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Ash's POV

Oh shoot! o_O someone clicked our photograph! I wasent making out with her or anything, I was just feeding her as she wanted me to, but these people. UHHH!!

I ran behind the hand when I got to know it was lunch time. I searched for that flareon every corner of the coridor coz I do not want to leave Serena.

I dont know why but people around saw me and started gossiping about me. Wait. It clearly means one thing... The photograph went viral on internet!

That bloody...

I went back inside the sick room and sat on the chair beside Serena's bed.

"What happened Ash? You look tensed." Serena asks me taking a love story named '2 states' from the side table.

"Yup, I'm fine. Its just, someone clicked our photograph, while I fed you." I replied seeing the page shevwas reading. more than half I guess.

"They have some nerves." Serena spoke as she turned one page.

Till the time she read, I checked on my instagram for new posts and trend, until I found that the photograph of me spoon feeding her the salad surely gone wild, contaning more that 500 likes this instant. We were tagged! New topic to talk in our school.

"Oh Shoot!" I yelped as I jumped from my seat distubing Serena to read further.

"Man! Ash, whats up?" She asked as she recollected on the page she was.

"See this. Someone spread our photograph on internet." I shown her my instagram which made her eyes go wide in an instant.

I saw the sender, 'Gary'.

"Cool down, Ash. Its okay." She reassured me.

"If you say so, but I will punch him at least once when I meet him!"

Serena chuckled after what I said. Its cute. "You know, now we should attend the class. Its better than before." Serena put off her blanket, ready to stand any time I agree.

"No, let me call the nurse." I replied and knocked in her office and demanded to recheck Serena's health status.

. . . .

"The temprature is back to normal. Now you both can leave to your classes." Joy said and we left thanking her more than ten times.

"Thanks Ash for looking after me." Serena thanked me. I felt awkward taking thanks from her.

"Thanks? No need, we're friends, right?" I spoke. For an unknown reason, 'friends' word hurted me a bit.

We took our binder and notes from the locker and moved to our next class as we both were in the same class.

I moved my hand to hold. I hesitated at first but she caught me and holded my hand. I blushed at the moment.

M'am was already their teaching about froakie's life style.

"May we come in m'am" we both said in unison as we stood on the doorstep.

"Yes, Mr and Ms. Now will you both mind telling me why are you both late to the class." Prof Juniper kept her hands on her hips.

"Serena was suffering from high fever and I was their with her to take care of her," I said looking down at the floor.

We immidiately broke our hands and prof noticed it.

"ahem! You both love birds can sit together if you want. Lets get back to lecture."

We both walk towards the last bench. I feel awkward at what Prof. said and my cheeks heated up making me red as tamato berry.

"Oh my! both of them are blushing." a girl ahead of uf turns with her friend to see both of us.

"Shhh, okay so as you all know frokie is friendly but a serious pokemon. Its frubbles are mainly the foam of the brooke(river). Many of you might be having frokie so others can watch them closely."


"Push your leg. Dont bend back or you'll fall. Keep doing like this."

Guess what period is this? What are we doing?

Its sports and we are skating. I knew to walk on skates but I didnt know how to roll. Serena is professional in this thing, and the one you heard instructing was her.

Serena increases her speed on her wheels and turns swiftly in a circle ahead of me.

Rest guys and girls left us alone again.


I walk Serena to her dorm as they left us thrice in a day.

We both pause our walk in front of her dorm, facing each other.

"Thank you, Ash. If you havent been there, I would be so lonely the whole day." Serena said and to my surprise she hugged me.

It felt a little passionate and warm than Gary or Mom give me. she burief her head into my cheast and I hugged her back.

It lasted 3 minutes before Misty pulled the door open. We broke amd Misty closed the door. I can still see three hands peeping from the window.

She thanked me again and I turned towards my dorm until Serena stopped me in my way.

"What happened?" I turned and she kissed me on my cheek.

"What was that for?" I ask as I keep my one hand on the place she kissed me.

Serena didnt answer me and got inside her dorm locking it. Yup, I liked it.


I got in my dorm and locked the door behind me.

"Ashy boy, how was your date with Serena?" Gary asks me lying with his phone on his bed.

"Date? I am not dating her?" I replied sitting up on my bed.

"You arent? I know you.have crush on her. Dont waste time Ashy, she is one of the top 10 popular girls in school."

Listning that last statement of him hit my heart hard. I have to win her, no matter what.


Check out my new oneshot: The Beach Players.

Have a great day amourshippers!!!

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