CHAPTER 3: "Legend Of The Guardian"

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Enjoy minna! ~Waashi ^ω^




Sad Song by We The Kings


[Shazam's PoV]

I watched the heavens drain out their last drops of lightning and as the smoke clears. Now, all that was left of the mysterious angel has now appeared before me. Non other than a girl. A kid; wearing a hoodie, a skirt and high knee socks. It all-kind of-makes sense now. But why hasn't the Wizard told me that there's another champion like me, like her, like the both of us.

"She's just a kid; but she has the power of the 'Living Lightning', ability to cast spells freely, is a half spirit and with wings to boot! Man, that darn Wizard better have a good explanation.", I muttered to myself.

She still remained there, sobbing and crying her heart out while exclaiming curses and malisons, while I hid behind a wall not so far away from her.

"H-he's gone... He le-left me... T-they always leave m-me.. Everyone do-does... M-my parents, my f-foster family, even he left me! Why do they always leave me?! What have I done so bad and cruel, that it would motivate them to do the same?! Why?! WHY DID YOU EVER CREATE ME, WIZARD?! WHY WAS I BORN?! WAS IT TO LIVE THE MOST MISERABLE LIFE?! WAS IT JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO PLAY AND TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS?! ANSWER ME!!!", she exclaimed as loud as she could.

At the same time, my blood boiled in anger and frustration; causing some bolts to burst out of my palm, hit the concrete wall, and let some debris fall.

Agh, dammit!

While she was crying, she must've heard my actions and shot her head up. She must've sensed my presence. She turned her head around, left and right, and almost had her eyes landing on me. Luckily, I was able to hide myself and evade her field of vision.

When she decided to calm down, she wiped away her tears and shrugged off the dust and dirt on her. Looking around herself, she donned her hoodie and ran off on the roof tops until she was gone.

Why? What could've happened to her and made her like that?

Dazed and confused, I took off getting back home, hoping that Darla and Freddy didn't tell 'Mom' and 'Dad' that I was missing. Seeing an abandoned and dark alley with no one in it seemed like the perfect spot to change back.


, I promptly yelled and transformed back into Billy Batson. I rushed down the streets and stopped at the backyard of my house. Viewing a sturdy ladder near my window, I climbed it and quietly entered my room. I shut the windows closed with a small click, yet coincidentally I heard an abrupt cough behind me.

My senses alarmed me and were fully aware when I spun around and saw my foster parents with their arms crossed.

Ugh! Damn it all!

"William, where have you been? Darla told us that you scurried off after watching the breaking news. And she also said that you came home at past 8:00 PM this evening.", my foster Mom spoke with, probably fake, worry and pity.

My foster Dad took a few steps forward and laid a hand over my right shoulder,"Son, you know what kind of people are lurking out there. We're just concerned about your safety, that's all.", coaxing me and, hardly, trying to comfort me.

In rage and annoyance, I swatted his arm off of me,"Look, I'm not your son! And you're not my parents! I'm your FOSTER SON, and you two are just my FOSTER PARENTS! And please, stop calling me 'William', okay? You can call be by the name 'Billy' instead.", and donned my hoodie while turning away from them, crossing my arms in defense.

I felt her weight on the floor as she sat up from my mattress and tried to approach me,"William, please! We just want to help. Please let us. We're just trying to be like real parents to you."

"Well, I'm sorry to say this, but my REAL PARENTS died years ago and you guys will never be like real parents to me! Never! EVER!", I countered and slammed my clenched fist on my desk.

The man's calm and collective form marched towards me, creating an enraged aura around him.

"William, you are OUR son, even if you didn't came from my wife's womb. We chose to have you, and we wanted you to have a happy life with us. That's all we ever want for you, son.", he said, trying to cajole me with those tender words.

But those words only lighted a fuse inside my heart. I stomped my foot down and yelled,"I'm not your SON! I don't care what you want for me! I can do things on my own! I don't need you to make decisions for me, I have my own mind! Leave me alone, already! Get out of my room!", pushing their backs to the door.

They both grunted and tried to fight back by pushing me, but they were both persistent to talk with me.

"But William, we made you dinner on your bed...", she excused while facing me and stepping back in, thinking that I would have second thoughts.

