shocking truth

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Hi guys hope all are doing good so lets start with next part.

"Scene starts from all were looking towards that person shockingly. That person revealed to be raginis mom jaanki. Yes it was jaanki all were dumbfounded seeing her alive. All were shocked and confused"

"Laksh looks at ragini her face was looking pale.eyes was red like she has cried alot.he came forward towards her"

"Laksh:ragini..ragini are you ok?where were you? Ragini are you fine? He asked worriedly. He was also shocked seeing jaanki there but ragini is most important to him.and seeing her he can say something is wrong with her"

"Ragini looks at him than daadi also came towards her and ragini hugs Dadi and started crying. Now all gets worried Dadi also gets panicked"

"Dadi:ragini.what happend? Why are you crying? Laddo tell me what happend? She asked?"

"But ragini was just crying hardly. No one was understanding what happend with her. Laksh was looking at her. His eyes also gets teary.her tears was pinching his heart. He can't see her like that.seeing her in this state it was killing him.he came forward"

"Laksh:ragini what happend?why are you crying?plz tell na. Don't make me scared ragini.plz tell me what happend? He asked looking at her with so much worry he was getting restless seeing her like that"

"Ragini finally break hug and looks at laksh. His heart pinched seeing her state. While her eyes was teary and red.she than looks at sharmishtha and came towards her"

"Ragini:why?why you did this? She asked looking at her with pain in her voice. While all looks on confused"

"Ragini:tell me why you did this?tell me. She said little loudly. Sharmishtha started crying and falls on floor"

"Sharmishtha:I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything. I'm really very sorry. She said while crying.Making everyone more confused and shocked"

"Dadi:laado what is all this happening? Jaanki. .jaanki is alive. How is that possible? And what sharmishtha has done what is happening here? She asked looking towards jaanki and than ragini"

"Ragini:yes Dadi maa. Maa is alive.maa was alive from this many years dadi maa.she said with teary eyes"

"Flash back"

"After jaanki falls from stairs they takes her to hospital.after sometime doctor said she is dead.shekhar and Dadi gets shocked and crys and Dadi falls down unconsious because of this news. They takes her in another room in hospital.and shekhar was with her. At that time doctor noticed some movements in jankis body"

"He came out of room to tell this news to shekhar and Dadi.but he didn't find them there.that time sharmishtha came there and finds out that jaanki is alive she goes in her room.but she finds jaanki behaving like a kid. Doctor said she has lost her memory.and she is now like a kid"

"Sharmishtha gave some money to doctor and sent jaanki in mental hospital.While they arranged a body similar like gadodias never gets to know jaanki was alive"

"Flash back ends"

"All looks on hell shocked. They looks at sharmishtha in disgust.shekhar and Dadi gets very angry"

"Dadi:how dare you? How dare you to do something like this sharmishtha. How dare you. She shouts at her"

"Sharmishtha:I'm sorry I'm really very sorry. Plz forgive me. I was very angry at that time.I thought because of jaanki me and my daughter has to face alot. Swara never gets her father love. But I never hurted jaanki plz trust me. She said crying sitting on floor"

"She stand up and came towards ragini.and fold her hands infront of her.ragini looks away crying"

"Sharmishtha:I'm sorry ragini.I know my sorry will not heal your pain. But trust me from the day you have accepted me.I was feeling very guilty. That time in my anger I didn't thought about you.But after that i was always feeling guilty. But I was afraid ragini.I don't want to loose you all. After alot of time I got everything I don't want to loose it ragini.Plz forgive me plz. She said with guilt in her eyes.ragini looks at her.there was only pain in her eyes.pain of getting betrayed by sharmishtha"

"Ragini:i have given you my maa's place. I always consider you as my maa. I foughted with daadi maa for you. But what you did in return.I can't forgive you. I can't. She said and tears rolled down through her eyes.laksh was looking at her emotinaly. Already she was hurt because of him.and now this it will break her completly. He wants to erase all her pain.if possible he will take all her pain for himself. Her pain was killing him.he was feeling helpless that he can't do anything for her. He closed her eyes not able to see her in that state"

"Shekhar:i can't beleive it you can do all this things. How can you do this sharmishtha? how can you? I will never forgive you for this. And from now on I will break our relation also. He said looking towards her angrily. While all gets shocked with his last words.While sharmishtha gets does swara"

"Ragini:no papa plz don't do something in anger. Whatever happend has happend we can't change it. There is no meaning of breaking relations now. She is guilty. I can't forgive her. But also we can't break relations like this it is not a joke papa.and what is the fault of swara in all this. If you will break relation with her than what about swara. We can't seprate her from her mother. She said without any emotions for sharmishtha She just don't want to ruin swaras life because of her"

"All looks at her amazed as she was still thinking about all this. While laksh was looking at her in proud. Now he understood ragini is a gem. And he was going to do biggest mistake of his life by rejecting her.sharmishtha and swara looks at her in tears"

"Sharmishtha:I'm sorry ragini. I'm really sorry. You know you are just like both are pure souls. I'm sorry for hurting you both I'm sorry. She said folding her hands and crying hardly"

