My Heart

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Welcome My Kittens&Turtles!
Hope you are enjoying the book so far! If it does not satisfy, please give me advice on how to improve and what you would want

Have a great time reading 😘
Narrator POV

The mansion was repaired, as while as the cave. In the black hole which was Dick's room, He was at the corner of the room, rocking himself back and forth in a scarred facial expression. He was screaming at nothing but himself, thoughts swirled around his broken head, he had not eaten in the past week. "I should have got into the movile faster..Alfred.."

Dick covered his face with his scarred hand. Dick hissed at the pain he felt, as the hand bled down his arm and reaching the floor. Dick almost jumped up onto the ceiling in shock, and fear at the frightening loud chimes he thought was ringing.

If Dick was mentally stable, he would have been highly annoyed by how people compared him to a cat by how he clawed the bedsheets. He wasn't himself, he was nothing because he was not there to help get Alfred.

He heard the door of his room creak open, making him cringe and wary. He began to shiver immediately at the cold atmosphere, as gusts of chilling air came directly into his cozy room. He hugged himself reassuringly, and tried to calm his obnoxious breathing.

He felt the need to cower back onto the wall of his room, trying to hide in the darkness. He merely looked at the untidy sheets, as he heard the dragging sound belonging to non other than a cape. His hands went up to his face, in fear of being seen crying.

He tensed up at the warm arms wrapped gently around him. After a few seconds, he became relaxed in the coziness of the hug. He went to encourage the action by twisting his body to face the figure and snuggling close to the warm source.

He felt warm hands on the sides of his face, moving his head to face the newcomer. "Dick? Okay, you have to change your nickname, it sounds like-" The boy's stream of dried up tears began to show from the bright light entering the room. He looked up, blinking slowly at the newfound light.

For the first time in his torturous two years, he truly smiled, facing his loyal friend and brother, Damian Wayne. The bright smile did not last long as Damian's question echoed in his head. A blank expression took a hold of his face, looking at his brother's worried face. He felt the need to puke at the thought of causing his loving brother to carry the expression of a sad soul.

He blinked once, and smiled again at Damian. Dick wanted to stop Damian from caring such a disgusting sad look. He didn't want to be the cause, so he decided to act. "I'm fine, Dami"

The stone facial expression from Damian's face told him that Damian did not believe a single thing he said. "Are you sure?" Dick battled the intense guilt he felt for trying to lie to his trusted friend. "Definitely",showing off his fake smile.

Damian snickered at Dick's failed attempt to lie. "Oh really? Then why is your back filled with bloody pins?" Dick's eyes widened, he forgot to cover his back. Dick tried to think of an explanation in his short amount of time.

"Save it.. Kinda hard to not hear the loud screams coming from your mouth awhile ago." Dick's face had gone pale at the reply his brother threw at him, looking down at the floor feeling his guilt building up. "Y-you heard?" Dick begged he was just joking around.

"Yes, you know you shouldn't be scared to tell me this." Dick felt his brother's reassuring hand land on his shoulder, looking up as his blue eyes landed on another pair blue.

"Sorry..for lying- please don't leave me!" Dick panicked, face right in front of his brother. His hands grabbing onto Damian's shiny suit with his trembling fingers. "Please.."

Damian's hand rubbed circles on his younger brother's back. "You need to be more social, get friends. You're becoming a wreck,Dick". Dick's eyes strained red and his arms had thinned down to bones and flesh. "I can't..can't get too attached," Dick repeated in whispers.

"That's it, out."

Hands clasped Dick's face and swiped the tears pouring down, "out". Damian's face held no emotion, giving a stone face of annoyance. "Go out," Damian repeated, but Dick seemed to not listen to a single word Damian had to say. "Blah blah blah! You know full well I can't!," Dick pointed an accusing finger at Damian, "I knew you would kick me out soon! This is why I don't-"

Before Dick could finish his sentence, Dick felt his clothes tugged and he was dragged out of his room. "Let me go! Let me go!" Dick wailed and tried to run, " Unhand me you big prick!"

"No little duck"

They had the argument repeated countless times, with their terrible nicknames cried out in a comedic setting. As they reached the door, Dick the duck, labelled by Damian, was pushed and dragged out the manor in utter silence, "Get friends, Duck!"

