stop it ragini

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Hi guys finally back with a part I know I'm very late so sorry guys
Now let's start with story

"It was bright morning.Sun rays fall in a room where our hero was sleeping peacefully but his sleep gets disturbed by sunrays and he gets irritated and opens his eyes slowly. Suddenly he wakes up with a jerk"

"Laksh:oh God I'm late and ragini what she is doing? What if she had talked with anyone about our marriage oh God laksh come on hurry up. He said to himself and ran in washroom"

"After sometime laksh came down. All were sitting on dining table for breakfast.he also sits on chair but he was looking around Uttara noticed it and giggles"

"Utaara:Bhai bhabhi is not only yours she is ours also and so she is with her mother in law now stop searching her. She said with teashing smile. Making everyone laugh"

"Laksh:what. she is with maa where? He asked with tensed face and little loudly. All gets confused"

"Utaara: in kitchen she is in kitchen with badi maa. She said still confused with his act"

"But his next act makes everyone shocked as he littrely ran towards kitchen. He came towards kitchen and stands near door and finds ap and ragini talking"

"Ragini:yes maa I want to talk with you about something very important. She said looking towards ap nervously as she knows ap will get hurt listening her decision"

"Ap:yes ragini beta say. She said smiling"

"When they both hear a shout "maa" both looks towards door and finds laksh there. Ap looks at him confused but ragini knows what he is upto so she tried to talk with ap but he stops her"

"Laksh:maa I want to talk with you. He said"

"Ragini: no maa I want to talk with you. She said glaring laksh"

"Laksh:no you are my maa na so first you listen to me. He said holding ap's shoulder and turning her towards him"

"Ragini:but I was talking with her first na so she will listen to me first. She said holding ap's hand"

"Laksh:no maa first me"

"Ragini:no me.. their discussion goes on like this when finally ap shouts"

"Ap:enough stop it laksh you kept quit and ragini tell me what do you want to say? She said first looking at laksh than turning towards ragini"

"Ragini smiles while laksh again tried to talk but ap didn't let him.he was standing there tensed"

"Ragini:maa vo actually this marriage I...I... She was not able to say anything she was getting more nervous seeing ap's smiling face"

"When laksh suddenly started coming towards ragini both ladies looks at him confused"

"Laksh:arre why are you both looking at me im just taking juice. He said and points at juice behind ragini.ragini looks at him confused and suspects but than started talking with ap"

"Ragini:maa I don't want to do this marria...She was about to say but suddenly shouts. "Ouch" as laksh bumps with her and splits juice on her dress"

"Ap:laksh what you did.She said looking at him"

"Laksh:sorry maa sorry ragini it happend by mistake I'm sorry. He said making sad face. While ragini was giving him glares"

"Laksh:ragini you go and and change na see your dress has spoiled so change it. He said"

"Ragini:no need I will change after talking with maa. She said and tried to speak but laksh again stops her"

"Laksh:but ragini your dress is spoiled you can talk afterwords na now go and change see na maa tell her to change. He said looking at ap"

"Ap:ya ragini beta go and change your dress first than we will talk go. She said and ragini goes from there giving laksh angry glares. While he takes breath in relief. And came out of kitchen and ap looks on confused"

"After breakfast ragini and swara was in room"

"Ragini:this laksh is making me irritated.he is not letting me talk with anyone. He is always around me.I'm not understanding what to do. She said to swara who was sitting on bed looking at ragini"

"Swara:than what will you do now? She asked"

"Ragini:don't know but I have to talk with someone whom laksh can't stop. She said and sits on bed thinking what to do"

"Suddenly something came in her mind. She stands up and came out of room. She was going when laksh came from otherside and looks at her"

"Laksh:where is ragini going now? I should follow her. Saying he started coming behind her"

"Ragini came in a room and laksh follows her.he peeps in room through door and gets shocked"

"Laksh:shekhar uncle. Oh no ragini has come to talk with shekhar uncle. Now what I will do. He thinks as he finds ragini talking with shekhar"

"Shekhar:yes ragini tell me what do you want to say? He asked looking towards ragini"

"Laksh:oh no if ragini said anything to shekhar uncle. Than our marriage will definatly gets cancelled. He thinks getting very tensed"

