Welcome to Stockly

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Venus was a very ordinary boy. He loved swimming and going to the movies. He enjoyed certain subjects at school. Yes from the outside Venus appeared to be an ordinary boy expect for one small fact.......................He wasn't.

Venus was in fact Half witch half werewolf . He lived with his three aunts Ursula , his aunt Agatha and lastly his aunt Eva

Today was like any day after school he was in his room doing his homework when suddenly he heard one of the houses "alarms" go off. He sighed and went downstairs to the living room. "What alarm went off" his aunt Ursula asked. The alarms were simply different coloured crystals that started to glow and let out a loud screech when ever a certain supernatural creature arrived into town.

"Let me check" his aunt Eva said. She started looking at the crystals but stopped at the red one. "The vampire one" she said. His aunt Ursula rolled her eyes. "It must be on the fritz there hasn't been a vampire here for over 600 years" she said. "Yeah when it was first installed" Venus giggled. "Oh haha Venus no one likes a smart mouth little witch" his aunt said to him. "Makes you love me all the more" Venus said smiling. "We don't have to love ya we're family" his aunt Agatha said coming out from the kitchen. "Yeah So We're stuck with you" his aunt Eva said.

"Whatever I'm heading out" just as he opened the door his aunt Ursula closed it with her magic. "Not so fast mister did you finish your homework" she asked crossing her arms. "Sure did"  Venus said. "Fine but be back before nightfall incase the alarm isn't wrong and their actually is a vampire in stockly" she said heading to the kitchen with his other two aunts.

At that Venus headed out he was just about to cross the street when he saw a large black hearse drive by and head towards the old castle on the hill.

"Wonder what's going on there" he said. He quickly hid behind a bush and decided to go to the castle. His finger turned pink and began to wave it preparing to cast a spell. "The castle is the place  I want to be so take me there so can I see" he said and was sent to the castle in pink sparkles

When he arrived in the castle he saw he was in the dungeon. "Well looks like my aim was off" he said. Just then he saw a ugly looking man enter carrying a large black coffin. he quickly hid to the side. "Oh won't master be pleased with you rienfield" he said before he placed the coffin down.

he started to dust the coffin. At that moment he could only think of one thing. "As quick as a sneeze make him stop and make him freeze" he said pointing his finger at the man and making him freeze. "Thank wicca that worked that guy stinks" he said pinching his nose. He quickly ran out of there and saw the staircase to the tower room. He quickly ran up it.

When he finally got to the top of the staircase he saw a door quickly entering it and shutting the door. "I'll be safe here" he turned around and saw a boy his age with a stuffed wolf. "Uh hi" he said. The other boy quickly went wide eyed. "You have to leave now it's not safe here" Vlad said. "Why because your vampires" Venus smirked. "N-no" the boy stuttered.

"Relax I won't tell I'm sort of hiding a secret myself" Venus said. "What's that" the boy asked. "I'm a witch well half witch" Venus said. "then you REALLY need to go my dad hates witches" Vlad said. "Don't all vampires" Venus said smirking. "How come your not worried about being in the same room as a vampire" the boy asked confused.

"Well because you don't want to be a vampire you want to be normal and have a normal life" Venus said sitting down on the bed. "H-how do you know that" the boy asked taking a step back. "I over heard you say so " Venus said. " you eavesdropped on me" the boy said. " yeah it drives my aunts craaaazy" Venus said both started giggling at that. Venus turned to the side and saw a picture of a baby boy with a beautiful woman. "Who's that" he asked pointing to the picture. "Oh that's me and my mom (not Magda I repeat the woman is not Magda)" "is she here to" Venus asked. "No we lost her years ago and haven't seen her since" he said. "Oh I'm sorry about that I lost both my parents to and by Lost I mean dead" Venus said. "How" Vlad asked. "Not important" Venus said. "Look as much fun as this has been you really need to go before my dad decides to pop in" he said scared.

"Ok but before I go can I know your name" Venus asked. "Uh ok it's Vlad"he  said "I'm Venus and welcome to stockly" he said before saying a spell "home is where I want to be take me there and away from here" he said and in pink sparkles was sent back home

"Your father won't be pleased to hear you've befriended a witch master Vlad" the wolf said. "Only if someone tells him" Vlad said smirking.

When he beamed back into his room he went downstairs to the living room and saw his aunts brewing something in s cauldron. He breathed a sigh of relief and went up to his room. He took a look out his window towards the castle. "Well if a vampire around things might get more interesting" Venus said thinking of Vlad


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I promise I'll try to make the next one longer and please let me know what you think in the comments

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