CHAPTER 6: "Magically Mutated Men"

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(Okay, so I've done some good research that I'm willing to put into use. FIRST OF ALL, Black Adam wasn't in prison or in his tomb. Where do you suppose he is then? SECOND, he's been teleported to a far away star -not imprisoned- and began to travel all the way back to Earth to get even with the Wizard. THIRD, the five thousand years the Wizard gave him was the time he would use to get to Earth. Oohh! And that picture above is my artwork of Jessica. I know that it may not be perfect, but its the best that I can do for you guys! Well, now that that is taken care off, BACK TO THE STORY!!!)


Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace



[Third Person's PoV]

Sapphire blue eyes met with his glistening brown ones. The Guardian's thoughts were immediately flooded with a million different emotions. The Wizard's Champion was now before her, and seemingly, assisting her in her current dilemma.

"Sorry I'm late. I was just busy and all, so-"

"I don't care.", she rolled her eyes to the side and gazed at the group of men at the opening of the alley.

He suddenly got taken aback by her nonchalant reaction. "Wow, so much for a that. No thank yous or anything?"

"I wasn't planning to."

"Seriously? You're not even gonna say-"

"Nope. Don't even think about it.", she sternly stated, fixing her posture and attire.

He looked disappointed, now that he's beginning to see her cold and insensitive side. He spoke,"Aw, come on! Not even after I saved your skin?", sounding like he was annoying in Jessica's ears.

Her composure instantly changed, dragging her gaze to Shazam. 'He did save my back when it was leaned against a wall of bricks...', she thought.

She closed her eyes to inhale some air, preventing her anger to take over, and opened them,"Alright, thank you. Thanks, Shazam."

He smiled at her reply. "See? That wasn't so bad now, was it?"

"Now, you can leave."

"That's good to hear-wait, what?"

"Your presence is unneeded, at the moment. I can handle this as good as anyone else can, which contrasts to the idea that no one else can do this except for me.", she said, nonchalantly.

"But I-"

"Your opinion isn't needed."

"I just got here!", he tried to reason.

"Then that's a better reason for you to leave immediately.", she emotionlessly said. To be honest, she didn't need his help in the first place and was doing just fine -before these men attacked her.

He looked upset and hurt from her statement and said,"But shouldn't birds of a feather stick together."

Her eyes perked up at what he said and remembered the exact same words being spoken by the boy she met in the comics store. 'Where the hell did get that?! Wasn't that the same thing Billy said?!', she internally panicked but kept her cool on the outside.

She raised her white brow and stared at him sarcastically. "What exactly are you implying?", she asked.

Shazam scratched the back of his head,"Uh... You know, because we're both the Wizard's Champions and stuff.", grinning sheepishly. Jessica swore that one or two of her veins just popped at the back of her neck after hearing what this guy just said.

"We are not the same. You're the Wizard's Champion and I am his Protector. If that didn't ring a bell, maybe my calling as the Guardian of Magic would suffice?", she clarified to the World's Mightiest Mortal. "Try to keep that in mind, if you want to stay off my bad side."

"Uh, excuse me, but the term 'guardian' just means 'champion' as well."


Now more veins began to explode.

"Grr... Look!", she groaned loudly and held her hands on her head, tugging her hair, then released her grip. "I'm just doing my job and my mission, which apparently doesn't say that I have to deal with a bunch of sons of bitches and a loud, annoying, and irritating airhead! This isn't something that someone like you should be meddling with! Don't you have any aliens or sea monsters to fight aside from these noobs?!"

He noticed that his actions and words -but mostly words- affected her cool, and laid a hand on her tensed shoulder. "Come on, I can't just stand by and do nothing. I want to help you out, Guardian."

"Oh, you want to help me?", she asked, annoyed. "How about you do that by leaving me alone and never bothering me, ever again, while I take care of these assholes!", she shook off his hand and pointed towards the direction of the said group.