"Ragini:yes baba I want to talk something very important. She said"

"Laksh:I have to stop ragini but how? Shekhar uncle. He gulps thinking about shekhar. Than take some deep breaths and started coming in. He takes two steps ahead. But than again gets back. Making crying face"

"Ragini:baba I don't want to do this Mar... She was about to say when laksh came in shouting shekhar's name"

"Ragini and shekhar both gets shocked. And looks at him"

"Shekhar:laksh have you gone mad? Why are you shouting like this? Shekhar asked little loudly making laksh scared"

"Laksh:vo...vo....vo.... actually uncle friend has accident.. he said whatever came in his mind fumbling"

"Shekhar:so.. he said getting irritated and confused"

"Laksh:so.. so.. actually do you know him? He asked smiling nervously"

"Shekhar:how can I know your friend laksh. He said irritatedly"

"Laksh:but... but sharmishtha aunty knows him. Actually kamala ki kamali ka kamal has accident.He said in one go. Shekhar and ragini was looking at him weirdly"

"Shekhar: what. He said getting annoyed"

"Laksh:actually kamala is kamali's maa kamli is sharmishtha untys friend and kamal is kamlis son my friend. He said smiling sheepishly. Shekhar gave him disbelief look"

"Shekhar:May be she knows but I don't know. And.. he was about to say but his phone rang and he excused himself. Laksh breaths in relief. And looks at ragini who was giving him death glares"

"Ragini:why are you following me everywhere? She said angrily"

"Laksh:common ragini. We have to share our whole life together now.and I will be always with you.everywhere. he said smirking. Making ragini more angry. She stamps her foot and leaves from there angrily. Laksh looks her going sadly"

"At lunch time"

"All were having lunch when ragini said something to shekhar slowly which was noticed by laksh. He got tensed"

"Shekhar:laksh. He said looking at laksh. Laksh gets scared may be ragini has said him everything"

"Shekhar:what about your friend? Is he is fine now? He asked looking at laksh. First laksh got confused but than realized what he is saying and smiles a little nervously"

"Laksh:ya. Ya uncle he is fine now. He said and started eating"

"Shekhar:sharmishth you didn't tell me that you know laksh friend. He asked looking at sharmishtha and laksh started coughing. Ap gave him water. He drinks a little than closed his eyes ready to hear shekhar's scoldings"

"Sharmishtha: laksh friend who? She asked. Getting confused"

"Shekhar:the one who met with accident toady. He said.and laksh gets more scared"

"Sharmishtha:oh you also knows him laksh. She said looking at laksh. Now Laksh looks at her confused.but nodded his head and all continues their lunch"

"Ragini was shocked she very well know laksh was lying than how sharmishtha said she knows laksh friend"

"All had lunch and started leaving only raglak was there both was thinking same why sharmishtha said yes"

"Laksh:why sharmishtha unty said yes? it means whatever I said it gets true.means sharmishtha untys friend son really has accident. Oh no. It means... no no meri zubaan Kali nahi hai.(no no my tounge has no problem) He was thinking in his mind but last line he said loudly without his knowledge and ragini looks at him. Than giggles. And laksh makes irritated face"

"Laksh:you did all this intentionally right? He asked coming towards her"

"Ragini:what laksh? She asked innocently"

"Laksh:you only said shekhar uncle to talk with sharmishtha unty about that boy. I know very well. He said with little irritation"

"Ragini:ya I said it because I know you were lying. She said glaring him"

"Laksh:but see I got saved. Whatever the reason is but I'm saved it means God is also helping me. You just accept it now ragini that we are meant to be together. He said with big smile and teashing tone making her more angry"

"Ragini:I'm not gonna accept it laksh. Because we will not be together ever. I will stop this marriage at any cost. She said and leaves from there angrily"

"Laksh:why don't you understand ragini I love you plz stop all this plz stop it ragini. He said with pain as her words hurt him"

"Day passed like this laksh was always around ragini not letting her talk with anyone. It was making her hell angry and irritated"

"At night laksh room"

