chapter 6

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next morning

swara was in sanskar arms he was hugging her tightly in sleep and he was tighting his grip on her waist.this disturbed swara sleep and she slowly opened her eyes and found herself in his embrace and shocked and later she was his cute face and smiled

somewhere she too started feeling for him.she slowly got out from his embrace and left to washroom.later sanskar was missing his love warmth embrace and opened his eyes and stared searching for his angel and heard water sound from washroom and took a relief.

just then swara came washroom and she was looking like fairy with wet hair

swa:sanskar when you woke up

san:just now dosth

swa:good mrng sanskar

sanskar just came near her and hugged her n gave a kiss on her cheek

san:gd mrng dosth

swara was really shocked and cant imagine what happen just now

san:dosth what happen

swa:nothing sanskar

san:then me gd mrng kiss
saying he showed his cheek

swa:sanskar you go n fresh up

san:no first you give

with no option swara leaned and gave a light kiss

swa:now go

san:no first promise me that u will give me gd mrng kiss daily

swa(no option):k sanskar now go iam going down and you come after you bath

san:k dosth

swara went to hall

suj:swara where is sanskar

swa:he is coming ma

just then they ap shouting

ap:arey no servent at home to bring vegetables

swa:its k badi maa i will bring

suj:swara wt is the need u to go

ap:y she is dil of this house n it is her responsibilty

suj:then send ragini jiju.she is also dil na

swa:maa it is k i will go


ap:go swara n come fast

swa:k badi ma

saying this swara went to market
in swasan room

sanskar came out from washroom
san:today is best day of my life.i got my love again n this time i will never loose u swara.if need i will take u far from everyone.i will make u mine
sanskar came to hall n was searching for swara

suj:sanskar come eat bf

san:where is my dosth maa

ap:swara went to market

san(himself):y they sended my swara.they all r treating my swara as a servant.once that ragini truth is out.then i will show wt iam n who im.i will keep my swara as princess.

san:y u sended my dosth

suj:beta she will cm dont worry.she will cm n u eat

san:no i will eat with my dosth

suj:dont be stubborn sanskar now eat
san:no no no

it has been 1 hour swara did not returned

san:maaa dosth did not come

suj:may be traffic jam beta
it has been 2 hours n swara did not returned

san(worried):maa when will my dosth come

sujata too got worried

suj:wait beta i will call her

sujata was calling but it is switched off

it became 3 hour now sanskar really tensed

san:maa go n bring my dosth

lak:i think she will not come bcz who will be with this mad n may be she ranned away again like previous time
hearing it sanskar blood boiled n his anger reached peak but he cant do anything n for now he is worried for swara

sanskar immediately went to his room n called someone

san:i want my wife her n she should be fine n safe

pa:k sir but mam phone is off we r not able to find

san:do anthing i want my wife if not consequences will be bad

pa(feared):k sir

call was cut

san:where r u swara plz come back.i cant loose my love again.if anything happened to u i will not leave this maheswari family.i will destroy everyone.i only acting like mad only for u swara if not i would show them who is sm.i will die without u plz
come back

1 more hour passed but no clue about swara

sanskar called his pa

san:wt r the hell r u doing.where is my swara

pa:sir we searching but no clue about mam

san:at any cost i want my wife if not u will see old sm

some more time passed then sanskar phone started ringing n caller id was swara

san:hello swara hello dosth

other person:sir

san:who r u n where is my wife

op:said some thing(muted)

after that phone slipped from sanskar phone he fell on floor with thud
san:swaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(shouted n cried)

precap:u have to wait guys?

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