The lightning crested hero turned his head and his brown eyes jumped back in surprise. He returned his gaze to the floating angel in white and queried,"Um... What assholes?"


An entire branch of blood vessels gave in to the extreme pressure of her blood flow.

She clenched her fists and pointed out a finger. "Ugh! Those, assholes! Right over ther-", she exclaimed but failed to finish when the group she was pertaining to left the scene and escaped to the streets.


They're gone.

"What the... HELL?!!", she screamed, infuriated and enraged.

The hero that accompanied her sweat dropped. "Oh, boy..."

"Grr... COME BACK HERE!!!", she yelled at the top of her lungs and bursted into a whirlwind, tracking down those men. Shazam immediately panicked on what to do in this dire situation. "Holy moley... Guardian, wait!!!", he senselessly shouted and followed her trail.

The Guardian of Magic, invisible to the sight of the mortals passing by, flew faster than a jet like her life depended on it. Sure, it wasn't literally like that at all, but since that was her current mission, she is so gonna get a looonngg sermon from the Wizard if she fails this.

The men in black parkoured their way between the rushing crowd and moving cars along the road. Jumping, running, dodging anything in their path. Their strategist felt the presence of two celestial beings following them and spotted a winged guardian with a champion following her tail. He heaved and sighed, knowing that they wouldn't let them slip away that easily.

"Seriously, they still haven't had enough?", he asked himself.


Seemingly, his question was answered when Jessica was able to zoom in closer to them. They shook with trepidation as they ran faster, away from the charging being. "She's coming closer!", one of them exclaimed. They had to do something to get her off their tails.

Rolling down the asphalt came a truck that carried a huge gasoline tank behind it, it was also emitting large heaps of smoke in the air as it moved. An idea appeared in the strategist's head.

"Hehe...", he chuckled. "Levitatius atmospherum!"

The people that walked the sideway had confused and weirded out looks at him, as his hand moved to the truck. Magically, it stopped driving on land and drove itself in midair. The driver was shocked at the sight, feeling a bit woozy. Now, the strategist threw his hand back and along with it came a flying, tumbling gasoline truck.

Without hesitation, the driver jumped out just in time. The truck flew towards the Guardian -who automatically summoned a barrier- and as soon as it came in contact, it bursted into a huge flare with black smoke rising up around it.


The pieces of the vehicle disassembled so easily, catching fire that burned them to charred metal.

Luckily, her invisible barrier was able to shield the innocent bystanders from getting injured. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to put up a barrier on the other side. Men came flying and flipping from the impact, either gaining burns, fractures, concussion, or amputation. The smoke became too thick, it was alike to the smoke that that man threw at her in the alley but not thick enough to clog up a person's lungs.

As the smoke cleared, she gazed upon the horrific and unbelievable scene before her. Buildings and establishments' walls were bombarded open, with bricks gradually falling apart. The explosion created a crater in the midst of the streets where most of the burning debris were. Cars that were parked along the sideway became distorted and roughly damaged. Bodies of injured and hurt people were laid on the ground to prevent any further damage. The rain began to pour heavily as ashes from the explosion followed in its footsteps.

It was like a scene from a suicide bomb set off by a group of terrorists like in the countries in the far middle east.

(I have deep respects for everyone who was able to experience things such as this. Forgive me if this brought back some unsettling memories.)

Jessica's heart clenched and so did her fists. She gritted her teeth like it would be able to crush her enemies with it. Something was beginning to take over her emotions, keeping them in an angered state. She didn't notice it, being carried away by such feelings, and let it consume her.

'H-how could they... Those... monsters...', she internally uttered.

'Evilus...', a hidden and unknown voice rang in her skull. She didn't know where it came from, but it seemed that its chanting wasn't over yet.

Her arteries and veins bulged out of her pearly white skin, her arms shaking. Her appendages wouldn't stop from mildly convulsing, so she held them against her chest, hoping they would come to a stop.