I turned towards my bed and found a plate of mashed potatoes and gravy with fries. I cringed, having the thought that I haven't eaten yet.

"Alright, alright! I'll eat it! Just get out! I need some space!", I said, convincing them to leave.

All they could do was gaze upon my angered features and closed the door with a click.

"Finally...", I muttered as I turned around and picked up the delicious plate of food laid on my mattress.

I plopped myself down on my bed, sitting up in a slouch while grabbing a bite of fries in gravy. As I ate, a small glow of light appears next to me, as if the light took the shape of a person. From that light, came the spirit of the Wizard, curiously watching me consume my meal.

"What are you looking at?", I slovenly asked him, glaring in his eyes then returning my gaze upon the food I was ingesting.

His face remained blank and serious,"We have something to talk about, Billy.", he stated, alarming my thoughts about what happened earlier.

"Yeah, and speaking of talk, I want to ask you something first.", I said while stuffing my face with a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

He stood up from his seat and crossed his arms,"I assume that our conversation will also be composed of that topic", then he stood in front of me.

Finishing my meal, I wiped my mouth clean and set the clean plate aside. I laid myself down on my bed and grabbed an inflated football next to me, repetitively tossing it in the air.

"Earlier this night, I met an angel-like girl; who can summon lightning bolts, cast spells and had wings helping her hover in the air. She didn't have any logos of a lightning bolt across her chest or on her clothes, but I have a strong feeling that you know something about her, so spill the beans!", I commanded him, throwing the football towards him but it passes through him instead.

He took a few steps forward and said,"So you have met my Guardian.."

"Guardian? Is that like another term for 'Champion'? Is she another champion like me?", I consecutively asked him without any pauses.

"Hmm.. More like 'The Guardian Of Magic', but she is not another champion. She is my peacekeeper, a watchful eye in the mortal realm.", he explains, but it isn't enough to satisfy my questions.

"Look Wizard, I know that you have some knowledge about her. So please don't try and just let me know the minor details, I want to know everything about her. Like; Who is she?, What's her name?, How did she turn into this 'Guardian Of Magic'? And how does she know about me?", I told him with a 'get-straight-to-the-point-already' glare in my eyes.

He looked into my orbs and sighed in defeat, swinging his arms from his chest.

"Fine, I shall. But you must not speak of this to anyone else! I am only giving you this one chance because you possess my powers.", he clarifies and raised his right hand, revealing a portal which is reflecting the past.

(A/n: text in bold are narrations while text in bold italic are conversation or written scriptures)

He began,"Before you were born and while Black Adam is still light years away, the world was already fond of using different kinds of magic. There were good people who used it for the poor and helpless, and yet there are people who used it for evil.

This kind of magic was not from those of the gods or goddesses, for this magic came from the dark man himself, Black Adam. It was 14 years before he would be able to return to wreck havoc in Earth, but from where he was traveling his magic was able to waft about all the way from space. It penetrated through the vacuum and was exposed to the world.

With his magic, free to wander and move, he used it to posses the bodies and souls of both corrupted and innocent people and whoever was his victim fell into a dark trance. He would use them to spread evil deeds and encourage other people such as themselves to wicked doings.

It caused people to see that magic was dangerous and unstable, which extended throughout the planet. It was something that even I couldn't control alone. Adam wished to do this in order for him to easily defeat nations so that when he returns they would fall for his commands.

I knew that if this continued any sooner, I would not be able to choose a proper and formidable champion to take over my throne. I contemplated and planned on how I would be able to stop his goal, until it hit me. I would have to create a protector, one that will keep the Laws of Magic in balance and apprehend Black Adam's pernicious plans.

Instantly, I began creating my plan to life. Using the powers of the gods and forming the physical traits of a spirit; I created a little and fragile soul of a young girl. Her hair was as pure as white and goodness, and her eyes shone a spark of truth and justice towards all darkness. She had wings of a dove, but were able to take her to any distance like the wings of an eagle and a falcon. Her robes consisted of white and blue robes overlapping each other and a white robe is wrapped over her head like a cloak.", he explained as I saw a slightly younger image of the Guardian.