Just like that, Dick was left alone outside in the season most freezing,Winter. "Damn prick, couldn't he wait for one month to kick me out! Let me get my clothes will yo-," Dick's cheeks blushed to rosy red as he was suddenly covered by his stinky underwear. "There! Goodnight!" Damian shut the door in a loud bang, making Dick pee himself a little.

Dick's hand grasped the smelly undergarment away from his face, and in disgust, he looked down to find his clothes and his iphone nearly fully covered by clumps of icy snow. "Dirty clothes.. of course," Dick huffed and wore three layers to keep him from freezing. 'This will do for now,' Dick thought still freezing a little.

He walked in a staggering motion across the snow, sinking and leaving small footprints at the same time. He brought his hands together and rubbed them in a fast pace, as well as bringing his hands to his face repeatedly to keep himself warm. Dick reached the end of the road which looked like another snow covered path, and climbed and hid in the trees. In the end, it was an idiotic and brilliant idea, as no one would find him, but he was shivering crazy at the high heights of the branches.

"Hey!" Dick froze in place, not that he wasn't frozen already. "Hey! Down here," Dick slowly looked downwards to see a red headed figure waving his hand crazily at him. Dick didn't speak a single word back, scared and feeling numb all over.

"Are you okay?" The boy shivered and stayed in place, not replying to the red head, making said red head worry. "I'll come up," The red head tried his best to get up, but kept slipping as a result to breaking each branch while making his way up. Dick snorted at him, turning away from the red haired boy closing in on him. Finally the orange and red haired boy came close and shivered, "how d-did you get up here? It's f-freezing! Let's get down."

As the boy motioned for Dick to get down, Dick stood still on the tree branch. "H-hey-what's w-wrong?" The mystery boy said while he had his jacket's hoodie over his head, trying to stop the cooling breezes drying his face. Dick faced the red head, blushing all over, " I'm stuck in place..."

To the annoyance of the new comer, Dick's pants had ice sticking him to the tree branch. "O-o-oh c-co-come O-On!" The red head yelled or should he say, shivered out, and stood up gingerly. "G-grab my hand, i'll try to p-pull you up.." With his hand out, Dick took it and he succeeded in standing up almost immediately, while at least Dick tried too. This was because the force pull was too strong, and Dick knocked heads with the speedster down.

"Ahh!" They both cried out, closing their eyes and trying to embrace their faith, scared of the coming death sentence by a tree. They felt a breeze of cool air and they safety landed on the ground, "huh?" "Hey kiddos! You have to stop playing around, it's the winter season! You could get hurt!" They looked at the red and yellow speedster before them, THE Zoom..

"Villain.." Dick thought.

"Uh..sorry man I have never seen before in my entire life," the boy nervously grinned at
the speedster, making Dick suspicious. "So who are you anyways?" Dick talked to the boy that had pulled him out of the tree, not enknowledging the villain in front of them. "Uh-" before the boy could say anything, the speedster ruffled his hair and sped off.

'Interesting' Dick thought to himself.

"Um..I'm Wally, Wally West!" Wally bluntly said with his dumb smile. Dick could not do anything but reply to the baffoon. " I'm Dick-Richard! Uh..Richard Wayne," This caused Wally to laugh at Dick's reply. "What? What's wrong?" Dick sat on the snow, not bothered by the chills, more curious about the warm feeling he felt. "Nothing, your cute expression is something though," Wally smirked and Dick's blushing face, and Dick smacked him in the head.

"Whatever," Dick turned away with a red face, words repeating over and over. "Soo..what were you doing on the tree? You got a death wish?" Wally grabbed Dick's hand and rose him up from the snow, walking under the trees to a nearby store. 'Huh..", Dick thought.

Wally turned his head towards Dick and smiled the most happiest, sun glory smile directly at Dick, making Dick blush a little. "Ya.." It did not last long as Wally's expression turned panic-thriven.


Dick being frightened and surprised by the shout, stepped back,slipped and fell down,at the same time knocking him out. "Darn just had to faint..and I'm low on food!" Wally had his hands on his shoulders and shook him back and forth, trying to get Dick back to sad reality. Wally huffed and looked in a 360 degree angle, squatted and had Dick's arms wrapped around his neck and got up slowly. "Hopefully no one sees us", and without blinking, sped towards his home with a red streak following behind him.