'Darkham...', it resumed.

Surges of pain and displeasure reacted in her head. The intensity rose, from minimal headaches came intense exploding-like sensations. Desiring it to cease, she moved her shaking arms to her head, grasping it with all of her might.

Whatever was going on with her was definitely not gonna end very well. As her suffering prolonged to who knows how long, the subtle voice finally spoke its last, echoing in her brain.


What happened next was uncertain to the Guardian as her consciousness drifted away and was replaced by something she wasn't sure of what it was.


Everything was going fine in Clark Kent's office area. The articles he wrote were successfully being printed for tomorrow's use and he was going to get ready for his date with Lois Lane the next day.

As the printing machine released the last copy, it was a sign that his work was finally over. He carried the compilations of paper to a certain room, where newspaper boys would be able to receive them.

Wiping off the sweat drops that adorned his forehead, he heaved a short sigh of relief. "All copies are good to go. Looks like I'm done here.", he said, carrying his things in a suitcase and stepped out of his office.


An explosion echoed from outside, making the ground abruptly tremble. Clark took a look outside through the huge window panes and spotted thick clouds of smoke ascending to the sky.

'A fire.', he thought.

With his keen eyesight, he detected its source from the outskirts of Metropolis. "Can't a guy get any decent rest? I've got a date to get ready for and it's due tomorrow.", he complained to the sudden turn of events.

Seeing that the fire's black clouds never ceased to disappear, he ran out of the building, scurrying to a nearby telephone booth. He ripped off his power suit and showcased his blue and red colored spandex that had the symbol of Superman in the midst with a red cape fluttering behind. He zoomed out of the booth and hurried to the scene, flashes of red trailed his behind.

Superman, arriving just in time, had the chance to take in such a sight. The rain drops poured down from above while ashes fluttered around, giving it an eerie feeling. Despite the occurrence and presence of water, several pieces of debris were lit up with flames.

He looked around, wondering who could've been responsible for this catastrophe. He then spots Shazam, who consequently closed in towards a group of four men dressed in dark colored attires.

'Guess the guy's got those thugs under control.', he inwardly stated.

He averted his attention from the human lightning bolt and began assisting the injured bystanders, lifting them from being crushed in debris and eradicating the fire.

Unknowingly, while Superman was helping out innocent citizens and the Guardian was in a trance, Shazam sped forward towards them and prepared a fistful of crackling bolts. With the Speed of Mercury, he went faster and landed a punch right on one of their faces, breaking his nose and shocking his nerves as he fell on the ground, convulsing.

He zoomed back to see his small achievement made reality. "One down, four to go.", he victoriously smiled, then turned to the remaining numbers of men.

Spotting one of their comrades down, rage flushed through their expressions as they faced Shazam. Their strategist took a few steps forward,"You've got a lot of nerves coming here and trying to take us down. Too bad the rest of us are immune to electricity."

"Oh yeah? Well let's see, shall we?", the hero politely asked him.

His hands charged up with yellow currents of electricity, once again, and compressed them into a plasma ball while the dark clouds circled above it. He held its form steady and released it, aiming for those men.

Altogether, they raised their hands while it emitted strong invisible waves, forming into a barrier. As if it were magic or somewhat of a miracle, his bolts bounced off of them, retaliating and doubled in strength.

Instead of one plasma ball returning towards him, it doubled and they made contact with his chest, promptly shocking him and making him crash, back first, into the pavement. His impact was strong, like how Wonder Woman punched him during the invasion, and was enough to crack the cement and concrete into hand-sized rubble.

His body was temporarily overwhelmed by the crash and his back didn't feel any better. He could only groan and cuss out a few words under his mouth.

"Oww... Argh... I think I should've listened to those guys before going all out...", he muttered under his breath.

Now that his guard was down and the Wizard's Protector in cloud nine, the group took their chances, scurrying away and left.

