Self Publishing -- Step 2: Crafting a Title

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You've probably had a working title for your novel for a long time -- it might have even been the inspiration for the story itself! Unfortunately, no matter how near-and-dear that title is to your heart, it may not be a title that attracts readers.

(Personal note: I feel your pain. I absolutely LOVE the working title of my novel-in-progress. Unfortunately, not a single person in the Industry has liked it. I have to accept, no matter how much I love it, it will likely need to be changed if I want readers to be attracted to my book. And I do!)

To craft an effective title, do some creative brainstorming:

--Make a list of words associated with your novel's content. Include verbs -- the more concrete, the better. Extend the list by adding synonyms of those words.

--Describe your book's central themes. What words are associated with that theme? Add those words to your list.

--Add the names of your major characters and locations to the list.

Play with different combination of the words. Make titles of different lengths, from one to five words. Consider combinations that have multiple meanings/interpretations relative to the story.

Collect several potential titles, not just one. Then:

--Search for them on Amazon. Your book title doesn't have to be unique, but I recommend that you not have the same title as another book in your book's genre. When someone searches for your book's title, you want to be sure they aren't going to be buying someone else's book by mistake.

--Test them! Ask members of your target audience to choose which title makes them want to know more about the book. Don't tell them what the book is about -- you want to know which title, all by itself, makes them want to learn more. Listen to their feedback. Ask them, on a scale of 1-10 how interested they are in finding out more about that title. If none of the titles really excite them, go back to the drawing board.


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