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(Shrek's P.O.D.V)


so I wok up and whOAH BOI HE'S RITE NEXT TO MEH. Did we liek sleep together or somethin?? I look ovr at him with my ogre eyes and whisper "It's all ogre now." Pepe looked at me kind of confuse, so I explain that its coolio that we slept. THen he relized HOLY SHNIZEL DOBBY KNOWS. And Then I relized hOLY SHNIZEL I KNO THAT DOBBY KNOWS. And Now Dobby gon take our relationship away 

so we knew what we had to do 

we had to fight for our rite for ogre and forg to be couple.

If we didn't,t hen we'd be done fo

So I jumped out of the bed, pepe frowning at me. "Why the long face, bRO?" I asked, wondering what the frick le he was sad about. Pepe's face turned from into a horse to back into his forg self. "W3ll 1 d0nt w4nt u t0 b3 d4ng3r s0 I sh0ulD go" I shok my head. "Broksi, no stop it's cool we can chill and it'll be all ogre." Pepe then 'splained that we should hid from each other. That broketh my heart. I agreed and he went thru the window as usual. Feeling sad, I put my large, sweaty, palms up to my mouth,   and yelled "DONKAY" so loud that it shok my whole house and I almost fell.

So DONKAY came thru the window and was like "I GOTCHU BRO. WHATS WRONG?" And I 'splained to him that pepe left to be protec cuz Dobby might come and DONKAY was like "oh frick bro U FEELIN BAD SO I GOTCHU COVERED" 

Abd then we had furious makeout session.




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