CHAPTER 5: "We Meet Again, Guardian."

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Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krutch


[Jessica's PoV]

It's been hours since I came back from the comic bookstore, and a weird but kind kid befriended me. I still don't know why he wanted me to have this issue so badly. But of course, I had no choice, since if I didn't accept it; he would've spoiled me. Luckily, I didn't let my cockiness get the best of me.

The sunlight gradually fades from my windows as darkness creeps throughout the city and the sky. Noticing the decrease in natural light source, I glanced over the wall clock and figured it was 5:30 PM. And I noticed that within earlier, there wasn't any notifications going off from my bracelet.

I groaned in boredom, rising from my mattress,"Ugh! Isn't there anything evil or bad going on in the world?! I'm starting to doubt, again, why the wizard created-"


My ranting paused as my bracelet's alarm goes off in the air. I raised my wrist just before my face and remarked,"Well that was fast...", pressing the middle button as a hologram map appears. I observed the location of its source, realizing that the map exhibited the borderline of Fawcett City and Metropolis.

"Looks like something big is going down there...", I uttered and rushed to the fire exit. I climbed up as quickly as I could and stood at the highest platform between the building and the sky, then I squalled,


, and immediately transfigured. I am not going to let anyone get there before me, especially Shazam. If he does, people are gonna start and praise him again! And I am not going to let that happen, because I am gonna get there first!

Without hesitation; I spreaded my wings, bursting into cyclones and flying myself all the way to the exact location my bracelet pinpointed. I couldn't let a single second pass by without giving 100% of myself in what I'm doing.

Even if people can't see me, I am going to prove to that old sorcerer that I deserve to be more than his Guardian. That I deserve to become his Champion, his New Champion...

And nothing or no one will get in my way...

[Billy's PoV]

It was really nice to meet Jessica in her normal form, knowing that she has no idea that I'm Shazam. I still can't help but wonder why the wizard doesn't want me to tell her who I am. It's not like she could turn bad like Black Adam, could she? Nah, that's not gonna happen.

I walked up to my bedroom window pane and pulled the glass open as the breeze got caught up with my hair. My mind began to drift off while I focused my gaze on the never ending sky.

'Hmm... I wonder when can I see Jessica again... And where...', I pondered, never taking my eyes off the view.

Suddenly, a white glow comes in the scene and dashes through the air in a heartbeat. The winds it brought ruffled up my hair and made several papers fly in my room. Once it passed by, I leaned out of my window to see what it was. But to my dismay, it was gone before I even saw it.

In defeat, I stared back at the splash of darkness and flickering lights up above. Then while I was at it, something falls down to my lap. Something soft, light, alluring and white. A feather. It hit my head as hard as a brick falling from a skyscraper!

"JESSICA!..", I stated, my eyes not leaving the fascinating thing before me.

She flew right past me! But why was she soaring so fast? What was her hurry?

Unwavering my thoughts any further, I sprinted out of my room as I donned my red hoodie and down the staircase. In the process, I stumbled upon Darla while she was washing the dishes.

"Where do you think you're going, Billy? And what's that in your hand?", she inquires as I laced my shoes to my feet.

I replied,"Just for a quick walk. Maybe... I'm going.... bird watching?", questioning myself at the last statement I spoke and stared at the feather for a while, not sparing her a glance or so as I opened the front door.

"Oh really?", she sarcastically agreed, probably raising her eyebrow.

I turned my head towards her and retorted,"Don't tell Mom and Dad. I'll be back before you know it.", internally shuddering at the mention of how I called my foster parents, then exited the house.

I made my way down the asphalt and spotted an abandoned apartment. I looked for a ladder connected to the fire exit, then grabbed onto it as I ascended to the rooftops. I didn't want to waste anymore time and bellowed,


, and ascended from the ground, flying towards the direction Jessica took earlier. Zooming faster than a blink of an eye, I hoped that I would be able to catch up to her and find out where she's heading...

I'm coming for you, Jessica... Just you wait...

[Third Person's PoV]

Two supernaturally powerful beings were soaring with celerity through the cold night, pushing through the wind currents that attempt to obstruct them. One is filled with jealousy, pride, envy and the desire to prove herself worthy of such a high appellation: the Wizard's Champion. The other is brimmed with curiosity, hope, sheer felicity and the desideration to gain the trust of a certain celestial spirit: the Guardian of Magic.

Both are heading towards a location between two municipalities, abundant with dark and black magic wielders that must be taken under control of. Jessica lands right on the infrastructure's edge, aloft a group of men in black (Not the movie) garments who seem to be caught up in some sort of paranormal activity. Without faltering, she leans in closer -taking note that she is invisible to any mortal when she's in her Guardian form- eavesdropping on their conversation.

"What did the boss say?", a man in a bonnet asked.

