They walked and run,

He sighed,

They lived.

Making it pass the gates and the two monotone guards, Sasuke and Hinata commenced their walk through the prosperous and beautiful clan. Like noticed before and in the entrance of the clan, the clan was surrounded by plenty of flowers. Coating the village with their elegant fragrance like a thin blanket.

The aroma of baked goods and freshly homemade food wrapped around them. Enchanting them forward.

But as they grew closer and deeper inside the heart of the clan, many began to stare and wonder.

"Who are they?"

Hinata heard, she sensed their eye's on them. Her palms began to sweat with unease. Her cheeks flushed pink when a deep voice belonging to a boy around her age tried to whisper among his friends.

"She's so Kawaii!"

She couldn't help but smile, and turn to look at the teenage boy. She didn't know why she did it, she just did.

Her eyes widen immediately, a dark blush decorated her cheeks. Her eyes however, remained on his gentle face. She smiled at him and bowed.

He blushed, and like her his big green orbs widen. From shocked and contentment. Shyly, he raised his hand. Waving slowly and with discretion.

He smiled widely, before gaining confidence. Then he picked the motion of his hand waving and waved rapidly. His smile a full grin, showing his white teeths. He face lit up from happiness.


Hinata couldn't help but let a giggle escape her plump lips, and smiled wider than usual. Her eyes taking in his light brown hair that complimented his bright emerald eyes. Catching the light, and shinning in a luminous way.

Wearing a long red and black fighting kimono, accompanied by a black sash and a white scarf which wrapped securely around his neck.

A sword fixed and fastened in his black sash around his waist.

He stood tall, 178 cm. His hair tied in a neat and elegant top knot. However, a good portion of his chestnut hair was left framing his gentle face.

She couldn't help but smile when a certain Orange haired man appeared in her mind. He resembled Daichi quite a bit, and she begin to wonder if they were related in any way.

Hinata, bowed one last time before departuring along with Sasuke. She hid her smile as soon as she felt a dark aura around Sasuke. Instead she spoke with a calm and almost stoic tone. She tried.

"U-Uchiha-san" She spoke, her eyes changing their direction. "We should find a place to r-rest"

The sun although at it's lowest and recently out, the air was chilly. The rays of the burning sun were clearly not enough to hide the cold breaths and goosebumps.

Sasuke 'hm' and continued his walk.

They stopped by small shops and food stands. Asked for information and non- related mission questions. Such as any recommendations for perfect and approved training.

"Ah!" Smiling widely, an young girl by the name of Chizuru Hijikata. Her long orange hair, longer than Hinata's was tied in a fancy high ponytail. Clothing a long light pink; almost peach kimono. A yellow sash tied neatly behind her waist/back. "Are you?" She held a questioning look. Her eyebrows raised as she snapped her fingers softly.

Then she pout, childishly.

"So do you or do you not know of a place?" Sasuke asked irradiated with her lack of words. He saw her eyes widen then return to their normal size in less than a minute. She nod her head soon afterwards. Pointing to opposite side of the village.

"There is, and it's over there" She smiled. Looking from Hinata to Sasuke. "It's a very beautiful so please try not to do alot of damage" She spoke softly, looking down.

"So why did you even!-"

"But!" She cut Sasuke off, raising her head high and letting her hand drop to her side. "You may do as you please!" She bowed.

Hinata beyond confused and taken back looked at Sasuke with uncertain eyes. Sasuke simply shook his head before sighing deeply.

"Your one confusing kid" Muttering under his breath, Sasuke turned around. "Whatever," Waving the girl away with his hand, Sasuke made sure to clear his throat loud enough for Hinata.

"A-Arigato!" Bowing, Hinata smiled politely before reaching inside her small bag in her arm.

The girl watched in confusion, until she noticed Hinata taking out a warm white Daifuku with sweet filling.

Almost immediately the girl waved her hands quickly, shaking her head rapidly.

"Please, a token for o-our appreciation" Hinata pleaded with a sweet smile. Ushering her with soft eyes.

There was silence, besides Sasuke's impatient foot tapping.

Chizuru smiled weakly, her features displaying her surrender.

Seeing her demeanor weaken, Hinata decided to give her one more small push.

"I-I saw you gazing at one shortly before me and my friend a-a-asked for assistance" Hinata said lowly, her cheeks stained red. Embarrassed for admitting looking and observing someone. The girls eye's widen, before letting a soft sigh escape her glossy lips. Giggling, she rubbed her bare neck as her own cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"O-Okay" Nervously she reached for the warm bun but before taking it in her small hands she came to a halt. Meeting Hinata's lilac orbs. Light blue met white lilac eyes. Her eyes glittering, "But," Keeping her eyes locked on Hinata's, her eyes became fierce. "This will be the last time!" Her lips became thin, before her hands reached and finally took the bun in her hand. "I promise." She stepped back, and with one last look she bowed and said her final greetings before departuring.

Hinata amazed, stare in wonder as her figure disappeared behind the crowd.


Arriving in a huge field with little flowers and more grass. Hinata and Sasuke stare at the huge glencar waterfall that became the center of the green medow. The water furiously splashed on the lake coming from the huge water trail from up top. Tree blossoms and a few water lilies surrounded the lake like a mystical curtain. The lilies a decoration to the clear lake.

Hinata smiled, as her legs guided her towards the water. Amazed and hypnotized by the beautiful scenery.

"The Kyuogoku clan is very lovely, isn't it U-Uchiha-san?"

So did you like it? Please, if you have any questions regarding this story feel free to ask. If you have any advice or feedback, don't be afraid to say so. I'll gladly hear/read them out!:)) Please don't forget to Vote, leave your lovely Comments, or leave any sort of Reviews/Feedbacks. They'll be happily appreciated. So until next time! *waves*

ALSO!! Don't be afraid or too shy to demand an update, I'll understand completely and work my hardest for the new updates!! :)) I personally feel that the "Update NOW!" keep me from slacking off on this story, so feel free to do so!:)) Till next time, my lovely SasuHina Family!♡

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