The Bridge from There to Here (Forth)

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"Are you serious?! The whole reason I went after you was because I thought you weren't a tootsie like your friends. But I should have known. It's not normal to be together the way you three are." She screams in Kit's face.

The room grows quiet as all eyes are now on us. Kit is especially embarrassed right now and that makes me mad. But before I can do anything Kit's new hero makes her move.

SMACK!!!! We all stare open mouthed as Alice's hand flies across Lola's cheek causing a sound that echoes through the hall. When she stands back we can see that doctor in tears rubbing her very red face. Alice is seething with anger.

"You stupid opportunistic bitch! How dare you?! Our Kit is no one's second choice! I ammm mmmm"

At this point Lam has covered Alice's mouth and is bodily carrying her out. We all wai then follow them out. We get into our separate cars and head to Pha's place. I don't envy Lam right now after stopping Alice in the middle of a bitch out.

"Oh that woman!!! I swear Kit, if this hadn't been an event for your hospital I would have kicked her ASS!" Alice has been ranting for about thirty minutes now. She is still very angry at the audacity of some people.

I look over at Lam who has a very strong beverage in his hand while rubbing his temples. He sits in the kitchen for a bit of peace and we all let him.

Finally she manages to calm herself down and has called Lam to come sit with her. She sits on his lap and begins to rub her back calming her instantly. Why didn't he do this before?


"So now that that's out of the way let's start the after party-party. P'Lam and P'Alice welcome to the family. P' thank you for defending our Kit. We won't forget it." Beam's voice cracks at the end. Pha and Kit go make a Beam sandwich. If I wasn't so confident about Kit I would be insecure about their relationship.

"Alright boys let's get good and drunk. I'm sure I'll be in jail for assault tomorrow." Alice says as she raises her glass.

With a laugh everyone raises their glass and chugs down their drinks.

"So P' how is the engagement party coming along?" I look at Ming who has an innocent smile on his face but I know it's anything but innocent.

"Fine nong, everything is coming together just fine. As a matter of fact it should be taking place in two weeks." I throw out there casually.

"What!!" everyone screams.

I cover my ears and smile as question upon question is hurtled at me. I was going to give out invitations, geez. I stand up and walk to my bag. I grab the invitations and hand them out. Almost everybody I want to attend is here anyway.

"N'Yo I gave your dad his already. Your dad's too N'Pha. Beam and Ming I gave your parents theirs yesterday." I inform them.

"What about the director? Did you invite him?" Kit asks almost in a frantic state.

"Yes Kit I invited him too. But that's it. Just the fifteen of us."

"That's more than enough." Kit says as he calms down and rests his head on my shoulder.

"As long as you remembered him. He loves to give me a hard time about not knowing about getting married."

He pouts just a little and dammit if he's not so adorable I could pinch him. Of course that would earn me a few hits that I don't want to go through. He hits really hard for a little guy.

"Are you sure about that P'?" Ming asks.

"Sure about what nong?"

"Just fifteen of us. You said you invited my parents right? Did you tell them it was just them because if not you can expect my sisters and their families too. They all love Kit you know?"

"Crap, I didn't think of that."

"I'm an only child P' so you don't have to worry about that from my parents." Beam adds in.

"Thanks nong." I say sarcastically to Beam.  He just smirks at me.

"Well shit, I'll need to plan better. Thanks for the heads up nong." I'll think about that later right now I want to be here.

The night passes on smoothly and we do get good and drunk as per Alice's request.

We called a designator driver service to bring us home last night and right now we are just lying in bed. I don't know about Kit but I have quite the hangover. We could have stayed there but I want to feel like crap in the comfort of my own home. It's been awhile since I've felt like this. I hope Alice is suffering like the dog she is for suggesting this.

I hear a groan beside me and turn my head just slightly to look at Kit. I slowly move my hand to his back and rub it. He pats my hand in acknowledgment then tries to get comfortable again.

The bell rings, and rings, and rings, and rings until

"DAMMIT! Who the hell is that?" A small force of nature flies out of the bed and to the door yanking it open about to unleash the wrath of hungover Kitty on them but stops midsentence.

Who the hell has that kind of power? I get up, instantly regretting my choice, but my curiosity wins over my discomfort. I make my way to the door and stop behind Kit who is staring at his boss. His mouth is slightly open and he looks like he's frozen in place.

"Director would you like to come in?" I say jolting Kit out of his stupor.

"Ah yes, yes please come in sir." And he opens the door allowing not only the director but a very lovely woman followed by Pha and Yo's dads. Somehow I missed them.

"Have a rough night boys?" Pha's dad asks patting my shoulder as he walks by.

It's so freaking bright I'm having a hard time focusing but I somehow manage to catch his question.

"Alice wanted to get drunk in case she ended up in jail today." I say.

"That won't be happening." The director says with a laugh.

"Hmm how do you know? We can't predict what Lola will do." Kit says.

"I know because I gave her a choice: pursue legal methods against Alice and find a new hospital to work at or leave it alone and take it as a lesson in learning her place." He states matter of factly.

"Can't have her messing with one of my favorite students can I?" He shrugs and walks into the kitchen with everyone else.

