Chapter 3 ︱ Crushes are suspicious

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Boys without the actual discernment of what leaves their mouth in more ways than one are detestable. They don't hold back their opinions truly to their so-called bros.

A few moments ago Jezebel overheard some guys discussing what went on between her and Brandon and then went on to add what they'd do if they had a chance to go out with her.

 "Was this the fourth or fifth time she made out with boys in the movie theater?"

"I thought she was up to her eighth time. Either way, I'd be into that too between takes of the movie."

"And with tongue."

Like going out with every single boy would be a waste of her time and a lot of lips to burn, but she selected the ones who were the most notorious and who deserved it the most.

A comment here and there she could shrug off, but she'd notice that girls around had their interest. If they liked him, she'd make him pay attention to her. She thought being a desirable girl, she could never be touched unless she wanted that way.

Guys are really just loudmouths... so sad these days, Jezebel thought. 


Her instance quickened to have her frown wiped out from her face and her head whipped around to the owner of the voice, as an emerged new smile came to play. Eyes brightened like a child's curiosity when Bruno walked over, a group of people following behind him.

"Bruno, hello," Jezebel greeted brightly.

Bruno was a captain of the football team, admired by everyone, but he's taken with Fern, a member of the decathlon team. They were a love story everyone envied, but secretly she didn't really buy it. But he wasn't her problem.

"Did you hear? I'm throwing a party this weekend. You should come, and your friends too," he said.

"It's going to be awesome," one of Bruno's friends with a neon green shirt said.

"I posted it on my story, so you'll see it, but I'll hype it up on the day of." Bruno laughed.

"No worries, see you there." Jezebel waved goodbye to him as he and his posse stepped past her.

Soon she looked for her group. It wasn't long until she spotted them through the crowd in the hallway and made space between them. Jezebel smiled. "Guess who's going to Bruno's party?"

"We are?" Olivia wondered.

"That's right."

"Everyone's talking about it already," Harmony said.

Jezebel widened her eyebrows amusingly. "Don't you love parties? It's just a way to dance and mingle with others."

"You just love to escape from your folks' home." Breella tilted her head at her knowingly.

"And that." She pointed her forefinger at her.

Olivia stared up with a dreaming look, a small hopeful smile plastered on her lips. "Aubrey's going to be a party too."

"Aubrey?" Harmony asked, confused. 

At that moment, it's like she realized she had let it slip out of her mouth without meaning to. "Oh no, you didn't hear me, did you?" She turned her head, watching their reaction nervously.

Now all of them looked on with inquisitive expressions, wanting more information about whom Olivia mentioned. Although she naturally liked to share a lot of what was going on in her life with them, when it came to crushes, she reserved that bit of information to herself.

"Who is it? Who is Aubrey?" Jezebel pressed, her eyes sharpening as an inspector.

"Yeah, I'd like to know," Harmony added.

Olivia put her hands on her cheeks, her cheeks becoming a soft tinge on her fair skin. "I wanted to wait to tell you girls at the party, but I guessed I'll say it now. Aubrey is this super cute guy who caught my book when I dropped it out of my hands a couple days ago. I found out he's a senior, and he's just so cute." She began to look like a mini schoolgirl as her hands rested against her chest.

"Aww, Olivia likes someone," Harmony pointed out, smiling broadly.

"Sounds suspicious," Jezebel voiced out, shaking her head. "I don't trust him."

"You don't know him," Olivia said accusingly.

"As do you," she fired back.

Olivia formed a small pout at her. "I will at this party. I bet he'll be dressed up all nice. I should really look through my closet."

Whenever one of her friends had a crush on a boy, it made Jezebel question their life choices and why on earth would anyone do that. If they weren't Kim Soohyun, all boys were just the same. They're either plain average or real jerks.

Olivia looked down at her graphic tees and white jeans sympathetically. Jezebel clicked her tongue sharply before swatting her hand from assessing more of her clothes and making her doubt herself more.

"Listen, if he can't like you for who you are or how you're dressed, he's a pig, alright? Anyone should see you're lovely with just your dazzling face and great personality," she reassured.

"That's true," Breella concurred.

Olivia pushed back her hair. "If you say so. I just really hope it works out with him." She sent a quick smile. "I'm going to go now. I'll see you soon."

She turned to the corner at the end of the hall. The three girls watched until the end, and then, Breella and Harmony gazed their wondering eyes at Jezebel. They bet that she had something going on in her mind. Jezebel's lips curled up into a devious smile in just seconds.

