Chapter Thirteen: Festival Part.2

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Well here it is, Chapter 13 of 'You've Fallen For Me' I'm sorry if it's a bit too long, and I hope you enjoy it. I don't own Naruto or the following characters mentioned in my story. Kishimoto is the rightful owner, and I'm just a fan :)


"Are we going to stand here all day or what?" Hearing his stoic voice, made Hinata flinch. Turning away from him, as quickly as she can. Her face completely red, as the beating of heart escalated in a abnormal rate.

"G-G-Gomen, we should-" She stop. "W-W-Would you like to look around or-" She paused again, looking at the dirt floor.

"Let's just get this over with" Sasuke voiced, taking a few steps forward only to stop and wait."Well aren't you coming?" Sasuke asked.

Walking by the many booths, and overcrowded festival. Both Sasuke and Hinata made their way to a near by eating shop. Walking side by side, sharing one of Konoha roads. Heads turned, to look at the oddly couple. Eyes stare, it was beyond surprising. Mouths begin to talk, the rumors of a possible romance begin to circulate. But a uncaring and emotionless Uchiha, stayed quiet while Hinata was left a blushing mess. Mumbling her apologies everytime she heard their names being used.

"Just stop apologizing" Sasuke coldly said. His features displaying irritation. Hinata bowed one last time, nodding her head.

"G-G-Gomen, it's just-"

"Ignore them. It doesn't matter anyway. It's not like it'll happen," Sasuke voiced, quickly mumbling afterwards. "I'd rather die first" He voiced under his breath, thinking it went by unnoticed by the Hyuga next to him. It didn't.

Biting her bottom lip, and putting some distance between them. Hinata turned away, her eyes facing the other side of the road.

With silence between them, they edge closer to the small eating shop only two complexes away. With the many loud laughters and voices, it was beyond hard to distinguish any voices they might know. So when the loud yelling of a certain orange haired man went by unnoticed. He took actions in his own hands, instead he softly pushed by many people. Making his way after Hinata.

"Hinata-chan!" A loud enthusiastically voice called out. Hinata, hearing her name looked up. Her opal eyes wandering around the festival. Until she turned around, stopping on her tracks. Noticing the familiar orange haired, tall man a few feets away. With his bright orange hair tied in a ponytail and wearing a light green kimono; with white fire flames at the bottom. His brown sandals hitting the the pavement, he took a chance. Running towards her.

Completely out of breath, he simply smiled when he stood standing infront of them. Offering Sasuke a small smile, and bowing in respect.

"Daichi-san, would you like me to buy you a water bottle?" Hinata asked, eyeing the man in front of her. He shook his head back and forth, denying her offer.

"I'm alright, Hinata-chan" He stuttered, breathing in deeply. His cheeks stained pink, and his hair a mess with a few strands sticking out. His white obi, slightly untied and his light green kimono wrinkled. Smiling softly, she moved closer to him. Hesitant, she reached for a stand of hair that seemed out of place. Tip-toeing on her small feets. He lowered himself, feeling her soft hands smoother his orange hair. Fixing the messy parts, and slightly combing through his long fringe hair; covering his left eye.

"T-T-There, it's all fix" She smiled softly, her cheeks a tint of pink. Adjusting her attire, she took one step back. Still very near to him, she begin to fix his white obi. Untying his obi, only to tie right back up in a neat and decent knot. With his obi fixed, she slowly begin to smooth his kimono. Hinata, completely unaware of the burning glare directed to Daichi and the irritated face fixed on her. Sasuke, eyed the couple in front of him. His eyes burning holes at the man, as he imagined him ignited with his black flames. Burning into nothing but ash before his red eyes. His eyes never leaving Daichi, as he continued to observe him with hate. His cheeks colored pink and not because he just took a small jog. It was because of her. Hinata Hyuga, His eyes twitched when he noticed the way her face came closer and closer to his. His lips almost touching her soft cheek. Clearing his throat rather loudly, Sasuke decided to remind them of his presence. He spoke coldly.

"Hinata, let's go" Sasuke ordered her in a demanding voice. Hinata, flinched from his tone. Backing away from Daichi, after removing her hands from his shoulder. She nod, staring at Daichi.

