Chapter 1: Amentet's Trail

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Zatt POV:

Light... there's... nothing.

We often associate emptiness and coldness with darkness, but it seems light fills that void almost as blindingly as darkness. The person standing over me shined until their colours turned so bright they disappeared.

Then everything turned white.

Am I supposed to say something? 

Do people speak when they're dead? Is this where I am? Death.

"Open your eyes."

Aren't my eyes open? I thought they were... I thought things couldn't turn brighter, but they did. I've been a good enough person, right? Is this "fish Heaven"? 

I could feel myself blink and a familiar rough but soggy feeling under my fingers before shadows appeared like little dots.

The darkness formed shapes that slowly adopted familiar shades of green that moved slowly between the bright blue in the distance.

Sky... trees...

I felt pressure on my right side and saw a bright form of green that reminded me of the ocean's depth. There is only one living being I associate with the living embodiment of water.


She was smiling, her head resting on her arms, which were resting on my arm, and she chimed.

"Heeey, sleepy head."

I glanced around and noticed that we were both dressed in white, standing in an angelic-looking area and suddenly felt concerned.

"Did you die too?"

She tilts her head in the way she does when she has an advantage.

"You think this is death."

"Isn't it?"

"This is all in your head." She answered, stroking my face with the back of her hand.

So this is... not real? Not Heaven.

"Then why are you here?"

"I was the last thing you thought about, the last thing you wished to see."

I frowned, remembering moments after I was stabbed.

"I think you mean "I was the last thing you saw.""

"I always am." She answered, standing up.

What did she mean?

I rose to follow her, and as I stood up, everything turned black. The field turned into a strangely familiar, sinister hallway, the Jedi Temple. 

I could hear distant screams as the floor before me became covered with bodies. Perhaps I did not notice it right away, but as I rushed to the bodies, I realised how small I was. I was a child again. All my friends were dead. The Masters, the younglings, the other Knights... I noticed a Pau'an Sentinel who had his mask ripped off before he was shot and lay lifeless on the floor.

Suddenly, I heard distant chatter before Clone troopers appeared in the hall.

"Hey!" I cried, winning their attention. "Over here, help me!"

The soldiers rushed towards me, weapon in hand. I barely noticed the one aiming in my direction before they were violently Force pushed away by a taller blur. I looked up to a Calamari Knight standing between me and the clone troopers. He looks over his shoulder, saying.

"Are you hurt?"

"Nahdar Vebb?" I realised.

Master Fisto's first Padawan died during the Clone Wars when I was still a kid. He shouldn't be here! Nothing about this made sense. He knelt at my height and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Something terrible is happening here, little brother. Listen to me very carefully."

Before he could explain, he blocked a lightsaber and pushed me away as he engaged a hooded figure with a blue lightsaber. Only a Jedi would wield a blue lightsaber! Nahdar struggled to keep up with his opponent's strength and swift strikes, but most importantly, he kept checking if I was alright.

Suddenly, a clone seized me before pulling a small pistol against my head! I screamed and fought! Biting his hand, Nahdar noticed I was in danger, but the figure wouldn't let him come to me. The shadow pinned him against a pole, their lightsabers pressing dangerously closer to Nahdar. As the man dragged me away, I noticed Master Fisto rushing towards us, his lightsaber in hand.

He stopped to assess the situation.

"Master!" I called out, trying to push the pistol away from my head.

Kit looked between me and Nahdar. That is when it hit me. If he helps Nahdar, he won't have enough time to save me before the trooper pulverizes my brains. But if he helps me, Nahdar will likely be struck down before he can get to him.

I noticed Nahdar tried to say something before the figure seized his throat to shut him up! My strength was failing against the older man as the pistol got closer and closer to my face.


I saw Kit looking right into my eyes, with a look I had never seen before, as he whispered...

"I'm sorry."

Kit turned away from me and rushed to help Nahdar. Kit... left me... I was so stunned that the blaster slipped from my hands and I closed my eyes before hearing a deafening echo of thunder.

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