Baby Daddy?

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3. Baby Daddy?


Tomoe groaned when the baby squealed and screamed some more, tears ran down the child's face and he kicked his little feet, his little tail was limp and his ears flicked about as if he was being neglected when there was another case all together.

The fox whined slightly and bit his lip as he put the bottle in the microwave, he paused and then arched his brow slightly when he put it on thirty seconds. He didn't expect to see the milk bubble up and then the top of the bottle burst on the inside.

Tomoe's eyes twitched as he looked back at the crying baby, its squeals were heard and he was showing up his mouth, that had slight indications of teeth. He was one, Tomoe couldn't expect to much from the tot. He chewed his lip and then gasped in relief when he grabbed another bottle of milk and warmed it in his hand using his fox-fire. He dripped the milk on his wrist and then blinked.

It was warm, Great. He would warm the milk, feed the kid and then try to figure out how to wake up from this nightmare. He didn't have a kid, and by what that woman, Nanami said? She said she got pregnant when he was eighteen. He knew that would only mean one thing..

He was a baby daddy.

Tomoe twitched, not wanting to even think about that; how had he met that woman was beyond him, but then again this was all just a dream and he would soon wake up from it. He woudl call it a nightmare, act fine and then gently shove his college form down his fathers throat and laugh at his tormented face.

The fox sighed out and gently picked the child up, he gave it the bottle and relaxed slightly when the baby held the bottle instintively and gurgles from the taste. Tomoe relaxed, his muscles detensing as the child yawned but continued to drink away.

He was kind of cute when you looked at him, he had beautiful right brown eyes, soft white hair and a little fox ears and tail. His little feet were covered by the sleeper and his little hands had the little mittens over the sleeve so that his little claws didn't hurt him when he cried.

Tomoe would have stood in awe of how much the child looked like him and the at woman, if he wasn't so panicked with the fact. Something in him cringed and cried out when the child was in his arms, something made him want to protect the baby..

And Thats when he knew it was his..

Tomoe groaned slightly, not wanting to think about being a father himself. This was just a dream after all, it was nothing that he had to get to close to. No, He wouldn't get to close to this child, that woman or the forming baby in her stomach.

He has to wake up, but how? How did he wake up? Was there something he could do? Did he have to run into a door? Hit his head? Cry? What? What did he have to do to get back to his room? To get back to that college form?

Tomoe chewed his lip, his college was more important then any of this, more important then love, more important then a house. A nice house at that. He didn't even know what his job was in this dream, he sighed and walked around with the baby, trying to pat his back and burp him. He was surprised when he saw frames on a wall,

' Tomoe Mikage' University of Japan'

He blinked, maybe he did get to go to college. He arched his brow and then Blinked again when he saw another frame beside his,

'Nanami Momozeno, University of Japan, Nursing Degree.'

He blinked, huh.. So they both went to the same University. He arched his brow at this, not sure what to say at it all, his degree was real; but he didn't go to college yet. His father was already trying to get him married and for himit was annoying and so irriting to think of.

But apparently somehow this child was his. This baby that he was holding in his arms was his, he was in a house with beauty everywhere, the house was white but beauitful. The child was lighter then a feather and yet it was breathing and now cuddling him close as if he was speacil to it.

But Tomoe had to think staright, he could not fall in love with a dream. He did not believe in love, he didn't want kids and he didn't want to be anything that he saw in this dream. Or should he say nightmare. He wanted nothing to do with any of this..

He just wanted to go back home, ride out his grounding and then act like he was alright and none of this happened.' He was not married, he was not twenty.. and he did not have a baby that he was holding at the moment.

No, It wasn't possible right? He had to think this through, he placed the baby down in its crib and walked out of the room, he looked through his closet and shook his head, nothing.. He pinched himself and opened his eyes, nothing..

He ran into the door and suffered a large bruisee on his head, Nothing.

The fox blinked form this all, he smacked himself.. Splashed himself with water. He even made himself bleed.. Why was he not waking up!? The teen gasped and looked around him, trying to figure out what was going on.

He climbed on the counter and looked through the pill bin, looking for crazy pills or something. He found none and this made his heart plumit. He pinched himself again, and gathered his will power,

" WAKE UP!" He screeched in panic but it was no use, he blinked in shock and looked at the house, the wedding photo on the counter, the phones the pictures on the walls, the degrees.

Oh god, This was not a dream! This wasn't a dream! IT WASN'T!?!!? The fox gasped and quickly ran to his babies room, he looked down at the child, his eyes wide.. How? How was this child his? How was that wife his? What was going on? He choked slightly and gently picked the baby up, his hands shaking,

" Please don't break..' He whispered, now a little more causious with the fact that this baby was real and not a dream at all; his heart quivered, as did his hands as he held the child in his arms. He gently rocked it back and forth, not understanding what was going on.

