Chapter One: The Very Unlucky Potter

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"Merlin, right now I really hate Albus..." Scorpius muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. "Once I find him... I'm really gonna beat him up."

When the boy even attempted to scratch his nose, the older male wizard would tighten his hold on his arm, so Scorpius kept still. Since the other teenagers who were with them, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, were not subject to the same punishment, he believed that keeping him in this hold was unnecessary. But the words he had muttered previously spiked his curiosity instead, and his thoughts traveled to his older twin brother.

What had happened to him? Had he been sent back in time as well? Was there a chance that he would encounter him and be able to get home? Was he in this time period or a different time period? How would they get back home? Was Albus home and trying to go back and save him? If Albus, was alone did he have someone to help him?

When working by himself, Albus wasn't particularly productive and, if he hadn't already given up, he generally failed at tasks. But, despite the fact, the way the time turner exploded seemed a little suspicious at the moment. Albus hadn't truly failed at this task it seemed like something deliberately happened to make it fail. How could the time-turner have done this without ever touching the hinges to spin it back? What period of time did the time turner decide to send him back to? These thoughts kept circling in his head, making his headache worse. The idea that the time-turner had caused all of this seemed excessive and improbable, but without any supporting evidence, he was trapped here until he could figure out a way to return home.

He was jolted out of his reverie as he heard the shuffling of shoes and voices from the trees in front of them.

"Yes! We got them! There's someone here! Unconscious! It's- but- blimey..."

"You've got someone?" Shouted Barty Crouch, his tone full of disbelief, "Who? Who is it?" Looking above, he noticed a wizard's arm pushing tree limbs and bush leaves away to clear a passage for the other wizard behind him. Just behind him was Amos Diggory carrying a limp figure in his arms. As the man got closer, Scorpius got a good look at the figure and recognized it to be the same house elf who had bumped into him upon his arrival. It was undeniable that this was the same house elf despite the fact, that she appeared paler than usual, her skin's blue tint was darker, and she was paralyzed as a result of the spells.

Barty Crouch became still, almost frozen in place, and did not utter a single word as Amos Diggory placed the house elf at his feet. "That is your house elf isn't it?" Amos questioned Barty, and he remained silent, not looking at any of the others; if he had, he would have seen them all staring at him, waiting for an explanation. Barty Crouch's transfixed eyes moved from the elf at his feet to his companions.

"This - This cannot be..." he said dropping his grip from Scorpius and making his way to the path the wizards had created in hopes of seeing another person there. "No-!' He shouted.

"No point, Mr. Crouch." Mr. Diggory called after him holding his arm out to stop the other, "I checked. There was no one else there."

However, Barty did not appear to believe him. He wasn't willing to accept his word for it, so he went searching on his own. They could hear him moving around and scattering the leaves as he searched for anything. "Bit embarrassing," Mr. Diggory said taking a glance at the unconscious house elf now at Scorpius's feet. "Barty Crouch's house elf... I mean to say..."

"Come off it, Amos," Said Arthur Weasley in a more quiet tone as he didn't want to be caught by the wizard who was searching,  "you don't seriously think it was that elf do you? The Dark Mark's a wizard sign. It requires a wand." He said with a glint of knowing in his eyes. This made Scorpius tense up. Was that where his wand went? He questioned to himself and felt a pit open in his stomach.

"Yeah. I knew that," said Mr. Diggory with a triumphant smirk when the glint of knowing left Arthur Weasley's eyes, "and she had a wand."

"What-?" Mr. Weasley was cut off as Mr. Diggory began to explain further.

"Look here." Scorpius could barely make out the shape of the shattered wand because of the night's darkness when Mr. Diggory held it up. Mr. Weasley could see the wand clear as day once it was handed to him. "Had it in her hands. So that is clause three of the Code of Wand Use broken, for a start. No non-human creature is allowed to possess or use a wand."  His smirk widened as he spoke in an assuming manner. He was beaming with satisfaction because he had been the one to obtain this important piece of evidence.

When Amos took it back there was a loud pop noise signifying that there was a new presence in the group. Ludo Bagman appeared directly next to Mr. Weasley, his breathing heavy. He spun on the spot, goggling at the emerald green mark that was still pasted on the night sky, looking out of breath and disoriented. "The Dark Mark!" He panted out almost stepping on the unconscious house elf that still lay on the ground. "Who did it? Did you get them? Barty! What is going on?"

Mr. Crouch had come back without anything to prove his search. His hands and sparsely haired mustache were twitching, and his face remained the ghostly pale white.

"Barty, where have you been? I have been searching for you from the start of the day. However, you appear more frantic than I do right now."  Ludo Bagman remarked when he went to straighten Barty Crouch's shirt, in an effort to maintain the man's sharp image. "Why didn't you attend the match? Your elf was saving you a seat as well - gulping gargoyles!" For the first time, Bagman turned his attention to the ground and at last saw the house elf who'd been unconscious lying in front of Scorpius's feet. "What has happened to her ?"

"I have been busy, Ludo," Mr. Crouch continued to speak in a jerky manner, scarcely moving his lips as he replied,  "And my elf, she has been stunned."