Jessica, on the other hand, has finally lost her cool and sanity. After hearing the last word spoken by that voice, her eyes began to change in color. The pain she felt was still present, nevertheless, her expression changed. Her alluring, calm, blue eyes shifted into enraged, threatening, red ones -and they glowed to boot! The feathers on the tips her wings slowly turned into shades of gray, turning darker and darker.

With the Mightiest Mortal down, she's able to assess her work properly. She sped faster than a blink of an eye and summoned her staff. Her staff, as well, began to take shape into a different weapon. It's handle was still gold, yet its magnificent blue orb is tainted with black, and the curved metal holding it in place seemed to have grown a long blade that's aligned with its handle.

She whispered a spell under her quivering lips,"FORMIDIUS KILLEUM...", and fixed her staff's angle to puncture through one of the men's abdomen.

Her blade cut through his delicate flesh and sunk in it, just to pass through the other side. He coughed and barfed up blood from his mouth, the drops from his fluids adorning her pure white robes.

She let out an unnerving smile of contentment for her deed. "RELEASE...", she whispered and tossed the man to the wet asphalt.

Even if the blade was out of his body, he resumed to release blood from his lips and wound. His associates stood frozen in fear and terror of the being's sudden actions. She averted her gaze to meet their terrified eyes, knees quivering in panic. She looked at her now blood tainted staff of gold and seemed to smirk at the sight.

"Dear gods... What did that curse do to her?", the strategist queried himself, regretting his deed from earlier.

The remaining men he had had anxious looks on their faces as they asked him,"Boss?... Shouldn't we... run?...", pointing to the sideway clear enough for them to escape her.

"WHO SAID THAT YOU'D BE RUNNING?...", Jessica's hair-raising voice rung in the air.


After taking in a nerve-wracking attack, which came from him, Shazam comes back focused and searches a white haired maiden with a golden staff. But to his surprise, he sees her form change differently. A lock of her snow hair shifted into sable black. Her eyes glowed, but shone the shade of blood. And her staff was beginning to shape shift into what looked like a spear, a blood covered blade was at its very tip.

(Drumming Song by Florence And The Machine)

"What in the... G-guardian?...", he stuttered out of the dread accumulating inside of him. She didn't notice him speak and dove in to another one of those men, slashing her weapon wildly. She hacked it horizontally, cutting off one of the man's arms open, his bone marrow showed and his blood squirted like a fountain. An earsplitting shriek came out of the man's lips as he lost consciousness.

She was out of control. In other words, psychotic. The hero heaved a sigh of worry, "Holy freaking moley..."

He jumped off the ground and hovered his way towards her. "Guardian! Guardian! Stop it!", he yelled but it rendered useless as she enclosed into another one of those men.

He dodged her strikes, leaning backwards or from his left to right. Feeling that she's getting nowhere with her attacks, she uttered another spell,"FORCIUM POWERA PUNCH...", and rapidly threw her fist into his mouth.

Her clenched fist started to light up like a bomb, gathering energy. Her victim grew nervous and released an agonizing cry as her hand reached for his tongue. She grabbed a good hold on it and pulled it out with the Strength of Hercules, blood splatting out from the organ. Her victim immediately fell, face first into the watered pavement.

She grazed her eyes on the man's tongue that was in her bloody hand. She showed another devilish smirk, but this time, she also let out a loud, blood curdling, and maniacal laugh.

"Mwahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!", it echoed through the streets, making people wonder who's voice it was -take note that she's in her Guardian form.

The hair on Shazam's entire body rose on its very tips at the sight of Jessica. She was becoming... evil. Who knew that she'd become the exact opposite of who she was yesterday: shy, silent, and pure. Now, she was being tainted by the seven deadly sins, the enemy of man.

He breathe in and shouted,"Guardian!", which called her attention.

