Chapter Ten: Y/n VS Endeavor(AWWFF Part Two)

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A/n: HOLY MOTHER OF ALL MIGHT OVER TWO HUNDRED READS?!! OMG I'M GONNA CRYYYY!!! I've never in my life gotten this many views/reads/etc. Tysm and I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this as much as I am!! 😭🤚 With all the sentimental crap outta the way, on with Bakugo's side of the story while Y/n is busy with the soldiers and guards and her inner wolf :D Btw, I think this'll be a three-four part thing sooooo yuh. I wanted more detail during the battles, but I was kinda rushing it so I forgot the things I wanted to put in TwT

*Bakugo POV* (More swearing in this one. It's Bakugo and this story is as cannon as possible, so I apologize.)

Once Sh*tty Hair landed behind Endeavor's stupid big castle, I made no hesitation and ran inside. I heard that damn dragon send me words of discouragement, but being the bada** future king I am, of course I ignored him as I took down the guards and soldiers and pretty much anyone who stood in the way of the upcoming battle between me and that High Almighty Todoroki ba**ard. My victory was inevitable and I knew it. I don't make empty vows or promises I can't keep. I told Puppy I'd come back when I win. By now, she knows damn well I won't come back until. I. Win. I ran up the stairs to the throne room, knowing full-well he'd be waiting for me. He wouldn't be worthy of my time or any spilled blood, whether that be mine or any of his damn followers if he didn't know I'd head straight for the top rank. Like in a pack. Take out the Alpha, and the pack will be at your mercy.

Once I end this abusive jack, his kingdom will be begging for mercy...

I let out a deep exhale I didn't realize I was holding in. I was right at his door. If I needed any help, which I damn well don't, I know Sh*tty Hair will come to my aid one way or another. I smirked and kicked down the door.

"I'M HERE, YOU SECOND BEST BA**ARD!!! COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT!!!" I shouted as I saw King Endeavor rest his gaze on me. I chuckled. "That scar on your face still fresh? Heh... Looks like my dragon gave you a run for your money, eh?" The king narrowed his eyes at me and a low rumble arose from deep in his throat.

"..... Prince Bakugo... Come to try to take over my crown once more? Or are you just bored and trying to prove that you're stronger than me to someone..." Endeavor growled.

"Neither... I've come to kill you... And maybe prove my strength. Gotta get that package deal." I smirked.

"Very well. Let's see if you can take the heat..." Endeavor stood and let out a loud yell. Seemingly, it was his war cry.... but it was something much deeper than that. My eyes widened as a giant creature rose it's head from behind the king's throne and it sat up, not taking its eyes off me. "REI. Teach this teenage prince a lesson about royalty. And where he lies on the podium in the long run..." Endeavor snapped his fingers and walked out the room, slamming the door behind him. The dragon snorted and roared. I readied my palm with my explosion magic, sword in my other hand.

"This is so beneath me... DAMN COWARD!! I'LL KILL THIS DRAGON. THEN I'M COMING FOR YOU!!" I shouted as I launched myself at the giant dragon. It roared and seemed to be backing away in fear. I smirked. "IF THIS IS THE BEST YOU GOT, THEN MAYBE YOU REALLY AREN'T WORTH MY TIME, EH, SCARFACE?" I shouted, trying to intimidate the cowardly king. His dragon wasn't any better, but once it got ahold of itself, it started breathing ice. I felt the ice hit my bicep and I hissed in pain. "Dammit..." I blasted the ice crystals and chunks as I made my way up to her spine so I could get a hit, but her tail swung around and launched me across the room. I yelled as my back met the stone wall and I felt a weird, hot substance run down my back and stain my clothes. Bleeding already, hah...?

"BAKUGO!" I heard Sh*tty Hair's pathetic cry, but I smirked as he jumped inside and shifted into his dragon form again, going to attack the female. I yelled as I jumped at them, wanting to be in on the fight. I wasn't thinking about the target and lost sight of the mission when I heard Y/n on the other side of the other entrance door to the room. Next thing I knew, I heard the door burst open just in time for me to get hit again and fly across the room, yet again. I groaned, my wound growing more serious by the minute with every hit. I heard Y/n yell my name and I couldn't help but shout,


"KIRI HAS THE DRAGON. I'M GOING AFTER ENDEAVOR..." The fury and pain in her voice... I'd only heard it when she was talking about her old life.



