Chapter 10

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Slight Gore Warning-Skim To END To Skip

~Danny's POV~

I groaned as I sat up from my bed, giving my arms a stretch.

"Scum." A familiar female voice called out.

What was that?! 

I started to quickly look over my surroundings, getting ready for a fight. 

"A menace!" A male voice followed, that I only sightly recognized. 

Wait a minute...

"We'll rip you apart molecule by molecule, you ghost scum!" The two voices screamed together. 

Dang* it! Not again... 

And I've been doing so well, too...

My apartment room started to melt as a one with pure, white, walls. The bed all of a sudden pulled me down, strapping my limbs down despite my failed attempts to get free. 

The restraints not allowing me to escape. 

My breathe picked up as I started shouting for the male and female in front me to stop even before they started. 

They ignored my pleas rather to pick up a knife. 

No, not a scalpel, that would be to nice. But instead, the female I once called mom, held a sharp, jagged, pocket knife. The male I called dad many times before had, within his hand, a blade coated in blood blossom extract. 

I yanked on the restraints, trying to go intangible or break free, even though I knew I couldn't. 

These two were my parents, once upon a time. 

They hate me 'cause I'm a ghost, even though it's partially their faults. 

They did their own experiments for five months on, or in, me before joining up with the GIW.

A scream broke through my mouth as I felt one knife cut open my arm, the other creating a 'Y' along my stomach and chest. 

"Stop! Please, stop it! It hurts!" I screamed, begging the two to stop prying open my body, tearing at my muscles and organs. 

"Stop acting like you can feel, you ghost!" The female in the blue jumpsuit sneered. 

The male in orange tore into my muscle, pulling it apart.

I managed a weak scream though my short breathes for air.

At least, until the female started to prod at my lungs.

"You are just a worthless, yet unique, piece of ectoplasmic creation. You belong neither in this realm, nor the other. If anything, we're doing EVERYONE a favor!" The male screeched. 


I woke up with a start.

Dang* it! I thought they stopped a month ago...

Please let this be just a one-time thing!

It hurts so much to even think about then, much less to dream about it. 

I slowly sat up, wrapping my arms around my bare torso in attempt to stop my shaking.

It's in the past now. 

They don't got me no more.

I safer now.

They aren't able to hurt me right now.

I'm okay...


Shakily, and slowly, I stood to my feet, walking over to the sink.

I turned the water on to cold and drank it through cupped hands. I then headed back to bed to look at a watch that laid beside the computer. 

Five huh.

Gotta get to work in two hours.

Maybe I should take a walk.

I grabbed an apple out of the fridge. I usually don't like eating cold apples, but it helps to preserve  it and keep bugs away. 

I bit into the cold fruit, savoring the flavor. Though, I'm probably regret this soon because it pains my stomach to eat the juicy fruit on empty. Although that's probably the acid in the apple.

Do apples even have acid, or is this just a me problem.

I turned on the computer with the hand that has no apple juice on it.

I take online classes because it's hard to get a better grip in life without an education, and I can't really go to school with my job and don't forget the looks for my appearance. 

I raked my bony right hand though my oily hair, waiting for the website to load. 

I'm doing pretty good in online school. I can do the work on my time and don't have to deal with the other students, at least in the same room as them. There is a class chat that us students can use if we're having help, whether you're asking an classmate or teacher.

I quickly read though the assignments for today while nibbling at the apple, stomachache already forming.

I got up after doing the first math sheet and slipped on my shoes, ready for a nice, little, walk to work.

I typically fly because it doesn't take up to much energy and I live a few miles away from work, so it's more convenient to just soar through the sky and avoid people. But after that dream, I think a walk will do me good.

I stepped out of my apartment, only locking the door after triple checking I have the key.

I walked around for a little bit, not going directly to work, but just taking in the scenery. 

It's been about two weeks since I started feeling like I was being watched. But I always mange to lose the person, or people, who have been following me before heading home, to work, or where ever my destination is.

Let's just say, I'm really getting to memorize the restrooms in this city, and am more thankful  than ever that I'm able to go invisible. 

"Hey! You're Dick-head's brother, right?" A familiar voice came from behind me. I stopped my walking and turned around with a blank look on my face, although I had the hood of my hoodie up so the other male my have not seen my expressionless face, or didn't care due to him continuing to talk.  

"It's Danny." I said simply, looking the taller male in the eyes. Jason was about an inch sorter than Dick, but I'm sure he'd surpass him in height soon enough.

"No need to get so benchy* this early in the morning. Just want to talk and get to know the brother of the Dickhead. What are you doing out so fulling* early, anyway?" Jason asked after he finished explaining.

"I could ask you the same thing, but if you must know, to work." I replied, not trying to be to rude.

"Relax, I'm just out for a morning jog before the demon and the Smart-Alec get up and start fighting. But, dang*! Your personality does a one-eighty when you're not around Dickie, huh?" Jason spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice while lighting a cigarette.

"You smoke?" I asked with a questioning look, eyeing the cancer stick.

"Yeah. Why, you want one?" The taller asked in a mocking tone, waving the pack he pulled one out of in the air.

"Deepens. Do I have to give ya anything in return?" I replied with a raised brow.

Jason's eyes widened in what a appears to be shock. Most likely not expecting me to say yes.

"You smoke?" The younger asked, still in shock.

"Is it really that surprising?" I retorted, little emotion showing in my voice.

The boy put his hand up in surrender, handing me a cig and his lighter. I stuck the stick in my mouth and light the lighter, bring the flame to the end of the cigarette. Once lit, I handed the lighter back to Jason, who is still slightly shocked by my actions.

"What? Didn't expect me accept your offer?" I asked in a mocking tone, taking a puff.

"Who knew Goldie's big bro smoked?" The male seemingly snapped out of his shock.

"Better be only us." I replied in a slightly threatening tone.

"Chill. I won't tell if you won't. They all think I ducking* quit a while back." The younger, yet taller, explained, for some reason a little unnerved by the boy.

"Why are you even out here? I didn't take you for a morning person." I questioned my brother's adoptive brother.

"I'm not. Just haven't gone to sleep yet. I'll do that during class." The taller blue eyed boy explained.

"You really shouldn't do that. Do you have any idea what physiological problems can come from lack of sleep, let alone the physical? Your mind will not be able to function properly, you'll act more on impulse, you're body will become sluggish, you can lose your appetite, which would lead to even more problems. And sleeping during school? Really? You are luck to even have an education. Do you know how many people would kill to go to school? And you waste it on sleeping... Not to mention, you smoke. It can cause cancer, you know. Why are you risking it for a temporary relaxation. You should take better care about yourself, Jason. You have people who care about you. So fix yourself before you wreck yourself." I ranted. 

Jason looked taken off guard by my outburst. 

"Then what about you?" The taller retorted. 

"Hey! You offered. Who was I to deny this rare treat?" I replied, putting the cigarette back into my mouth. 

I took a look at a watch I put on before I left and noticed that I have three minutes to get to work.

"OH FUDGE*!! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!" I ran off leaving Jason before he could reply. 

After I was out of sight from him, I ducked into an ally and teleported to another one beside my workplace and ran inside.

I hate teleporting because, A, it's more of a new power and, therefore, untrained, B, it gives me a headache, and C, since I don't know how to us it very well, it's not always accurate and can give many side effects.  

Hey guys! My chapters just keep getting longer and longer. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Now for some questions:

Should Dani (She will show up) be Danny's daughter or sibling/cousin?

Should Danny or the Bat's reveal themselves first?

What do you think I can do to make this book better? 

Word Count: 1616

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