She looked into his almost paled brown eyes and dropped the human tongue she held on to. Her eyes glared deep into his, imagining knives to stab and cut through his flesh without the Stamina of Atlas. Her lips moved into a frown, a very scary frown, as she said to him,"LEAVE, OR YOU WOULD HAVE TO FACE MY WRATH...", warning him to refrain any unnecessary movements.

Yet, he didn't heed her warning and came closer. "Guardian, what in the world are you doing? What happened to you?"



Shazam remained silent. He was listening to well to her that he shut his mouth close. She decided to go on even if he didn't reply.


Even without the Wisdom of Solomon, Billy understood her situation very well. 'Jessica...', he internally pitied her.

"Guardian...", he pitied her aloud, feeling like his heart crushed into a million pieces.

Her red eyes began crying blood like tears from their corners, trickling down her cheeks. She didn't dare to wipe them away, yet she let them soak her almost purely white hair and clothes. "AND NOW, THE ONLY REASON WHY I'M STILL ALIVE IS BECAUSE OF HIS STUPID ORDERS. BUT EVERY TIME I HAVE A MISSION SET FORT TO DO, IT'S EITHER YOU TAKE THE CREDIT OR INTERFERE!"

The angel charged at Shazam, grasping unto her spear-like weapon. She randomly slashed it in every direction. Right and left, up and down, side to side, anywhere that could hit the Wizard's Champion. But with her last attempt to strike him, Shazam successfully grabs a hold of her blade.

Despite of him having the Stamina of Atlas, his hands began to give in to the magic lingering on her blade, its sharp edges seeped through his huge hands. The cuts on his flesh bled out red ooze, making his eyes pop up in disbelief.

"What the hell?! Why isn't the Stamina of-", he ranted in disbelief but was caught off guard as the Guardian took her chance.

While he was still talking, confused, she pulled away her spear and thrusted her hand for his neck. She held on tightly to his neck, leaning him against the wall and strangling him. Shazam's throat began to suffocate because of the prevention of air from entering his lungs. His skin tone was pale white as he tried to reach for her arm to stop, yet the spirit's strength was greater than his -and his strength is the Strength of Hercules, a god for gods' sake! He jiggled, wiggled, and did every move that could possibly get him out of her grip but they all rendered useless. All that he could do now was stare at her cold red eyes and her evil smirk while she was laughing maniacally.

"Je- Guardian!", he called out and almost called her by her real name by a hairsbreadth, struggling to speak. "Look, I'm sorry if I've been doing this to you. I didn't mean to do it nor to take any credit. I just-"

"OH, DON'T FEEL SORRY, SHAZAM. YOU DON'T NEED TO APOLOGIZE.", she told him, calm and collective, which was the exact opposite of her present state. "JUST LET ME TAKE CARE OF ONE LAST LITTLE MORTAL, AND YOU'RE OFF MY LIST."

She waved her staff and made something levitate from afar. At first, Shazam couldn't make out whatever it was, until she pulled it closer and imaged the strategist's face. He was the last remaining man from the group of five that he faced earlier. She really isn't gonna stop at all unless she 'takes care of them'.

'At least I just paralyze them and don't kill them.', he thought.

She lifted her bloodied hands that glowed with energy storing up in her fingertips. Jessica yelled one last spell,"EXPLOSIUM-"

"NNOO!!!", the Champion cried.
He forcefully pulled away her hand from her neck and ran for the man, embracing him in his arms and protecting him from her spell.

"BURSTIA!!!", she exclaimed, a wave of black energy emitting from her palm.

The wave transformed into an explosion and burst of bombs all over them. Shazam grunted as the bombs exploded directly at him, tattering his gold-trimmed cape and lightly scratching his outfit. While her attacks prolonged, he swiftly flew away from the scene and set the man on the sturdy ground, safe from her spell. The man looked at Shazam's eyes, almost hesitating to leave, but took a run for it in the end.

