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I think I should start naming this book's chapter... What do you think?

Serena's POV

I waited for all, sitting on a bench on the terrace of pokemon center.

I dunno why but I am eagerly waiting for someone. It was kind of bad that Misty forcefully invited to join us. It is kind of rude too.

Why do all people say that I have a crush on him? I would love spending time with him alone on the beach in front of me without any pokemon or human, but that dosent mean that I have a crush on that person. And if I do, that would be impossible for me to ask him.

Somebody waves his hand in front of my face breaking me from my thoughts. I jump with terrified look.

"Hey hey, Cool down Serena. Its me Dawn."

"Hey Dawn! Where are the others?" I asked looking here and there for anyone.

"I dunno. Anyways, first tell me what were you thinking about?"

"W-who M-me?" I sluttured.

"Yes you, I know you were thinking about Ash right now. Am I right?" Dawn returned the question mark to me.

"N-no. What are you talking about?" I gulped. I know I dont have a crush on him then why am I gulping?

"Okay, I command you to answer my questions Sere." she said and I nodded, still terrified.

"Answer needed in one word, nothing more nothing less. Agreed?" Dawn ask me and I nod.

"First-whom would you like to hang out with, girls or Ash?"









"You know we dont have time, they will come any moment so speak up."

I gupled before answering, "Ash, but i- " Dawn cutted me in between.

"Thats it for this question, second- when I will interrupt you both talking, would you like to kill me?" She asked me and a slight smirk spread across his face.

"Yes- I mean no"

"I will consider the first one as my answer, third- are their times when you want to cuddle him or you feel that Ash is cuter then his pikachu?"

". . . umm. . . yeah."

"4- what was with the kiss, was that the same reason mentioned above?" she asked and I nodded with embarasement.

"final one- do you have crush on him?"





I nodded again.

I still cant believe, I mean does that questions prove that I have a crush on Ash? Tell me pls, I am totally confused.

It was when the Kanto group arrived along with May and Clemont. There was one extra person, but I could not guess.

"Hey May, Misty, Ash, Clemont, Gary, and? Who is she?" Dawn keepd her arm around me and points to a little blonde girl.

"Oh! Actually this is my younger sister Bonnie." Clemont speaks.

"She's adorable!" I said. I want to sqeeze her cheeks.

"That was Serena, that boy with pikachu is Ash, thats-"

(Intro skip)

"So where should we go?" Misty asks.

"Well, you were the one to invite us to hang out," Gary speaks and Misty gives him a death glare.

"We can battle!" Ash exclaims and get proud of his idea.

"No, i dont want to battle, either way I didnt brought my fennekin along," I replied.

"I know the gymleader of this city, she's a great friend of mine. So we can ask her to guide," Clemont says.

"Great friend or Girl friend?" Bonnie nudges his brother and he his cheeks turn pink.

"Bonnie!!" He yells at him and we all sweat drop.

"Lets go to some pub type place, I want to find a girlfriend for myself." Gary speaks.

"Shut up, people under 18 are not allowed there," Dawn speaks.

"What about amusement park?" I speak and everyone stare at me like I have murdered the rudest teacher of school.

"I think the idea is good," May looks at Misty.

"Then?" We all were waiting for.someone to speak and someone finally spoke,

"LETS GOOO!!" Ash yelled. I want to hug him, he is so cute. Oops! now I truly feel that what Dawn said was true, that means,



Boring chapter once again. I want to kill myself for giving you all boring chapters.

Can someone teach me how to mention wattpad users name in chapters, I have tried many times but the name dont get highlighted. So pls.

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