"Wow, is that her? She looks cute.", I commented as I stared into her form in the portal.

"Yes, that is correct.", the Wizard said.

"All that was left was for me to speak the magic words to bring her to life.


, I exclaimed and casted the spell towards her. And not a moment too soon, she was alive. Her gaze contained confusion and curiosity with her surroundings.

She said,"Where am I? What place is this? Who am I?", while she observed herself.

I stood before her and laid my hand on her shoulder,"Greetings. You are in the Rock Of Eternity; the place where I, the Wizard Shazam, remains. You my dear, you are the Guardian Of Magic.", explaining and answering her curious questions.

"Guardian Of Magic?", she repeated.

"Yes, you are. You are here because I have a very important task for you to take. Do you think you can do it?", I asked her.

She furrowed her brows,"What am I supposed to do?", abstrusely questioning me once more.

"The Guardian Of Magic is a celestial being that controls and possesses a wide variety of magical abilities, including the power to control time and space. Your purpose is; to use your powers for good, help those in need, collect and restore humans that have irregular magical powers, and to equalize the use of magic on this planet.", I trailed her off and turned to a small portal, revealing the planet Earth.

"Woah, what is that place?", she queries.

"That is the mortal realm, Earth. That is where I will send your soul and fuse it with the form of a human. I cannot let the enemy know of your spiritual presence, so until you are needed, you must hold your mortal form as Jessica Moore.", I replied and returned my gaze upon her.

"I want you to remember this reminder before you go forth.", I continued and knelt before her.

"FOLLOW WHAT OTHERS HAVE TOLD YOU TO DO, IN ORDER TO KEEP YOUR PURPOSE A SECRET.",I said with my voice booming throughout the throne room. All she could do there was just stand in awe and confusion.

I heard her voice inwardly asking,"What is he talking about?"

I arose from my stance and furrowed my brows,"I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS FOR ME, BUT I'M AFRAID I WON'T BE ABLE TO ANSWER THEM ALL.",I spoke
in a sad tone. Then, I turned towards a portal and raised my hands in front of it."NOW GO FORTH, AND REMEMBER MY ORDERS! FOLLOW WHAT OTHERS HAVE TOLD YOU TO DO, IN ORDER TO KEEP YOUR PURPOSE A SECRET!",were the last words I spoke from my mouth before the portal began to suck her in and send her to the mortal realm, the planet Earth.

After that, I used my magic to fuse her soul with her human identity while she was given birth by her biological parents. My plan was of such success. Three to four years sooner would suffice for her to be able to take up her duty. And I remained watching over her and her parents through a portal.

Three days later, her mother was released from the hospital's custody and was advised to go home. Yet I was not aware that Black Adam knew of my plan to stop his schemes.

With his magic; he used it to travel faster than a person could blink and possessed by standing thugs. These men took hold of possible weapons and surrounded them, blocking any feasible exit. And from there, they began attacking the lovely couple as their little babe cried in horror. A thug attempted to approach and kill her, but I got to cast a special spell over her in the nick of time.

An invisible layer of a force field covered her entire body, preventing any damage from a fall, a push or a strong impact. Moments later, the group left them in peace but unfortunately her parents were killed in the scene.", he stopped and gazed upon the playback images of her parents' dead corpses .

"Then that means, she's an orphan, which explains her rebellious attitude. But, why did you let her parents die? You could helped them live, too.", I complained in vexation.

The Wizard sadly replied,"Calm down, Billy. I tried to cast a spell upon her parents, yet Adam's magic has already influenced them as well.", averting his gaze to the ground then returning it to the portal.

Bouncing back, he continued,"In pity and sorrow, I donned a temporary human form while wearing an invisibility cloak. With that, I delivered their bodies back to the hospital for them to take care of the cadavers.

As for Jessica, I carried her to a nearby orphanage and asked the caregivers to be kind to her, and so they did. While she grew up, the kids of her age lived to play. They even tried to be nice to her, but before they could, anxiety would always dominate their minds once they are near her and leave her.

On her birthdays, she would always celebrate alone. It was either in a closed room or outdoors. And on the 3rd annual day of her birth, Adam's wickedness ruled again. She was about to carry out her first mission as The Guardian, but then she suddenly heard the news that a rich family will adopt her.

