🌊 nikoru takahashi ⚔️

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** nikōru takahashi is me as an anime character ! i'll be helping you along your journey just because HSBBSBS **

Name: Nikōru Takahashi

Age: 16

Crush: open

Hero/Villain: hero

Hero/Villain Name: She'll probably take her mother's hero name if she sees herself worthy of it :)

Quirk: Aqua

Back Story: She only lives with her mother (Kato Takahashi), she also has never seen or heard of her dad since it is a sensitive topic for her mother to talk about. All she knows about him is that he's still alive and her mom doesn't want nor need him in her life. It kinda hurts her that she has never met the man before but sometimes suppresses her feelings by pushing the thought of her dad away from her mind, in order to keep her mother happy. She's asked her mom a few times about him but all she says is "When the time comes i'll tell you... just not right now". So She has chosen to just wait until her mother is ready, even though both curiosity and pain are killing her slowly inside. Her mother is a retired hero, Akua (アクア || which means Aqua in japanese). Nothing happened to her to the point where she had to retire, unless you count getting pregnant and having to take care of a child all by herself as something. Nikōru sometimes feels guilty for taking away her mother's dream of being a hero, even though no matter how many times she tells her it isn't her fault, she feel as if it is.

Weakness(es): her quirk makes her feel lightheaded and dehydrated when she uses it too much. Also her quirk isn't as effective if her emotional state isn't right, if she's upset (meaning feeling weak minded) her quirk wont do as much damage to an opponent then if she's happy and/or angry.

Personality: She's very sarcastic and smart mouth but also sweet and caring. Cares about her family and friends so much and she also tends to put everyone else's needs before her own. Very smart but can sometimes have her "blonde" moments. Kinda shy but is very outgoing when she gets comfortable around people. She's really sensitive but her smart mouth balances it out a little bit. She also may be sweet but she will definitely not hesitate to put a douchebag in their place! She's not afraid to stand up not only for yourself but for others as well. Oh yea and she hates being called short and being underestimated just because she don't have a dick between your legs.

Description: brown eyes, brown hair, and between 4'11 and 5'0 in height

Hero/Villain Costume:

Every Day Look: wears her hair in a messy bun most of the time because she's lazy

Other: she's the only child, loves chocolate and fries, somewhat of the hopeless romantic type. She doesn't have the best control over her quirk but she's working on becoming better, she's hella smart, she ships tododeku soooo hard because YAASSS! She loves junk food but sometimes gets yelled at by your mom to eat healthier (she keeps a stash of Oreos under her bed...... ssshhhh). She's not completely full of herself but sometimes tends to get a bit cocky which leads to her failing at whatever she's doing drastically. And she also has a huuuuge soft spot for animals, she always feels the need to protect and help them just like with her family and friends.

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