CHAPTER 1: "Life Of A Guardian"

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JUNE 25, 2018:
RANK #8 IN #billybatson

JULY 4, 2018:
RANK #2 IN #captainmarvel


JULY 28, 2018:
RANK #7 IN #shazam

AUGUST 7, 2018:
RANK #5 IN #billybatson

AUGUST 10, 2018:
RANK #75 IN #wizard

AUGUST 13, 2018:
RANK #37 IN #wizard

OCTOBER 20, 2018:
RANK #6 IN #zachcallison

MARCH 13, 2019:
RANK #1 IN #blackadam

APRIL 17, 2019:
RANK #1 IN #zachcallison

RANK #5 IN #seanastin


Eyo!👋 Konichiwa here from the Philippines!👋😊 Hey, so this idea was just lingering over my imagination a few days ago, and I decided that it could be a good story. So this is a Billy Batson/Shazam X OC/Reader.⚡ See what I did there? You can still think that Jessica Moore is an OC, but I got her name from the initials of her alter ego; as the Guardian Of Magic.🌟 I changed the G with J, since it kinda sounded better. So basically, you can also think that her character is you.

Oh, and to all DC and Shazam or Captain Marvel Fans, I'm only here to remind you that this is a fanfiction, alright? Because we all know that I don't own any of the DC heroes and villains, specifically Shazam or Captain Marvel. And to add it up, too, My OC is not a part of the DC Universe nor the original and latest Shazam/Captain Marvel back story or stuff.

Like what I've said earlier, this is just a product of my imagination. Just trying to clear things out if some of you had issues with the story description. And, for the new readers here to get on the right path, not ending up dumb founded. Anyway, I'd also like to share that this Shazam and Billy Batson version is from "Justice League War"🎆 and "Justice League Throne Of Atlantis".🐳 But, you guys/gals can think of any versh of Shazam and Billy Batson as much as you want. I just like their versh because;

1.) Billy's attitude screams out rebel and bad boy-ish teenager;😎👿

2.) Billy's voice sounds just like what a teenager should sound (I love Zach Callison's voice-aka Steven Universe! 💖😍😆🙋) ;👌👍

3.) Shazam! looks way rad rocking out the hoodie;😎⚡

4.) Shazam! is a bit more playful than usual, funny too;😂⚡


5.) Sean Astin... Shazam's... Voice actor... In english; Sean Astin-the same voice of Raphael 2012 on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles💉🔪🍕🐢 that airs on Nickelodeon-voices Shazam in both movies. I mean, who wouldn't love Sean Astin's voice?! I know I do!😍 Peace be with all the other Shazam fans that like the other voices of the hero.✌👍

And now that that's all covered, let's move on to the story before I go ahead and let my idea fade out of my head.

Enjoy minna! ~Waashi ^ω^


Dove Cameron (voice) as Jessica Moore


Bring Me To Life by Evanescence


[Jessica's PoV]

My apartment's been empty for 5 months now, after my foster family left me on their summer vacation in Las Vegas. And of course, they left me behind to rot in this place called 'home'. But I would be much better off to stay here alone than to be with them. Its either they hurt me or they push me around.

It's a habit I've grown into for the past ten years of my life. Not being able to receive a family's affection and tender kindness. But instead, I got scorn, mockery, torture and trauma.

I always wished that I could've been born as someone else instead. If I knew that this was gonna happen to me, I would have disputed with that Dumbledore until eternity. Of all the spirits to be sent to Earth, from the Rock of Eternity, why must it be me to endure all of this pain and suffering? And why must it be this much to hide the one secret I can't expose to anyone? The only good reason why I was born. Because I was born to be The Guardian Of Magic.

Another invisible being like me. I can't blame that Dumbledore that The Guardian Of Magic is a half-spirit entity, and that normal people won't be able to see her since she's kinda part ghost. But couldn't he just chose a better form for me to take? I just can't understand what his point meant!


"FOLLOW WHAT OTHERS HAVE TOLD YOU TO DO, IN ORDER TO KEEP YOUR PURPOSE A SECRET.",he said with his voice booming throughout the throne room. All I could do there was just stand in awe and confusion. What is he talking about?

"I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS FOR ME, BUT I'M AFRAID I WON'T BE ABLE TO ANSWER THEM ALL.",he spoke in a sad tone. Then, he turned towards a portal and raised his hands in front of it."NOW GO FORTH, AND REMEMBER MY ORDERS! FOLLOW WHAT OTHERS HAVE TOLD YOU TO DO, IN ORDER TO KEEP YOUR PURPOSE A SECRET!",were the last words I heard from his mouth before the portal began to suck me in and send me to the mortal realm, the planet Earth.

*End of Flashback*

After that, my human form was given birth by my biological parents. Although I was still a babe and my eyes were closed, I could sense their presence and emotions. I felt my mother smiling and crying for joy, holding me in her arms like I was a China made porcelain plate. The next day, I sensed my father's quiet breaths as he held my miniature hand with his thumb. And within those days, I felt like I've forgotten what the Wizard said about my purpose. I felt like I was free, and that I truly belonged here with my parents. It was so much, that I had second thoughts about ignoring his orders and just live a normal life.

