Chapter 33: The next step

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You let out a sigh, you knew that if this was anything like the internships, you wouldn't be able to participate so you just laid your head on your desk.

You barely heard the first guy talk but the girl caught your attention when she started asking a bunch of questions.

"Why do you wear that mask? Are you sick? Trying to look cool?" You Heard her shuffle around and then she got to, "You must be Shouto Todoroki! So how did you get burned there?" You lifted your head seeing how she just bluntly asks such personal questions.

"Oh! You just popped up in the back!" She took notice of you making you slump in your chair hoping she would leave you alone. "I haven't seen you before! You didn't participate in the game right? Why didn't you? Are you okay? Did you have a problem back then? Something wrong with your Quirk?" Your hands turned into fists at how she openly spoke about what she was thinking without any filters.

"Isn't this lacking rationality?" Aizawa warned seeing that they were getting off track.

"Don't worry Eraser head I'm going to wrap things up!" Said the other guy with cartoon-like eyes. He started off by trying to get us to chant something but it ultimately backfired so he decided it was best that you all fight him at the same time.

This guy's nuts...

You were starting to worry if he was being serious but soon enough you were all at the gym nearby and in your blue, red and white uniforms.

"Is he serious?" Someone in the back asked. You just let out a sigh and waited for the battle to begin. You noticed how Shoto was on the sidelines since he said that since she doesn't have his license yet, he can't fight.

You brought your attention back to the situation at hand and decided to wait to see what the impatient students would do first and then give it a go. Izuku went to kick his face but it just went right through him!

That's pretty simple, like a Quirk that lets you go through things...

You readied yourself to attack but suddenly he disappeared underground.

Where are you?

You waited in anticipation and suddenly he appeared behind the group.

"First I'll take out the long-range Quirks." He said as he punched a bunch of your classmates in the stomach. You watched as the fell like dead lies on the ground.

"Now for the close-range fighters." You rolled up your sleeves and immediately teleported next to him and tried to kick his legs from under him but he jumped instead.

Looks like I didn't give him enough time to-

"Time out!" He shouted all of a sudden while forming a T with his hands.

"What???" You questioned.

"I need you to sit this one out." He looked at you seriously making you even more confused.

"What? Why?!"

"I'll explain later, please just sit this one out." His expression was soft but stern. You let out a sigh and walked away. Once you were out of bounds the fight continued.

"Who does he think he is..." You muttered as you made your way over to Shoto and Aizawa. Shoto let out a small chuckle seeing you get frustrated; it was kinda cute. He discreetly nudged his right hand next to yours catching your attention. You looked at him but he didn't make eye contact as he wrapped his pinky around yours. You couldn't help but smile as you turned your attention back to the fight.

They all fell one by one to the ground quicker than you expected. You were somewhat thankful you didn't have to go through that.

Once everyone recovered they gathered around to hear what Mirio had to say. He explains his quirk leaving everyone in aw.

"And that's why I wanted you to sit this out." He directed his attention towards you making everyone turn to you. "If you teleported to me when I was underground you would have-"

"Died???" You finished his sentence realizing how badly that would turn out.

"Yeah, remember you need to learn as much as you can from your opponent's Quirk, if not it just might backfire." You gulped understanding how bad that could have turned out. Mirio continued explaining about how each of you had to make your own quirks powerful to which you took to heart.

Everyone started walking back to the bus but you noticed Aizawa calling you over. You nodded and made your way towards them.

"What's up?"

"You won't be participating in the internship but for the time being you'll be practicing your quirk with him." Aizawa gestured towards Mirio who gave you a bright smile and a wave. You saw it coming but studying with a student?

"Don't worry Y/n I'll have you controlling your quirks before you know it!" Your blood ran cold since you immediately thought about your third Quirk.

"Y/n?" Aizawa tried to gain your attention. You knew they weren't talking about that but you couldn't help but feel anxious about it.

"Yeah, right. That's fine, I mean it's great." You showed them a smile along with a thumbs up but Mirio wasn't buying it.

"Alright, you'll be starting tomorrow." Aizawa patted your head and started walking away. You looked back at Mirio somewhat awkwardly.

"Guess we'll be working together for now. It was nice meeting you Mirio." You bowed and started walking back to the group and caught sight of Shoto making you feel somewhat more relaxed. But before you could make it over there Mirio caught your arm. You looked back at him and he leaned in to whisper.

"Don't worry, I know about it. I'll do my best to help you." You gasped at the fact that he knew about it, the only people that know are supposed to be your mom, All Might, your sister, Shoto and maybe...Tomura.

You yanked your arm away from him, feeling your anxiety rise.

"It's okay, it's okay." He tied to calm you down yet you couldn't. "I talked to All Might, we're pretty close since I was..." He took a few steps closer to you. "Since I was supposed to be the original successor." You went wide-eyed in shock.

Your mouth opened yet the words just wouldn't come out.

"We can talk more tomorrow. I just want you to know that you can trust me." His eyes were kind and his expression was calm. You simply nodded in response and made your way back to the group.

"Are you okay?" Shoto looked concerned. He couldn't hear the conversation but he could see your expressions. He held your arm softly as you tried to put the pieces back together.

"He just, we're gonna..." You didn't know how to get the words out as you tried to think things through. "He knows about my quirks." Shoto raised an eyebrow also surprised by this new information.

"Everyone get to the bus we don't have all day!"

~ Celestial-red & MMSpaMEM ~

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