Dick was half awoken when he heard a loud bang of pots and pans colliding together. His eyes blinked multiple times,preparing his eyes for the bright lights shining from above him. Dick awoke finally when his ears had a 'beep' sound, as he heard someone slammed down onto the floor. He got up into a fighting stance and prepared for combat when walking out of the room, he didn't pay attention to.

"Wally?-" Dick squeaked and jumped when Wally popped out of no where eating a popsicle. "How-what," Dick shivered and rocked back and forth as his brain started to go over load. "Chill dude! I was at the kitchen," Wally had another popsicle in his palm and gestured Dick to take it. Dick breathed out in relief a little and pushed Wally's hand towards himself. Wally took it as not wanting the icy treat and placed it in his mouth together with the other one in his mouth." It's so cold, how do you deal with it and still eat something cold-"

"I run fast and it warms me up"
"What? I'm serious,Dicky"
"Yah ya-wait did you-"
"I'm serious"
"Did you say my-"
"Wait what was it we were arguing again?"
"I forgot.."

The boys stared at each other with their upset expression for a second, before erupting with laughter. They laid flat on the floor, hurling and curling before calmly laying there in comfortable silence. "That was surely something,right Walls?" Dick had a sad smile, but it was still a smile to Wally.

Wally's eyes widened at the newfound nickname, before grinning, "so I have a nickname now? Why does it have to be 'walls' though!" Wally paused and breathed deeply in and out, before asking Dick why he was outside in the god damn winter.

The raven boy stared blankly as he remembered the fallen family member, and without thinking it through, opened his arms wide and hugged Wally. "h-hey!" Wally spoke before falling down butt first onto the floor."that hurt"

"Hey hey! It's alright, you don't need to-" He was interrupted by a hand covering his mouth from speaking clear words. "I want to," Dick told Wally about his loyal butler, and to him, his grandfather, had passed on because of the mysterious exploding of the house. " you know who did it? Did you bring him to ..uh-justice?.."

Dick shook his head from left to right as a no. "We never got to see him, while I think I have at least," Wally had an expression Dick couldn't understand but left it at that. "I had seen someone, or something, it had red and yellow colouring- wait...the only people I know of with that would be, Strike and Zoom...did they kill-"

"NO!-" Dick glared at him, upset of being interrupted. "I mean Strike and Zoom wouldn't do anything bad," Wally tried to convince Dick, but was failing. "They're villains! Of course they could!"

Dick began to shake while hugging, making Wally worry. "While it's done, there's no going back, Dickie"
"I guess not.."
"Want to get ice cream?"
"Not now.."

Wally didn't listen to Dick and pulled him to the nearest ice cream shop outside the house. Dick licked the minty chocolate he chose slowly, and Wally devoured the vanilla ice cream he chose, whole. Wally laughed at Dick's red face when Wally was finished, making Dick turn away with his ice cream splattered on the snow and hands making his face less exposed.

It was only the start of their beautiful friendship

It had been one week without brothers, his father, and patrolling, and it has been Dick's fantasy finally accomplished. Dick heard Wally coming close from behind and covering his eyes, "Wally, stop covering my eyes! It's getting ridiculous."

"Not a chance," Wally laughed and decided to let Dick gain his sight of the world back. Wally sat next to the blue-eyed boy and waved the minty chocolate ice cream in his hand. "Happy one week ice cream anniversary!!" Wally cheered and gave Dick his ice cream,making the charcoal-coloured hair boy blush different shades of pink. "Here's your-" Dick blinked at the vanilla ice cream melting in his hand, nearly fully liquid.

"It's fine," Wally smiled a glaring bright smile directly at Dick, making Dick think he was going blind so he kicked Wally's groin to make him stop. After hearing a pained shout, Dick smiled and smirked at the red-head crying on floor, covering his hurt area. "Sorry"

"W-whaT! HapPENED!Ow-w-ch..abOut yoURRR famiEEE AnyWAY? You sure-sure kick hard," Wally squeaked out, making Dick realise the missing part he was worried about. 'Family..SHIT! What do you tell them?! 'Oh! I almost died and froze on a tree, but was saved and stayed at a stranger's house! Cool right?!'

"It's going to be alright-ty-Dick-OW it hurts.."

Dick had a withered smile on his face and apologised to Wally. "I totally forgot about my stupid is that?! Thanks for the comfort Wally ,but I got to go," Dick ran off and left a confused boy behind.

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