When the Adults Come to Play (Forth)

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I'm in the living room just looking at my house.  It was around midnight before everyone finally left and then it occurred to me we were the owners left to clean up this mess.  They got me again.

Still to have this house back again, I can't even form the words to express how overwhelmed I feel right now.  All those years that I dreamed of having a life with Kit in this house and it has finally come true.  How can I ever completely express my gratitude to those who made this happen?

"Forth?" I look towards our bedroom where my wife is calling me.

Oh right! He can't walk.  I jog back to the room and see him on his good side staring at the door.

"Took you long enough." He says with a frown.

"I forgot."

"I get it, this is a lot isn't it?" He lifts his arm and waves his hand for me to come to him.

I walk over and hug him burying my face in his neck softly kissing it.  We sit there for a minute before he taps my shoulder.

"I have to go to the bathroom."

"Oh sorry babe.  Let's go." He shakes his head as he softly chuckles to himself.

After helping him out we get back in bed.  I pull him close to me and he pouts because he can't be in his favorite position.  We go through this every night.  To be frank I would rather him never be able to cuddle properly then to have lost him.  This is temporary and one day he will be able to wrap his legs around me to his content...and mine.


I look at the clock and it's 6AM.  What the hell is going on? I walk out into the living room and find every single freaking parent in my damn house again.  Do they enjoy seeing me in my underwear?

I stand and watch as they clean my house.  At least I don't have to do that.

"What the fuck is all of that noise? Dammit! Forth what are you doing?! It's 6 in the fucking morning!" My sweet and loving wife yells from our room.

His mother perks up and runs to our room.

"Mae.  What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? We're cleaning and getting ready for the movers."

"Movers? What movers?"

"The ones bringing all of your things here silly."

I lean against the door and watch this interaction between a slightly upset Kit and his evil mother.

I'm changing the locks after they leave.

It takes a good portion of the morning to clean the house, followed by lunch, and then movers in the afternoon.  It doesn't take long because apparently all of the furniture here is new and ours.  I didn't think about it before but now I'm glad to know I wasn't sleeping on someone else's bed.

Apparently everybody was invited back to our house for dinner.  Ahhh, maybe living across from Kit's parents wasn't the best idea after all.

Well not quite the entire party but all of the parents and our friends.  So still a full house.  Dinner was nice though and I love the idea of all of these people in my home eating together.  I would just like to be the one to invite them.

"So what's happening with Forth's grandparents?" That's Ming for you.  Always to the point.

"They were considered a flight risk so bail was denied, but it still a long way off before we get to any kind of trial date." Beam's dad explains.

"And all of their assets have been taken care of so we shouldn't have to worry about anything happening before the trial." Pha's dad throws in looking pretty pleased.

"I just feel like jail isn't really the kind of punishment they deserve." Beam's mom says.

"What do you mean Auntie?" Kit asks.

"I know we took away their power and reputations but I think unless we strip them of everything, they won't feel any kind of pain.  We need to get that company put into Forth's name, we need to empty their accounts and make them desolate."

"Oh Hathai, you didn't know?" Kit's mom asks.

"Know what?" She asks looking lost.

"Well it turns out for insurance fraud things run on a different timeline.  Since it was found that they committed the crime to get the insurance money, it was declared that all funds rightfully belong to the living heir which is Forth.  Since that money helped salvage the company, the company is his too." She explains.

"Are you serious?!" Kit, Beam's mom, and I yell at the same time.

"You didn't know either?" Beam's mom asks.

"No clue Auntie." I say.

"It was just recently declared and we still have to wait for everything to be approved and blah, blah, blah legal crap." Kit's mom says.

Beam's mom starts laughing hysterically until she cries.  Her husband and son go to comfort her.

"You hear that Boonsri? They lost everything!" She yells into the house. She lets her head drop and cries in relief.

"Let's get drunk." My godfather says.

We all, well the younger generation, look at him in shock.

"That's a fantastic idea!" Ming's dad as he slaps his friend on the back and they leave.

"I thought it was happening here." Pha says.

"Me too. I guess we're not really part of their group are we?" Beam says.

"Still getting drunk sounds good.  You can all stay here." Kit says.