Another man shifted to face the first one and retorted,"He says, we gotta find a way to get Black Adam here quicker than he's supposed to, so that the boss could use him and take over the city.", shoving his shoulder against him.

'Black Adam?!', she loudly stated in the back of her mind as her azure blue eyes shot open. These men weren't just up to no good, in fact; their boss, whoever the man is, wants to quicken Black Adam's arrival. Of all the missions Jessica has been through, this was a first that concerned the incoming of the wizard's great nemesis. She calmed down her inner voices and resumed listening to their discussion.

The tallest among them walked up front and center,"Yeah, and what happens if we don't do what the boss wants?", seeming to threaten their strategist.

The strategist stood up to him,"He says, if we don't, he'll be experimenting on us and cut us in halves! So unless you want your sorry ass safe, we gotta do what he says? Clear?", leaning his broad chest against the other man's. They all began to murmur a bunch of words, nodding and turning towards each other's faces.

Concluding that their dialogue has finished, the snow white haired maiden bounces back to her thoughts. 'If I stop these dumbasses, the wizard would surely notice me and think twice about ever choosing Shazam as his champion. All it takes is just one absorption spell, and they're all powerless. Plus, they're planning to send Black Adam back earlier than his sentence. If you put it all together; I'm practically saving the world's sorry ass! Ha! Too easy...', she internally brags and makes her move on the group.

She whispers a spell under her breathe,"Magika sceptum confina...", then a rope made of plasma appears, bounding the men in a single assault. One of them, who happens to be the strategist, slips out of her barrier with ease. The Joe grunts for a while then turns to look for the source of their trap. Jessica, however, goes to the next phase and starts to drain their powers, morphing the matter into stones.

"Meloso magika com spiritum resersum powera!!!", she exclaims, her hand and scepter extended to her target. Their eyes began to grow weaker, energy being sucked out of their systems, morphing into mere stones.

The strategist, however, lets his eyes roam around the area, until he spots a celestial spirit hovering in mid-air. He could easily decipher what she was doing, based on her hand gestures and the staff she held towards his comrades.

The man utters underneath his breath,"Is that... That must be what the Doctor preferred to as 'The Guardian Of Magic'...", and gazes in amazement. Despite the excessive amusement he has for the Guardian, he lunges towards her and throws a black ball right at her staff's orb.

(Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab)

Once the ball has contact with her staff, a sudden shockwave pulses and pushes her back, the Guardian's wings take impact against the concrete wall. Luckily, her forcefield was able to activate just in time, though the impact created an unsettling surge of pain throughout her form.

"Argh! What the hell? Where did that-", she whined, but was interjected by the man's nerve-wracking laughter.

"Hahaha!", he chuckled aloud.

"Ha! You think that being a spirit means that no one could see you, Guardian?", he remarked and left her in awe.

A mortal being like him could be able to see her form! She grew both excited and alarmed. It was the first time that she heard someone say out loud that they can see her and not doubt about her existence. But this wasn't what she should problematize, at the moment.

She moves her staff and points it at him, querying,"Who are you speaking to, mortal? No one is able to see or even hear my words.", whilst she used her voice in a lowered tone.

"Well, I can...", he trailed off, then reached his hand towards his back while he was summoning another spell.

She was amused of his confidence, but at the same time cautious of his movements. So, she placed her staff in front of her in defense and prepared to cast a spell. "Memoria-"

"Evilus darkham cursion!", the man interjected, sending waves of darkness towards Jessica.

Once they were close enough, the Guardian's barrier was actuated for its purpose. The clashing of lightning and darkness ruled a few moments of their time, until the barrier begins to break.

Cracks crawled their way across her barricade and finally gave in to the sorcery against it. Without protection, the black smoke entered her nostrils and invaded her lungs, coursing through every blood cell in her body. Some of the substance couldn't reach deeper inside of her, instead they blocked her airways and prevented her from breathing.

Jessica's chest became tighter by the minute, grabbing all of the air around her. But the only thing that enveloped her surroundings was smoke. As her lungs grew weaker, she started to hover downwards. Then when the smoke had completely plugged up her windpipe, it made her loose her balance and fall -away from the smoke- to the ground with a sudden thud.

Landing roughly on concrete wasn't a good idea. Her fall gave her more damage than what she had. Seeming that the smoke has cleared her airways, the black substance that has already entered sank into her bloodstream and corrupted her DNA.

Another surge of pain took over her, and forced out an earsplitting scream from her lips. The substance stung her like snake bites that injected poison in her system.

'Why can't I breathe?! The smoke is gone anyway!', she thought.

Then, she continued to release painful shrills in the air and crumpled herself up like a ball of paper.

While she was crying out loud from the hurt, the man took the advantage and ran to his tied up accomplices. He came close enough to take a hold of the plasma binding them and laid his hand over it, slowly melting it into nothing.