"I-I-I hope I'll see you soon, Daichi-san" Hinata mumbled softly, smiling with pink cheeks. Daichi returned her smile, nodding his head.

Then a deep rumbling sound erupted from Daichi's stomach. Making his cheeks turn deep pink, smiling sheepishly. Hinata's eyes widen, before she burst into a set of giggles. Sasuke, merely rolling his eyes not amused at all. Why is always giggling around him? Smiling non-stop, blushing in a shade of pink. He asked himself, clenching his fist.

"Gomen, Hinata-chan but as you can hear I must get going" Daichi voiced with embarrassment. Taking two steps behind, scratching the back of his neck. "Well then-"

"D-D-Daichi before you leave, may I speak with Uchiha-san for a bit." Hinata asked softly. "I-I-I promise it won't be long." Hinata pleaded. Seeing Daichi's smile and nod, Hinata smiled. "A-A-Arigatogozaimashita" Hinata thankfully said, bowing slightly. Softly placing her warm hand on Sasuke's arm, she eyed him with pleading eyes. Sasuke, rolling his eyes allowed himself to be pushed towards a small shop near by. Hinata following closely behind. Taking atleast twenty steps away from Daichi, both Sasuke and Hinata stop by a shop's wall. Sasuke eyeing Hinata's worrying figure, sighed deeply. A unsettling feeling forming in the pit of his stomach.

"What do you want, Hyuga?" Sasuke asked, raising one eyebrow. His eyes studying her nervous trait.

"I-I-I wanted to ask, if we could i-i-invite Daichi-san to dinner with us?" Hinata asked really softly, almost as soft as a whisper. Sasuke having to strain his ears to hear her, was left uncertain. Unsure if he heard right or not. Clearing his throat, he decided to ask.

"What was that?" Sasuke asked uncertain, taking a closer distance. Hinata, biting her lower lip hesitantly responded back.

"M-M-May Daichi-san come with us, to dinner?" Hinata asked again, her voice low. Sasuke turning his head sideways asked very slowly.

"Did you just ask if, that guy" He said, pointing towards Daichi. "Can come with us, to eat?" Sasuke stated a bit too softly, glaring at Hinata. Hinata, flinching under his gaze slowly nod her head.

"H-H-Hai!" She said a bit loudly, her eyes moving from the floor to Sasuke. Showing him her interest. Sasuke, sighing deeply shook his head. Why the hell should I care if he comes or not?! Why the living hell am I feeling so, angry?! I shouldn't give a living crap if she wants to invite him or not! But I do, I care and it angers me because I care! Sasuke glared, angrily at her.

"Somehow I knew this wasn't going to turn out as great as you claim it will turn out to be" Sasuke said almost accusingly. Jerking by his tone, Hinata bowed.

"G-G-Gomen'nasai!" She said, her eyes closing shut. "I-I-I just thought that-"

"Don't worry about it" Sasuke stated lowly, turning his back at her. Hinata, opening her opal eyes blinked repeatedly.

"W-W-What?" Hinata asked uncertain. Hearing a deep and annoying sigh from Sasuke, made her mumble a quick apology.

"I said, don't worry about it!" Sasuke said loudly. Hinata, missing his icy cold tone. Smiling softly, Hinata bowed.

"Arigatogozaimashita, Uchiha-san I'm sure you and Daichi-san will-" Cutting her off with his cold tone, Sasuke spoke,

"I'm not going, Hyuga. I'm heading home, this was a complete waste of my time" Sasuke voiced harshly. Hinata, immediately frowned when she heard him. A sudden guilt washing over her.

"U-U-Uchiha-san I don't-" Not giving her enough time to finish, Sasuke begin to walk away. His back, facing a wide eyed Hinata. Hinata, stare at Sasuke as he took three steps away from her. However, she slowly reacted when she took the four steps towards him. Grabbing him by his elbow. "Gomen," Hinata mumbled. "I'm sorry if I upset you, I just didn't want-"

"Stop apologizing, it's annoying having to hear you repeated it over and over again" Sasuke voiced angrily, "Especially when you do it without actually meaning it!" He spit out, tugging his elbow away from her hold. He took a step forward. His back still facing her.

