People from the Past (Forth)

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Because my dear friend @txdramalover said she would be mad if I didn't post tonight.


I've had a long day, I think I deserve a break.  I stretch in my chair. I relax and look back at my computer screen.  I don't want to do this right now.  You know what? It can wait.  Who's gonna yell at me? The answer is: no one. I smile at that thought and let myself stop for the day.

I push away from my desk and head to the door that swings open when I reach it.  Alice is there with Keng.

"Hey Keng what's going on?" He doesn't make it a habit to visit so he has a purpose.

"We need to talk.  I think Kit may be in danger." He walks into my office and sits down.

"What?! What do you mean Kit may be in danger?" I'm practically going out of my mind right now.

I follow him to the table and sit down across from him.

"What do you know about your father's death or your paternal grandparents?" He starts.

"My father died in an accident.  I haven't met with my grandparents since I was ten, maybe eleven.  Why?"

"Wait! Don't start yet.  We're coming." I should have known once Alice heard Kit she would get involved. 

She and Lam come and join us at the table.

"Continue." She says waving her hand. Keng scowls at her.

"Umm yeah, well a little background information.  All of our parents are best friends from college.  When your father died and you and your mother ran away they got curious about the situation.  They found out that your father had been murdered and your mother went into hiding to keep you guys safe.  The intended target had been you and your mother but your father switched cars with her that day.  We just found out the who and why recently."

"So what's the who and why?" Alice basically demands as she sits on the edge of her seat.

"Your grandparents, for this company and your money." He states.

Alice flops back into her chair like she's been punched in the gut.  Lam is openmouthed and looking around like he can't fathom what he's been told.  And I just sit there.  My life was torn apart for money.

"What does this have to do with Kit?  They can't get their hands on this company or my assets." I manage to get out.

"I think they're mad that it didn't go their way the first time.  I wouldn't be surprised if they went after our parents too just because they're getting in the way."

"But why Kit!?" I practically yell.

"For the same reason they tried to kill you and your mother first, to break you down.  Have you sign everything to them as your only remaining relatives, then take you out." He's so unemotional, like it's not his little brother he's talking about.

"So they want to kill Kit to drive me insane, because that's what would happen, for my money? WHAT IS SOOO GREAT ABOUT MONEY! THEY HAVE MONEY!" I'm pulling my hair out. Actually pulling out chunks of my hair.

"I can't answer that for you.  What I can tell you is that some activity is going on around them and I think something's gonna happen today."

"Not that I don't appreciate the heads up, but why aren't you helping Kit since you know?"

"Oh I am. But what I'm doing requires me elsewhere, so it's up to you guys to be with him."

Without another word I grab my keys and go to the parking lot.  I notice Lam and Alice hot on my heels.  I nod at the two of them as we separate.  I get on my bike and speed out of the garage.  I'm speeding through the city and being pretty erratic but I don't care.  I need to get to Kit.

I approach the hospital and see Kit, Pha, and Beam at the cross walk.  Kit actually looks at me.  Then he turns around before getting pushed into the road in front of a speeding garbage truck?  The next thing I see is Pha and Beam grabbing the man who pushed Kit and hurtling him at Kit.  They collide and Kit falls but is pushed out of the way.

That man is not so lucky, he gets hit by the truck I'm sure was intended for my Kit.  I hit the brakes on my bike but nothing happens.  I try again still no response.  Dammit.  They must have cut the brake lines, but if it's one thing I learned from moto-racing, it's how to crash.  I lean down and when I'm close enough to the road I release from my bike.  The bike skids under the truck while I tumble along the street. 

I force myself up, staggering, I need to get to Kit.  His scream pierces my senses and I find him immediately.  I hobble to him as quickly as I can.  I see Pha in the driver's seat pulling the truck off of Kit's legs.

The driver.  Well he's facing Beam.  Not the fun, I'm fighting because I'm bored Beam.  But the "you tried to kill my best friend so I'm going to rip you to shreds" Beam. 

