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My EX cards in Pokemon TCGO

I walk to my next class and enter inside quietly... until I found the same blue haired girl from lunch break staring at me. It was a bit awkward, or kinky. Never mind.

I sat on my usual spot and waited for Serena to get here. Instead of Serena, the same blue haired sat beside me.

"My name's Miette, nice to meet ya," she smiled and gives her hand to shake which I did.

"I'm Ash. Nice to meet you too," I said ending the statement with a smile.

"I know, you're from the top 10 most popular guys of our school... mostly top 1 I guess."

"Woah! I didn't know that. But I know Serena is from top 10 popular girls, but me...nah," I replied and saw Serena entering the classroom.

Serena examined the classroom until her eyes widened to see Miette sitting on her place. She paused and turned to sit on other place. I could sense her anger raging, so I got up from my seat and knelt down in front of the seat she is sitting.

It was when a random guy told that teacher was ill. *sigh* Thank Arceus. Thank chu too.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. She turned her head in left. Was she angry from me? "Serena, why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

Serena's POV

How can I tell you Ash that I have a crush on you. And seeing you sitting with that girl makes me feel jealous.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Ash stood and started doing sit-ups with his hands holding his ears. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he spoke with every sit-up he does. I sat with my arms crossed and looking straight at him. Looking at him struggling to apologise me is kinda cute, and funny too.

"Okay okay, its fine," I said and took Pikachu from his shoulders into my arms and started moving to our place with Ash following me behind.

"But can you tell me what was I apologising for?" Ash tilted his head blankly.

"No, I don't want to tell anyone."

"but why? can't you tell me? I'm your best friend, right?"

"I don't want to tell, or else I won't talk to you."

"Humph, fine," Ash spoke with a pouted face. How cute. STOOOPPPP! NO I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON ASH... BUT I DOO.

I poke his pout and sat on his seat. Ash gestured Ms. Kick-me-on-my-face to go away. Shoo. Don't come back again.

I took out a fluffy soft hankey and placed it on table and then placed a cute lil Pikachu an it, who almost drifted into his cutiee sleep. I patted him softly and pecked him on his forehead.

I looked over at Ash who was looking at us with disguised face.

Ash's POV

Pikachuuuuu!!! now I will give you a volt tackle. Why can't we switch places man. you bloody... I thought while watching Serena petting pikachu.

"Where did you get this cute Pikachu from? Coz I want one," she whispered looking at me with a smile. Man that is cute. Pikachu is not cute, but Serena is. I kept on admiring her cuteness until she waved her hand in front of my face breaking me from her trance.

"O-Oh y-yes, sorry. So what were you saying?" I said a little embarrassed which embarrassed me more because I saw her face palm. Oh mistake.

Serena adored pikachu for 5 minutes as I adored her. She turned and caught me looking at her. I quickly turned around and she turned back taking her fennekin out of her pokeball. They both hugged each other and I cursed the stupid fennekin. Now why I even curse the little pokemon? *sigh*

Come to think of it, I have to plan how am I going to ask Serena out. I mean Serena already asked me to go to Water park as 'friendly date,' but how am I going to confess her my feelings towards her. Spitting those 3 words out of one's mouth is sure difficult.

No one's POV

"How are they going to confess each other?" Misty asked as she drank her mongo juice slowly.

"I eavesdropped them and got to know that they are going to Water Park near by for a friendly date," a blue haired girl said.

"They are going on a friendly date, not a romantic one that they will make out there and do adult stuff. Either way, they both don't have a drop of confidence to even speak 'I like you'. They will try but return in the half way and would never try again," May said.

"You are right. Ashy boy is confident but not in these stuff as per I know. You know, he needs a teacher like me to teach these-" *PHATT!!* Gary got a slap from Misty. A tight one. "What was that for?" he kept his hand on his cheek forming fake tears in his eyes.

"That was for Ash. If I will slap him, our love-is-blind girl would stand to protect her crush!" She yelled at him.

"You know we could put a transmitter in Serena's skirt," a black haired boy told and it didn't take time to get a slap from Misty.

"You bloody rascal. Don't have any sense. Serena's right... he is totally dumbo as she told, but who brought him here?" She glared at him who gulped in fear.

"Or we could just follow them and make our plan according to the surrounding." Dawn said and everyone looked at her.

"How?" everyone asked in unison.

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay. Actually I am working on two more books which are going to be released on wednesday. If possible I'll publish a chapter for this book tomorrow. So stay tuned and...

Have a Great Day Amourshippers!!!

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