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Hello there! 

I am Scarlet Rose, and before you read my short stories, please take note for the following:

1) This is a half-fiction work, which means that althrough the stories were fictionized, some details in each of them is actually true.

2) This is my work. Repeat, MY WORK. So do not ever think about stealing this away from me. (If you are reposting this, please give me the attribution, and please, please ask me for permission beforehand.)

3) Same-sex love and marriage is mentioned in this story. If you do feel uncomfortable reading such, please refrain from continuing.

4) Along with the mention about sexuality, social problems such as bullying, sexual assault, victim-blaming, suicide and self-harm prevention is mentioned throughout the collection. If you do not feel that you are capable of reading such content, please discontinue reading the collection.

5) Please be aware that graphic material is presented in the collection.

Alright, if you are good for reading this, then off we go!

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