"Stunned? By you lot, you mean. But, why-?" Ludo inquired, his face filled with comprehension. Ludo Bagman gazed up at the green skull in the sky, then down at the unconscious elf, and finally back at Mr. Crouch. " No !" He said breaking the silence, "Winky? Conjure the Dark Mark? She wouldn't know how! She'd need a wand for a start."

"And she had one," Mr. Diggory added. "Ludo, I discovered her clutching one. If it's okay with you, Mr. Crouch, I believe we should hear from her directly." Crouch didn't respond or show any indication that he had heard Amos Diggory, but Mr. Diggory interpreted his silence as consent. He held up his own wand and commanded, " Rennervate, " pointing at the unconscious elf known as Winky.

Winky groggily started to wake up, wiping the sleep from her eyes as if she had been sleeping for a very long time. She blinked numerous times in a puzzled manner as her enormous brown eyes opened. She trembled as she raised herself into a sitting position while being observed by the motionless wizards.

As soon as she saw Mr. Diggory's feet, she cautiously and tremblingly lifted her eyes to look up at his face. When she noticed the expression on his face, she started slowly shifting her gaze upward until she eventually came face to face with the emerald skull, still haunting the night sky. Scorpius saw as her face was overcome with emotion and as tears filled her eyes, causing the reflection of the image in her eyes to vibrate. She let out a pitiful gasp, looked wildly about the crowded clearing, and then started crying out in terror.

Mr. Diggory said, "Elf!" in an effort to stop her from crying and gave her a harsh look. "Are you aware of who I am? I am a member of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

On her heels, Winky started to rock backwards and forwards, leaving dents in the ground. As she struggled to keep from crying out, her breath came out in short, harsh bursts. However, for every cry that rocked her chest, another one also came out. In Scorpius's time, elves were treated just like any other workers, and many of the house elves were loved like family. Scorpius had never seen an elf behave in this manner. Although she had disobeyed, there was no justification for treating her like a criminal; weren't they going to console her first before interviewing her and bombarding her with a lot of questions? Even to refer to her in this manner, as though she were of lower standards than him, would have been illegal in his day. Mr. Diggory would have been fined. This exposed somewhat of a culture shock and really emphasized how distinct his time was from the one he had been thrown back to.

"As you see, elf, the Dark Mark was conjured here a short while ago," Mr. Diggory replied, looking down at her and making no attempt to get on her level. "And seconds later, directly beneath it, there we found you! An explanation from you would be nice if you please!"

"I-I-I is not doing it, sir!" Winky hastily said, shaking her head. She let out a gasp as her tears started to fall even more quickly, "I is not knowing how, sir!"

"You were discovered holding a wand!" Mr. Diggory growled, waving the fragments in her face. Scorpius gasped as he instantly recognized the shapes that had been carved into the wood as the pieces seized hold of the green light that had been emanating from the skull still lingering in the night sky.

"That's my wand!" Scorpius yelled, staring at his wand with wide eyes. How was he going to return back home now that this had happened? There was no way he could get the wand repaired or replaced because he lacked the funds to do so.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Diggory exclaimed suspiciously.

When he stated this, everyone turned to face him, and he froze when he realized where he was and why it would not have been a good idea to say that. "When I arrived here, I-I fell. Everything feel out of my pockets as well. I was being crushed by everyone and I had no idea where it had gone and I couldn't really look for it as I was trying to shield myself.  I simply assumed I dropped it when I landed."  Quickly telling the truth rather than lying, Scorpius thought this would allow the other wizards to direct their accusing glances elsewhere. He avoided looking at Winky since she had been the person he believed had taken his wand, rightfully so, and he knew that if he did look at her, others would conclude that they had plotted this together.

"When you landed -  you dropped it?" Mr. Diggory repeated the words Scorpius said in disbelief. "Is this a confession, then? After summoning the Dark Mark, you tossed it aside?"

"No! I can hardly cast the disarming spell. How could I even cast that spell, when it is known to be one of the hardest spells to cast? Why would I ever do something like that?" To see if anyone in the company of wizards agreed with him, Scorpius asked, "Even so, why would I shatter my wand if? If I were to do that wouldn't I take my wand with me?  If I had tried to get a new wand, wouldn't you realize it was me?" They remained unmoved when Scorpius asked them. Every wizard still had a look of accusation on their face.

Scorpius shifted under the heavy gazes of the wizards. Why was this not working? Scorpius wondered. He couldn't figure out how they could say one moment that he couldn't have done it, then the other would look at him as if he had.

"Your wand, you say? The Dark Mark was summoned with that wand. The death eaters will respond to this signal." It appeared as though Barty had finally awoken from his lifeless thinking, as he looked at Scorpius with accusation in his eyes and mental wheels churning in the back of his head.

Scorpius began to frantically wave his arms. He signaled to Hermione, "I couldn't have pulled it off. Remember what Hermione said- she said I couldn't have done it. I had bumped into Harry before the spell was cast." Scorpius remarked.

"The voice was also deeper. It sounds like the voice of a grown man, his voice," Hermione included, "His voice is not deep enough," turning to lazily point a finger at Scorpius. Scorpius nodded in appreciation of Hermione.