"I totally have to watch out who Aubrey is and keep an eye on him. Something tells me that he just isn't good for her, and I don't know why that is," she mentioned, a sense of tingling going on urging her to play the detective.

If she had her experience with guys, there was always something wrong with the guy.

"You're going to snoop around on the guy?" Harmony wondered.

"If there's anything to dig, it should be buzzworthy." 

Olivia talking to Aubrey was annoying. A girl's crush could be so intense, that her eyes formed into hearts and clouds in her headspace. Olivia was lost in Aubrey when she stared at him in the corridor through passing periods and times of becoming distracted from their conversation that Jezebel had to snap her back into reality. The girl really wanted to believe that love is a beautiful thing.

As for Jezebel, she would look at it as its opposite. It's pitiful and temporary until the ugly parts come out later.

The weekend wasn't that long of a wait, especially when Jezebel was sleuthing for information about Aubrey. What she found out was Aubrey gets good grades, likes gardening, and can be a people person. But what was more interesting was that his relationship was especially close with a girl named Irene.

She kept a close eye on him and noticed the way he looked around her and touchy and how he laughed. There wasn't just a friendship between them. If she tagged along to the party, what were the chances he would want to stick close with her than with Olivia?

She showed up dressed in a ribbed long sleeve shirt in red with its shoulder loosed enough to reveal her matching ribbed knit cami top inside and high-waisted pencil skirt in black. And her party shoes were black ankle straps in three inches heels. The party lived up to her high expectations as people were partying out on the front lawn, some with red cups in hand or swaying to the loud music booting from inside the large two-story house.

Breella was standing next to her, and she quietly fixed her navy blue mini polka dot long sleeve crop top. "Is it okay?" she asked.

Jezebel placed a hand on her bare shoulder and looked at how she was showing some skin. "I think you'll be a little bit cold if the wind picks up, but you'll be okay. You look good!"

"Thanks. I hope it wouldn't be so cold."

They began to make their way to the house and make an entrance inside, checking out the view as more people were spread out with their partying, dancing, or some around the corners and couches to sit and talk. The richness of white and yellow lights brightened up the living area from the ceilings and tables full of snacks and drinks people dove in for pleasure.

Some took a dip of their strawberry in chocolate fondue—Jezebel's favorite reason for coming to Bruno's parties. Others like to take advantage of the widescreen tv and play video games while others watch the players or sat with their phones in hand, eyes glued to their screen while forgetting their surroundings.

"Jezebel, hey. And Breella," Bruno said, coming into sight with Fern right beside him.

Breella waved at him politely while Jezebel aimed to please with her smile. "Hey Bruno, thanks for the invite." She quickly glanced at Fern. "And hi Fern."

"Hey, it's nice seeing you too," Fern replied.

"Have you seen Olivia and Harmony?" Jezebel asked.

Bruno made a quick glance with his eyes and then gestured to them. "Yeah, they're over by the sliding door of the patio."

"Thanks." She smiled at them one last time, with his reply being "have fun" before they walked elsewhere around the house.

Breella tilted her head with her arms crossed. "I think that's the guy over there."

I'm preparing my best face. "Let's go," she said. 

They get there in time to hear Olivia laughing and facing a guy with light chestnut hair and a piercing on his right ear. Harmony saw their presence and greeted them first. "Hey Breella, Jezebel." Olivia and the guy then turned their head.

The girl had to dig through her closet deep enough that it changed her into a super girly version with her daisy baby blue tank top and a white mini skirt with a front slit wearing high heels. Her eyeliner was occasionally sharp, but she really tried her best today even though nothing about her makeup was out of place.

Olivia began. "Jezebel, remember when I told you about Aubrey." She gestured out her palm to him. "This is him."

Aubrey pointed with his teeth white, smiling at Jezebel. "Hi, I'm Aubrey. Nice to meet you. Jezebel, right? Olivia told me how a great friend you are."

"Oh, she did?" Jezebel asked.

"Yeah, same goes for you." He pointed to Breella.

"Hi, I'm Breella," she stated.

He was smiling way too much. People person could exist, but that was way too much for her. And Jezebel liked to go around and interact with new people.

"So, what do you like about my friend?" Jezebel raised an eyebrow inquisitively but still put on an angel-perfect face that made her look innocent like she was asking him without probing.

Aubrey licked his lips slowly and contemplated. Soon he looked at Olivia. "She's pretty, adoring, likes to talk about movies and her favorite novels, easy to be around with; I think she's a great catch."

