Life is Perfect (Forth)

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It's finally here.  Love is having surgery today and I'm a ball of nerves which is better than what Kit is.  They took her back an hour ago but it feels like more than that.  Kit is pacing back and forth while talking to himself.  It sounds like he's speaking medical lingo.  I make sure to give him plenty of space, I can't help him right now.

I can tell he wants to be in there.  He's practically vibrating with anxiety. He checks his watch frequently and looks at the door. He's going to lose his mind if this keeps up. Pha and Beam look at each other then go over to Kit.  They talk to him for a bit and seem to calm him down a little.  Beam wraps his arms around him and Pha holds onto both of them. Kit physically relaxes in their hold.

I know I shouldn't be but sometimes I really get jealous at their friendship.  There's no way I could have calmed him down like that.

We're at the end of the second hour and truly I wish I was anywhere but here.  It's torture.  And this is only the first of four surgeries she'll need before she's ten.  How am I going to survive my baby going through this three more times?

During the third hour a nurse comes out and scans the room.  She spots Kit and scurries over to him.  I can tell she's trying to contain herself but she's clearly frazzled. After he listens to her he runs into the operating room.  Well if that doesn't give you good feelings I don't know what does.

About an hour later Kit comes out with Dr. Panuwat.  He looks completely relaxed and that makes me feel better about this situation.

"There was a slight complication but we were able to get it under control.  This may add a surgery in the future but we won't know for some time.  Until then, the surgery finished well and we just need to wait for her to wake up."

He looks at me and smiles.  Then reality hits him.  He crumbles to the ground and starts sobbing.  I quickly gather him into my arms and hold him while everyone else watches. Beam of course doesn't give a shit about my place and throws his body over us whispering.  Oddly enough it makes me feel better too.

I look around which was a mistake because soon we were engulfed by everyone.  It really must have been a sight.  Finally Kit manages to look at me, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh god Forth, she could have died.  We haven't even brought her home yet." His shoulders shake as he lets all of his emotion flow out of him. We are one ball of crying people in the middle of the waiting room.  The funny thing, our baby survived.  She didn't die but still here we are crying like fools.

I caress his face and smile at him.

"It's ok babe.  You were there.  You saved the day.  You saved our baby." I hold him tightly.

Slowly our pile lessens as people calm down and move until it's just Kit and I.  My leg is asleep and hurts a little but I won't complain right now.  I hold him until they let us go back to the neonatal ward where she'll be for the next one to two weeks.  We go and look at our girl.  She has a bandage that covers the entire center of her body.  It looks awful and I'm just looking at the bandage. 

"One thing is for sure, she's a strong girl." Dr. Panuwat says clapping Kit on the shoulder. Kit smiles back at him.

Here's hoping her parents are just as strong.  Two more weeks.  We can do it.

Well our little girl had to stay two and half weeks.  She got an infection that had to be treated but luckily her mother is a top notch doctor and continually saves her sweet life. 

We are finally walking out of the hospital as a complete family.  We get to the main entry where everyone is waiting for us.  Even the next generation of friends is there.  Alice and Lam have their two kids Turbo and Prae while June brought Bas with her. However, what gets my attention is the girl who is waiting at the door.

My stare obviously attracts attention as everyone looks her way.

"Manaying. What are you doing here?" Kit walks towards her with OUR baby.

"I heard that she was being discharged today.  I wanted to be here." She says shyly.

"That's good." He says with a genuine smile.

"Do you want to see her?" She nods yes and he lowers Love down and unwraps the blanket.

Tears stream down her face as she touches her head. She places a tiny bracelet on her and looks back at Kit and I.

"She's beautiful.  What did you name her?"

"We call her Love." I say and she nods as she smiles.

"I'm so grateful I met you that day.  She truly has such a great chance at life now."

She turns and walks towards a couple waiting for her.  They hug her then smile at us and walk away.

Kit looks at everyone and smiles.

"Let's take our baby home." And he heads to the car holding onto our daughter with me following them like the giant puppy I am.


