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||Chapter Status - edited||

The next day...

I move in the corridors of school searching for the lockers. Right- Left-Right-Left- Where are they?

Misty and the others have already got out from the dorm leaving me asleep. They must have thought I was still tired from roaming in the school yesterday with them.


"OW!" I groan as I fall backward on the ground.

I open my eyes and see a boy about my age in the same position as me. He sure as hard muscles and biceps to knock a girl down.

"Sorry girl! I didn't see you walking there." He speaks up.

"No, It was my fault that I wasn't looking in front, I was looking for lockers and I bumped into you." I rambled. Immediately feeling bad for doing so.

He get up cleans his pant a bit. I get on my knees and start to pick my books. My hand head towards my pouch and suddenly my hand touches his'.

I eye him and I feel like my cheeks heat up. His cheeks are becoming red, I think mine too.

I sigh in my mind and we both stood in our normal standing position.

I quickly pick my last thing and we both have an argument for whose sorry. "Locker is in your right." He speaks and I thank him and he starts to run.

"My name is Ash, okay!" he waves at me, glancing towards me and- thump!! Not again, he bumped into a guy again. I giggle and move forward as he said.

Now I am near the locker and see Dawn there.

"Hey Dawn!" I run and hug her from from behind.

"Hey Serena! Whats up?"

"Nothing I guess?"

"No no no, wait. I saw everything." Dawn speaks and forms a smirk on her face.

"Everything?" I don't know what she meant to say.

"Don't be dense Serena. Whatever happened, it was so romantic."

"Okay Dawn, I didn't understood anything.." I spoke, "'re telling me so lets just change the topic okay!"

"Alright then whats your first class?" Dawn speaks in a little disappointed tone.

"Cheer up Dawn, its pokemon biology." I speak up.

"Woohoo!! Mine too, lets go!!" Oh my Arceus, girls and their mood swings -_-

We enter our class room and everyone was settled at their places. I examine the class and saw Ash sitting their with two empty seats near by him.

He looks at me and waves his hand in the air calling us. I grab Dawn's wrist and drag her their.

"Wait up Serena! What happened?!" I ignored her and sat beside Ash and Dawn beside me.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself properly. My name is Ash, this is my partner pikachu."


"Hi, my name is Serena. Nice to meet you" I launch my pokeball and my fennekin pops out. "and this is my partner fennikin"


"wow a fenn- Dawn cuts him in between. "My name is Dawn. On my head is my partner piplup. Nice to meet you"


Ash and I sweat dropped. "Oh hi!!" and as soon as we finish talking prof. enters in the class.

"Good morning students! I am prof. Oak. I will be teaching you pokemon biology" He speaks. looks a bit old.

The period went quickly because I like studying about pokemon. Ash was interested too, but Dawn was kinda asleep I guess?

Now it is our art class. May is with me but Dawn, Ash or Misty isn't.

We were free to draw anything we want so I drew a fennekin playing with a pokeball. I was pretty appreciated for my art.

Next was our Pokemon Geography. It was pretty boring because they were teaching about Kalos to start and I know already.

"Hey Serena lets walk together to locker, kay?!" Misty was having previous class with me. I don't know if I knew anyone in my next class. I am not good at making friends.

I entered my baking class where I spotted a boy with a jumpsuit and big glasses. I walked and sat beside him.

"Hi! my name is Serena! Nice to meet you!" I move my hand for him to shake.

"Hi I am Clemont. Lumiose city's gymleader. Nice to meet you." he speaks.

Well this period also went quickly. I have to admit that I am liking a school in years.

It was lunch and I was lonely again. I entered the cafeteria and ordered a burger for me.

"Knock knock." I turned back and saw Misty their. "Hey!"

"We three just saw you their standing alone so I decided to ask you, whom are you eating with?"

"Who me- uh, well no one."

"Then come with us!" Misty drags me all the way to the table. I try to stop her but she's strong. What can you expect from a aggressive gymleader.

I turn back and saw Ash staring at my way. I wave my hand up and he smiles making my cheeks heat up again. not again!

He also had made a few friends I think.

"You can call him if you want."

I turn back and see a smirk on all three's face. "What?!"

"Call them Serena." May replies. "We have no problem."

I called them, afraid that these girls  will do something to me if I won't call them.

(To Be Continued)


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