Chapter One: Welcome Home (REWRITTEN)

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You awoke in a dark room with the curtains drawn, leaving your eyes to adjust to the shadows that surrounded you. You sat up and groaned softly, feeling a sore in the side of your neck. You swept your feet over to the side of the bed, standing up and walking over to the curtains. When you opened them, you realized you were a little high above a village. The moon was full and the stars glistened in the night sky. You opened the window and closed your eyes, feeling the wind against your wolf ears.

Wait... Where am I? You thought to yourself. You walked over to the door and slowly opened it. No one was in the hallway, but you knew you weren't where you belonged. You started walking around, making sure to stay out of sight in case it was a kidnapping. A part of you thought your wolf side had begun to wander while you were out from hunger and ended up here, similar to when an intoxicated person wanders around until they find a place to rest and throw up their forbidden drink and have no memory of the night before when they awake. You flinched, hearing someone yelling downstairs in anger. You turned and jumped into a hiding place, keeping yourself low to the floor, ears down and tail curled around, hiding your back paw. You widened your eyes when you saw an ash blonde male walk past you to your room.

Wait... That man... It's the guy from last night! Your fur bristled in worry and anger. You had been kidnapped. Telling by his pale skin, he must've been a vampire looking for a feast. You crept out of your hiding place and ran down the stairs to the front door. If it were locked, a window would work, too. Whatever it took to get you out of there. You yelped when black smoke maneuvered it's way downstairs, around you before taking form in front of you.

"Going somewhere, puppy...?" The blonde snarled, smirking. You turned back into yourself and flattened your ears.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"My place, dumba**. You were just wandering the Zaro Forest. I got hungry..."

"Yeah, well, so was I!"

"Relax, there was no prey around anyway. Why do you think I grabbed the only known existing werewolf in decades? Looks like I wasn't the first..." He growled in annoyance. "Why would a vampire just let the only werewolf on this Earth go free? What a dumba**."

"What are you talking about? And you still haven't told me who the hell you are!"

"Bakugo Katsuki. Not that you need to know. And the vampire that let you go? Don't play dumb with me. I see the marks."


"Yeah. The bite marks on your neck, stupid. You telling me those aren't the marks of a vampire bite?" He put two fingers on your neck to prove to you where they were.

"Uhhh, you must be mistaken. Those have been there since I was a kid." As you spoke, you pushed his hand away, for he had gotten too close to your lifelong wound and you felt your neck threaten to spill blood.

"Oh really? Like those staples around your neck?" He scoffed.

"As a matter of fact, YES."

"You know, I met someone similar to you. Similar wound. It seemed dangerously recent, I was surprised she was even alive."

"Tch... It's called getting staples reapplied once every damn week... There's no other way. How long's it been?"

"Damn... like... a decade now."

"I do remember coming across a pale boy like you, but his fangs weren't nearly as dangerous. I lived with him until people started hunting me and I made myself his first prey. I still don't know where he is.."

"Yeah, I remember *my* first prey. Same girl, but after I bit her, she suddenly disappeared... I remember thinking I killed her for the longest time. But that's what prey is. I'm sure your 'friend' is still around."

"Wait, why are we casually talking.. How am I still alive?"

"Because you've already been marked by that kid, so I can't do jack."

"But... didn't you bite me a little..? My neck was irritated when I woke, so something must've happened."

"Yeah, I tried to get a bite in, but that's when I saw the mark, so I backed off. Dammit... I thought I actually caught something..."

"Is there something that happens when a vampire tries to feast on another's prey?"

"If you HAVE to know, there's this surge of energy that surrounds you and when a vampire tries to feast, they feel something bite them, almost like the other vampire bit them instead. It's usually the neck, but it depends where the victim in question's wound is. Like if they got bit on their arm, the vampire would feel extreme pain in the same spot. That kinda thing."

"I'm still surprised you're even talking to me..."

"Yeah well I'm bored as hell and I can't do anything with you so whatever."

"Can I leave then...?"

"Are you serious? Hell no! You're my catch!"

"But you can't do anything to me, what's the point?"

"There's a damn village outside, if you didn't notice. I don't wanna have a mob at my gates all because of one measly werewolf."

"But I thought I was special, hm?" You teased.