I'm lying in bed totally horny.  My wife is asleep beside me.  I know he's tired, it's been hard with the new baby but I just need a little bit from him.

I lean over and start kissing his face then move to his lips.  He starts swatting his hand and groaning.  I move down to his neck and start sucking.  Thankfully he sleeps topless so I don't have to worry about removing that.  I start kissing down his chest softly sucking his nipples. I go lower looking for something to keep my mouth entertained.

Found it.

I pull down his boxers slowly then lick my lips as I see my prize.  I start kissing it, then I lick it, and finally it take it into my mouth.  I suck and enjoy the flavor my wife has to offer me.  He starts moaning and then stirs.

"Forth." He moans out and his hand moves to my head embedding his fingers into my hair.

Mission 1 complete- wake up my wife.  Now onto mission 2- get laid.

I remove my mouth and work my way up to kiss him.  He wraps his arms around me and kisses me deeply.  He pulls away.

"What are you doing?"

"You can't tell? I must be doing something wrong." He cracks a smile and I attack his lips again.

"OK but one round and it has to be quick."

"It's been three days, I can guarantee quick." I say and he shakes his head.

He pushes on my shoulder and I lay back.  He climbs on top of me and straddles me.  He leans over and grabs the lube from the night stand and looks at.

"Remember when one of these almost wasn't enough for one night?" He says holding the almost full tube.

He's just trying to rub it in right.  He's giving me that "see what happened because you brought a baby home" look.  He hands me the tube and leans against me chest.  While he's sucking on my neck I lube my fingers and head to his entrance.  I circle it first before slipping a finger in.

He's always so tight.  I don't know how he does it.  For a while I practically lived inside of him but he was tight as a drum by the next time. 

"Forth. Focus."

Ah right.  Time limit.

Once I'm able to slide that finger in and out easily I add the next, scissoring them to loosen that area.  He loses patience at that point and pushes my hand away.

"Seriously Forth, if it was up to you I'd never get fucked."

He lines up my cock and slides down.  So so slowly, like it's a punishment. Once he's seated and I'm fully inside of him he leans back.

He starts moving slowly, pulling back then slamming back down.  After a few times his movements become smooth and he gets into his rhythm.  I start thrusting underneath him meeting his movements. His moans start and steadily escalate.

"Ahhhh! Ahhhh!  God Forth!"

It was only a matter of time before the screaming happened.  I speed up because there's no way Love is sleeping through this.

"Babe, quiet please, the baby." I'm begging.

He's riding me hard now and I know we're both close.  So close, just a little more.


I sigh and grab his hips stopping his motion.

"What are you doing? Why are we stopping?"

"Can't you hear the baby?"

"Yes I can hear the baby so the correct response would have been to fuck me harder so we could finish faster."

"Babe she's crying we have to go get her."

"Forth she won't die from crying for ten minutes.  Look I'll give you a choice.  Finish fucking me then go check on Love, or stop and I will strangle you until you pass out, fuck your unconscious body then go check on Love.  You choose."

There's really no choice then is there? I sit up and roll us over.  Like a jack hammer I start pounding into my wife.

"Go-od ch-oice." He gets out in gasps. 

Soon we both cum and Kit passes out from exhaustion.  A different exhaustion.  A Forth induced exhaustion. A surge of pride flows through me at that thought.

I get up and clean us both up then walk into Love's room with a bottle.  I pick her up and hold her close.  After she finishes the bottle she burrows into me much like her mother does and falls back to sleep.  I bring her back to our room and I lay down beside the love of my life holding onto our newest love. 

Right now, at this very moment, my life is perfect.


This is then end of Forth and Kit's part of the story.  I can't express how much I have appreciated that people have read and enjoyed my story.  I truly enjoyed the comments too.

I hope you guys give Pha and Beam's story a try and that I can do a good job.

Also just to see who reads these notes I have a little challenge. The first person who can tell me what is special about the doctor who helped Kit will get to name a character in the next story.

Until tomorrow.


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