"Laksh:what to do? How to stop ragini? How much time this will continue? How many times I will stop her. This is not good I have to talk with her. But if someone sees me near her room at this time than... but I have to talk with her right now only" he said and opens his room door a little. And looks around. He finds no one there. So he came out. And closed door than turned around and he dashed with someone and falls on floor on his back"

laksh:aahhhhh...what the. Why are you roaming at midnight like a ghost. He shouts without looking at the person. But when he looks at the person his eyes widend he gets shocked and gulps"

"Laksh:she.....shek....shekhar uncle. Aap....aap. .. he said while fumbling. And getting scared of shekhar"

"Shekhar:yes me. And by the way you are also roaming around like a ghost at midnight.he said giving him his best serious look"(😂😂)

"Laksh stands up slowly as his back was paining"

"Laksh:actually I... I.. I was going to take water. He said with big smile which got shortend after seeing shekhar reactions"

"Shekhar:ok go. He said and started leaving from there. Laksh finally breaths in relief"

"Laksh came to raginis room and knocked on it. She opens door and looks at him confused and than angrily"

"Ragini:what are you doing here? She asked giving him glares"

"Laksh:simple come to meet you jaaneman. He said causally. Making her frown at his last word"

"Ragini:just shut up and leaves from here. She shouts but it didn't affected him"

"Laksh:not at all. Not before talking with you jaaneman. He said smirking and she was like not again that word"

"Ragini:just stop it. Stop saying that word laksh. She said getting frustated"

"Laksh:which word. He paused a little and than said."Jaaneman". It irks her and makes her more angry"

"Ragini:just shut up. She said and closed door on his face.closing her eyes and taking deep breaths trying to control her anger"

"Laksh:aahhh.. he shouts as door hits on his head a little"

"Laksh:what the. Now a days Ragini has become jungli billi. After all she is daughter of great shekhar gadodia. Both father and daughter are same. He said rubbing his head and making crying faces"

"Just than his eyes falls on other side and he finds shekhar coming towards his side. He gets shocked"

"Laksh:why he is coming here again? What enemity he has with me? Wherever I'm going he is coming behind me? Uff what to do now? He thinks getting tensed"

"He can't go in his room as shekhar was coming from that side only. He started banging on raginis room door slowly"

"Laksh:ragini plz open door plz ragini plz plz yaar your papa is coming here ragini if he will See me here he will kill me. Plz yaar atleast show some mercy on me. Plz yaar plz open door ragini plzzz. He started saying banging on door slowly. But ragini can hear it"

"Shekhar was coming more nearer and laksh was getting more tensed. Ragini was not opening door. He closed his eyes thinking he is gone now. But suddenly he feels an pull. He was about to shout but someone closed his mouth"

"Realizing it he opend his eyes and finds ragini was placing her Palm on his mouth and was standing closer to him.he was just staring her. She also gets lost in his eyes. And both shares beautiful eyelock.suddenly ragini realized there position. She breaks there eyelock and takes her hand back immediately. While laksh smiles"

"Laksh:see you still care for me that's why you saved me from that khadoos. I.. i.. mean your father. He said giving her nervous smile"

"Ragini:nothing like that laksh I don't care about you but I care for my father. And I don't want any issue at this time. That's why I pulled you in my room.but don't think too much understand. She said"

"Ragini:now just go from here.right now. She said showing him door.he tried to speak but she didn't let him. She just opens door and pushed him out of the room.He looks on"

"Ragini pov"

"What does he think of himself that he can do anything and i will forgive him no not at all. Today he didn't let me talk with anyone but I still have time. and I will surely talk about this with papa tomorrow. I will talk when he will not be around me.huh stupid the whole day he was just around me.huh.idiot."

"Laksh pov"

"I know I have troubled you and irritated you the whole day but what can I do. I have no other option. I also don't want to make you angry but you are not at all listening me nor believing me. If you will say anyone that you don't want this marriage. Than I will list you and I can't effort that. I can't loose you. I can't live without you."

"Ragini:I will not forgive you I hate you laksh. She said with anger"

"Laksh:I will not let you leave me.I love you ragini. He said with love"

"Screen freezed on them"
Do tell me guys how was it? Did you liked it? Plz comment and vote if you liked it.

Plz forgive me for grammetical and spelling mistakes.

By by guys take care 😘

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