Superboy X Reader

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(Y/N) Your Name
(E/C) Eye Colour
(H/C) Hair Colour
(N/N) Nick Name
(S/H/N) Super Hero Name
(N) Number
(H/L) Hair Length
(S/C) Skin Colour

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'Conner Kent, black hair, blue eyes, strong build' I sat up straight suddenly and ran to my room to write this down in my diary.
"Like living with a chihuahua." Alfred said, watching me leave. I sat on my bed, grabbing my diary and feather pen. My (E/C) eyes scanned the page.

"What else can I write about him?" I asked myself quietly.

"Write about who?" I shot up, covering my diary as I glared at my brother, Dick.

"No one." I said, hiding my diary behind my back as he walked over.

Dick reached over, grabbing my diary he opened it. "Conner Kent?"

I snatched my diary back. "Dick, you better not tell anyone." I said, glaring.

He reached over moving my (H/C) hair from my eyes. "Don't worry (N/N), he might like you back, and I won't tell, but he might find out."

He let out his signature cackle before walking out, it took a few moments to realise what he was doing.
I stood up quickly hiding my diary in my pillow case and chasing after him.
I slid into the cave, and noticed Batman was there.

"(S/H/N), Robin, you need to get over to Mt Justice, now." He spoke.

Robin and I nodded, before heading to the nearest Zeta Tube.

Superboy's P.O.V

"Recognised, Robin, B01."

"Recognised, (S/H/N), B0(N)"

I looked over from where I was patting Wolf and watching Static on the TV again, I studied (S/H/N)'s features from what I could see from her mask.

(H/L), (H/C) hair, (S/C) skin, she was stunning, from what I could see, anyway, she was too much like Robin, not letting anyone see her eyes.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I smiled at Conner when I noticed him looking at me and I waved. "Hey Conner."

Conner just turned back to the TV, a small frown crossed my features and I turned back to Robin, but he had disappeared.
I began to walk into the kitchen, but Wally stopped me. "Hey babe, you look good."

I walked past him. "And you look like an idiot, not interested West, I like someone already."

I walked into the kitchen, seeing M'gann. "Hey M'gann."

She looked over and smiled. "Hello (S/H/N), how are you?"

"I'm fine, I guess, Di- I mean Robin found out though." I referenced my little crush.

M'gann was the only other person, now, that knew of my crush on Superboy.

M'gann looked over. "Would you like a cookie?"

I smiled and nodded, taking a couple. "Thank's M'gann."

I gasped as she pushed me to the door. "Go! Talk to Conner." And she pushed me into the lounge room.

I took a deep breath and walked over. "Hey Conner!"

He didn't look up. "Hey."

"Want a cookie?" I asked, holding a cookie out.

He took the cookie, I didn't expect a thank you, because it wasn't something Conner did, but, I guess I was wrong.
"Thank you." He said, motioning for me to sit next to him.

I sat down quietly, and looked at him, he looked at me as well. "Can I see your eyes?" He asked softly.

I gulped, but took off my mask, my (E/C) eyes meeting his blue ones. "My name is (Y/N)."

We looked into each other's eyes for what felt like forever, then he was pushed forward so our lips met, he went to pull away, but I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down.
He closed his eyes, and a few seconds later I closed my eyes, the kiss was surprisingly soft.

We pulled away, the culprit who had pushed Conner was none other than Wolf.
Conner got off me quickly, and Wolf barked, moving to lick my face. "Wooolf!" I whined.

"I'm the only one that gets to give (Y/N) kisses."

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