"Please, Uchiha-san I-"

"Just go with him," Sasuke said in a icy voice. Hinata, biting down on her lips shook her head.

"U-U-Uchiha-san, let's-"

"Why are you begging so much! Just leave me alone! I don't need someone like you near me, much less make my life unstable! You and I are strangers, so quit the act, Hyuga!" Sasuke said venomously, clenching his fist. Hinata frowned deeply, shaking her head. She noticed his clenched fist, and reached for it. Her hand laid on top of it, before voicing her thoughts clearly.

"Your my friend" Hinata stated, cutting through the the angry atmosphere. The wind brushing pass them, left a small shiver running up Hinata's spine. Sasuke, tensed. And yet very slowly he moved his body to face her. His eyes gazing at Hinata with confusion, before turning into irritation within his eyes.

"No, i'm not" He said coldly, shaking his head. "Were not friends" He repeated. Taking a deep breath, Hinata answered softly yet confidently.

"You are my friend, Uchiha-san" She said, her eyes roaming his face. "Your my friend and-"

"Your my guard, nothing else and nothing less." Sasuke said sternly. Earning a small frown from Hinata. Gazing at Hinata for a minute he saw her nod her head softly.

"O-O-Okay, fine I am your guard" Hinata agreed, before continuing. "A-A-And because i'm your guard, I" She paused. "I-I-I order you to come with me and Daichi-san." She stated softly, her voice uncertain. Her eyes traveling from his face to the ground in a swift motion. "T-T-That's an order!" She said loudly, taking his hand.


"Uchiha-san, don't make t-t-this harder then it has to be. We'll just be eating. My treat" She informed. Her eyes finally landing on his cold eyes. Sasuke sighed. But before he could answer, Hinata pulled him along side her. As they made their way back to Daichi.

"W-W-Would you like to come along with us and stop by and eat?" Hinata asked Daichi once she stood in front of him, her eyes soft. Daichi, looking from Hinata to Sasuke and their connected hands frowned. "Y-Y-You must be hungry" Hinata mumbled. Daichi, observed Hinata's shy features and Sasuke's upset expression. Must be because of their joined hands, Daichi said mentally. Only to shake his head afterwards. Then again he's still holding on, when he could easily push his hand away. Without much thought, Daichi nod his head.

"Alright, Arigatogozaimashita Hinata-chan-" Stopping at Sasuke's glare, Daichi shut his mouth. He seems not to like the idea of me coming along, Daichi said with observation. Smiling slightly at him, Hinata let Sasuke's hand go. Pointing to a shop close by.

"T-T-There's a shop near by" Hinata informed gently.


Sitting on a square table, in a small shop with bright lights and green colored tables. Three figure sat silently. Sasuke on one chair and Hinata across from him with Daichi on her left side. A waiter, with short red hair placed a tea cup infront of Daichi. A lemonade in front of Hinata, and fearfully placed a cup of water in front of Sasuke.

"I'll be back shortly with your meals" She mumbled softly, bowing. Daichi and along with Hinata bowed back while Sasuke simply ignored her. The waiter left, leaving all three of them sitting in silence.

Until a rather loud women with messy brown hair entered. Yelling out curses, and sobs of sadness. Earning the attention from the three of them, and five other guest inside the small shop.

"BAKA!" The young teenager yelled loudly, throwing a chair. The chair landing on the floor with a loud smack. "BAKA! BAKA! BAKA!" She screamed while sobbing. Her nose red, and her cheeks flourish in a red shade. Dried tear stains on her face, and her hair in a messy bun. She shook her head, kicking a table near by.

"Miss, I'll have to-" The waiter from before, approached the crying girl. Only to be pushed away with a hard force. Sending the girl against the counter, hitting her back forcefully. She winced in pain. Standing up, Daichi excused himself from the table.

"D-D-Daichi-san?" Hinata questioned confusingly. Eyeing Daichi, who simply smiled.

"Don't worry Hinata-chan, I'll be right back. I must excuse myself" Daichi said, making his way to the brown haired teenager. All eyes now on him. Sasuke rolled his eyes, as Hinata watched with worry.