Olivia blushed on the spot, attempting to cover her face from embarrassment. "Aww."

"Glad to know you can compliment our friend," Harmony said cheerfully.

Still, it wasn't that convincing enough for Jezebel to think Aubrey was good around Olivia. But she didn't show it around them. "I should let you guys catch up a little more, yeah? I'm going to catch up with some others."

"Sure," Olivia responded shyly, but her eyes were on Aubrey.

Breella looked to Jezebel, but her expression didn't give anything away. "I'll head to grab some snacks so you'll know where to find me in case."

Jezebel nodded, leaving her friends behind while she went around and started to chat with other people with familiar faces. When it came to parties or socializing, she wasn't one to shy away from talking to new faces. She liked catching up lives with what others were doing, and it was especially smart to find out new things or rumors that could be something useful for her to keep.

While she wasn't just going around like a butterfly in different circles, she kept her close eye on Aubrey and Olivia, especially with Aubrey.

"What's the deal with Aubrey? Is he seeing anyone?" Jezebel brought it up casually.

"Aubrey who?" Margot said.

"That guy over there." She pointed to the other side of the room. "Any of you familiar with him?"

"Oh," Lillie gasped. "Oh yeah. I think my friend mentioned to me that you asked her about him."

"Which one was it again?"

"Graciela. But no worries, I have him in my film class. In one of the film projects that we did of who was the best person in their life, and for him, Irene was in it, and he talked all about her."

Jezebel's eyes popped up, intrigued. "I know that Irene and him are really good friends. What more is there to the story?"

Lillie urged her closer with a wave of her hand. Jezebel leaned in. "They say that no closer bond is made until a personal issue can bring people together. She'd always be there for him when he couldn't handle when his parents fought all the time. Let's just say they'd always go out a lot. He's always showing the best side of her on camera."

"Can he describe more than her favorite color or favorite food? Can he tell when she's vulnerable? Happy? Hiding something on the inside? Where she'd go if she gets disconnected from the world?"

"It's possible it's all of that."

"Interesting." That sounded like enough information that Aubrey liked getting close with this Irene person. "Do you know if Irene is coming to this party?" Jezebel asked.

She thought considerably for a moment. "I don't know, but I don't think Aubrey wouldn't mention it to her so she could know."

"I don't know much about this Aubrey person, but you're usually right on your instinct, Lillie," Margot said, then turn her head to Jezebel. "So I would have to listen to her." She nodded.

Jezebel saw whom this Irene person looked like when she poked around in the hallways and watched their behaviors. She had black hair up to the middle back, bangs framing each side of her face. Her eyes were a dark brown, and a characteristic that she took note of was that Irene often was seen wearing headbands and diamond shape pattern knit sweaters.

She looked at her appreciatively. "Thank you for letting me know. I'm going to check out the rest of the party."

Jezebel passed by dozens of other people, giving them smiles and waves. When she glanced around, Olivia wasn't with Aubrey anymore. What happened there? Did he leave to go somewhere? Maybe it was time she would go talk to him herself and find out how he felt about Irene.

If Irene meant anything to him, he shouldn't be giving Olivia false hope that she had a chance with him.

Like a lion hunting for its prey, she searched the sphere of the house. She informed Breella about her update. And she just told her good luck, but she stay put by just hanging back. Harmony joined some other girls and guys in dancing away with the speakers of the music playing. Olivia wasn't alone so it's good that she could keep herself afloat without Aubrey.

Stepping out to the patio there was so much more unbelievable space widened out before her and other people around as loud chatter filled the air. Jezebel stepped down the small stairs and wandered around.

Every single person she set her eyes on was not either Aubrey or the other girl. What was she going to do if she couldn't find him in time or if he might go back to Olivia, and she wouldn't know what his intentions were.

"Hello, Jezebel." A male voice spoke behind her in an amusing tone, and when she turned around, she wasn't expecting his face there. 


Hello, third chapter is here! We are quite in a situation already with Jezebel, yeah? She just can't seem to trust a guy so she goes through these things to find out some dirt on him. 

So who's the guy at the last part? What do you think he would want? Hmm, such questions to think about. I guess we'll find out soon in the next part. 

On the other hand with me I had a really great time at my first concert. I'm going to never forget it. I love 5SOS so much, like please I miss them so much already. I just want to hear their voices and see their faces again. Come back :(

Please vote and comment as it means the world to me.

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