"He had the option to alter his voice."

"Within mere seconds... Barty..." Arthur stated while casting a doubtful glance at the man with the thin, stranded mustache.

"Please, I can demonstrate or provide an explanation that will help you believe me." Scorpius cried out.

Why would he have handed the wand to an elf if it could have been the final item he used to leave this time? He couldn't flee since his wand had been destroyed and the time turner had been shattered. Before his thoughts could continue, he was yanked again by the stronger male who was still holding his arm under the instruction of Barty Crouch. "There's no need for you to explain yourself here, boy. You'll have plenty of time once you're in front of the court."

Even though he and the younger boy had already discussed this, it was as though Amos suddenly remembered what Scorpius had claimed. He nodded, "You have been caught red-handed. There was no chance that elf could cast that magic. You had to be the one." Shaking his head, Scorpius saw that the situation was considerably worse than he had anticipated. If he didn't have evidence to support him, he wouldn't survive a legal battle. And he absolutely had no other supporting evidence other than the crushed Malfoy time turner in his back pocket. He was aware that no one there at the time knew he was incapable of performing such enchantment and that if he revealed his true identity, they would imprison him at St. Mungo's instead of Azkaban.

"Court?" Scorpius questioned, his eyes widening as his arms were drawn behind his back, with a spell, in an effort to keep him contained, by the wizard still holding him.

"Arthur, be sure to get the others to a safe location and rest up; we'll need you more now that we've got hooligans terrorizing and making a ruckus of our world," Barty mumbled as he drew Scorpius forward.

"There's no way the boy could have done it, Barty. Only a few wizards know how to cast this magic, and I doubt the boy is one of them." Scorpius nodded in response to Arthur Weasley's words. "I could never have done it!  I don't even know how to cast the spell." But Scorpius' pleas were ignored.

"You're saying that if he didn't do it, my elf did, according to your theory. So, Arthur, you believe that I regularly instruct my servants on how to summon the Dark Mark?" Mr. Crouch spoke with icy rage in each syllable.

Aside from Winky's whimpering and Scorpius's cries, there was an eerie silence. Fearful, Arthur said to Barty, "Mr. Crouch... in no sense... a teenage boy could not possibly have committed this crime."

"Therefore who else could it be? Nobody can place the boy. He might be a death eater's secret child."

"No! Mr. Crouch, I would never - Scorpius. My name is Scorpius. I have no relation or anything to do with any death eater!" Scorpius yelled, hoping Mr. Crouch would understand him and believe every word.

"Family name," Crouch said looking at Scorpius as if he had set fire to his entire family, the hatred was strong.

If Scorpius had said Potter, he knew his father, Harry, would have realized something was off. He, therefore, looked everywhere; the trees, the ground, the sky, the people, in the expectation that something would show up to guide his choice of a last name.

"What is your family name, boy?" Barty jerked him back and forth while holding onto his arm. He presumed the man had grown impatient with him and was about to act violently because he took too long. Arthur seized hold of Scorpius, as the group of wizards hurried to stop Barty. Barty immediately released his hold on the teenager.

Barty looked angrily at Scorpius even after releasing his hold, demanding, "Tell me... or I'll have the other members of the court drag it out of you."

Scorpius opened his mouth, "Po-"


Without having time to consider a family name he had not been the one to say those words. "Dumbledore. He is a part of the Dumbledore family."

Wide-eyed, Scorpius stared up at the voice that he had previously only heard in a particular location at Hogwarts during the couple of years he had attended in his real time. A wise image of a great wizard that could answer every query you had with even more enigmas, leaving you even more perplexed than when you arrived.

The great voice boomed out the name, "His name is Scorpius Dumbledore." The man's silhouette and form became visible when he eventually wiped his face of the numerous tears, that had fallen during the violent shaking. Scorpius looked up at the great wizard, who had a mysterious glint in his eyes, and then he realized there before him was the great wizard, Albus Dumbledore, in all his magnificence.

Hello everybody, it has been a while. This book hasn't been updated in a long time, precisely three years! I merely uploaded this book to test how the reviews and comments would turn out. I genuinely felt that I wouldn't continue this book about the experience that had happened with Wattpad. I can now publish again since I have finally overcome that emotion. After this, I want to start updating every Tuesday and Sunday, but please try to hold me to this. Currently, each chapter will be posted as it is written; but once I have a change in my job, I anticipate having more time to write and publish chapters ahead of schedule. I'm sorry it took me so long to update, but I hope most of you are still here and that you will show this book the same love and enthusiasm that I once did. If I succeed in that, I'm confident that the words will flow effortlessly and the updates will be regular (weekly or sometimes four times a week)! However, I work full-time and attend nursing school full-time, so kindly be considerate of me as work through a schedule that works for me.

Also, as I've said before the grammar is pretty bad here, but I see some improvement from three years ago, it is just not perfect. I hope you guys disregard those mistakes. Once I completely finish the fanfiction and have time to go back and fix all my grammar I will.

But, anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave likes and comments! I love reading them. They really encourage me to continue writing.

Ps. This is also cross posted for AO3

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