I get to Kit and place his head on my lap.  I can barely see him through my tears.  He's passed out from the pain.  I rock while holding his head and watch Beam in action.  It's like an out of body experience.  All of the things I notice while being in this state.

Beam has taken off his shirt and ripped it.  He wrapped his hands with the strips covering the palms and knuckles.

"I am going to kill you." Is the only thing that comes out of his mouth before he attacks.  I've never seen anything like it.  The fury in his moves forces you to watch his brutal attack.   A series of hits and kicks, bones breaking so loud that it could be heard from where I was.  All I could think was "kill him Beam."

Pha runs to them and calls Beam, begging him to stop.  Not for the man's sake but for Beam's.

"Beam, Kit still needs us." Pha begs.

Beam stops his assault immediately. He looks down at the listless body no emotion in his face.

"Be grateful I love him more than I hate you." He turns and I see the hatred in his tear stained face.

Beam and Pha run to us. Alice and Lam have joined us.  Alice is crying with me holding onto my shoulders.  Lam runs into the hospital for help.  Pha is on the phone.  I just stare out and rock Kit. 

The hospital doors open and doctors and nurses run towards us with a stretcher.  I can't hear anything.  Everything sounds muffled.  People are shaking me and trying to talk to me but I can't understand what they're saying.  I'm holding onto my Kit.  My life.  If he goes, I go.

I feel arms trying to pull me off of Kit but I am fighting to hold on.  I feel a pinch in my arm and then everything goes black.

I wake up in a room.  I'm bandaged up and my head hurts like hell.  I can hear voices but I can't make out what's being said.  I groan, at least I think I do.  I'm trying to force my eyes to open but it's not happening like I want it to.  What did they give me?

"Mae." I call out.  Mae I want you.  Mae help me.  I hurt.  Kit's hurt.  I need you.  Mae please. I feel the tears trickle down my cheek as I silently plead to my mother.

"Forth honey, we are here.  You are not alone my sweet boy.  We are here." I feel a hand squeeze mine.

I've grown accustomed to this voice.  My godmother.  They insisted Kit and I have dinner with them weekly after the wedding planning party.   At first it was strange but over time I grew used to being with them.

I manage to get my eyes open and look at her face.  I smile to the best of my ability.  She looks just like her, my mother.  It makes sense since they were cousins.

"Mae." I say. She caresses my face.

"No baby, it's your Auntie." She says softly, lovingly.

"I know who you are." I squeeze the hand that is holding mine.

She cries.


I've been awake for about an hour and I am finally alert enough to understand what is going on.  Beam is at the police station on attempted murder charges.  Apparently no one saw Pha and him push the attacker into the road so they are focusing on Beam's attack.  Pha and the family lawyer are there. AKA Beam's dad, scariest attorney in Bangkok.

Kit is still in surgery.  They are trying to repair the tibia and fibula.  I guess since he had one leg at an awkward position when the truck ran over it the bones broke in several places.

God what do I do? He'll probably be so angry.  Will he blame me? It's technically my fault.  Will he hate me?  What if he leaves me? What will I do? I can't live without him. 

My heart is beating faster and I can't catch my breath.  I'm panicking, I know it.  God what will I do? What will I do?

"Shhhhhhh. Forth, it's going to be ok.  Everything will be ok.  Calm down sweetie."  I feel someone wrap their arm around my shoulder pulling my head to their chest.  She rocks side to side and sings a song my mae used to sing to me.

The door opens and my godfather walks in looking haggard.

"Kit's out of surgery.  They were able to repair the breaks.  It took several pins and will take some time to heal but he'll be ok.  He may have to use a cane from now on but it won't get in the way of his being a doctor."

Of course it won't.  He's Kit.  There's nothing he can't overcome.


HSI club news:

Our fourth story was posted today. It's written by the fabulous @SeragakiMoru. If you haven't already done so, please go check it out. It's very good.

Yours truly has the story for tomorrow so please show lots of love and check it out when it gets posted. I'll remind on tomorrow's update.

Remember your votes and comments let us know if this is a worthwhile venture.

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