On the inside he was panicked, completely panicked, so he ran to the phone and looked through the contact numbers, his heart was speeding up as he saw Inari's number. Inari was the family doctor and close friend of his father, this was just what he needed as he held the child close to him.

He pressed the number down and swallowed as a man answered, his voice hummed slightly as he dealt with a patient on the other end. But he was the godfather to this kid that was calling, meaning, being the second father he had to answer at all cost,

" Yello..." Inari answered and nodded at his patient. She thanked him and he sighed as he leaned back in his chair,

" INARI! Thank god!" He heard Tomoe's voice rasp out and alarm went through his chest, he hadn't heard Tomoe like this since Nanami got pregnant and the birth date came rolling around. He sat up in his chair and swallowed,

" Whats wrong? Are you okay? How's Nanami? Hiru?" He gasped out but Tomoe swallowed,

" Sometimes wrong!!" Tomoe choked as he held the baby, his hands quivering, Inari swallowed and stood up as he grabbed his medical bag. He bit his lip and started to stuff it as he held the phone to his ear and sighed out in panic,

" What's wrong? What happened?" he choked as he stuffed everything he could into the bag, So he wasn't expecting the next answer to be,

" Inari! I need my head examined!" He heard a squeak and Inari froze,

" Wait, WHHHHAAATTTT!?" Inari gasped.



" You have amneisa.. It has to be it. I mean what else? You hit your head in the right spot and now you cant remember the last two years of your life." Inari sighed out as he turned his flashlight off. Tomoe stared at him with wide, teenager like eyes before blanching.

" So this is all real? I'm not crazy?" he blinked while Inari shook his head,

" NO..." He sighed, " You met Nanami at college, had Hiru a little bit into the year-

" What about dad?" Tomoe blinked and Inari sighed out as he closed his medical bag,

" Your dad is at the old house, He visits often. Why?" Inari sighed out as Tomoe blinked and nodded slightly.

He didn't care what Inari said, this was impossible. There was no way a bump on the head in the shower could cause something like this. He knew this wasn't a dream by now, but he also knew that he DID NOT get married, and he DID NOT have a son. This had to be the future or something..

And it wasn't impossible because his father was a god and they knew several time gods to his dismay. This could be a punishment for all he knew. He wasn't sure, all he knew was he didn't know how to get back to his time... unless, he really did forget two years of his life. Tomoe wasn't so sure at this point, he was just plain confused.

The teen/adult Swallowed and bit his lip as Inari sighed and patted his head slightly,

"It will come back to you, trust me. Soon You'll remember everything. Your wedding, your sons birthday, your first make out session.. You'll remember everything.' He smiled weakly as Tomoe swallowed and nodded hollowly.

He wans't sure what was going on, but apparently he had to get his memory back, or get sent back. But right now?

It looked like he was going to have to be the baby daddy for a short time. He just had to figure out how this baby daddy acted..

And How he was going to survive being married with kids.Tomoe bit his lip and rocked Hiru slightly as Inari watched him and sighed,

" My guess is that I have to tell Nanami whats going on in that head of yours.' He sighed out and Tomoe swallowed. That would probably be best, it was to much for him to wake up with her beside him.. sleeping with him. She was warm but if he was trying to get his memory back then maybe he had to sleep next to her?

He whined slightly at the thought and Inari sighed out as he took Hiru from him and gently patted his back,

" The poor child.." Inari looked at him and sighed, " You do know your wife is two weeks pregnant right?" He arched his brow when Tomoe nearly choked on his own spit.

" EH!?" He blinked, " I knew she was pregnant but I didn't think it wasn't that long ago.' He whined as Inari sighed at his flustered appearance. He shook his head,

" You need to start trying to remember.." Inari smirked, " You married a fiesty lady Tomoe. Good luck with her tactics. Lets hope she doesn't try to attack you, just so you can get your memory jogged.' Inari winked at him and Tomoe turned a bright red.

" NO! I will NOT! Let that happen!" He blushed red,

Oh god.. What was he going to do!? This was going to be harder then he thought, what if he didn't remember in time and the second baby was born? What would he do if the child was born and he didn't know how to handle it? What if he didn't remember his own child?

What if he never remembered his family.. or what if this was all just the future.. and the time frames got mixed up? He wasn't sure..

But it was one freaky thing to go through.

Now He really was a Baby Daddy...

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