chapter 15

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The episode starts with swara getting back home and thinking how to tell sanskar she is ready to give him a chance

Just then sanskar entered seeing him

Swara: I want to tell you something

Sanskar :ya tell me

Swara : shall we go to some restaurant. I want to tell you there

Sankar:ok give 5 mins

Someone listen to this conversation

A grand 7 star hotel is shown
Swara and sanskar are having their dinner

Sanskar :you said you want to tell me something what is it

Swara:yes I....I... I want.. I want to... Tell... That.. She take deep breath and tells I am ready to give a chance to our relationship

Sanskar :ok wait what did you say. Your ready to give me a chance


Sanskar :that's great you know I am really happy thanks for giving me a chance .I promise I won't regret

Suddenly there is an announcement in mike
Hotel manager
Ladies and gentlemen today our hotel 5th year anniversary so we have arranged dance party anybody can join

Sankar shows his hand to swara :can I have a dance for with this lovely lady

Swara:dure she gave her hand and both of them danced

While dancing
Swara:congrats sanskar

Sanskar :for what

Swara:for your hotel 5 th year anniversary

Sanskar :thanks it's not my hotel it's our hotel.
Saying this he kissed her forehead swara blushes

Seeing this someone gets very angry and left the place

Mm mansion
Dp is scolding laksh

Dp:your useless laksh cannot you do a simple work

Ap:ji leave him he is a kid

Dp:then feed him milk with feeder make him lie your lap sing lourry and make him sleep

Ap:ji I am just trying  to say

Dp:you just shut up because of you only he is like this your pampering him a lot and spoiling him and you without any work experience I made you md that's my mistake  that's why this all happened tomorrow your joining as a developer in Rajesh team

Laksh:dad what are you saying how can i

Dp:you have to then only you will learn how to work you will know how hard of each role


Dp:i asked you to shut up and I don't want your involvement in it and laksh if you don't want to work like that then your free to leave this company and join other company
Laksh leave the house in anger

Just than swasan entered

Sanskar: what happened

Sujatha:laksh put a fake blame to fire him bhaishaab founded it

Sanskar took a breath and says I don't know what happened to him what got to his head why he is doing like this

Swara:leave him if he really has some brain he can think what is right and what is wrong he doesn't has any OK I am going to room I am tired

Saying this swara went to her room
Sujatha drag sanskar some where and says what happened to you both you said you were going to hotel

Sanskar :swara agreed to give our relationship a chance

Sujatha:really I am where happy

Screen freeze on sujatha happy face

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