Chapter 1

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Night time at the barn

Right now, Peridot was working on a giant drill in the barn that was made to stop the cluster. She was working on the circuitry in the driver seat of the drill. She was also doing one of her usual log updates.

Peridot: Log update 7 15 2-

However, what she didn't know was that someone else was there with her as well. A shadowy figure that was completely covered in black shadows quickly came through the hole in the roof of the barn and landed on a support beam.

(With smile showing teeth)

(No smile and no teeth)

(Ignore child)

Peridot: -Yesterday I attempted to understand fusion and why Garnet always stays in her form and only when it is needed-

The figure then put a hand on its chest and summoned a black shield across his arm.

He then aimed it at a support beam above him. The tip of the shield then shot out a grapple stabbing into the beam.

Peridot: -I did not get a better understanding of fusion. Although I now better understand Garnet.

The figure then slowly lowered itself more to the ground and closer to Peridot who is too busy working to notice the figure. Peridot then ended her log update and made a new one.

Peridot: Log update 7 15 3-

The figure then put its hand on his chest again summoning another shield on his other arm. While also unhooking from the grapple. He was about to make his move on the unsespecting gem. However just as he was about to strike Peridot, he stopped hearing something.

Peridot: -I'm working on the drills GPS locater for the cluster. We recovered the location of the cluster from pink diamonds moon base.

??? head: Cluster?

Peridot: The crystal gems can lazy around with the end of the world all
they want, but I will not slack off as there is much work to be done.

??? head: THE END OF THE WORLD?! Not only is this one smart but it found away to end the world. I've only dealt with gems that were dumb and wild. There like mindless killing machines that just destroy anything they find that moves. This one though is somehow smart... I need to stop it from doing whatever its about to do.

Peridot then stopped what she was doing and started to get out of the drill. Startled the mysterious figure quickly grappled back up to the support beam on the barn roof to get out of sight. Peridot then was in front of a chalk board looking at some calculations on it.

??? head: What ever this new gem is it seems to have friends. I don't now if there like this one though. She was talking to them like they were intelligent too. It's probably safe to assume they are until I can cross them out as just like the rest.......... Mindless, raging, killing machines.

The figure then jumped off the beam and silently landed behind Peridot.

??? head: I need information about what ever this "cluster" is and wither the "crystal gems" are like this gem.

The figure then quickly grabbed Peridot from behind and covered her mouth trying to take her out.

Peridot: Huh? What the-AHHFMMMM.

Peridot thrashed around and struggled trying to break free throwing her arms and legs around, but the figure just grabbed them holding her in place. Peridot then bit the figures finger making him let go.



Peridot then thrashed her head backwards hitting the figure in the face giving her a chance to slip away. She then tried to runaway and out of the barn. The figure then aimed his weapon at Peridot.

???: You're not getting away that easily.

He then shot his graple at peridot trapping her legs and making her fall.


???: The last human you will see or ever get a chance to hurt.

The figure then started to reel in the grapple but Peridot loosened up the restraint and got free again.

???: I won't let you get away you stupid monster.


Peridot then started to run away, and the figure followed suite.

???: I'm going to do worse than that if you don't tell me what I want to know.

They soon started to make it to the beach side of beach city and were running past some local businesses on the port side as Peridot screamed for


??? head: I need to catch her and shut her up before any locals hear her and get the wrong idea.

He then kicked it to high gear. Running past peridot and stopping in front. Putting his arm out with the shield. Cloth lineing her makeing her fall on her back holding her face.

Peridot: ....owwwww

The figure then used some of the rope from his brawler shield and tued up the green shortie.


The figure then grabbed her by the neck. Slamming her into a wall.

???: Now listen very closely you gem monster. I want answers.

Peridot: *choking* You'll never get anything out of me you clod.

???: Oh?

The show figure then raised his shield and displayed his weaponn sheathing itself. The shield extended forward and outwards. Making it bigger with a sharp edge on it. He then started to smile showing his horrific smile. (images in the beginning)

???: Let's see if you feel that way after I shatter your gem. Piece. By. Piece.

He then used the shield to slowly grind it on the green gem on her forehead making her wince in pain and angst.

Peridot: *choking* No P-Please. Don't

He then let go of peridot and she dropped to the ground and backed up to the side of a Big Donut. The figure stood over her looking intimidating with its red glowing eyes.

Peridot: W-What is it you want to know?

???: How are you like this?

Peridot: L-Like what?

???: Talking, smart enough to build what ever it was in the barn and .......... So small and weak?


