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The sky above was a dull gray in the afternoon, the clouds even darker and looming over the dorm in a dreading manner, the hollow wind around sighed and wallowed. Taehyung shuddered to himself with his hands covering his upper body as pitter patter rain continuously dripped from the eyes of the sky like bottled up tears.

There was a musty smell of the rain, every time the sky would cry it would erupt and with the weather telling everyone it was okay the smell would evaporate again, just like that.

Taehyung liked that damp smell. It reminded him of his village, his grandpa nonstop worrying for the tomato fields when it drizzled. But Taehyung would find his little palms against the cold glass of the windows, or sometimes his chin propped on a hand placed on the wooden frame as he'd admire the sound and the smell of the rain.

The sunny days were fine too. Sweat would prickle down his neck to his overalls, he would find his boots splashing against the clammy mud of the sunflower fields as he would run around with his eyes closed. He knew, even if he would fall the nature would catch him.

The city life was okay with him, but some days the melancholy of his sweet old childhood would twirl around his head and make his heart squeeze in pain.

"The song goes really good with the weather." He found Jimin next to him on the porch they were standing on, the boy mirroring the same posture as Taehyung as he watched it rain.

"Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near,
Just like me, they long to be,
Close to you,"

The faint sound of the old music danced around the howling air, sometimes getting pushed away by the breeze and sometimes again catching up with it.

No wonder Taehyung felt so nostalgic, he always loved to hear the songs his grandma would play in their radio. He'd love to touch the vinyls decorated in his grandpa's study.

"It's the landlord living in the second floor," Taehyung said in the lowest tone he could just so his voice wouldn’t sweep away the song too like the wind.

Silence between them befell again and he could somehow feel that the shorter was enjoying this with him, and it made a smile curve up on his face. "You notice the girl?" he nudged Jimin with his elbow.

When he turned to Jimin he had his eyes following the girl strolling by the entrance gate, a few feet away because of the lawn that was in the middle. Her short hair up to her neck, and her face faintly visible under her scarf. A yellow umbrella above her head.

Jimin had his eyes squinting as if he was noticing her for the first time, even though she had been here for some time. Taehyung had to let out a chuckle seeing the one next to him.

"Who is she? Here for any of us?" Jimin had his furrow still on when he turned to Taehyung in which the latter shrugged.

"That's what I can tell. You'll see her again in some days," Taehyung exhaled emptying out his lungs. Suddenly he felt like he was craving something, craving something on this weather exceptionally real bad.

His eyes glimmered even in the gloomy atmosphere as he suddenly got it. He turned to Jimin with the bright smile on his face. "Do you want chamomile tea?"

After a moment of hesitation Jimin nodded, and when Taehyung went inside the dorm he followed with small steps. Taehyung noticed how Jimin's eyes kept trailing behind at the girl with the yellow umbrella and it made Taehyung feel giddy how the shorter felt so curious.

The warm atmosphere inside washed over Taehyung as he stepped inside and closed the door. The plaster of a thin cold skin on his bare face and arms melting away into the natural air condition. Already he was missing the sensation of the rain, at least he could still hear the drizzle.

"Oh," Taehyung turned around to Jimin who was brushing his hands against his body. "I just remembered that my stock of chamomile tea ended few days ago."

Jimin bit hit lower lip before looking up at him. "Well, I have instant coffee. Do you want that? If you need something warm."

Taehyung felt disappointed, he really was craving it. He needed it and prepared his mind for it.

"I really wanted chamomile tea...," he trailed off with his eyebrows furrowing. "I think Jin hyung got some since his stash is never ending. We should ask him."

Taehyung was quick to go to the other part of the dorm where Jin's room was and he felt Jimin following him with hesitant steps again. As he was still pretty much a 'new' tenant Taehyung thought to himself if Jimin had never been to the others rooms, at least he knew Jimin never got to see his one.

Between the walls of the small corridor that started from the kitchen, Jungkook's room was at the very front. The rest two rooms were aligned side to side, Taehyung pointed to one of the doors. "That's Namjoon hyung's room. He's really messy, books everywhere."

Jimin had his mouth parted, formed in an 'o' shape as he nodded. Taehyung continued by himself. "Jungkook's room is a bit messy too but he's so quiet sometimes that you’ll never even know if he's inside or not. And for Jin hyung, I guess we might find out today."

"You’ve never been to his room?" Taehyung shook his head in negative hearing Jimin ask.

The question spun around a bit on his head as he thought hard. "I don't think I've really seen anyone else visit his room too."

Taehyung put his knuckles on the door and knocked softly, only for the door to push away and show a silver of what was inside.

"What? He is not inside? I thought he always locked up before going outside," Taehyung could not help but peak and from his side he saw Jimin doing the same.

A light sound of gasp left the short latter's mouth. "It's so neat!"

True, every inch of the wooden-like tiled floor, the pristine white bed with a pale blue colored bed sheet, the drawer next to it and the moon like lamp on the surface of it, the white wardrobe and white colored dressing table made with the same cuts and formation were clean, not a spec of dust around. Moreover, the simpleness yet the exquisite taste made both Taehyung and Jimin's jaws drop on the floor.

"Wow, he's sure rich. Look at the furniture!" Taehyung gaped shoving the door ajar, he could not believe a room like that existed in this very dorm and he had never seen it before.

Then his eyes fell on the papers filled with colours on the dressing table that was near the door, not papers- but they were comics and Taehyung could not help but feel a pull toward them.

"Hey," from the back he could hear Jimin's meek voice, a tone of warning. "Maybe we should not pry. It's his privacy..."

By then Taehyung had already reached for the comic books and they were on his hands. "Wow, these are sailor moon and very old versions on top of it. I wonder where he got em from."

A loud voice soon interrupted Taehyung's thoughts of admiration as a manga lover himself, though he never really read sailor moon but found himself gobbling down pages after pages of one piece, naruto or one punch man in his teen days which felt like ages ago.

"What are you doing here!" that's all Taehyung had heard before he turned around to see Jin by the doorframe, his hear disheveled, a black umbrella on his hand dripping water as his other hand was clutching a grocery bag.

"I said what the fuck are you doing here!" Jin shouted before coming inside and snatching away the comics from Taehyung in a mere second, his wet umbrella hitting the floor.

Taehyung saw the vein popping on Jin's neck, his jaw clenching and his face fuming in crimson red, and his eyes-

His eyes were mad, they had such level of intensity that Taehyung had never seen on him, or anyone before. It made Taehyung's throat go dry and his heart rate accelerate, at that moment he realized that he had done wrong. But words of apology couldn't form in his mouth.

"Out of all the stupid things you’ve done, this one was the worst, Kim Taehyung," Jin spat and the blue haired wanted to run away after the gravity of the words hit him but he felt like his feet were glued to the floor.

"I'm- we are sorry Jin hyung...," Taehyung heard Jimin mumble and he knew was still outside the room.

Another groggy voice spoke from the back. "I was sleeping, what the hell happened?" Jungkook.

Then came another, this time a deep voice that was full of cautiousness. "Is something wrong?" Namjoon.

"Get out of my room," Jin spoke with a hard stare, his bloodshot eyes never leaving Taehyung.

That's when Taehyung ran. Tears prickling his eyes, in guilt, shame or self disappointment? Probably all.

A/n: listening to it pouring outside while writing this chapter was the best decision!

I also tend to enjoy the smallest things, like the way your eyes light up when you smile. I swear your smile is the prettiest.

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