The Engagement Party (Kit)

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I'm standing in the hospital lobby completely nervous. I can't imagine why Forth wants to meet here. We only have a few hours until our engagement party.

"Are you nervous Kitty?" I hear Beam's silky voice as he wraps his arms around my neck and puts his head on my shoulder.

I turn slightly to look at him and see Pha behind him with his arms around his waist. This is probably why a lot of people think the three of us are together.

"I don't know why. I'm already married. This is crazy." I say feeling ridiculous for being nervous.

I jump when the doors slide open which is crazy because they open all of the time.

"Kit dear." I look and see my parents.

My mother and father have their arms linked together and walk in all smiles. They stop in front of us and my mom looks around. She has this annoying smile that says she knows what's going on.

"How many more?" She asks, that stupid smile not leaving her face.

"Hmmm I think last count was twenty people including Ming's sisters. Is this really where we're supposed to meet?"

"Of course dear. Why else would we be here? Really Kit sometimes you make me worry." She shakes her head and furrows her browns.

What the hell is going on? Are we carpooling to the venue?

"P's!!!" I look up and see Ming and Yo are jogging towards us.

It takes a few minutes but our very large group is finally assembled save my husband.

"Looks like everyone's here. Let's head up." I jump slightly at the deep voice that comes from behind me.

I look down as Forth laces our fingers and leads me to the elevators. I look around and everybody looks confused, except my mother. She looks giddy. That sly old lady, if she had arrived any earlier I could have gotten it out of her.

We get out on the pediatric ward and follow Forth as he leads us to a blocked area. This place has been under construction for some time but then was put on hold due to funding. It frustrates me that the place for children is put on the back burner for other departments.

"Everyone can I have your attention." Forth's rich voice resonates through the room and all eyes are on him.

He places his hand on his stomach and takes deep breaths, he's clearly nervous. I look around and their are hospital staff here including many department heads. There is a group of well dressed people too, I think they're board members. All I can think of is "what the hell is going on?"

"I met the love of my life when I was a child. We grew up together and loved each other. Unfortunately there was a time when we were separated but then we were brought back together. In my haste to make him mine I overlooked important milestones to marriage such as the engagement and wedding. I'm making up for that now."

"Everyone I would like to introduce you to my husband Mongkol Jamornkun. He is the love of my life and the man that I'm blessed enough to spend the rest of my life with."

He looks at me and I can see his eyes are shining. I'm still confused but I have to admit I'm feeling a bit emotional over what he's just said.

"My Kit wants to heal children. He's always wanted to. For as long as I can remember this has been his dream, one that he's working towards at this very hospital. So I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate being together than to unveil the newest wing of this hospital."

He walks to the barricade and pushes it away revealing the new wing.

"I'd like to welcome you to the Mongkol Jamornkun Neonatal Wing." He's pointing to a sign at the entrance with my name on it.

Holy fuck! What did he just say? I look around at the shocked expressions on everyone's faces. My mother is crying while my father holds her hand tightly. Forth's godparents look like they're brimming with pride at his accomplishment. The staff and board members clap politely.

We walk down the hall and it has all the bells and whistles. I can't believe that this is named after me. Why is it named after me?

When we come back towards the front there is a large room with a sign that says "Kitty's place." I don't even try to stop the tears. He named an area meant for children after me.

I'm blown away by what I see. . It's an amazing new children's area. Brightly colored walls. Couches, chairs, tables, games, televisions. This room is lacking for nothing.

Tears trickle down my cheeks. Everyone is clapping and smiling. I can't believe this is happening. He motions me to come to him. There's actually a freaking red ribbon with a bow. He pulls out a pair of scissors.

"Cut the ribbon Kit, the kids want to play." I look and just notice the children. I nod my head and cut the ribbon.

I watch through blurry eyes as kids are wheeled and walk into the play area. Forth wraps his arm around me pulling me closer.

"Do you like it baby?"

"I love it." I whisper out.

"I love it so much." I just keep watching the children explore and play.

"Well done Forth. We can't thank you enough for making this happen." Dr.Sittiwat says.

"My pleasure. Really." He says smiling.

Pictures are taken and well wishes offered but I'm feeling antsy. Forth smiles and clears his throat.

"We're here to play so let's go. Our groups invades and breaks up finding different children to play with. I look around and feel like my heart is about to burst. The people I love sharing in this other love of mine. The children are smiling and having a good time. It's better than I could have imagined.