They help themselves to coffee.

I stand beside Kit and put my arm around him.

"We should at least brush our teeth before visiting with them." He nods yes and heads to the bathroom.

"We're going to brush our teeth then we'll be back."

"Take your time boys. We're fine." Yo's dad calls out.

Did we just get adopted? Three more dads? And who's that lady? I guess more dads is better than more moms. Moms are overprotective and demanding. Whatever. My brain hurts. I hate Alice.

We come back and Kit is savagely attacked.

"Oh my baby!" Kit's mother comes rushing over and hugging Kit whose eyes are wide in shock.

I look over at the now four dads at the table, drinking their coffee, and chatting. Kit's mother is fussing over him while Kit and I are still in our underwear. This turning into a very strange morning.

"Kit and Forth, you should go put some clothes on boys. People are here, let's not stand around in our boxers."

"Right." I grab Kit and we got put on pajama pants and t shirts.

When we rejoin them breakfast is laid out and the adults are chatting happily. I guess I didn't know that Kit's parent's knew the director. But if I really think about it they all seem to know each other. We're just missing Beam's and Ming's parents.

Kit's mom checks her phone then starts heading to the door. I can't seem to take my eyes off of her. She's up to no good I just know it. She swings open the door to my house and in walk the Daichapanyas and Baramee-Vongpipans.

"What the fu...heck is going on Mae?" Kit already has very little patience now let's add that he's hungover. This is not a good combination.

"Oh we're doing some planning and thought you'd like to be involved."

'Planning for what?" he says, resting his chin on his hands.

"Your wedding of course. It's our responsibility isn't it? So all of the parents thought we'd pitch in and do it."

"Let me get this straight, all of you are going to work together and plan a wedding for us. All of you? Together?"

Kit's not being sarcastic, he's being realistic. At this moment we have four mothers and five fathers here "working" together. This screams chaos, category 5 in the "you're fucked" register.

We sit on our couch and watch events unfold: civilized arguments between mothers when identical colors with different names can't be decided upon, fathers who are only there to referee and discuss the bar options.

I don't know how I should feel right now. It would be great if my parents could be involved in this but at the same time look at all of these people who have banded together for our sake- well more Kit's sake.

"They're here for you too." Kit whispers into my ear. I turn and look at him with a questioning look.

"I can see it on your face. You're thinking about your parents and probably think all of these people are only here for me."

"Aren't they? They're the parents of your friends." I slowly say. My chest is starting to hurt.

"What did you say? Jaruraphum Jamornkun we have all known each other longer than you have been alive. That includes your parents young man. One of the reasons you boys are all friends is because we are friends. We loved them too, and we love you." Ming's mom is crying as she lectures me. Her husband is rubbing her back.

"Sorry Auntie. I wasn't trying to upset you." Before I get the words out Kit is pushed out of the way and three mother figures have descended upon me. I cry a little at this show of affection.

"Quick choose." Beam's mother says.

"Choose what?"

"Who you will call mother. It's either me or her." she points to Ming's mother.

"Oh-ho! What about me?!" Kit's mother yells.

"You're already his mother in law. He'll need someone to go to that will be on his side."

"Choose carefully Forth, Hathai Baramee is crazy. She's just like her son, we'll he's like her. Still you get the point. Is that the type of woman you want to call mother?

"Chanthara! Shut your mouth. You already have three kids, stop being so greedy. Don't listen to her Forth, I will be your mama."

"Actually ladies, I believe that honor goes to my wife." Dr. Sittiwat says walking to the couch and placing his hands on the shoulders of the lady sitting next to me. So that's who she is.

"Chaimongkol! Why Sananthachat?"

"You know very well that we are Forth's godparents, that gives us the most right in this situation. I don't know why you'd even bring this up when you know you have no right."

"Oh we're about to throw down Chai." Beam's mom says.

"See! She's crazy! I was right." Ming's mother says.

I can't help but laugh at this situation. Then it occurs to me important information has just been uncovered.

"Wait, you're my godfather?"

"Yes, did you really not know? I've known you your entire life. If we had known what happened to your parents we would have taken you in but your mother hid you away and we have no idea why."

"So does that make you Kit's godfather-in-law?" I laugh to myself at my joke that no one else seems to get.

"Well yes, I suppose it does." He says with a thoughtful look.

Kit's mother comes and basically shoos us away.

"Alright, how about if you boys find some something to do while we continue to plan."

"But this is our house." Kit whines.

"Yes, yes dear, it's your house we know. Now go get changed for the day and get out of our hair."

"Did we just kicked out of our own house?" Kit asks me rightfully confused.

"I think we did, but I don't have the strength to argue. They outnumber us by so many."

"You're right. Let's not fight this battle. Let's go bug Pha and Beam and just for fun let's call Ming, Yo, Alice, and Lam too." The smile on his face says Pha and Beam won't be enjoying this as much as he will.

"That's a plan babe. Let's go."


Well it's official the first story from the HSI club has been published. Yes it was supposed to be Monday but technically it is Monday where @FilousSopo  is from. So please go take a look. It's a fantastic story.

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