The strategist was about to run free from trouble, until a hard wall-like chest walloped with his running form. He fell back, head first, and fainted from the impact. An arm that was wrapped in blue spandex grabbed him by the collar and a pair of ocean blue eyes stared into his eyes.

"Trying to escape, now, are we?", Clark queried the unconscious man. He received no reply and set him laying over his shoulder.

Shazam saw this and flew closer to the Kryptonian. "Woah, Superman? What are you doi-"

"Shazam. I never knew you'd come to visit Metropolis. What brings you here?", the Kryptonian immediately asked him and didn't even bother to let him finish his statement.

Billy got taken aback for a while, but answered his question. "Um. I was chasing some thugs, and..."

"Is this guy one of them?", he acknowledged the man on his shoulder.

Shazam nooded,"Yeah. I just saved him from-"

"Speaking of saved, what in the world happened here?", Superman pertained to the scene before them, now drenched in rain water.

The Champion looked about at the sad scene. Even without the fire, it still seemed tragic. "You see, these guys were using magic against us by making a gasoline truck explo-"

"Woah, woah. Us? What's with this 'us'?"

Superman really had the knack to cut through people's sentences today, huh? And of all the people, it had to be Shazam.

"Well, you see, I was helping out the Guardian.", he explained.

"Guardian? Shazam, take a look at your hands!"

"What- forget my hands!"

Speak of the devil, Jessica's demonic-like state disappeared like the wind and her normal self came back in control. Her eyes returned to their glorious blue hue and her weapon shifted back to its original form. Unfortunately, the strands of her hair, her bloody robes, and the few feathers on her wings didn't return to their original state. She shook her head around to get her focus back.

She looked around and saw herself covered up with foul-smelling fluids, along with the tips of her wings. "What in the name of the Wizard happened to me? Why am I covered in blood? What's with my wings?", she worrily asked herself.

She was surely in trouble now.

She gazed in terror of the marks of blood that was stained on her clothes to her hands dripping wet from the same substance. She lifted her head up, spotting dead corpses surrounding the area below her and the result of the tank explosion.

"What in the...", she looked at the dead bodies, filled with dread.

It took her quite some time to analyze and let everything sink in her mind. Just then, she realized what happened.

"I... I killed them?...", she queried in fear because of two reasons.

Number one, she was splattered in blood from three of the men that she killed, unknowingly; and number two, she was worried about what the Wizard would say to her, now that she's done the exact opposite of what she was asked to do. She only needed to absorb their magic, so why the hell would she kill them, violently?!

"Oh no...No, no... No, no, no, no... No!...", she exaggerated, taking in heavy breaths.

She covered her shaky lips with her hands as tears welled up in her eyes. She let out small whimpers and cries while she sobbed out rivers of water. How could she have gone this far?

"I-it can't be... I... I sinned..."


"I don't get what your saying, Shazam."

The lightning-crested hero groaned in defeat after explaining the situation to the Kryptonian. He face palmed himself, letting his hand slide down with some droplets of blood running down. "You know what, I think you should just try and see her for yourse-", Shazam came to a short pause, seeing the celestial spirit breaking down.

His dark brown eyes shot wide open. "Guardian?!", he called her out loud leaving himself with a scared angel and a confused extraterrestrial being.

Jessica felt alarmed when he called her, meeting his gaze and slowly flew away from them. Superman, on the other hand, scrutinized who Shazam was calling.

"Shazam, who are you calling out to? There's no one there.", he said.

She gazed in horror, knowing what Shazam was trying to do. 'He's trying to get me seen by Superman. But even if he's a pure Kryptonian he still can't see spirits. But, Shazam...', she thought, then looked at her current appearance.

He saw her kill those men without any mercy! He tried to stop her but she was too caught up in her trance! Heck, she even hurt him with her staff -that was temporarily a spear, her bare bloody hand, and her spell while protecting the defenseless man! Anxiety struck her, meeting the hero's gaze one last time before she turned her back on him.

'I have to leave... Now...'

