The Hunger of Death Beyond Me

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Warning: IT'S GOING TO GET DISGUSTING AND BLOODY!!! I care if you will be forever scared or scars for life because of me and my book. So warning again!
-Hope you'll be fine, jasables
You're probably wondering how I got to get in the house in the first place. Let's just say they left their window open in the second floor of their house with a tree branches near enough to reach it, but you get the point.
I decided the way I came in would be my escape route my plan to kill anyone in a proper manner backfires. For now, I slowly fast walked to the living room which is a room in front of the kitchen. I fastly looked at where I could hide and there was a couch that ended up having me behind it.
I saw the hopeless girls walk in the kitchen to see their friend dyed in the color dried red. I heard them sniveling in depression, but in disbelief that their friend died.
They soon panicked realizing I could be here and went upstairs. They whispered to go to the open window upstairs so, the last person getting upstairs found misfortune behind their back.
I made one of the popular girls' parent trip and fall on the ground before their last step to the second floor. I assume was the parent of the my first victim by observing their resemblance.
She blacked out which was the perfect to playing with her life or death situation. I cut her neck spraying out blood like the other victim. It seemed like the sprinklers childern run into and get wet enjoying that chill that goes in the back of your spine.
I went to cut her intestines open to use to make a girl doll. The doll had a slender, pinkish red hair. Its body had dark red cherry color that I love so dearly for the luxurious look. Her beady eyes cry blood, but had a smile clogging up even more blood, but the rest of her face was pale since her reflection was breathtaking.
I was surprised she was able to whimper for help despite her condition, but after she did that, she was a goner. Good, now I only have two people to play freeze tag with me! I heard them come down stairs that I hid behind the entrance of the kitchen door.
They saw the woman's eyes not in control of them so, these pupils were concealing. They were losing more of their enthusiasm to the point they could care less. Which is crucial to not feel sympathy for each other!
I stomped to make fake steps to sound as if I was hunting them down agressively. I opened the kitchen door slightly to peep in a tiny hole I made. I saw them ran behind the couch where I hid, but little did they know I brought a chainsaw for the occasion.
The chainsaw roared in excitement that it was already calling out our victims for their death appointments. The popular girl and her parent screamed and ran for their lives reluctantly taking any chances of doing the aappointment. The chainsaw sniffed out the sinners for me and it clobbered them into chunky pieces flavored with red sauce. It had its scrumptious meal, but my stomach started to become ravenous myself.
The rumbles kept getting more audible from my stomach, but my eyes were searching for the food in their kitchen, but it was icky junk food! I was looking at my victims as delectable protein, I decided instead of hiding their bodies in my closet as one of my dead people collections, they'll be hidden in my stomach.
I broke every joint of their body and organized every organ with my bloody hands while warming up the frying pan. I was frying the flesh filled with bloody meat with seasoning. I grilled the any organ you see fit and its fun to have my own barbecue party. I ate all their bodies, but cleaned up my victorious evidence because it's just too glorious to be seen by eyes of anyone.
I went back home pretty late, but luckily, my mother didn't mind because I was growing up so, she understands, but only if she knew what I really did today or those other days...what would she had said to me? Would she run down the hills to neglect me? Would she accept what I am and even support me on the way? Or could it go worse than I ever anticipated? Either way, I'm not telling her because I got top many things to worry about.

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