"Miss?" Daichi asked softly, almost above a whisper. The teenage girl, turning her attention to him stare at him with her light green eyes. Before yelling out angrily.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" She demanded, screaming with a very loud voice. Her fist in a tight ball.

"I-" Cutting him off, the girl took a hold of a spoon from a table near by. Throwing the spoon at Daichi, who was able to move away in time. Dodging the silverware. Daichi took a deep breath, This won't be easy to handle.

"Are you okay?" Daichi asked tenderly observing the girl in front him. The girl's eyes seem to flare up in anger before noisily answering back.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY, BAKA?!" She exclaimed, Daichi, bravery took two steps forward.

"Look, I can be of help to you" He whispered softly, taking one closer step. "You can tell me what's wrong, I'm here" Daichi said comfortably. The girl bit her bottom lip, shaking violently before bursting into tears.

"H-H-He left me" She voiced a bit softer. "F-F-For my best friend! MY BEST FRIEND!!!" She choked on her own words, only to yell afterwards. Daichi, clearing his throat softly mumbled.

"Look your really pretty and-" Cutting him off, the girl yelled.

"YOUR LYING! YOUR A LIAR! ALL BOYS LIE! YOUR ALL THE SAME!!!" She roared angrily, kicking another chair. "H-H-He lied, he l-l-left me and I-"

"I'm not lying, your really beautiful. You have amazing green eyes and-" Aiming for a punch, the girl swinged her arm. Only to have Daichi fluently move away, avoiding the punch aimed for his face. From a distance, Sasuke sat up. A smirk displayed on his features, as he watch the scene unfold.

"LAIR!!!" Screaming, the girl shook with rage.

"I'm not lying" Daichi pleaded. "Your beautiful beyond words, so please don't cry" Daichi voiced, earning a sniff from the girl in front of him.

"Do you really think so?" She asked softly, sobbing as the tears fell from her eyes. Daichi only nod his head.

"Yes" He confirmed, as the girl broke down. Bawling her eyes out. Daichi, taking a deep breath took the few remaining steps to her. Very gently, and carefully he took her hand only to have her react fast. She yanked her hand away from him, in a quick motion. Smacking him across the face, leaving behind a burning red mark.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She yelled, moving away from him. As the loud sound echoed throughout the room, Hinata immediately stood up. Sasuke, enjoying the scene with a smirk plastered on his face laughed. But noticing Hinata stand up, he frowned. What the hell is she, He sighed.

"Where are you going?" He asked, eyeing her with an annoyed look. Can't she just sit and watch! He thought angrily. Hinata smiled soflty, before apologizing and dashing to Daichi's side. Sasuke, growled. Where the hell is she going! Sasuke mentally cursed out loud. Biting his lip furiously, he turned around. Getting a better view as he saw Hinata stand next to the orange haired man. Her hand on his arm, his blood boiled with the sight. God damit!

"A-A-Are you alright, Daichi-san?" Hinata asked softly, her face filled with worry. Daichi, touching his marked cheeks smiled softly. Nodding his head.

"I'm alright, no need to worry Hinata-chan" He said, Hinata not believing him frowned. "We need to get her to calm down" Daichi mumbled, concern filled his tone. Slowly turning her eyes to look at the girl in front of them. Hinata's eyes filled with sadness and worry.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT YOU FREAK!" She yelled, her eyes glaring at her. Sasuke, upon hearing the insult immediately stood up. His chair falling with a loud smack. His teeths gritted, as he observed the girl.

"G-G-Gomen, I-" Hinata stuttered, seeing the girl stalk her way towards her. Glaring daggers at her as she snickered. "Girl's like you!" She pointed to Hinata, "ALWAYS STEAL OTHER GIRLS BOYFRIENDS, YOU ACT SO INNCOENT. YOUR ALL PATHETIC!" Standing in front of Hinata, she raised her hand. Ready to slap her across the face. But before she could land a blow, a hard grip on her wrist stop her.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Sasuke hissed, his eyes burning with rage. His red angry eyes glared right into her green eyes. Hatred danced across his features, as his grip on her tighten. She let out a small wince, as her knees bent.

