Back to the Real World (Forth)

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I'm at my desk looking over "on hold" projects.  I stop when I come across a particular one that peaks my interest.  I quickly make a few phone calls and get the ball rolling on it.

I really didn't want to come back to work today, especially since Kit has another week off, but I really can't afford to be gone for too long.  I have a lot of things to go over and make sure are accomplished smoothly and correctly.  It can be overwhelming at times but I'm doing ok.  Better now that I'm with Kit.

Speaking of Kit, let's see what my wife is doing.  I pull out my phone and dial his number.

"Hey babe! How's work?" I can't help but smile.  He called me babe. I giggle to myself at the thought.

"It's work.  How are things with you? What are you doing today?"

"Oh I'm at the hospital.  We're waiting for Ming to be released. Then we'll probably head back to their house and hang out for the day.  Why? Want me to come for lunch?"

"No baby, it's a hectic drive out here just for lunch.  I'm ok eating at my desk."

"How about we FaceTime then so you won't be lonely."

"Sure we can do that."I smile widely at him.

"Alright call when ready.  Love you." He says turning a little red.

"Love You Forth!" I hear Beam yell in the background.  Yep he's exactly the same.


My phone rings disturbing me from my work.  I look at and see the call is from Kit.

"What's wrong? Is everything Ok?"

"What's wrong? It's one o'clock and you still haven't called for lunch.  Are you planning to skip lunch? Because let me tell you something mister, that's not happening."

I smile at my loving wife.  I do in fact often skip lunch.  I get so focused on whatever I'm working on that I quite frankly forget to eat.

"No baby, I was just about to wrap up and call you guys."

I can see it.  His bullshit radar is going up.  He knows me to well.

"Hmmm let's just say that's true for today.  Go get food now.  Keep your phone one and I want to watch."


"Forth. Why are you still sitting."

"Haha Kitty is laying down the law Forth." Beam pops up behind Kit and is outright laughing at me.

There's a soft knock at the door then it opens.  I look up and see my secretary bringing me lunch.  I wave her over and take the lunch.

"Thank you Alice." I smile as I take my lunch.

She puts the tray down the slides her hand over my shoulder and down my chest then slides it back the way she came. I try to control my emotions right now, this is not happening. Glancing at the screen and Kit's very angry face tells me that I'm not going to have an enjoyable evening.  Hell They all look mad at me.  I'm so screwed.

"It's so good to have you back I missed taking care of you." She says a slightly seductive tone.

Fuck. That sounded so bad.

"What did she just say?" Beam yells.

Kit's face is red with anger and there are no words. I can see the tears threatening to fall.

"Kit, it..." he hangs up.  I look at my secretary and scream.

"What's wrong Khun? You look sick." She's feeling my forehead for fever.  I push her hand away and she looks at me an offended look then slaps my hand.

"Alice that was my wife." I say sinking into my chair.

"Oh my God!  I'm so sorry.  Why didn't you say anything? Wait.  When did you get married and why weren't we invited?"

"Last week and no one was invited.  We eloped."

She plops herself in the seat in front of me and crosses her arms.

"Lam always says I should think before I act.  I'm sorry Khun."

Alice, Lam, and I went to college together.  She is actually engaged to Lam and they both work for me.  She and Lam know about Kit and they also know that it could never be anyone but him so Alice has taken it upon herself to act like we're more than friends to keep the wolves at bay.

She pops up abruptly and pulls out her phone.  After some very fast talking and more head bopping she hangs up with a huge smile.

"OK. Lam and I are coming over for dinner tonight.  You can introduce us to your wife and we can explain things to him.  I assume its N'Kit."

"Yes it's Kit." She smiles triumphantly.

"I knew it!  I told you didn't I?  But you said nooo he didn't come like he was supposed to." She actually said much but over the years I have learned to tune her out.

"I guess I need to pick up dinner.  I hope he actually goes home.  I'm so screwed.  Damn my friends.


I slowly ease open the door that way if something flies at my head I can quickly pull the door shut.  Slowly but surely I open the door and Kit is waiting, siting in a chair facing the door.  He looks really scary right now and I want to turn and run.  I also notice that my living room is far from empty.

My stupid friends have other ideas though.  Lam simply walks into the apartment and starts searching for dishes and starts laying things out while Alice pushes me out of the way and runs to Kit.  She actually pulls him out of the seat and into a hug.

"Oh my god.  I had no idea that you were the one he was talking to if I had I wouldn't have made such a scene after all it's not like he's trying to keep you away right?  You're the one he's been saving himself for for all of these years." She continues to babble on and every one can only watch the whirlwind we call Alice.  She finally stops and sticks out her hand.

"Hi I'm Alice.  It's been my job to keep all of those Forth stealers away from your man for the last four years." Kit slowly shakes her hand.

"Huh?" He looks around for help.  Maybe if everyone caught part of what Alice said they could piece it together into something intelligible.

He however does not get any help.  Beam strolls over and looks at Alice who simply smiles at him.

"What?" He simply says.

"Which part?" She says.

"All of it, slowly, broken into small segments so we can follow along." He says while Lam and I try not to laugh.

"I'm Alice.  That beautiful man over there is Lam, he is my fiancé.  Forth, Lam, and I attended university together and became good friends." She pauses and looks at the group to make sure they were still keeping up.

It must be killing her to talk this slow.  I laugh at her frustration.  She caused this though so she deserves to be punished.

Finally Kit nods.

"Forth told us about you Kit, about how much he loved you, and how it could be no one other than you. But Forth is gorgeous and was a hot commodity." This time Beam waved his hand indicating her to go on.

"So Forth, Lam, and I decided then when people got too handsy we'd pretend we were his significant other.  I didn't know he was talking to you today.  I was trying to help my friend."

She shrugs her shoulders and skips back to Lam looping her arms around his waist.  He smiles down at her and kisses the top of her head.

"So all of these years you guys have been keeping people away from Forth for me?" She vigorously shakes her head yes.

Kit practically runs into my arms.  I hold him tightly so grateful that Alice isn't the type to accept being misunderstood. I pull back and look at him.  I wipe his stray tear with my thumb.

"We bought food but I'm not sure if it's enough for everyone.  We weren't expecting five of you." Lam says.  He hates being unprepared.

"We can call for delivery man, it's no problem." Ming says as he slings his arm over Lam's shoulder.

"Ming, Lam is an engineer too." Lam shakes his head yes.

"Really? I've got two years left."

A little later the extra food arrived and we talked and laughed into the evening.  It was good having my old friend and my new friends come together.

After all that time that of feeling abandoned and miserable, things are finally starting to go my way.


The photo is Lam and Alice
Notice: Some friends and I have collaborated on an account called @HSIclub so if you're interested in an account dedicated to fanfiction smut, check it out. We'll be posting a collection of one shots soon-just waiting until we have them all complete before uploading the story.

Warning the S in HSI stands for expect smut. Lots and lots of boylove smut.

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