"Haah... Dammit, Y/n.... Whatever.. FINE. But I'm coming with!" I shouted, not debating on it and simply vanishing in black smoke—so my back isn't injured much further— and following her through the door the King ran through. She didn't seem to want to argue over it, so we just silently agreed to disagree. There were many doors and halls he could have run in/down, but I had the feeling he would head straight for the latter. A way to escape the war. Like the coward he is. "I'm gonna check all the rooms real quick. He's not usually someone to back down from a fight. You look for a way out of the castle."

"What? Why?"

"Because he might've wanted to run for it!" I quickly explained before flying away and phasing in and out of rooms in a swift fashion. I entered one more room only to be met with a huge punch to my face. I yelled and groaned, hitting the wall before the floor, turning back into myself. I hissed, opening one eye to stare him down.

"It wasn't smart for you to come back here for more, Prince Bakugo. Now you've put your— wait a minute... MY. Werewolf. In danger."

"She knew what she signed up for when she only ran to the cliff a while back... She knew what she was doing when she followed Sh*tty Hair when he ran after me... YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING WHEN YOU SHOT MY DRAGON." I shouted in anger.

"You kidnapped what was mine. I was simply returning the favor!" He smirked at me and I started to panic when I heard rapidly approaching footsteps.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" I widened my eyes when I saw a familiar black werewolf lunge at Endeavor and force him to the ground, biting his arm firmly. The growls that rose from deep in her throat and the blood leaking from his forearm told me she'd been waiting for this. This punishment was long overdue... His shouts of pain were short-lived, as he sent a blast of flames towards her. My heart dropped down to my stomach as I heard a slight wolf yelp and a young woman's yell of pain. She'd shifted back into herself and was covering her left eye in pain. When she opened her right eye, her iris was a dark gold, pupil slit, as she stared Endeavor down as he got to his feet.

"Y/N, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" I tried to convince her.

"NO. HE'S HURT US LONG ENOUGH!" She shouted back before launching herself in his direction and shifting again. I could tell she was going for the throat, despite Endeavor's huge hands holding back her jaw.




"And you will keep that damn promise! Once we walk out through this castle's gates, holding this flaming trash bag's head, they'll be bowing down to us in a matter of seconds! You're keeping your promise... of staying alive." She struggled to speak as she fought Endeavor. I heard her breathing become quick. Rather than taking the full breathes she needed, she continued to cut them short—as to not appear weak in front of us, I guess. The fury I saw in her eyes was chilling. I had never seen her this worked up over something. What did this guy do to her...?

"YOU LOVE BIRDS DONE YET?" Endeavor's yell brought me out of my thoughts as I saw Y/n get thrown across the room as I'd been multiple times in the past hour or two.

"I'm so sick of your bull..."

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed. You're the reason my son has been sneaking away and remaining away from home for weeks on end, aren't you? Don't you need a break?"

"I don't need your damn pity... Neither of us do... You don't deserve the crown... It rightfully belongs to MY PA—" Her yell of retaliation was cut short by Endeavor's hand coming down to meet her face.

"DON'T HURT HER, YOU FLAMING BA**ARD!!!" I shouted as I ran up to them and sent a huge blast at him, causing him to break through the wall of the castle and fall. I crouched by Y/n, looking around to see if she had any wounds that she may have been hiding from me. The side of her face was burnt and bloody and her right leg seemed broken, her left wrist sprained. I could only assume her leg broke from the impact of when she hit the wall. "Stupid, you should have left him to me!" I seethed through my fangs in pain and anger.

"I'm fine.. K-Katsuki... All he did was slap m-me..." The tears in her eyes sent a pain through my chest.

"You are burnt and you leg is broken. You still say that was all he did?" I scoffed as I carefully picked her up bridal style and shuffled my away back to Kirishima. Her labored breathing became shaky every time she inhaled and I could tell she was exhausted beyond belief. I got to thinking again about how she fought. The things she said replaying and echoing in my mind over... and over...

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!........ NO. HE'S HURT US LONG ENOUGH...... I don't need your damn pity... neither of us do... You don't deserve the crown...." 

She may have won the battle... but did she fight for herself... or for me...?

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