2. pattern

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Francine came out of King Gillian's office when Gillian strode out of the elevator.

"Hi, Reg, he's waiting for you," the secretary said, leaving the door open for her.

Gillian had called her father on her way up to see him, to make sure he was available. King Gillian saw his daughter's face and didn't waste time in good-mornings.

"What is it?"

"Can you get me and my team some kind of state clearance? Something that would allow us to work a case in and out of Boston."


"Cook gave us the case of three missing women here in Boston over the last month. Russell's just found one of them dead in Auburn, near Worcester, and by 'just' I mean he called me two minutes ago about it. And we have another missing girl from Springfield in the General's ER with the same characteristics."

"Okay, go on."

"Now Russell's already on it, but so far it's all inside Massachusetts, so if you can talk to the State Police Colonel, or someone from the Governor's staff, and get us an invitation, clearance or whatever, we can stay on the case and work it with Russell." Kill-shot ready? Shoot. "Else the FBI will take it over."

King Gillian narrowed his eyes. "Start working on it, I'll call you in a while."

Gillian flashed a tight smile and left in a hurry. Back to her office, she found Fred and Kurt already working on a timeline, while Hank was on the phone with Al.

"T, what're you doing?" she asked, noticing the girl was pushing her keystrokes into warp.

"I'm searching for missing person reports over the last five weeks, statewide."

Ron had put away his inventor's kit and was half-sitting on a desk, watching Fred write on the board and checking the folders.

"Kurt?" she asked.

"The missing locals didn't know each other and had no overlaps in their contacts or activities."

"And they don't share a type," said Fred. "Look at them: brunette, blonde, black. The only thing in common is that they're all in their mid-twenties."

"And they all disappeared on a Thursday," said Ron.

Gillian joined him, frowning at the board, lips pursed, hands on her hips. "What about Joan, the Springfield girl?"

"Disappeared on a Tuesday," replied Kurt.

"And she has the same cigarette burn on her forehead as the girl found dead in Auburn," said Hank.

"So they left her for dead. What time were they last seen?"

Ron checked the files. "Noon and afternoon."


"Leaving work about five."

"So whoever's taking them does it during working hours, on working days."

They all turned to her, surprised.

Ron smiled. "And that's why she's the boss."

"Okay, lads, let's move. Hank, what news from the hospital?"

"The girl's still out, and they're sending her clothes and tests over to the Lab."

"Tell Al to stay there until she can talk to her. And we need to interview these girls' friends."

"There are copies of their interviews here," said Ron, and smiled when Gillian raised her eyebrows. "Oh, yeah. First accounts, gut's check, I know."

"That a boy. T, narrow your search to girls this age, but take it six months back. Kurt, take a look at their online activity. Maybe he found them on the internet."

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