"Ragini:i know you are guilty. But I can't forgive you. I can't forget everything so easily. I need time. She said. Sharmishtha nodded her head crying"

"Dadi:but laado how you get to know about jaanki? She asked looking towards jaanki"

"Flash back"

"When ragini was getting ready she gets a call. It was her freind tani.She picks up call"

"Phone convo"


"Tani:hello ragini...ragini.. ragini your mom. She said this words like she was in a shock while ragini gets confused"

"Ragini:what do you want to say about maa?tell me clearly. She said not understanding anything"

"Tani:ragini your mom is here infront of me she is alive. Your jaanki maa ragini. She said and that was it it was a thunder shock for ragini. She was feeling happy shock emotional. She can't believe her ears"

"Ragini:what...what...what are you saying? maa is alive. She asked in verge of crying"

"Tani:yes ragini I'm saying truth your mom is alive she is infront of me. She said.While tears rolled down on raginis cheeks"

"Ragini:where...where are you? She asked.getting restless"

"Tani:in mental hospital. She said slowly as she knows it will hurt ragini.and it was really another shock for ragini"

"Tani:actually I have came here to meet my relative and I find jaanki maa here. She continued"

"Ragini:I'm coming there. She said and ran outside the house. No one noticed her as all were busy. When She reached at hospital she gets very emotional seeing her maa there. She hugs her tightly but jaanki was feeling scared as she was meeting ragini first time. She was not ready to talk with her but finally after alot of struggle jaanki gets ready to come with ragini. And ragini gets to know from hospital that sharmishtha was coming here to meet jaanki and she was the one who admitted her there. Ragini gets broken knowing this. While her freind consoles her. Fb ends"

"Ragini:I'm sorry I didn't inform anyone. And left from here you all gets tensed because of me im sorry. She said"

"Dadi:no laado it was not your fault dear. Plz don't say like this. She said while carrasing raginis head.jaanki was looking everything silently not understanding anything"

"Dadi tried to talk with jaanki but she gets afraid and hides behind ragini. Dadi gets teary eyes and backed off while ragini looks at her with hurt"

"Ragini:don't worry Dadi maa she will talk to you. Once she will mingle with you. Give her sometime plz. She said holding her dadis hand.While Dadi nodded her head understanding it"

"Just than priest said it is muhurat for their wedding. All looks at ragini. Laksh looks at her and came towards her"

"Laksh:ragini i know its not right time but still im asking you. i have already said you ragini it will be your decision.I will not force you.just if you can give me a last chance. He said looking at her with a hope in his eyes while ragini smiles a little"

"Ragini:laksh I have already forgive you. I was angry on you first but than in this days I have understand you have changed now. It's just that I was confused what to choose heart or mind. And as you said I have choosed my heart I was ready to marry you but now.. She said and look towards jaanki who was standing besides her holding her pallu in her hands"

"Laksh:it means you are ready to marry me ragini. He said with a big smile on his face"

"Ragini:but laksh.. She tried to speak but he stops her"

"Laksh:ragini just tell me are you ready to marry me or not? He asked while she just nodded her head in yes and he smiles. He than came towards ap and dp"

"Laksh:papa I know you are angry on me for whatever I did and I'm sorry for that but now I want to make everything perfect. He said looking towards dp"

"Laksh:maa you always wanted ragini as your dil now I want both of your permission for something. He said looking towards ap while they both looks at him confused so does ragini and others"

"Laksh:maa after ragini and my marraige can jaanki maa stay with us at our house? He asked making ragini amazed. She was looking at him emotionally. Dp and ap looks at each other than at jaanki. Ap came towards ragini"

"Ap:ragini I always wanted you as my dil and you are always like my daughter. And I don't want to wait anymore for taking you with if you are ready for marriage than I don't have any problem. She said smilingly but ragini was feeling hesitated. She tried to say something but ap stops her"

"Ap:no ragini i dont want to hear anything you just tell you are ready for this marraige or not? She asked and finally ragini said yes. Maheshwaris gets happy. Than laksh came forward to dadi"

"Laksh:Dadi maa I know i have did mistake. But plz now give me a chance. I will keep ragini happy always.I love her alot Dadi maa. He asked forgiveness from her and she also gets agree after thinking for sometime"

"Laksh gets very happy. Finally he gets his love. He win her lady loves heart again.He came towards ragini and forward his hand.She looks at him than at his hand and slowly give her hand to him.he hold it tightly.  looking at her lovingly.Than they  started walking towards mandap.But ragini feels a pull and stops suddenly"

"Both looks back and finds jaanki holding raginis pallu.both came towards her"

"Jaanki:don't...leave..don't leave me ragini. She said while holding her hands. Ragini looks at her"

"Laksh:no maa ragini is not leaving you relax. She is here only. He said pointing towards mandap. While jaanki looks at him"

"Laksh:maa we will take pheras there and you shower this flowers on us. Will you? He said showing her flower dish.And she takes it excitedly. Laksh smiles and ragini was just looking him.he has made his place in her heart long ago but now she was respecting him more"