???: Most gem I've come by are huge hulking monsters ready to kill. You though....... You're as small as a kid.


She then quickly had a shield stabbed into the wall next to her head.

???: Are there any more like you?

Peridot: I-I still don't know w-what you mean?

She was then thrown again onto the ground. The figure pulling it back ready to thrust it into her.

???: You said in the barn something about crystal gems. Are they like you? Smart and intelligent? Also why do they want to end the world with what ever the cluster is?

Peridot: N-NO its not-



The shadow figure quickly turned around and saw Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet with their weapons drawn but what caught his eyes though is-

??? head: A KID?!


Pearl: Let her go this assistant.

Amethyst: Or else things will get ugly.

Steven: Uhhh guys why is the shadow guy looking at me?

??? head: DAMMIT. There getting smarter. They took a kid hostage. I have to make sure he gets to safety. I won't let a gem hurt a human being ever again. *sigh* Even if it means letting my information get away.

The shadow then quickly threw Peridot high into the air and kicked her away.

Garnet quickly threw Amethyst to get Peridot.

??? head: That's 1 busy. 2 to take care of.

The shadow then dashed right through pearl. Knocking her back like nothing. However Garnet then punched the Shadow away from everyone near the big donut building. Near steven as well. Pearl eyes shot open seeing Steven near the enemy.

Pearl: Get behind me Steven!

He then shot his shield grappel at steven. It grabbed Steven and retracted back to the shadow figure.



Pearl then tried to attack the figure with her spear but right when she tried to, he suddenly was covered in more shadows and so was Steven then just like that the shadows disappeared, and they were gone.

Pearl: What?

Garnet then helped Peral up.

Garnet: PEARL. Where did they go!?

Pearl: I-I don't know. He grabbed Steven and then he was just......gone.

Amethyst: GONE?! What do you mean gone?


Garnet: STOP IT BOTH OF YOU. We can't fight each other right now. We need to focus on finding Steven.

Garnet then walked up to Peridot who was dazed on the ground.

Garnet: Peridot do you have any idea where the shadow man might have taken Steven.

Peridot: How am I supposed to know. He just attacked me at the barn asking about how I wasn't a big and strong monster. He wanted to know about the cluster.

Garnet: Hmmm. Ok Pearl you search the town. Peridot go back to the barn and try to find something that can help find Steven. Amethyst you fly around and see if you can find anything. I'll check everywhere else.

All of them then did as they were told with all of them leaving and Amethyst turning into an owl and flying away. However, what they didn't know though was that they never left in the first place.

??? head: Oh, great they can shapeshift into animals now to? What are these gems?

Slowly the shadow that consumed Steven and the figure started to shrink and revealed themselves. The figure then let go of Steven, but he immediately tried to call for help.

Steven: HEL-

His mouth was quickly covered though.

???: SHHHH Don't make any noise or else they'll come back.

Steven: That's the point! You tried hurting me and Peridot.

???: NO UGH. I was trying to save you and I did save you.

Steven: No, you didn't.

???: Trust me yes, I did.


???: *Sigh* UGH. Hang on.

The figure then slowly started to change. The shadows and black around him slowly shrunk and vanished revealing more color and even actual clothes all returning to his chest. He then looked like a human.

???: Better?

(Looks are in the background)

Steven: Woah. How did you do that?

???: Its uh...... complicated.

The guy then put his hand out to Steven getting on a knee.

Y/N: Look my name is Y/N. I know I might look scarier than them and I don't know what it is that they told you but I'm the good guy trust me.

Steven was hesitant but he shook his hand.

Steven: My name is Steven. Steven Universe.

Y/N: Well Steven............... come with me if you want to live.


Steven head: Wait huh? I'm not in any danger.

Steven knew that this guy hurt Peridot and even kind of kidnapped him to. Although he still felt like he could trust him. I mean who knows. Peridot tried to kill him and so did Lapis and there both friends with him now. Maybe it could happen again.

Steven: Um. Ok but where are we going?

Y/N: Well you're a local here right?

Steven: Yeah?

Y/N: Ok what's the best place to hide from those gem monsters.

Steven head: Gem monsters?

Steven: Um I guess maybe my dad's car wash?


Suddenly Y/N grabbed Steven and sped off. With Steven giving directions.

On a rooftop outside

Y/N and Steven were on a rooftop looking at the car wash. Steven was about to move but Y/N quickly pushed him to the ground.

Y/N: *Quietly* HIDE.

Y/N peaked his head up on the roof ledge seeing Pearl running around looking for them.


She then passed by leaving the 2 in the clear.

