Chapter Four: Getting Attached

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 "Sir, there's villagers at the door!" A maid called as you two came in through a window. You appeared near the door and Katsuki stormed up to it to peer out. He snarled and looked at you.

"Go hide upstairs and don't come down until I say, got it?"

"What? But they're just—"

"Do I make myself clear?" He asked, sternly.


"Do I make myself... clear." He bared his fangs. You growled at him, flattening your ears. You rolled your eyes as you said in a mocking tone,

"CrYsTaLL." You could tell he was tempted to do something with you, but he stopped himself and let you go upstairs in your wolf form. Once you were out of sight, he growled and opened the door.

"The hell do you want?" His frown turned into a scowl as he realized who was at his door.

"H-hi, Kacchan..." A green haired freckled boy spoke nervously.

"Deku..." He sneered. "The hell are you doing here? I was in the middle of something!" He snarled.

"S-sorry! But... Uraraka thought she saw a strange wolf run through our village half an hour ago. We thought she came from here." 'Deku' stuttered.

"So? It's a wolf."

"But, Kacchan, it had the same markings as werewolves."

"You know how stupid that sounds? There hasn't been one in forever. You of all people should know that. You and your little witch." He spat his insults at the poor villagers.

"Prince Bakugo, you need to learn to treat your villagers with as much respect as they treat you." A black haired woman with a large ponytail scolded him.

"What do I care, Ponytail? It's damn Deku!" He protested.

"Are you hiding something, Bakugo?" A brunette girl with brown eyes asked.

"What? No! What the hell gave you that idea, Round Face?"

"Her name is Uraraka." The black haired woman responded.

"Have you seen yourself? You're all red in the face." Uraraka commented.

"Hah? I'm fine, now get out of here, I have things to do!"

"Kacchan, it is your duty to tell us everything that is going on in the castle as well as our own village. Now what was that? It's a simple question." 'Deku' pressured.

"It was nothing! She is none of your concern!"

"So it's a she-wolf....!" 'Deku' exclaimed. The villagers started talking amongst themselves excitedly.

"She could bring them back, and Prince Bakugo can achieve his goal and fulfill his promise!" Uraraka squealed.

"Dammit..." Bakugo mumbled.

"Where is she now?" 'Deku' gazed at him, smiling.

"She—" He started before you accidentally knocked over the plant you were hiding behind.

"Crap...!" you muttered to yourself.

"Was that her? Let us see her!" Uraraka demanded.

"No, it was probably one of my maids messing with something, just leave!" He snarled.

"Kacchan, this is important!" 'Deku' pushed.

"So is what I'm doing!"

"Everyone, shut it!" You shouted before things got too heated. Everyone gasped and some of the girls squealed as they ran past Bakugo and crowded you.

"Y/n...." He growled. Through everyone's chatter, you could hear him cursing to himself and you flashed him a glare.

"How'd you live?"

"How are you here?"

"Did Prince Bakugo kidnap you? For your blood, no less." Everyone bombarded you with questions and you chuckled nervously.

"Everyone, relax! Please!" You tried to calm them.

"Yeah, give the dog some space. Damn.." Bakugo scoffed. Your fur bristled hearing him use the insult yet again. The villagers backed away from you, giving you some room to breathe.

"Uhm..... th-thank you. Bakugo."



"Call me Katsuki."

"Katsuki..." You repeated. "Thanks."

"Yeah yeah. Can I work now?" He looked at you. You sighed.

"Yeah." He was about to speak, but he closed his mouth and just let it go as he walked away.

"What happened to your neck?!" 'Deku' noticed the staples surrounding your scars and everyone else started asking more questions.

"Guys guys I'm fine!" You shouted. Everyone quieted down. "I've had this since I was five, I've gotten used to it. Besides, I'm used to far worse pain."

"Oh... okay... You sure?" 

"Yes, Deku."

"O-oh. I'm sorry, but Deku isn't my name. It's just an insult Kacchan has always called me by since we were kids. My name is Izuku Midoriya." He holds his hand out, offering a handshake. You smiled and took his hand.

"Y/n L/n."

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka." The brunette smiled.

"Momo Yaoyorozu." The black haired woman bowed. "You must be special to the Prince if he let you in his castle."

"I wouldn't say that, but I guess I am." You put your hand behind your neck.

"Tsuyu Asui." A small female smiled. You gazed at the frog-like girl and smiled back.

"Whoa! Are you half frog?"

"Well, it was more of a lab accident, but yes." She croaked. Your tail lashed back and forth.

"So cool!"

"Really? Kero." 

"Hell yeah! You're adorable!"

"Thanks." She smiled best she could. 

"So? What do you think of our future king?" Ochaco smiled.

"Hothead, anger issues, protective, prideful, confident, stupid, ambitious... Pretty cool." You counted on your fingers as you listed off his positive and negative attributes before hiding them behind your back.

"And our village? Do you want to explore?" Izuku asked, already planning on taking you on a small tour.

"Sure! Of course!"

"What?! You're not leaving this place!" I heard the blonde protest. My ears flattened.

"Come onnnn, Katsuki... You know wolves like freedom! Besides, I wanna get to know everyone here since I'm going to live here for the rest of my short-lived life." You rolled your eyes and followed the villagers out the door and onto the pathway to their village. You smirked when you heard Bakugo's famous 'tch' as he slammed the door behind him and placed his hands in his pockets. "Oh, you're coming with us now?" You teased.

"Of course I'm coming... Gotta make sure you stay safe and away from the borders.." He scoffed as he approached you and walked beside you. You rested your head on his arm as you walked.

"Thank you~" Your tail wagged slowly behind you when you heard him mumble.

"You're welcome, you needy dog..."

"I'll take it." You chuckled. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a slight curve in Katsuki's mouth, making you feel nervous. You all stopped once you reached the town center and you gazed at Izuku as he got up on top of the bell that sat in the midst of the village before turning and facing you with his arms out.

"Y/n... Welcome to Buraddo Mūn!" (Bee-urr-ah-doe M-ooh-nh)

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