Battle Hunger

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(I absolutely SUCK at fight scenes as of this moment, so I'm going to do my best to actually make this one good, and I will be using it as practice for later)

Kanta POV

I know that Y/n said not to look down on her, but, come on, how can she do anything to hurt someone?

No! She is still a ghoul, and even the weakest ghouls are stronger than humans in physical strength.

"Keep your wits about Kanta, think about what you're doing, we'll teach you how to fight later. This is only a practice match, no attempts to impale, eat, mutilate, deficate, eviscerate, murder, decapitate, or any lethal injuries under any circumstances. Hinami, you may use Kanta as a punching bag as lightly as possible~" Y/n spoke in a stern voice, with the girl in front of me got into a very trained stance.

I attempted to imitate her stance and the stance I saw Touka take earlier, but I didn't even have time to react before I felt a splitting feeling from my chin as I felt like my entire jaw was turned to rubble.

I had been kicked straight, square in the jaw, and had blood coming out of my face as I was thrown back into a wall.

"Come on Kanta, I know you can do it!" Y/n was cheering me on after a while, I felt encouraged a bit to keep going after I felt my arm being broken in half "I have twenty bucks and a free dinner riding on you!"

. . .I'm going to ignore that, I might accidentally impale him with my fist. . .

I turned around, feeling a quick and heavy blow to my abdomen, led up with a spinning wind kick, nearly knocking my head clean off.

"I thought you said there are no lethal attacks!!" I cried to Y/n, only to get back "It didn't hit, did it?"

'Oh, do you really have the audacity to?!-' I was slammed into the ground by a flying Hinami, and I began to spurt blood from my mouth as the oxygen left my lungs

With only my legs left, I again tried fighting back, throwing a weak punch with my right, and then left, going vice versa as all my blows were dodged, until the last one hit her, only for her to be left unscathed

"Hmm~? managed to hit me even after Onii-chan's training...I'm going to give you Hell~" the expression on Hinami's face gave me a horrid feeling of dread as I felt a serious kick to the gut as she pulled my arm, breaking multiple bones, stopping before it was torn from its socket

"Aaaaaaaagggghhh!!!!" I screamed out in pain as Hinami came closer, I was in fear of the little girl in front of me, the vicious and horrifying monster that had been cultivated to become like this.

As I felt my end approaching, I covered my head with my only usable and currently broken arm, waiting for my own possible demise

Your POV
"Don't you think that this is going a bit too far?..." Touka surprisingly began to be concerned, watching Kanta battle to Hinami's heart's contempt. She violently threw sloppily aimed lefts and hooks, actually managing to get a hit in before having her arm forcible pulled from its socket

"Maybe, but we'll have to see. I'm a friend, but I'm also a researcher, doctor, scientist, and a brother figure for Hinami. I know when things will go too far." I responded, mentioning some of the things I consider myself to be

As I watched Kanta cower for her life, I watched her body go stiff for a second, my hypothesis coming true.

With her body put to its absolute limits, and her life on the line, red tendrils came out of her back, her rinkaku quickly being released, lashing out at Hinami. Little to no avail. I have trained Hinami to deal with this kind of situation, in order to hopefully deal with investigators and other ghouls

As the rinkaku shot forward, it seemed Kanta had lost a large portion of her sanity for that moment, salivating with the desire to feast on fresh meat, and had taken an interest in Hinami as her first meal.

As Hinami kept dodging, Kanta continued, becoming more and more ferocious with each attack. It wasn't long before I realized that the training would need to be put on hold. Rushing forward, with Kanta's rinkaku was cocked back, I plunged myself into the crossfire, being ran through by her kagune.

"Kanta...calm...yourself...think clearly...control it...control your hunger..." I was losing blood fast, but I had to try my best before I lost consciousness. It would be bad for Kanta to lose control here.

''s funny seeing how I might die here...but I won't go down that easily~' I mentally laughed to myself

'I guess...this is going to be a learning experience for all of us...'

With my fading consciousness, I took pride, watching Hinami take the reigns and put the close on this lesson, albeit with a touch of concern
No one's POV

With Kanta's kagune going all the way through his torso, it looked pretty bad, all three girls stopped dead in their tracks, looking at his body hunched over, blood dripping from the gaping hole in his stomach, the kagune quickly pulled out.

They all had their own reactions. Touka went crazy and tried to attack Kanta, but was blocked by the barrier. Kanta began crying as she lunged at both his body and Hinami, attacking like a feral animal. Hinami though...she snapped...her eyes turned black, sclera blood red, unleashing her kagune for the first time.

She screamed at the top of her lungs. Anger, frustration, fear, sorrow, hatred, and many other emotions whirled inside of her as she lashed out at Kanta, whipping her with her tendrils and severing her arms.

She simply stood expressionless, unaware of what she was doing as she lashed out, attacking Kanta furiously

"You...," she quietly muttered to herself, as she slowly picked up his body with her kagune " hurt Onii-chan!!!"

She viciously swung her kagune everywhere, using her wing like appendages to slowly wrap herself up like armor as she sobbed, her wild kagune thrashing everywhere as it destroyed the tunnel, as all she could hear from within her armored orb was the sound of her own sobbing.

Kanta was knocked back; unconcious, Touka was dazed after seeing Hinami finally release her kagune, revealing her chimera type; and Hinami herself was simply crying over her seemingly lost friend.

She simply sobbed as she held his head in her lap, looking at his motionless face

"Y...y/n...why?...." she bawled her eyes out until she felt a hand reach up and stroke her cheek

"Hey..." Hinami looked down, only to see that his two eyes were glowing "don't kill me off just yet~..."

He simply looked up at Hinami, smiling with his normal dorky grin, calming her down with his soft touch and gentle expression.

As he went on, her kagune slowed and eventually unwrapped the two of them, as Touka rushed over to check on the three of them

"Oh my god! Y/n!," Touka rushed over to them as she helped him up "are you alright!?"

Y/n simply chuckled while spitting up blood "I'm fine~...NOT! I have a huge fucking hole in my gut!...just...take us to doc, we'll all survive once I can move..."

Touka was simply stunned by the fact he was still so calm, but she still picked up Kanta on her shoulder, and princess carried Y/n to the medical ward, and to Hinami's father.

??? POV

"Huh, so he managed to get her to awaken?"

A man's figure simply sat in front of a tv watching the scene replay from the camera.

"I'll get some of Uta's blood for him as a gift, maybe have doc do it as a transplant. Uta will enjoy it, given their interests".

He simply went about naturally, wiping down the counter and humming a soft tune

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