Y/N: *sigh* Close one.

He then looked at Steven.

Y/N: Man, what did you do to get mixed up with Gem monsters.

Steven felt this was an opportunity to get a better idea about Y/N.

Steven: Why do you keep calling them gem monsters?

Y/N: Well because they are. Well I guess these ones after you and now me are different.

Steven: What do you mean?

Y/N: The gems I have fought before were mindless killing machines. Ruthless animals ready to kill the first thing that moved. However, these ones are intelligent. They can talk and communicate. They were building something in the barn. Even have some type of plan to destroy the world.

Steven: Wait huh?!

Y/N: Lets talk more where its safer.

Y/N then grabbed Steven again and jumped off the roof and into the car wash.

In the car wash shop

Steven was sitting on a chair and after Y/N turned around from looking at the window scouting for any more trouble he just slid and fell onto the wall.

Y/N: WHEW. That last power boost took a lot out of me. I'm tired

Steven: Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need to rest is all.

Steven then had a serious face on.

Steven: Ok look. I think there is some serious miscommunication and just misunderstandings.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Steven: Well first off....... WHO ARE YOU?!

Y/N: Oh.... Well it's a bit complicated and honestly its best you don't know me to much. Trouble tends to follow me. Besides I'll be out of beach city right when I take care of these gem monsters.

Steven: SEE that's the other things. YOU KEEP CALLING MY FRIENDS GEM MONSTERS.

Y/N head: Aww poor kid. He probably doesn't have to many friends and made friends with the gem monsters. Those sick bastards must have tricked him and now he thinks their people.

Y/N: *sigh* Look Steven I know this is hard but. Those "things" aren't your friends.

Steven: Yes, they are.

Y/N: NO there not.


Y/N then slammed his fist into the ground.


Steven was a bit in shock when he said that.

Y/N: Those things have done nothing but hurt and taken people away from families. They even took away any chance of being with her.... So, I will make sure every single one of those monsters are defeated.

Stevens head: "Her"?

Steven then got really worried because of a thought that came with the stranger's hostility and anger towards gems.

Steven: What are you going to do to my friends?

Y/N: I'm going to stop them for good.

Steven: W-What does that mean?

Y/N looked at Steven and saw the innocent and worried look. He then explained.

Y/N: *sigh* Look my powers are unique and kind of like the gem monsters but also not the same as well. I don't shatter or kill them. I take away their ability to fight.

Steven: What do you mean?

Y/N: *sigh* Look you wouldn't understand-

He then went dead silent as he thought he heard something. Steven also went silent seeing his face worried. Y/N and Steven just stood silent for awhile with not a sound in sight.

Steven: Y/N? What is it-

Then suddenly Y/N jumped in front of Steven and made 2 black shields on his arms and braced them towards the window.


Then suddenly a black goo slime but hard hand crashed into the window and grabbed onto Y/N and Stevens whole body. It pulled them out of the car wash shop and revealed its figure.


Steven head: Wait. Does he mean a corrupted gem? He hasn't fought normal gems before. That's why he doesn't think gems are good.

The corrupted gem then threw Steven and Y/N, but Y/N grabbed hold of Steven and let his body take the fall damage and roll on the ground. Both of them coughed and wheezed (more so Y/N) getting the wind knocked out of them. However, Y/N shirt was torn up with a slash in the middle of his chest. What Steven went wide eyed at though was what was on his chest. It was a smooth rounded black gem.

Steven: Your...... a gem?

Y/N started to get back up but struggling to stand.

Y/N: Not *grunt* exactly. I'm still human.

Steven head: Wait he's...... half gem and half human.........

He then summon his shields again. Braceing for an attakc by the monster. As it did Y/N punched a good chuck of its hand off. How ever it started to regrow and turn back to normal. Y/N just groaned in annoyance.

Y/N: Oh c'mon.

Steven: Wait let me help you.

The gem monster then tried to attack again throwing a fist, but Y/N blocked it again.

Y/N: Stay out of this kid. Just run and get out of here.

He then dashed at the gem monster and just as it was about to hit Y/N away. Y/N jumped for its head punching its face off and then jumping back off of it again. He then retreated back to protect Steven.

Y/N: Just leave ok. I'll be fine.

Steven: No, you don't understand-

Y/N then grabbed Steven.


Y/N then threw Steven into the air and away from the fight to safety.

Steven: NOOOOO

Just as he did that though the monster swiped an arm at Y/N knocking his body back and giving him some bruises and scratches.

Y/N: Ohhhhh ow that hurt.