But fate didn't become fair.

Three days after my birth, my mother was released from the hospital with me and my father. They were just walking a few blocks away from the hospital, when I sensed something dark and powerful approaching us. And not just one, there were several dark powers cornering us. They were like gangsters of somewhat, but with poorly made weapons. My parents stood there in fear and worry since all of the gangsters closed in a circle around us.

The next events were too fast that I couldn't sense them anymore. Later, the men left, along with their dark powers. I tried to sense my parents' presence, but I was only able to sense their lifeless bodies.

Those men killed them. They murdered my parents, my family, my happiness, my whole life! They took them away from me! And they didn't have any pity or second thoughts about what would happen to me?! I wanted to get up, to chase after them and drain the life out of them with my bare hands! I wanted them to pay for what they've done. But I couldn't. I was only a few day-old baby that is lying on the sidewalk with the bodies of her bloodied parents.

On that day, my life already ended.

Yet the next thing I knew, I grew up in an orphanage for three years. Everyone there was very nice to me, knowing what caused me to be an orphan. But within those years, I wished that I wasn't alone. That they could've still been alive. That they didn't die at all.

Though no one can change the past... Not even Father Time, himself...

On my third birthday, I was adopted by the Moore Family. I thanked the Gods for what they did for me as a gift, a family.

But it wasn't the kind of a family that I expected.

The moment we got to my new home, they tossed me in their basement along with my clothes and bags. I was locked there for 3 days, and whenever they opened the door they would torture me first before letting me eat. And their adopted daughter, my foster sibling named Isabelle, would come down to the basement to throw the garbage bags she was supposed to throw outside. (Sorry if any of you are named Isabelle 🙏🙇 Forgive me, the author, for not knowing)

They were always making me do chores, cook, clean, and a torture material that whenever one of them gets mad, they pour out their wrath over me. Leaving my body with nothing but scars and wounds.

During those times, the Wizard came to visit me from the first night. He gave me reminders of what I was really destined to do. To protect the innocent from darkness and evil, showing the right way to goodness and light.

One day, when they left me in the house, the Wizard warned me of grave peril that was occurring downtown of Metropolis and that I must use the powers of The Guardian.




I carefully read each one and observed them."Hmm... If you put the first letters of each name, they spell... S. H. A. Z. A. M..."."GOOD, NOW SPEAK THE LETTERS AT ONCE TO BEGIN YOUR QUEST!!"

And so I did what the Wizard told me, yelling,"SHAZAM!", at the top of my lungs. And not a moment too soon, I've transformed into a winged and white robed magical being called "The Guardian Of Magic". (Hence, when she transforms into a Guardian, she looks like 26-28 years old)

*End of Flashback*

So until today, my quest still continues to abolish all dark, evil and illegal magic in this realm. Probably the one thing I know is right to follow. The only things that pull me down or away from completing it are my peer bullies and society's ignorance to my existence or slavery and torment.

I mean, I can accomplish the job but with other projectiles blocking my path, it's gonna take me ages! Considering that I'm half-spirit. Damn weirdos.


Oh damn! Not now...

I sprinted across the room, opening my closet. I pulled out a secret drawer which contained a gold trimmed silver bracelet. The center of it was a star, blinking lights repeatedly and causing loud beeping sounds. I took it out and placed it on my right arm, pressing the middle button. A holographic map of Fawcett City appeared, pinpointing a specific spot. Damn you dark magic users!

I quickly pulled out my white hoodie, a black chemise, a black short skirt, a pair of black knee-high socks, and brown school shoes. I placed two black clips at the left side of my white hair and stared at my reflection using my blue orbs. I know that it kinda looks good on me, but it's not much.

Jumping out of my window, I ran through the roof tops and found a dark alley. The perfect spot to hide. With one swoop of motion, I leaped down to the cold hard floor.

Assuring first that there's no one in sight, spying on me, I unveiled my hood and looked towards the sky. Black clouds forming above me as I took a deep breathe and yelled,


Lightning poured from above, flowing through my veins and light illuminated all around me. I felt my back being ripped in half as a pair of white feathered wings sprouted from behind. My feet were levitating from the ground and floating in mid air. And my shoulder-length hair grew longer and longer until it reached my waist line. My clothes were changing as well, into a finely silked white and blue long sleeved dress with a hoodie attached at the back.

"AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!",I screamed in pain, even though this can be pretty old for me.

Momentarily, electricity stopped flowing through me and the skies were clear once again. As I opened my eyes, I knew that I was-temporarily-no longer Jessica Moore. For the form that I behold now is the form of The Guardian Of Magic, and ready to take on any evil entities that break the Laws of Magic.