At first; I thought that they would be sugar sweet and nice as snow, but to my dismay; they were the exact opposite.

Taking her to their home, they encaged her in the basement and tortured her, giving her physical abuse. It took them hours before they would stop, but once they did, they left her down there and went for a short cruise around town.

Grabbing the opportunity, I appeared before her and greeted her,"Hello there, Jessica."

Her teary eyes widen in shock as she said,"Wizard?! What are you doing here?!", sniffling her droopy nose after crying in pain.

"It's time for you to take on your duty.", I explained to her and showed a mini portal.

"Look thereof!", I said and pointed to the window and it illuminated a hostage taken at Metropolis, a neighboring city.

"Woah! What's going on there?!", she surprisingly queries.

Calmly, I replied,"The people need your assistance. It is time to fulfill your purpose."

"But how?!"



She carefully read each one and observed them."Hmm... If you put the first letters of each name, they spell... S. H. A. Z. A. M..."."GOOD, NOW SPEAK THE LETTERS AT ONCE TO BEGIN YOUR QUEST!!"

And so she did what I told her, yelling,"SHAZAM!", at the top of her lungs. And not a moment too soon, she's transformed into a winged and white robed magical being called 'The Guardian Of Magic'.", he finishes and closes the portal.

"Ever since then, she was still abused by her foster family and kept her job intact with her purpose within these past 10 years.", he adds, placing his gaze upon me.

My blood boils, all of a sudden, and anger and pity fills my eyes.

"She remained like that for years, and now; she's still following you. How? Why didn't she just leave her foster family? There's a lot of other families that would love to have her!", I complained and shouted at the Wizard.

He bows his head,"Billy, it is only visible that she is an obedient child and she knows what it is like to sacrifice herself and put the safety of the world first. That is all that she wishes to achieve.", replying and staring at me.

What could I possibly do for her? She deserves to gain at least some credit. Out of the blue, am idea pops in my head!

"Hey, what if I befriended her? Then she would know that Billy or Shazam understands exactly how she feels and that she's not alone at all!", I exclaimed clamorously.

Unintentionally, a faint but clearly heard voice came from downstairs.

"Billy?! Who are you talking to?", asked Darla's voice.

"Umm.. No one! I was just yelling out loud an article online!", I lied and turned back to Dumbledore.

The Wizard's look altered and said,"I'm afraid it is a bad idea to introduce yourself both as Billy and Shazam."

"Well why not?"

"As of now, she is not in good terms with Shazam For you see, ever since I chose you to become my champion, she has become a bit jealous. Especially when you arrive at resolved crime scenes she fixed but you're given praises by the citizens. And if she learns who your secret identity is, she might let her jealousy get over her.", he clarifies.

I shook my head in disappointment,"Aww, too bad... But what if I told them that it was her and not me stopping the crimes?"

"That cannot be! She is a half spirit and only the people possessing my powers alone cam see her.", he adds, making me more disappointed.

"Argh! I give up!", I cried out and shoved my hands to my face. I peacefully pondered possible ideas on how to give her a bit of appreciation. Then, it hit me!

"What if I separately introduce her to Billy and Shazam? That would be a great idea! She can learn about the two different identities I have. She can also learn that she's not alone and different from the two aspects of myself! What do you say, Wizard? Do you think it would work?", I question and suggested my idea to him.

He replied,"I suppose it wouldn't hurt... But you mustn't let her know your true identity or she will go after you and be consumed by evil, like Black Adam.", and warned me.

"Of course! I promise! It'll be like a walk in a park! And besides, she wouldn't know a thing between me and Shazam", I confirmed.

"Very well, then I shall return to my rest.", the Wizard stated and disappeared like how a bubble popped in the wind.

After he left, I plopped back down in my bed and pulled my blanket over myself, murmuring under my breathe,"It's time Billy Batson befriends Jessica Moore.", dozing off to sleep.



(A/n: SUGOI KOTO DESU KA!! 3500+ WORDS!!!! That is too much! *nuff said* Btw, thanks for the views, votes, comments and shares!! Always open for critiques! )



Arigato ne minna!




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