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Pepe's P.O.D.V:

Wh3n I diz a sm0l smil3, he did a larg3 gr1n. I wasz a l1ttl3 sh00ke, but h3 s33med to s3ns3 it. I narr0w3d what l1ttl3 3y3 I had, and fr0wned again. 0wi3. Sm0ling iz t0 much f0r a sm0le fr0ggoeh l1k3 m3. I den gav3 0ut a sm0l t3ar, and wrinkl3d What littleh n0ze I had.

He l00keh at meh with g0Od c0ns3rn in his faceh0le. "What be wr0ng, Froggoooo?" H3 saiz, as s0ft as a babeh's bott0m. Wai, h0w d0 yu kn0w wha a bab3h boddom f33lx likes?

I sh00k m3 h3ad, and an0th3r t3ar cam 0ut. "N0th1ng, 1ts just \( º □ º )/."

Shr3k l00ked at m3, and diz a gr00f n0d. "Yeh. I know how you feel. WE ISH LIKE ONIONS! ONIONS SMEEL BAD AND HAS LAUERS!" H3 scr33ched, th3n f311 0n hiz fac3.

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