The past that haunts me

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  Fog, darkness....
panting as my feet run away from all the pain yet no sight of light only darkness, It's all around me. No where to run yet my feet still move within the depths of this wonderland of despair.  I hear footsteps chase after me yet when I look back I still see no one around but the darkness. Screams of my past, the screams of agony from my past chasing me or what I think is chasing me. Memories catching up yet seem so far away.

Suddenly I'm being thrown with a force so great into what seems like a wall of some sorts and my back hits it but yet no pain. As I raise my head all I can see is a monster of many faces of my past creeping slowly closer and closer to me as I try to back up into the mysterious walls trying to get away from the beast that haunts me. 

As this creature comes closer I look upon it's many faces of my past that brings me so much grief, pain, sorrow, and fright.
Faces of my parents scared faces, friends that no longer are in the living and the ones that are still alive, my tormenters and to add to all of my misery,

Why must I see his face in this The abyss of darkness, why must I re-live the painful memories.

As tears fall down my face and my body trembles, the creature lunges at me and scream when I'm being consumes and devoured by this monster, my my memories.

I can see the outside of the monster mouth as I'm being slowly swallowed whole. My body stuck in my monsters throat.

As I'm slowly going down it's throat I see a figure in the shadows threw the monsters teeth looking at me with such intense glowing eyes. Yet I can only see his or her shadow and glowing eyes piercing threw mine as I'm completely surrounded by darkness....

I wake up screaming at the top of my lungs. Gasping for air. As my breathing calms, I frequently look all around me to see my surroundings to see that I'm in my bedroom. Sighing with a relief I relieved my hair is all drenched and stuck to my face while my body is covered in sweat. Looking at my nightstand to my alarm clock that reads 3:00 am. Wanting to relax my stiff, still trembling body I get out of my bed almost tripping over my shaking weak legs that are about to collapse underneath me. Thankful I steady myself and headed to the bathroom heading in the shower. As I slowly take off my nightwear I go to the shower and turn the hot water knob on waiting for the water to get hot. As stand up straight my mirror comes into view and  I stop and fully face it to look at my reflection. My eyes have such dark circles Under them, my pale skin looks deadly, my hair is a rats nest but my eyes, my eyes hold a storm of emotions. I'm broken, I'm broken woman and alone. As steam starts to fill the bathroom my reflection starts to get blurry from the shower letting me out of my crazy mind. I head in the shower and let the hot water make my pale skin red. Closing my eyes Letting the droplets pour down on me to wipe away my sorrow.
The water feels so good yet painful on my skin with the hot water making my bathroom filled with steam. I reopen my eyes and press play on my shower radio and a the song nothing left to fear starts....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Don't cry,
This won't hurt at all
You are all I want
I've waited patiently, my love

Hold tight, let me breathe you in
Touch the blade to skin
It is time

Close your eyes forevermore

There will be nothing left to fear
There will be nothing left to fear

The water starts to grow cold but the music puts me in a trace of peace that I do not care.

Scream out, if you dare my love
But your God won't come
Not this time
For this fate you can't out run

There will be nothing left to fear
There will be nothing left to fear
There will be nothing left to fear

But your God won't come
Not this time,
For this fate you can't out run

There will be nothing left to fear
There will be nothing left to fear
There will be nothing left to fear
There will be nothing left to fear

Opening my eyes as the last of the song ends, i start to get really cold. Not being able to stand it much longer, I turn off the shower and reach out to grab a towel to dry off and rip open the shower curtain and head back in my bedroom. Checking the clock again it's 3:39
After getting dressed in a new pair of pjs, I change my sweat drenched sheets and quickly head into the my kitchen for a bottle of water from the fridge.

After gulping down the refreshing ice cold water, I throw the bottle away in the recycling bin. Turing off the kitchen light I head back to my bedroom and lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

Lost in thought, questions seeking answers start to form.

Will I ever be free of these nightmares? will I ever stop feeling so alone? Will I ever be free of my pass and haunting memories? I asked to myself out loud  and I'm greeted with silence to my unanswered questions. As I slowly drift back into sleep, hoping to sleep the rest of the night.


Her bedroom and bathroom and kitchen.

Authors note:

First chapter of my story and hope you liked it. Sorry it's short but not to worry lots more story to come because this is just the beginning.   Please remember no negativity please and this story belongs to me so no steally.
I don't have an update scheduled so I'll update when I can. All my chapters are mostly written but still needing tweaks. I was gonna post this after near years but then I was like nope lol. Well I'm off to finish reading other books on here then off to bed. Night my beautiful creatures. P.S. The chapter "The Past that haunts me part 2# will be up soon. 🦋

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