"Sorry babe, no drinking for you."

I watch as his face becomes red with frustration.  His eyes narrow, his nose flares, and he's taking short panting breaths.

"GET OUT! All off you. NOW! If I can't drink you guys can't drink here either."

"Aw Kitty we won't drink without you, don't worry.  Let's just hang out without the adults."

"OK" He says in a defeated voice.

Moments later the door swings open and the parents return with A LOT of alcohol.  Oh they're getting trashed tonight and apparently so are we.

"I am so drinking!" Kit yells.

"It's ok I'll be fine." Kit says defiantly.

He's challenging me. Daring me to go against him. I'm not a stupid man.  I know I can't win this fight.

"One drink, your choice.  Take it or leave it." I counter.

"I will drink whatever you drink.  So if you drink one then I drink one, if you drink ten then I drink ten.."

"And if I drink none?"

"Then I drink one."

Dammit.  I stepped into that one.

Right now I'm on one side of my table with my friends and we are having a face off against our parents.

"Aren't they cute? They think they can take us." Ming's mom says.

"That's because they don't know any better.  They'll learn after tonight." His dad says while cracking his knuckles.

Are drinking against gangsters?  They seem a little scary right now and I'm feeling like this might be a bad idea.

"Whatever.  I know I can take all of you on." Beam throws out there.

"Really?" He father drawls.

That's a bad sign.  Pull up! Pull up! We're gonna crash Beam!

"Let's have a small wager then shall we." The smile on his dad's face says you don't want to but I want you to.

"You know what, Kit can't drink a lot right now so maybe we should put this off." I say.

But my friends are stupid.  I knew I should have gotten rid of them a long time ago.  Damn that being loyal thing.

"What's the wager?" Lam asks, eyes shining with excitement.

"This is a bad idea guys.  They look strangely calm about this." I whisper frantically to them.

"Stop being such a wuss, what's the worst that could happen?" He says.

Soooo, so so many bad things can happen.  These are the people that just plotted and took down the owner of one of the largest industries in Thailand.  Did they all forget?

A thunderous clap gets my attention

"Great then let's say if you win we will grant each of you one wish.  Within reason and a predetermined cost amount." That's a lawyer for you.

Beam looks at his father.

"It better be a high cap." He says with a smirk.

I look over at Kit who has this look on his face. I know this look. I'm feeling uneasy about this.

"And if we lose?" Pha says hesitantly.

I feel sick.  This is not a good idea.  I look at Kit's face.  The same expression.  Think Forth what does that face mean?

"Oh nothing serious, something you can totally do." Pha's dad says.

"DEAL!" Ming and Lam shout together practically jumping over the table to shake hands.

"SHIT! NO!" I yell but I'm too late. They already shook on it.

That face. It means we're gonna lose and it's gonna be bad.

I drop my head and begin truly hating my friends.  Buck up man, you're going into battle.


We were drunk under the table by the adults.  They were no joke.  Even the moms kicked our asses.  Note to self, never play drinking games against our parents.  I've never been so embarrassed for my generation.

The chipper sound of a sober and headache free mom send pulses of hate through my body.  Why is she here again?  Dammit! Kit's house is across the street.

"Morning boys, and girl." My mother-in-law calls out.  She's met with a chorus of groans to which she laughs at.

"Where's my baby" She asks.

"In bed Mae." I answer, very softly and very slowly.

She practically floats to our room.  I can't pretend to know what she'll face there.  I'm just happy it's not me.  A few moments later she walks out with and equally chipper looking Kit.  What the fuck!  Why? Why is he like that and I'm like THIS.

"Alright Kit let's go."

"Go where?" I ask rubbing my temples.

"Kit has an appointment this morning.  When he saw your condition he called and asked me to take him." She states.

I hate that she can think right now.

She rolls Kit over to me and I give him a kiss before he leaves. They head to the door and on their way.  His mother stops and looks back with a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh Forth dear, don't forget you guys lost night. We didn't.  Nice undies by the way," And she walks out.

What the fuck is she talking about? Lost what? I get a sinking feeling in my stomach.  I'm going to pay for something later, I just know it.

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