"That should keep her busy...", he uttered under his breathe while setting his men free.

"Hey," one of his companions yelled, drawing his attention towards them. "How about you ought to get us out of this faster?!"

He wore an annoyed smirk on his lips and retorted,"Shut up! I'm on it, already.", pulling away the cables, releasing his men from captivity.

Now that they were freed, they take no chance to think twice and escape from the premises. Even with their steps as loud as clashing metal, the Guardian still finds it difficult to arise and stop them from fleeing. The substance that sank into her system earlier, had changed a few follicles of her hair to opaque black.

'They're escaping! No! I can't let this happen! I won't let them slip through my fingers!', she inwardly exclaimed.

Ignoring this phenomenon, she flutters her wings and flies towards them, anger and frustration dominating her emotions.

"Grr... Why you mortals!", she screamed, her voice cracking up and sounding off note. She reached for her staff, while her hands were trembling, and shouted,"Powera burstum!", as a wave of energy aimed for her foes.

Before the blast hits them, a man squalled out loud,"Protectus forgium!", summoning a protective layer of air about them and deflected her assault.

"Argh! How dare you?!", she barked at them and charged towards them, her wings flapping at full speed.

Just as she was about to cause damage, once more, the tallest man amongst the rest howled,"Vertex Spearioso!", and released hundreds of arrows directed to her.

Thanks to the Speed of Mercury, she was able to evade any of the arrows to hit her skin while her barrier was down. Unfortunately, the arrows pierced through her robes and stuck her to a brick wall of an apartment. Profusely, she tried to get out of the arrows' clutches with all her might, but she couldn't. And the few strands of her hair that is black has multiplied and become a small lock of hair.

“Ugh! Damn it!”, she cussed.

Unknowingly, one of them said something aloud that was audible to Jessica's ears. “Who knew getting mutated by Doctor Sivana was a good idea?”

Sivana? So he must be their mastermind. I have to squeeze the information out of these guys' lips! But first of all, I gotta get out of this piece of crap!’, she thought and began to struggle her way out.

She mustered all the movements she thought would work to get her out but it was no use as the arrows dug deeper. “Grr! You’re all a bunch of sons of bitches!”, she yelled loud enough for them to hear and grow weary of her whining sounds.

“Yeesh! She’s too talkative, eh boys? How about one of you go and do me a solid, my ears are bleeding!”, their leader complained, covering his hands against his earlobes.

One of them supposedly took his command and stroke a pose with his hands raised towards Jessica. It began crackling and zapping electricity between his fingertips until he pushed through all of the energy accumulated in his palm.

“Electrica formidius!!!”, he bellowed and released a large wave of lightning bolts coming towards the angel.

Feeling the tension and stress eat up her state of mind, she resumed to find a way out. Unfortunately, luck was playing on their side and she hung there, defenseless. She shut her eyes close, preparing to receive unwavering pain to course through her unmovable limbs.

1 second passed.

2 seconds passed.

3 seconds passed.

‘Damn, what the hell is taking that attack so long to hit me?!’, she complained, expecting something that never came.

Then, a large barricade was preventing the currents from reaching her skin and absorbed its energy. Sensing that the pain never came, she opened her eyes and gazed upon a man’s back that’s clothe in a maroon red spandex.

Her blue eyes shot open wide. “Shazam?!”, she called his name out loud.

The hero didn’t bother to turn his head just yet and finished sipping the rest of the spell with his fingers. He lowered himself for a good meter to meet these thugs and said,”Hey, that’s not how you treat a lady. Wow! What is up with today’s generation? Has everyone forgotten about something called ‘chivalry'?”

He scratched the back of his head, as if his statement was mistaken.“Doesn’t it even ring a bell, somehow?”

The men in black suddenly felt alarmed that the presence of a certain champion is now right in front of them.

“It's Shazam!”

“The Wizard's Champion!”

“He’s here!”

, they all muttered and chorused several words together.

Knowing that he’s got everyone's attention, he turns his head to the guardian and gave her a bright -yet for Jessica, it was an intimidating- smile. He shifted his entire body towards her and raised his hands, which effortlessly pulled out up all of the dark arrows from holding her in place. She finally got free while he flew a few meters closer, as he greeted her,

”We meet again, Guardian…”



(A/n: GUYS!!! I AM SO SORRY!!! I know it’s summer right now, but I couldn’t update as properly as before. And that’s for both of my stories! Cliffhanger, I know right? Hehehe, well now that class has been over for like 2 weeks, I suppose I could update more frequently. Maybe once a week? But of course if I'm gonna do that I need some motivation! A vote or a comment in each chapter would be nice. Critics too, but it has to be put very nicely.)


Arigato, minna!

~Waashi 😁😅

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