Chapter 12: Decisions

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The worst day of the week.

You slumped in your chair, trying your best to stay awake. Aizawa was talking about the results from the sports festival. All you knew is that some of them got offers from pro-heroes fro their internships; honestly, you weren't paying much attention.

"Keeping these results in mind whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros. Alright, everyone, it's time to..." Aizawa began getting everyone pumped up. "Choose hero names." Everyone practically jumped out of their seat but Aizawa threatened them all with his quirk to calm down.

"Anyway, I'm not the person for this kind of task so Midnight is here." He then zipped himself up and went to sleep. 

Just as always.

"Well, let's begin! When you give yourself a name, it gives you a more concrete image of what you want to be in the future!" She started handing out paper to everyone so they can write it down. Izuku passed you yours and you passed the last one to Ochaco.

"Once you're done, you'll be presenting it to the class." She added, making some of your classmates nervous.

Some people started going up and giving their names one by one, while you genuinely struggled to think of one. Before you never thought about being a hero so thinking up a name never really crossed your mind.

One after the other they presented their names.



"Earphone jack."

"Tail man."


"Red Riot." You sighed. 

I'll never get my name down.

Eijiro was walking back to his seat and you gave him a thumbs up.

"Nice hero name Eijiro." You complimented with a smile.

"Oh! Thanks." He blushed slightly and hurried to his seat before you could notice. And the names kept coming.


"Invisible Girl."




You looked up from your desk and it was just that, his hero name would be his name. 

You stared at the blank page with a sigh.

Here goes nothing. You got up and walked over to the front of the class. You showed your page that simply had your name.

"Just Y/n?" Midnight asked. You nodded your head. She seemed like she wanted you to keep trying to look for a hero name but she let it go. "If that's what you prefer." She gave you a small smile and patted your back, somewhat understanding why you didn't want to make a name.

You then walked back to your seat and let out the breath you were holding.

(What hero name would you have chosen for Y/n?)

Everyone continued giving their ideas. "Choosing hero names are going more smoothly than I thought it would! All that's left is Bakugo who needs to rethink his and Ida. Oh, and Midoriya right?"

After that was done, Aizawa started explaining how the internships would go but you just kinda blocked him out knowing it didn't concern you. 

"Dismissed." Was the last thing you hear before Aizawa and Midnight left. Everyone started getting pumped up about what was coming up for them, talking about what hero they would choose. You just kinda sat there.

"So what are you going to do on your week off?" Eijiro asked with a smile as he walked over to you. You looked at him confused.


"Right," Todoroki chimed in standing next to your seat. "Since we're gonna be doing our internships, you've technically got a week off." You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh, I never thought about it that way." You pondered on the thought and remembered what your mom mentioned. "I think I'll visit my family in America." 

"Oh! That sounds so cool! You're so lucky you can just go back when you want." Eijiro said.

"Well since my dad was the number 1 hero, and now my sister, they would usually let my family travel almost anywhere, but only the plane expenses, the rest we would have to be in charge of." You explained. You looked at your hands as you remembered the time you would get to travel with your whole family, you guys went to Cuba, Brazil, Almost all of Europe, even Peru.

"You okay?" You came out of your train of thought when Eijiro placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. So what heroes are you guys planning to go with?" You asked, trying to change the subject.

"I plan on going with the Battle Hero: Gunhead!" Announced Ochaco with pride as she threw a few punches.

"That's so cool!" You were amazed at the thought of meeting these heroes since you've never actually talked to them, maybe seen up close but never talked.

"What about you Todoroki?" You asked.

"I was thinking with my father." He said calmly. You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

"Really? That's kinda unexpected." You said honestly. He simply shrugged as an answer. "Well, I'd better get going if I plan on traveling soon." You got up from your seat and gathered your things. You looked over at Izuku, hoping today he would finally walk home with you but he chuckled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.

"No worries," You answered him even though he didn't say anything. "Todoroki?" You looked over at him and he was already packing his things. Guess that answers that.

"See you guys in two weeks!" You waved goodbye and Todoroki was right behind you as you left the classroom.

It was a quiet yet comfortable walk down the street. You two didn't really talk, you just enjoyed his presence and went on your merry way. 

You reached the intersection and you were about to say goodby but Todoroki kept walking in the direction of your house.

"Um, Todoroki? Your house is that way." You tapped his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. 

"Huh? Oh, yes but," He seemed somewhat awkward trying to find the words to explain. You patiently waited, not rushing him. "I'm planning on visiting my mom at the psychiatric ward." You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh, That's great!" You smiled brightly. Todoroki was starting to get used to your positive attitude and it looked like it was just what he needed at the moment.

"Yeah, after the game, it got me thinking, and maybe it would be best to talk to her after so long." He looked down at the ground as he spoke.

"Maybe?" You put a hand on his shoulder for reassurance. "I think it's a great idea, I'm sure you'll feel a lot better after talking with her."

"Thanks, Y/n." He showed you a small smile but you knew it meant more to him than he leads on. You knew he was probably doubting himself about making this decision and probably scared about what could happen, but you wanted to make sure he follows through.

"No prob, why don't I accompany you up to the hospital? It's not that far from my place." Okay, it was very far and he knew you were just trying to be nice and supportive and he didn't want you walking all the way over there but at the same time, he wanted to know someone was there for him.

"Sure, that would be nice." You two started walking down the sidewalk in comfortable silence. All too soon, you both reached the hospital entrance.

"Good luck Todoroki." You reached over and gave him a hug, this time he actually kinda enjoyed it. 

"Thank you, I'm gonna need it." He let out a chuckled sigh. You then let go and started making your way back. That's when you realized.



"Y/N!!!!!!" Your mom shouted as you entered your home. You didn't even get the chance to put down your bags since she attacked you with her famous 'I'm gonna hug you so tight you won't be able to breathe right for weeks' hug.

"I would like to keep the air in my lungs mom." You barely managed to say. She reluctantly let you go and started bouncing in place.

"So how is it? How did it go? Did you make a lot of friends? Are any of them cute? Do you already have a boyfriend? Are we gonna have to have the talk? How's your uncle? And Aizawa and Midnight, oh! And recovery girl? How much have you learned to use your Quirk? Can you make shields? How far can you teleport? OH! And about the attack on USJ!-"

"MOM, CALM DOWN. Can I at least sit down before we talk?" You laughed at your mother's antics, but you had to admit, you missed her dearly these past few weeks.

"Oh alright, but hurry up!!" You rolled your eyes playfully and began tossing your luggage into your room.

Once you were settled in, your mom pulled you out of your room and sat you down on the couch.



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