"Guardian! Hey! Hold on!", Shazam yelled out to her, yet she ignored his voice and began zooming into the skies.

She turned her head towards him and shouted,"STAY AWAY FROM ME!", before disappearing into the dark clouds.


He was too late, she was gone. Not only that, she left with terror and fear in her orbs. Her last words struck him that he wouldn't be seeing her Guardian form in a while, especially after her violent and aggressive actions from earlier.

"No... Jessica...", he whispered so softly under his breath.

As he heaved a heavy sigh, something fluttered gracefully from the clouds and landed on his open and wounded palm. It was the same white feather he had, but the color of black dominated it halfway through. The blood that was coming out of his cuts seeped through some of the feather's hair-like structure, tainting it with dots of red.

"What on Earth is going on with her?"

"Shazam!", Clark called him. "Who were you chasing, just now?"

He carefully stroke the feather's hair-like strands, caressing it softly before hiding it from the powerful ally. "Um... it was the Guardia-"


'Dammit! Why does everyone love to cut in my sentences?!', the Champion inwardly and sarcastically remarked.

Superman's communicator vibrated from his pocket. He fished it out with his large hand and answered whoever was calling. A two dimensional hologram appeared, showing the image of the dark knight.

"Superman, we've got a meeting at headquarters, asap.", he coldly stated.

The Kryptonian growled. "Seriously? I've got a ton of things to work out tonight, especially with Loi-"

"I'm not setting up this meeting on the spot for no particular reason. It's an emergency and one of our current important agendas. So you better come here, now.", the caped crusader explained and shut off the transmission.

'Now Superman knows what it feels like to get cut off from his own statement. Good for him...'

Clark sighed in defeat. "Argh. Why did it have to be now?", he complained, then turned his attention to the human lightning bolt.

"Shazam, we've got an emergency meeting at HQ. We better move, now."

"Supes, wait. I have to-"

Metropolis' protector reacted quickly, soaring through the skies towards his destination and leaving the Champion by himself. Shazam was still taken aback with Jessica and the look she had on her face, so letting her go just like that didn't seem like a good idea. Still, he has to attend this 'meeting' that Batman set up for the League.

He looked up against the roaring clouds of thunder and lightning, letting the bullet-like drops hit his features.

'Wizard, I want to talk with your Guardian, but I've got some business to deal with -er... whatever this is about.', he spoke to the dark void in his mind, awaiting for the Wizard's reply.

Not a moment too soon, he replied,'OF COURSE, BILLY. WHEN DO YOU WISH ME TO DO SO?'

'About, right now. Do you mind if you go and keep an eye on Jessica, I really think she needs someone to talk to right now and I thought you'd be the best person I could resort to.'

The Wizard hummed softly as a sign of agreement. 'VERY WELL, THEN. LEAVE THESE MATTERS TO ME. I AM QUITE CONFIDENT THAT I CAN TALK TO HER ABOUT... WHAT HAPPENED...', he trailed off and a zap ringed in Shazam's thoughts, slowly decreasing in volume as it zoomed away to somewhere else.

"Huh. I'm guessing he... left?", he said, scrutinizing if that was what the Wizard did.

But since he didn't receive any reply, he flew higher to the skies, catching up on the trail of the man of steel. 'I've got to talk to Jessica right after I'm done with this meeting...', he pondered.

Leaving the matter at the back of his mind to deal with later, he followed suit to the extraterrestrial hero and left a part of Metropolis in crumbles.


(A/n: WAAAHHHHH!!!! 5733 words!!!! Including this author's note!!! WOAAAHHH!!! This chapter had some gore, distressing feelings, and dialogue interference all mashed up. Geez, I even finished it in only 3 days, so that's cool?! Anywho, vote the chapter if you liked it and leave a comment. You can even share this with your friends so we can raise up the reads! Let's do it!)

~Waashi \^O^/🎆🎉🎊

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