"Yeah. Given how rare they are now, they're a delicacy to us vamps. Which is why no one else is touching you. You're mine and mine alone, you got that, b*tch?" He snarled, pointing a finger in your face. You felt a low rumble rise in your throat.

"Don't... Call me... A b*tch."

"What are you gonna do about it, hah? You're a female wolf. It's what you are, baka. Whatever, I don't got time for this crap. Dinner's in an hour. Be there."


"There's a reason you were out in the forest, right? Other than hiding from hunters, obviously. Besides, even if someone else has claimed you, I don't wanna feast on a werewolf that won't have anything worth my time. After a few weeks of eating properly, maybe you'll have enough of that good sh*t." He smirked, licking his fangs. You flattened your ears and snarled.

"You're stupid if you think I'll ever let you bite me..."

"Oh ho ho... I'm betting on it..." He walked away and you headed up to the now-yours room. You sat on the edge of your bed, gazing out the window. You sighed, standing up.

"Is this just... my home now...?" You wondered. You walked over to the window, putting your hand on the glass. "Huh. This place... seems... awfully familiar..." You noticed a random book about the vampires and werewolves' alliance, catching your attention and causing you to grab it. "This book... My mother used to read it to me as a pup..." You softly smile. You open the book and start flipping through the pages, but only moments later, you noticed shadows start to take over your hand, causing you to panic. "No, stop...!" You grip your head, closing your eyes tight. "Stop it...!" You open your eyes to reveal your slit pupils and golden irises. "No, no, no!" You walk out the door to explore. "Get it together, Y/n..." You mutter to yourself, putting a hand on the side of your head, closing your eyes. Eerie ghosts begin to moan, causing you to open your eyes, which were now back to their original e/c shade.


"Weird..." You remember what Katsuki said, making your ears flatten as you heard a similar line in your head.

"You're better dead!"


"Shut up, would ya? Ugh..." You grab some random expired bottle. "Huh. Looks like someone had to take anti-depressants." You looked closer at the label, but dust and dirt had coated the name, making it illegible.


"SHUT IT." You snap, turning around to see nothing. Katsuki appears behind you, grabbing your shoulder and causing you to yelp in surprise.

"Enjoying the place? Allow me..." He smirks, snarling. He begins to show you around the castle. "Since you're going to be living here for who knows how long, might as well show you around myself instead of letting you have access to all my things." He shows you the forest beyond the village before pulling you away. "Welcome to Burrado Mūn. Home of Castle Bakugo, rivals to King Endeavor, in case you didn't know. I can't wait to show him what I got my claws on..." You spin around to face him and he's gone, but his voice echoes throughout the castle as he speaks. "It's only a matter of time before he comes after his lost puppy~! Hahahahahaaa!"

"How'd he... oh. He probably scented it... Ew..." You walk around the place with your hands holding your arms, insecurely, as you go past some ghosts, maids, and other vampires that give you a mixture of sympathetic, disgusted, and hungry looks. "What's their problem...? Think I'm weak or something?" You unsheathe your claws and bare your teeth at them. "Eyes on your own, hah?" You flatten your ears in annoyance as you continue walking. You start to remember strange shadows that would surround you as a young pup. You remembered the lyrics of one of your favorite songs. Unpopular and unknown to most, but you couldn't help but relate. "All of these monsters in my head..." Ghosts started to follow you around. "Telling me that I'm better dead..."


"Ugh.. Maybe I'll try and take some meds." You tried to ignore them as you muttered lyrics to yourself.


"That's what my 'therapist' suggests." Katsuki comes back and shows you around as you hum to yourself, trying to ignore the overwhelming sounds of the ghosts and their strange scents. Katsuki narrows his eyes at you as you grip your head, closing your eyes as they start surrounding you, circling you.

"You're never leaving here... They don't want you anyway..." they snarl.

"Oi. Ignore them." Katsuki snarls, making them float away to other areas of the castle. "Even so, just know.." He grabs your face, pulling you towards his own. "You're never leaving this castle... You got that?" He bares his fangs.

"Hmph... fine. Not like I got any place to be anyways..." You scoff and pull away.

"Tch..." He clicks his tongue and vanishes.

"Whatever happened to what we used to be...?" You asked yourself as you walked back to your room and sat on your bed, grabbing the book you originally had. For the rest of the night, you just read the book, trying to figure out what happened between the two species and why so little werewolves are left in hiding.

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