"They both headed towards mandap and sited there. Priest started chanting mantras. Than they both stand up and exchanged garlands. They take 7 rounds. Promising that they will be together always. They will love each other always. They will trust each other always. They will be faithfull to each this they takes 7 rounds while jaanki was showring flowers on them happily and excitedly like a kid"

"Than priest forward mangalsutar towards laksh he takes it in his hands and looks at ragini. Finally he is gonna make her his forever. It was the best moment for him.he adored her neck with mangalsutar and they shares beautiful eyelock.Than he takes a pinch of sindoor and filled her maang. She closed her eyes. Tears of happiness rolled down on her cheeks finally her messed up life gets a little good. Ya there is still some problems some sadness is there but she feels like if he is with her everything will be fine soon"

"Than they get blessings from elders one by one and in end laksh said "someone blessing is still left" she looks at him confused. He smiles than hold her hand and came towards jaanki. Who was looking at them smiling like a kid"

"Laksh:jaanki maa like we did with everyone we will touch your legs also. And you gave us your blessings by putting your hands on our head. Will you do that? He asked her very calmly. And she nodded her head again with excitement. Ragini was looking at laksh with respect and so much love. Laksh looks at her and smiles"

"Than they bent down to take jankis blessings. And jaanki put her hands on their heads. "Be happy and together always" she said as all have said this. She also did the same. Ragini gets really happy and hugs jaanki tightly. Jaanki also hugs her back"

"After breaking hug jaanki wiped raginis tears saying her not to cry. Ragini smiles at that and jaanki smiles looking at her.While laksh was admiring them and smiles looking his ragini happy"

"After sometime raginis bidai gets done. And gadodias leave for baadi. Shekhar and Dadi was still angry on sharmishtha but as ragini has said they accepted her half heartedly and takes her with them at baadi"

"Maheshwaris reached at mm. Raglak was standing at door. Jaanki was standing besides ragini. Ap did raglak aarti. Than raginis grahpravesh. And raglak and jaanki came inside"

"Ap takes jaanki with her in hall. First she was getting scared but than aps sweet talks makes her comfortable. And she mingled with ap.Uttara take ragini in laksh room. First ragini was hesitated to leave jaanki alone but than ap makes her feel secured about jaanki and she leaves in laksh room"

"As soon as Ragini came in room she gets shocked amazed happy and she was feeling mixed emotions seeing her pics everywhere in the room. She was now feeling lucky that laksh loves her this much"

"Suddenly she feels two hands wrapped around her waist. First she gets strtled but than realized its none other than her laksh. She turns around and looks at him. He was smiling but seeing her tears his smile vanished"

"Laksh:ragini what happend? I thought you will be very happy seeing our room but you are crying. What happend? You didn't liked it? He asked getting tensed but she smiles"

"Ragini:no laksh I'm happy I'm veryyyyy happy. In fact I'm feeling very lucky to have you in my life but all this... She said wiping her tears"

"Laksh:i have did all this when our engagement gets fixed. I was so happy. I thought I will give you surprise but you only gave me shock. He said jokingly but she remember everything and feels guilty. She was about to say something but before that laksh placed his finger on her lips"

"Laksh:ssshhhh... now plz don't feel sorry it was not your fault. And all that is over now. It's our new journey and I want you happy always no tears. Understand. He said wiping tear which rolled down on her cheeks"

"He cupes her face and slowly came closer. Put his lips on her forehead and kissed her forehead lovingly. She closed her eyes feeling his touch his love. With a smile on her face. He than looks at her and both were sharing lovely eyelock"

"There eyelock gets disturbed by some sounds. "Ragini...ragini" they heard someone calling her name. Than they realised its jaanki. Ragini gets tensed and about to go but just than jaanki came in their room running while ap came behind her"

"Laksh:what happend maa? He asked ap coming towards them.While jaanki sits on bed and ragini looks at her worried"

"Ap:laksh see na jaanki ji wants to sleep here with ragini. She said"

"Jaanki:ha..I..I will sleep with ragini..with ragini.. She said holding raginis hand"

"Laksh:okk maa you will sleep here with ragini ok. He said to jaanki and she smiles brightly. While ap looks at laksh little shocked"

"Ap:laksh what are you saying? how jaanki ji can sleep here with you both? She asked him"

"Laksh:no maa I will not sleep here I will sleep in guest room. And ragini and maa will sleep here. He said"

"Ap:but laksh... She treid to speak but laksh stops her"

"Laksh:maa plz jaanki  maa needs ragini right it's better plz now you go and sleep. You also will be tired na I will handle everything you go. He said giving her his best smile and she leaves from there"

"Laksh:ragini I will sleep in guest room. You and maa sleep here. And if you need anything do tell me without any hesitation ok. He said smiling but she was looking at him with guilt he has to leave his room for her. He has to suffer for her this thoughts makes her sad"

"Laksh understand what she is thinking but he thought he will talk with her in morning. So he said good night to both of them and leaves room but before going he looks at her both shares cute eyelock and than he leaves. Screen freezed on ragini"
Finally one more chapter finished do tell me how is it? I'm sorry if I have disappointed you guys 😔
I hope everything was clear do tell me through your comments.
Forgive me for my spelling and grammetical mistakes.
Ok by by guys take care 😘

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