When the World Meets Crazy Odds...

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Warning: It's getting emotional and sorta scary, but for the most part, you'll be fine. It's more emotional so, cry if you need to. I'll be here for your comfort and support!
I soon saw a bright light...am I going to heaven? Nope. Wait a minute...I'M ALIVE?! I see myself still in the kitchen with the knife stuck in my intestines and my red covered cloth wrapped in my shoulder and the knife that is know part of my body seem to help stop the bleeding.

It was difficult to get up due to my pounding head and the knife chomping my intestines. Even though I was alive, I could die again if I don't do something about that crazy monster on the loose who's going to kill all Clavora's beloved ones. I got to stop her...., but not in this condition. Don't worry, it can always be arranged.

I pulled out the knife quickly and got to do surgery on myself for a few minutes. Then, I heard that hideous voice that made my viens pop up so big, that it could detonate.

"Uron, where are you? I just wanted to kill you that's all. There's nothing to it! I guess we're playing hide-and-seek! Just for you to know, Uron, I've already killed all her family, friends, but you are her crush so, best for last!" Clavora's monster giggled insanely.

I heard her footsteps going upstairs and hoped Uron was somewhere here. I looked inside the shower, but no luck for being there. I checked every place in the first floor, but no Uron. I remembered Clavora and I shared a secret hideout place and showed it to Uron. It was a enormous vent that took you to this old, dirty room filled with anything you anticipate in that room. We did clean it up and that's where we found grim, darks secrets about the world we live in. It's not pretty if you ask me, but I would suggest you not to read it, but maybe later on in life when you prompt yourself for the horrors about my world.

I went to that secret hideout, but leaving no traces behind so, it will take a while for her to find me. I finally found Uron hiding behind the closet.

"Uron! It's me, Frunie! You can come out now!" I loudly whispered.

Uron was mind blown to see me as if I was a ghost.

"Frunie?! But how---? Wha---?! I saw you---. Ugh! This doesn't make any sense!" Uron said frustrated.

"I know that you saw me dead, but I could've been unconscious for a while, but the cloth and the knife...sorta stopped the bleeding so, I got enough blood back and woke up in agony though. Don't worry, I did my little operation." I said while patting on my stitches.

"Oh my god, Frunie! You scared me for a second when I saw you there...dead. I couldn't feel anything once I saw you like that. I didn't want to know you were dead and to see it with my two eyes, it makes everything tremble to my body to the point I can't breath, but I'm fine now. You're here with me, it gives me hope to stay alive another day. I miss you." He said crying as he embraced into my arms, but I didn't cuddle back.

"Oh, I see how it is. Playing hard to get I see and trying to be brave. I can do that too, but I can't then again. You know you want to cuddle with me to feel better, don't you?" he said whispering teasingly in my ear as he stopped cuddling me.

"No, but why bring this up in a time like this?" I asked sighing in annoyance.

"Just trying to set up the mood." he explained while blushing and putting one hand behind his head.

"Right now, we need to kill that monster. I'll do it with or without you so, are you in, Uron?"

"I'm in. Let's do this! So, what's the plan, Frunie the genius?"

We made booby traps as the monster was upstairs checking every lint of dust in every room. We grabbed our knives ready to make a massive bloodbath than she did on Clavora's house and relatives' houses.

The monster finally came downstairs and fell into our booby trap. The screams of injuries, agony, blood, and all of the good elements dying inside the monster. We found her lying down with red scars, broken ankles, and a good chunk of wood piercing into her chest. I feel better now since she knows accurately how my pain felt, but she still seems alive. Uron was ready for us to end her, but I protest and shook my head.

"I have to kill her by myself. It's my fault she ended up like this. You're not going to stop me and you know that very well when I took you down in mixed martial arts class." I said as if it was destiny.

"Alright, I get the point, but be quick. I still need to have that special talk with you." Uron said clrarly blushing and sweating.

I looked into the eyes of the monster that ruined Clavora's life. I hold the machete that I found in the secret hideout place that was prompt to swing at the monster's neck. As I about to murder her, I found myself finally talking to the real Clavora in the "bestest" time.

"Go ahead. Kill me now and it'll be all over. Besides, all my family is gone because of this monster inside me, but it's all my fault it's happening because I could've hold the monster back from doing anything so it would just be my conscience in my head. I wouldn't rather be kill by worthy relative or life long friend that knows what's best. You know you have to do it, Frunie. There's no other way." Clavora said with a wide, sunny smile on her face.

My hand was shaking to every word she said, but she was right. I dropped my weapon and bend my knees to feel a strange substance in my face. Watery tears that kept going without a care in the world because it went against my willpower to stop it. Uron patted my shoulder and walked outside to sit by the porch. I finally remembered the good memories Clavora and I shared together. I knew today our friendship was the realist thing I ever had in this world and always will be. I hold my hand to Clavora looking down aware of her reply, but I didn't want her to look at my dirty, wet face because it's not her knight in shining armor looking at her. It's a average citizen clueless of what to do and snivels in fear which is deplorable as well.

"Are you sure you want me to end your life?" I asked Clavora.

"Yes, please do. I was going to die as I lived this life anyways. I can finally rest in peace, but you better not try to die the way I am! Before I die, I love you and my loved ones." she said ever so calmly and upbeat about it that it scared me deep, deep down inside me.

"Fair enough and...I love you, Clavora. Sweet dreams, friend." I said trying to meet her vibe, but it came out emotionless.

And with that, I swung the machete right through her neck like Fruit Ninja and she was gone while her face of innocence was isolated from her body. I frown in depression, but smiled at her forever grins on her lifeless face.

"We'll meet again someday, Clavora,...someday." I said.

I went to the porch where Uron was waiting for me to have that talk.

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