The Uron that Came

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Uron is probably the most challenging person to describe because it's probable I haven't been with him enough to know him as much as Clavora.
I met him in the school library when I was in 9th grade.
I was in the library because I had this most massive, imperative test in the world for each subject I learned from. It was pretty much my whole grade for my final semester of 9th grade. I know I won't fail, but I need a phenomenal grade and impact to be definite that I'll be a doctor.
Imagining of doubt and despair from the person that took care of me since I was born and seeing me get a decent grade on the largest test is deplorable because you need to impress them once in your lifetime. I'm not reluctant to do this, eventhough it took away my "extracurricular activities", I going to give it my all.
I looked all around the school library to see no one was there. "Great! I can study here and I bet the have the books I'm looking for in each subject and I certainly pass with an A+ for each one!" I said determinedly.
"Then, can we study together like study buddies in elementary school?" a voice said which I wasn't aware of.
"Who said that?" I replied. That's when I found hands in my eyes and was startled if that person would harm me.
I felt warm breath near my ears and the same voice whispered with a mischevious grin "You'll have to guess, but if you get it wrong you'll have to be my study, buddy."
"Fair enough. You sound like...hmm. I think U..r..on Sycne?" I guessed
"Of course you knew because I'm the most popular boy in school! So unfair!" Uron mumbled and complained in defeat. He had chocolate hair with blueberry eyes that came along was tan skin. He was wearing a gray t-shirt with navy blue jeans and black sneakers.
"I'm Frunie by the way..., but even so, why don't you sit with anyone in lunch?"
"I'm popular because of my looks, not me in whole, Frunie.  They never really took time to know me. Besides, I don't want sit in a seat with girls giving me flirty eyes all the time. So, I told everyone who followed me not to sit with me or else I'll ignore them and pretend they're not from existance." he said while combing his silky, shiny hair.
"I could care less. Especially, that's what I am now. Isolated from the world. I don't even exist because this world is just-"
"Stop it! You're here! I see you! You're divergent from people? Great because I am too! Just're too pessimistic." he said quivering in fear hugging me and caressing my hair. I was in shock by his action because I never seen Uron do this to any girl nor did anyone else or at least that's what rumors were being said. I slowly grinned and hugged him back.
"I'm sorry, Uron. I came back to reality to see I'm here. Maybe we will be study buddies and friends."
"I love that idea and I know you can't resist me. It's in my power of attractiveness." he said as he winked at me while making poses.
"Pshh...yeah, right." I said bluntly.
"Come on, Frunie! Let's study together to see who's going to get a better grade!" he said enthusiastically while waiting for me to take his hand.
I remember accurately what I replied to him and it made me grin.
"Ok! I hope you get a good grade or else I'll get a perfect one!" I giggled while taking his hand.
Looking at the two of us having fun studying for the test was jubliance to me. Luckily, we both passed with A+ in all our tests. We both looked at our test grade and then each other knowing our friendship will be interesting.
Thank you for reading my horror book. I know it's not scary/insane, but it will be in a few chapters so warning. Anyways, comment about as much as you want. It might help me help you enjoy the book better. This book is in a horror book contest so, don't be afraid to vote! If you don't that's fine because I can always make another book run in the contest, you know? Love my followers and the people who even decide to read some of the book even if it's one word, thank you for spending you time to reading this book. I try to make it my best by getting as much advices as possible from Wattpad to friends and family. So thank you again and see you in a couple of chapters to talk to you again!
Love, jasables!


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