Now that my form is completed, I made my wings burst into a whirlwind, carrying me above the buildings with the breeze hitting my face. This was the one occasion where in I get to enjoy myself. Flying higher and higher, I immediately reached the portion of the sky where the moon is centered. As I got in place, I extended my wings on both sides, making me fall from the heavens. I shut my eyes as I fell closer and closer to the ground. And when I got the right moment, I fluttered my wings even faster and flew towards the direction where a few dark magic users are.

Minutes later, I arrived at my destination. It was a bank robbery, with men in black clothes and masks. There were policemen on standby, but they didn't seem much of help.

"Ugh... I guess it's up to- Wait a minute! Where's Shazam? He's supposed to be here earlier than me! Grr... That lazy, so called 'Protector of Fawcett City'! He's barely done anything since the Wizard chose him!", I uttered to myself.

(I hate to write this to the Shazam Fans out there, but in the story, Shazam has just been chosen. This is before Black Adam returns or anything else. So Shazam isn't aware yet of all the crimes in the city.)

Since the night the Wizard told me that he's chosen a new champion, probably better than Black Adam, I thought that my job would become easier. But I was wrong. His so called "Champion" is always tardy and is a bit of a show off. He never stops the bad guys in time. Ugh.. And that's where I come in, to be his invisible cover up.

The robbers weren't holding any weapons, so they definitely look like the kind that uses magic. I approached them without any hesitation, since they won't be able to see me. Their hands were emitting and wafting out black streams of magic and sorcery. Taking the opportunity, before they harm any civilians, I extended out my staff made out of gold and had a blue orb at the end. I pointed it towards them and spoke magic incantations.

"Meloso magika com spiritum resersum powera!!!", and my staff began draining their powers, transforming it into stones. Magic immediately left their eyes and grasp as their expressions changed. Their eyes widened in awe and shock, for their abilities were disappearing.

"What's going on?!"

"Why is our magic draining out?!"

"I can't feel it anymore!"

"Where's our magic?!"

,was all that they could say as they returned to their normal state of non-magical beings. After fully draining them out, the stones were automatically teleported to the Wizard at the Rock Of Eternity, hopefully out of any mortal's reach. Althought I was able to remove their powers, I haven't noticed that one of them held a granade!

'How was I not able to sense that?'


'Oh.. Okay.. Wait! What?! Wizard?! Are you communicating with me?!'


'Wow! You must be exhausted traveling your soul from that far...'


'Ah! Right! Sorry about that.. I think I'm going insane or nuts...'

Using the Power of Zeus; I summoned rope-like lightning bolts and flew around the gang, tying them together and tight! They tried to loosen the rope's grip, but it only resulted to them getting electrocuted. Simultaneously, Shazam finally showed up to the scene, making everyone look at him in awe and joy. My powers immediately noticed his prescence, so I finished tying them up and flew behind a concrete wall.

I know that what I said earlier about the,'mortals can't see me', thing. But this is completely different. Shazam is a god-like being, meaning he can see ghosts and spirits like me! And that is not good at all.

He landed just in time as the Fawcett PD closed in the criminals. And all of a sudden, everyone is cheering for Shazam. Why? Maybe because there were lightning bolts holding the villains in place and because the citizens know that he is the ONLY one that can control the 'Living Lightning' in the area.

"Shazam stopped them!"

"He was so fast that I barely saw him fight!"

"Free cheers for Shazam The Protector of Fawcett City!!!!"

,they were ranting and yelling in joy. And as they did, my heart felt like it was breaking into pieces.

They were giving him the credit, again. It was always him! They can't think of anyone else who could've saved them, except for Shazam. They always think that he's the best and the hero, I'm the one who did the job and not him! He barely lifted a finger when he came! He didn't even needed to do anything at all to gain credit.

While I spent my entire life, from my birth until now, to be-for once-noticed or praised for all the hardships I've done. But they just return me the favor by hurting my physical, mental, emotional and social life! Why can't they see me like how they always see him?! Why can't I just be like him?! But my mind stopped it's complains, as I remembered the exact reason why....

It's because it was the price to pay to live the life of a Guardian...

I turned away from the scene, while the night sky still shimmers with the stars that people sometimes noticed, and glowed with the moon's eye-catching light... Flying towards a tall skyscraper, I muttered to myself,"Humans will never know what kind of life I'm going through...", shedding diamond-like tears from my eyes.




(A/n; Yatta! Chappy 1 done! 😊😍😆Was it good or bad, or too much explanatory?! Anywho thanks for your views, votes, comments and shares for this story and for my other stories;


'The Fangirl's Fictional Crush {Raphael 2012 X OC} (PART 1)'

Also, I want to ask you guys if you'd like me to make a Fantasy/Swords and Sorcery/Adventure/Teen Fiction/Action/Romance book -sorry if it has too many sub genres- on my account. It's gonna be called 'Guardians Of Life "The Battle Academy"'. ⚡💧🍃🌿❄🌙🔥🔆🌋🗿💉🔪

If you guys would love it, please comment down below. Wow! More than 3000 words in a single chapter?! Nice job, Waashi!!😊😆😍)


Arigato minna! ~Waashi ^ω^


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