I look at Forth who is offering his megawatt smile to a little girl while helping her with a puzzle. That man belongs to me. He did this for me. I couldn't ask for a better husband.

After an hour or so the children were taken back to their rooms and our little group was left behind. I finally had the opportunity to look around the room and admire my plaque. I feel arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder.

"It's time to go baby, we still have dinner plans." I shake my head in understanding.

I take a deep breath and turn to him. I tug on his hand causing him to turn and look at me. He tilts his head curiously and then comes back. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"I love it. I love you. Thank you so much." He pecks my lips a few times and smiles.

He grabs my hand and we walk out of Kitty's place and past the Mongkol Jamornkun Neonatal Wing. I run my finger over the plaque as we leave and smile.


Our next stop is at the Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort. My mouth gapes open as we walk in. This is seriously out of our price range.

Forth goes up to reception then comes back with someone who leads us outside. We're eating outside! It's amazing. The trees are decorated with fairy lights. There are three large round tables in the middle of the platform that goes over the water. Each table is decorated with a burgundy tablecloth offset by the stark white place settings.  In the center is flower vase filled with roses set on top of a mirror.  The center piece is surrounded by candles that shimmer off of the mirror and vase.  The lights from the trees reflect off of the water making it sparkle. It's breathtaking.

"Thanks everyone for sharing our belated engagement party with us. I love that you are all here, sharing this with us.  To our parents and our dear friends. Thank you for being part of our lives."

Everybody raises their wines glasses that magically appeared and raised them to Forth's toast. Dinner was served, a seven course meal at that. My Forth spared no expense here. I look over at him and see him chatting happily with Ming and Lam.  They're all Engineers after all so I'm sure Ming has a lot of questions about his next move.

Before dessert Forth reaches into his pocket and brings out room cards.

"These are your keycards for your weekend stay here at the resort. I booked the rooms with spa packages. I hope you enjoy them. Ahhh, the booze in the mini fridge is not on me so if you drink you're paying for it."

This earns him some chuckles but he shrugs it off.  He turns and looks at me.

"Here's ours Kitty." I smile and take it from him. Stupid Forth.

"Wow Kitty, I think you should forgive him now. I think today has made up for everything you missed out on plus a few more in the future." Beam says looking at the keycard like its gold.

I smile and shake my head. My friend is so easy.

Dinner was fantastic and the conversation was just as good. Truly the best day of my life.

"Oh hey P'? How did you manage to get that stuff named after Kit?" Ming asks.

"Yeah I was wondering that too." Pha chimed in.

"Ah well my company had been working on it for awhile now but then their funding ran out."

"Wait, your engineering company was?" Beam asks.

"No my contracting company. I inherited my dad's company when he died and was a silent owner until I graduated from college then I formally took it over. That's why I moved back to Bangkok."

"Are you kidding?" I ask maybe a little too loudly.

"No. Why would I? Anyway I saw this project and contacted the hospital and offered to complete it if they allowed me to name it. They jumped at the chance. So that's what happened."

"Wow P' you're so awesome." Ming says slightly starstruck.

"Thanks Ming. You know next year you can intern at my company, I'm sure you're aware that I have engineers working for me."

"Really P'? That's fantastic. I'd love to!" Ming looks like he's going to vibrate out of his seat.

Yo is smiling at his husband, actually we all are. It's fun when he gets excited like this. My eyes are drawn back to the man laughing beside me. I could spend forever just looking at him, but I prefer to touch him because I can. I lean over and kiss him on his cheek. He looks at me, his eyes twinkling. I move my lips to his ear.

"It's time we head to bed don't you think?"

He stands abruptly knocking over his chair. Everyone's eyes are on him.

"Hmm, we're calling it a night. See you guys later." He tugs me out of my seat and leads the way to our room.

I am smiling as I'm walking, following the man I love determined not to be embarrassed by the loud laughter that echoes after us.


*First is I'm posting twice today because I think while Wattpad was doing there thing they made the draft form of this update available.  So I went ahead and edited it to post tonight.

*Second is HSI club news:
As you know our first story by FilousSopo was update Sunday/Monday, depending on your time zone.
Our second story should be published Monday/Tuesday, again time zone, by Katikatka.  Look forward to it.

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