"WHO-" Interrupted by a loud sream, everyone turned their attention to a tall brown haired boy. With identical eyes as the girl in Sasuke's tight grip.

"YURI!" He yelled out, with worry on his face. His face paled when he saw Sasuke gripping the girl's wirst. Sasuke feeling his stare, raised an eyebrow at him.

"IS THIS THING YOURS?" Sasuke angrily asked, his tone filled with venom. The boy simply nod, completely speechless. Sasuke sighed deeply, beyond irritated and angry. Letting his grip on the girl go. The brunette stumble on her two feet, before being shoved by Sasuke towards the boy.

"Keep your god damn, girl UNDER CONTROL! Sasuke hollered, glaring at the boy. Who caught the girl in his arms.

"S-S-She's my sister" The boy voiced, trembling with fear. Sasuke grunt, rolling his black charcoal eyes.

"Whatever" He said, eyeing the boy stuggle with the obvious drunken girl.

"G-G-Gomen'nasai!" He exclaimed loudly, taking the stubborn girl with him. From a few steps away, Sasuke could hear the scrowls and deep sighs of relief from the retrieving boy.

"U-U-Uchiha-san?" A soft voice asked, Sasuke knowing the owner of such voice ignored her. Walking back to their table. Leaving everyone unsure and confused. In shortly after five mintues, everyone went back to doing whatever it was they were doing before the commotion. Hinata took her seat, and Daichi excused himself to the restroom.


Sasuke with his arms crossed over his chest, viewed the two people in front of him. Hinata, with a wet towel in her hand and on the other with a ice pack placed on Daichi's right cheek; treating Daichi's small injury. He scoffed, Such a weakling, it's almost pathetic he can't handle such a scratch from a puny little villager.

"Daichi-san, can you pass me the ointment?" Hinata asked softly, her eyes observing Daichi's marked cheek; as two small scratches spread across his cheek. Taking the ointment handed to her by Daichi, she let her hand drop from his cheek. Setting both the wet towel and ice pack on the table. Near their finished and clean plates of tonight's dinner. She carefully opened the ointment, applying some on her index finger. Very gently she spread the ointment across his injuries, as he very gently flinched from the contact and pain.

Meanwhile, Sasuke rolled his eyes at the sight. It's just a small scratch, He thought, highly irritated. He viewed as Hinata blew on the injury, seeing her face come rather close to Daichi's own face. His lips once again almost touching her soft cheek. Can't she just stay away from this bastard! He furiously thought, gritting his teeth, and clenching his fist tightly under the table. Ready to get up, and push Daichi away from Hinata, Sasuke stop himself. Frowning deeply, he asked himself. Why the hell do I care? He pondered himself silently. His fist uncurled, and he stood up. Making a loud creaking sound from the wood scratching against the marble floor. Hinata's eyes now on him, as she very slowly backed away from Daichi.
"U-U-Uchiha-san?" Hinata asked softly, eyeing him with full interest. Sasuke, grunt. Now she backs away,

"I need some air" He said nonchalantly, walking away from the table and outside. Only to regret it when he saw the streets filled with people. I completely forgot about this god damn festival, He mentally cursed himself. Looking around from people to shops, and from trees to rooftops. He saw a tall tree and went for it, climbing the tree without any difficulty. Once he stood on the highest branch, he made a jump from the green Linden tree to the top of a unknown rooftop.

Standing on the rooftop Sasuke took in the deep and chilly air, welcoming it inside his lungs. He sigh in relief, happy to be out from the small shop. He viewed the entire village from the rooftop, and the on going festival. People continued to laugh, get drunk and waste their money on ridiculous booth games. He almost laughed at how stupid they all were. Pathetic,

Enjoying the night air, he took a seat on the rooftop. And within a couple of minutes, he ended up lying down. Not bothering to go back down, or caring if Hinata and the boy decided to leave him. This is much better. He claimed inside his head, closing his eyes. Loving the breeze of cold air brushing pass him.
What seemed like five minutes quickly escalated into fifteen minutes, and he still did not care if he was ditched. With his mind at ease, he enjoyed the feeling of complete silence. Well not completely, but close enough.