Y/N Then got back up again. He looked and saw the monster coming right at him. He tried to block with his shields and brace for impact but it didnt work as he was knocked back again against a tree. He tried to stand up bit his body said no.

Y/N: Dammit not now. I'm getting to tired 

He saw the monster slowly making its way towards him.

Y/N: So, this is it huh? This is how I die.

The monster then started to run at him with a fist up ready to attack.

Y/N: I guess there are worse ways to go.

Y/N head: I'm sorry....... I didn't keep my promise.

He closed his eyes ready for the monster to throw another punch ending his life.......... But it never came.

Y/N: huh?

He opened his eyes and saw Steven in front of him. With his arms and legs spread out standing.


Steven: I told you I can *grunt* help.

Y/N: NO GET OUT ... of ....... Here?

He then looked around him and saw a pink bubble around him and Steven.

Y/N: Did I do this? I can't make bubbles this big? And their not pink so how-

Steven: That's because I made it!

Y/N looked at Steven with a confused and bruised face.

Y/N: Huh? You did... what?

Steven then turned around and lifted his shirt up revealing a pink gem in his belly.

Steven: Were both the same.

The bubble then started to crack under the pressure. As it did though they both said the same thing.

Steven/ Y/N: Your like me.

The bubble then started to crack even more under the monster attacks bashing and attacking it.

Y/N head: How.... How is that possible? NO, I can worry about that later. I need to help Steven. Dammit I'm really pushing it but I dont have a choice. I have to use my other powers then.

Y/N then like before covered himself in shadows except, he was a bit bigger and his shape was more toned. His voice was even a bit different being like an echo.

Y/N: Steven hang on to me. When the bubble breaks get ready.

Steven: Ready for what?

Y/N: You'll know. Just HANG ON.

Steven did as he was told and right when the bubble cracked Y/N dashed out of the way from the monster's attack. Y/N then dashed onto the roof of the car wash.

Y/N: Stay here. I MEAN IT THIS TIME.

Steven would have liked to argue but Y/N looked so scary and intimidating with his new voice and red glowing eyes. So, he just nodded.

Y/N: Good.

Y/N then ran back at the monster. Except he was a lot faster and stronger now. He then punched a hole in the monster stomach, but it did nothing and it just regrew.

Y/N: GRAAHH What is it going to take to put you down.

He then punched the monster again and again creating holes in it, but it just regrew itself. When he made another hole though he found a blue gem with slime tendons all connected to it.

Y/N: Oh, I get it now. Your gem is what controls the slime. I take that out than your dead meat.

He then did another punch, but this time plunged his hand into the monster and grabbed its gem. Except this time, it regrew the slime around Y/N's arm and started to pull him into the slime monster.

Y/N: Dammit it's sucking me in.

Steven: Y/N!

Slowly his whole body was being pulled into the monster. Steven was about to try and get down to help but Y/N stopped him.

Y/N: DON'T HELP. I got this just stay there and safe.

Steven: But-

Y/N: STEVEN ............ trust me.

Steven saw the plea in his red eyes as the rest of his body except his head was being pulled into the slime. He hesitated but he went with his gut and trusted him and watched as his head was consumed by the slime.

Steven: y-y/n?

Steven was scared and anxious with the silence of the night. How ever in the gem monster Y/N was fighting for his life? He had the gem in one hand, but he was trying to get out. He couldn't punch or thrash his way out and he needed to grab onto something.

Y/N: I just need one more push. Put everything I have left in this.

He then mustered anything he had left in him and made one shield. He then was able to shoot the shields grapple outside of the slime and shot it into the wall of the car wash. He then began to pull himself out of the slime using the grapple. Half his body was out of the slime but its still had its grip on his arm that held the gem.


He then pulled his whole body out of the monster and repelled forward and on to the ground and in his hand revealed the monster's blue gem.

Y/N: *sigh* It's over.

The slime lost its shape and form and turned soft into a giant slime blob. It still tried to return to the gem though and lunged at Y/N.


So, Y/N placed both of his hands on the gem and it was quickly covered in a black bubble and as it was traped the slime lost consciousness and just splatted on Y/N and everywhere around him.

Y/N: Oh god that is disgusting.

Y/N then dropped the shadows on himself and was back to normal. Steven then ran over smiling with his arms out.

Steven: Y/N YOU DID IT.

Y/N just smiled and started to walk except he started to sway and limp.

Y/N: Hehe yeah, I guess.... I .......... did *THUMB*.

Y/N then collapsed onto the ground passing out.

Steven: Y/N!

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