OC Meme

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A-Chan: Greetings, today I'll be answering questions in an OC Meme thing that I found on the internet.
You guys are welcome to join me with your characters!=)

A-Chan: I don't think it's readable.I will write down the stuff anyway.
Here we go!

1)How many characters have you created?Choose the most interesting ones and tell us a little about them!

A-Chan:How many OCs have I created?
Lemme think. . .

Character I haven't named
Other character I haven't named yet
Another character I haven't named
Two more characters I haven't named yet

So yeah, I think that's all. . .

Nemesis:Eh?You forgot me!

A-Chan:Nemesis,I disown you.
I refuse to accept I made the mistake of creating you.

Nemesis:Why are you—

A-Chan:We're moving on!The most interesting ones?
I say Lisette and Leonidas.

Lisette:Of course you do.

A-Chan:But what about you guys?I know I haven't used my other OCs much yet but which one of them do you think is the most interesting ones?

Elota & Lucas: .    .    .

A-Chan:Oh shoot. . .I forgot about those two. . .

???:And me too.   .  .

A-Chan:Err.....what's your name again?

???:.......... Alverda ...... I'm Alverda..... the scientist!

A-Chan:Ooooh! Alverda! How's it going mate?


A-Chan:( " 'U')
Listen mate,I am bad at remembering names, okay?
Ahem! Anyway apparently I have like 16 OCs


A-Chan:Shut up.
Okay,so today we will be accompanied by Lisette and Leonidas!
You have met Lisette and know her.
Leonidas is her loyal butler.
Extremely loyal.
So loyal that he killed his entire family for her but that's a story for another time!

2)Can any of them do magic?

A-Chan:Yes,all of them can.

3)Paint your favourite painting together, what would they do on a rainy day?

A-Chan:I wish I could. . . I can't draw Leonidas yet. . .(T~T)
As for the question. . .

Leonidas:I would serve her majesty.

Lisette:I would drink a cup of tea. . . flavoured with the blood of my victims.=)

3) What's the worst possible couple?

A-Chan:Lisette and Nemesis.

Paint them kissing.


4)Who is your favourite of them all?

A-Chan:It's hard to choose now. . .I guess it's Leonidas.

Lisette: Betrayal.

5)Who is the most Evil?

A-Chan:Lisette,of course!

6) Now paint the most Evil one kill your favourite one!

A-Chan:........I have been fooled. . .

Leonidas:If her majesty must.   .   .

Lisette:Don't be dramatic,I am not killing Leonidas.

7)Who is the strongest of your OCs?

There's a good reason why but I'd have to reveal her backstory for that.

8)Does any of them have scars/big injuries from battles?

A-Chan:I don't think so.  .  .

9) What kind of world are they living in?


10)Does any of them have a strange hair colour?If so,is it natural or coloured?

Chance, for example has blue hair.
Mina has grey-ish hair
Elota has pink hair
All are natural.

11)Does any of them have a strange hobby?

A-Chan:Well Lisette likes killing.Does that count?

13)If one of them would have to die,who would you choose any why?

A-Chan: Nemesis.


A-Chan:Shut up.

14)Paint one of your characters doing something he she would never show someone else

A-Chan:Uhh..... I have this

(It's unfurnished but who cares?)

Lisette:What the f— is that?

A-Chan:Damien showing affection to you?

Lisette:Where the f— did you get it?

Damien:*chuckles*Don't we look like a perfect couple,love~?

Lisette:Damien,shut the f— up.

A-Chan:And that's all for today!
See you in the next chapter!
Have a good day/night/afternoon

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