Sensing a approaching figure, he groan deeply. Just what I needed, "What do you want?" He asked harshly, his eyes remaining close. He could feel the figure flinch, as they came to a halt. He smirked.

"I-I-I came to check up on you. Since you seemed to be t-t-taking a long time" Hinata gently said, receiving no answer from him. Without much thought, she came closer to him. Sasuke, sensing her advancing towards him opened his eyes. Sitting up in a sedentary position. His eyes shifting to her.

"Well then, now that you can see that i'm doing perfectly fine you can leave now" Sasuke expressed reluctantly. Hinata, noticing his now unwilling mood, bit her lower lip.

"G-G-Gomen'nasai!" She proclaimed upset. "This entire night has-"

"Stupid? Tedious? What has this day been like, Hyuga?" He questioned, his voice distant yet filled with displeasure. Hinata frowned slightly, shaking her head.

"G-G-Gomen" She pleaded, her eyes wandering off only to go back to Sasuke's face. "I-I-I would like to thank-" He cut her off with his hand.

"Don't" He declared, vexed with unsettle anger. Sasuke exhaling in the nights air, stood up. Dusting the dirt from his kimono. "Just-" He paused, thinking over his unsaid words. Should I go with her or? He asked himself mentally. Almost immediately thinking about Daichi. Shaking his head, he growled annoyed with himself. "Let's go" He declared. Hinata nod her head, taking it as a sign to walk. So she did. She turned around, and made her way to the end of the rooftop. Taking her time, but came to a halt after a step away from the rooftop. Without much thought, she quickly turned around expecting to find Sasuke five or maybe even six steps away. Only to have him one step away from her. Her cheeks grew warm, having him so near to her. Just like those other times.

"U-U-Uchiha-san!" She exclaimed loudly, chewing on her bottom lip. Sasuke only a step away, carefully observed her. I wonder if she will respond the same way, like she does with that guy but with me. He shook his head, What in kamis sake am I thinking?! He snarled. Then again, He smirked. Taking the last remaining step closer to her, he viewed her. Turning crimson red, as her breathing became irrational. His nose, taking in the scent of her sweet lavender aroma. Her kimono brushing against his own, as their hands slightly touched.

Hinata completely red from her face to the roots of her head let out a yelp, noticing the close distance between her and Sasuke. Nervously, Hinata begin to have a hard time breathing. The air in her lungs wasn't enough, her cheeks if possible felt even hotter. The beating of her heart, senseless beating against her ribcage. However, with the close proximity with Sasuke she was able to take in his scent of wet wood, and the hint of mint pepper. The scent almost intoxicating to her. Stop it. Hinata warned herself, taking a small step back. Leaving only two inches of distance between them.

"W-W-We should g-g-get going," Hinata said stuttering, blinking rapidly as her eyes shifted uncomfortably everywhere besides his eyes or face. Sasuke only nod his head, smirking slightly. Enjoying his view. She's quite interesting, He voiced in his mind.

"I-I-I'll go f-f-first" Hinata declared above a whisper. Biting her inside cheek, as a way to ease the nervousness. Hinata taking in a small breath of air, felt a good and cool against her lungs, compare to her burning and quivering body. With his face only coming closer, she freaked out. Quickly turning away, she took a big step forward. Only to step in nothing but air, the cold air. Realizing her mistake, she grew frighten as her weight shifted. Very slowy, Hinata begin to fall off the rooftop. Letting out nothing but a small yelp, as she shut her eyes. Expecting the impact.

Sasuke, watched as Hinata took a big step into nothing but air and saw her slowly begin to fall. Reacting to nothing but his instinct, he took a hold of Hinata's hand. Using his strength to push her back up with a great force. A force he mistakenly overused, as it made him stumbled against his own feet. Falling downward, pulling Hinata along with him.

His back made contact with the hard pavement, making a loud 'thud' sound. As the pain on his back, slowly begin to escalate to his entire body. The aching made him let out a small grunt, as the pressure on his top body only ceased to make the pain much deeper.

Hinata felt herself being pushed forward into a hard surface. Feeling herself being pulled down along with something else. She hit her nose rather hard when she fell. Her whole body laid ontop of Sasuke's, completely unaware. Her right leg in between his own legs and her left leg on the side of his right leg. Her left hand on top of his chest and her right hand intertwined in Sasuke's own hand. Her eyes shut close.

Both Hinata and Sasuke remained unmoved. Unsure if they could or shouldn't move. Opening his eyes, Sasuke took in the view. The dark sky welcomed him, as the pressure on his body seem to lighten a bit. He blinked confusingly, feeling a strong headache begin to form. He sighed. His top body, feeling rather warm and nice. Breathing in deeply, Sasuke slowly begin to move. Feeling the pressure on his body move as well. Rubbing his eyes with left hand, he used his elbows to help support him. Taking 135° sitting position.

Hinata feeling the movement, also moved. She leaned backwards, sitting on her legs. Sasuke, now staring at her. His eyes boring into hers. Feeling herself grow nervous with his face once again close to hers, she backed away. Only to have Sasuke pull her by her hand. Pushing her forward to him. As her face landed on his neck, accidentally her lips brushing against Sasuke's tender neck. Sasuke let out a small groan from the back of his throat. Embarrassed, Hinata moved away. Stopping infront of his face, just three to four inches away from his.

Sasuke's eyes roamed her hair and face. From her pale and opal eyes to her small red nose. To her soft looking cheeks, and finally to her lips. Her plump, slight reddish lips.

"Your eyes are quite beautiful" Sasuke mumbled softly, eyeing her reaction. His eyes lingering on her face as he saw Hinata growing rather embarrassed as the beating of her heart continued to race. She felt light headed and so she bit her bottom lip, rather harshly. Breaking through the skin of her lips. The red liquid falling from her open wound. Sasuke slightly frowned.

"You shouldn't do that" Sasuke whispered in a soothing tone, using his left hand to wipe away the blood from her lips using his thumb. His thumb lingering on her lips for a bit longer. Sasuke sitting up straight, brought his face closer to Hinata's.

Hinata, took in his scent once again. Her eyes now gazing into his own dark eyes. They continued to stare at one another, until Sasuke finally took a chance. He used his right hand, placing it on top of her warm and soft cheek. Caressing it for a while, before slowly making it's way to the back of her neck. Pulling her closer to him. His breath hitting her face, as hers hit his face. Very slowly, Sasuke continued to pull Hinata's face closer to his. Until they were only half a centimeter away. His lips lingering on top of hers. Tilting his head slightly to get a better angel, he leaned forward.

"Hinata-chan!" A loud voice called. Sasuke, breathing in deeply backed away from Hinata. Seeing her scarlet face. He smirked. "Hinata-chan!" The annoying voice called out again, and Sasuke rolled his eyes. Hinata eyes widen, as realization draw to her. W-W-What was I doing? H-H-How-

"He's calling you," Sasuke said, eyeing Hinata. She flinched, shifting uncomfortably. Hinata clearing her throat nervously, nod her head. Sasuke stood up, dusting his kimono off once again. Hinata, breathing in profoundly fanned her burning cheeks. About to bit her lips, but stop herself remembering Sasuke's words. She shook her head repeatedly, standing up in a quick motion. Only to stumble against her light lavender kimono. Almost stumbling downwards again, if it wasn't for the hand on her elbow that stop her fall. Knowing who it was, she stuttered out nervously.

"A-A-Arigatou" She whispered lightly,

"Idiot" He mumbled softly. She turned to look at him, as their eyes met again. Black met white in a intense stare. Removing his hand from her elbow, he looked away. Without anything else, Sasuke walked pass her taking five steps forward.


Sasuke rolling his eyes, cleared his throat.

"Your boyfriend looking for you." Sasuke voiced, walking closer to the edge of the rooftop."You shouldn't make him wait" With that, Sasuke jumped off the rooftop.

This didn't really turned out how I wanted it turn out, but oh well. So how was it? Be sure to vote and comment. Reviews are always welcomed, just try not to be so harsh alright? Thank you for reading and until then bye!:)

*** Also be sure to check out my new fanfiction The Trip (a SasuHina fic,). So far it has two chapters but next update should be up in three to four days. I'll highly appreciate it if you give it a shot!:)

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