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The day went on, ordinary as ever, and soon it was the last class of the day.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Virgil packed up and was about to go away from his seat and leave, before suddenly getting lost in thought on whether or not he forgot a certain thing at home.

As soon as he figured out it wasn't, he suddenly heard a familiar voice in the room.

"Hello?" A voice said to him. Virgil turned to where the voice came from, and saw Patton in the doorway.

"Patton?" He asked the bright eyed boy who bounced over to him with a smile, Virgil soon coming to the realization that it was only him and Patton left in the room, odd enough even the teacher had left the room.

"I thought I'd catch you coming out of the classroom, but then I realized you were just in the classroom so I came in." Patton happily said. "Kiddo, you're even worse than me sometimes."

"You didn't need to wait up for me, I don't want to make you late for your own club." Virgil dismissed, thinking Patton would drop it.

"Well I thought you might need some encouragement! So I thought, you know...." Patton trailed off.

"Thought what?" Virgil questioned.

"That you could joi-come to my club!"

Virgil sighed. "I already told you, Pat. I'm not gonna join your Literature Club."

Patton has mentioned to Virgil in a conversation before that he was the Vice President of the Literature Club.

Virgil never knew that Patton even liked literature, although he was 99% certain Patton joined because he thought it would be fun to help start a new club, considering that he was the second person to show interest in the club.

"Virgil pleaaasse? Can you please come to my club, kiddo? At least once?" The bright boy begged his friend.

"Why do you care so much, anyways?" Virgil asked. Patton sheepishly started to respond.

"Well...I uh....I kinda promised everyone a new member....and Roman even made his fancy looking cupcakes for the event."

Virgil sighed. "Fiiine, I'll stop by for a cupcake."

Patton's eyes lit up. "Yay! Let's go!" Patton grabbed Virgil's arm, and excitedly led him to the classroom upstairs.

"Everyone, I'm here with the new member!" Patton happily shouted as he and Virgil entered the classroom, swinging open the classroom door.

"Patton I told you not to call me that." Virgil whispered to him.

Virgil looked around the room, seeing a tall boy with glasses that seemed to be the exact same frame as Patton's approach him. His brown hair was slicked back professionally, and for a reason Virgil didn't know he wore a neck tie, despite them already having to wear one due to the uniforms.

"Welcome to the literature club. It's a pleasure to meet you." The tall boy spoke in a monotone voice. "Patton always says nice things about you."

A short boy who looked rather royal walked over and said, "Why'd you bring someone like him? He doesn't seem like the type to be into literature."

"Wow, I didn't know freshmen were so rude." Virgil muttered in response. Short boy seemed to have heard him, and seemed like he was about to retaliate, until a third boy suddenly slithered over and cut him off.

"Ah, Virgil, what a nice surprise. Welcome to the club." The familiar third boy said with a smile, which to Virgil didn't seem so genuine. He was tall, but not as tall as the first boy, and for whatever reason had a hat on his head. Maybe to assert dominance, who honestly knows. He also had a mark trailing down the side of his face, but Virgil knew better not to ask about that.

All words escaped Virgil. And if he was being honest, all the boys were honestly....kind of cute in their own little ways despite how different they all were.

"What are you staring at, emo nightmare? If you want to say something then say it." Short boy suddenly spoke up in a defensive tone.

"Roman..." Tall boy spoke, a bit quieter than how the others have been speaking.

'So short boy over there made the cupcakes...' Virgil thought.

"You can just ignore him, he's a bit...moody today....and he's also not a freshman, he's just short." Patton quietly said into Virgil's ear.

Patton turned back towards the others with a big smile. "Anyways, this is Roman, always full of energy! And this Logan! He's the smartest in the club!"

The tall boy, who's name was apparently Logan, flushed slightly. "D-Don't say stuff like that, Patton."

Logan appeared to be more mature and timid, at least to Virgil. He seemed to have a harder time keeping up with emotional and energetic people like Patton and Roman.

"Well i-its nice to meet both of you."

"And it seems like you already know De!" Patton smiled. Before Virgil could reply, the last boy, who Virgil recognized as De, spoke up.

"That's right! It's nice to see you again, Virgil." De grinned. He and Virgil rarely talked, the only reason the two knew each other in the first place being that they had a class together the year before.

De happened to have been the most popular kid in class. To practically the entire school, he was smart, athletic, and the one boy everyone wanted to be friends with. Although Virgil got the vibes that he seemed like a liar so he stayed away from him. Surprisingly, nobody knew his real name, despite being popular, but everyone called him 'De.'

"You too, I guess.." Virgil replied, not really knowing what to say.

"Come sit down, we made room for you at the table!" Patton joyfully said, pointing over to a circle of desks the boys had arranged to form a circle. "There's an open spot by where I sit and one by De! I'll get the cupcakes!"

"Hey I made them I'll get them!" Roman snapped a bit. Virgil could of sworn for a second that Roman had a look of guilt on his face, but he must have covered it up quickly.

Patton, slightly embarrassed, sat down in his seat. "Sorry, I got a little too excited."

"I'll go make some tea while we're at it." Logan spoke, his voice lacking any emotion as he headed towards the corner of the room with Roman.

Meanwhile, Patton and De went to sit down, Virgil deciding to sit next to Patton. Since....well, he didn't really know De as well as Patton and he felt more comfortable with someone who he's known.

Roman suddenly appeared, holding a red tray with foil covering the top of it. With an excited grin on his face, he took off the foil. "Ta-da!" He excitedly spoke, his sour attitude seemingly gone temporarily.

Underneath the foil was a dozen cupcakes decorated as different Didney characters and a couple of musical ones. Virgil's eyes widened, not just at the fact that they had famous-ish characters on them, but that they were made so well.

Everyone who was around the table grabbed a cupcake, excitedly digging into them. "This is so good! I never knew you were so good at baking, Ro!" Patton spoke, mouth full of cupcake.

"Heh, well, y'know...." Roman trailed off, figuring they knew what he meant. Although in reality none of them knew.

Virgil was twirling his cupcake around in his hands, looking for the perfect bite to take out of it. Out of the corner of his eye Virgil saw Roman silently sneaking glances at him, almost as if he was looking for his approval.

Virgil finally took a bite, astonished at the taste. It was. . . surprisingly delicious. Did he make it himself? Virgil thought to himself.

"Wow, this is really good, thank you, Princey."

A light blush appeared on the princely persona's face. "Why are you thanking me? T-they weren't for you, emo nightmare!"

Virgil narrowed his eyes slightly at him, a smirk growing on his face. "But according to Patton, technically-"

"Y-you know what I meant!"  Roman interrupted, cheeks red and going quiet again, eating his own cupcake.

Logan returned to the table with a tea set in his hands, filling up and carefully handing tea cups to everyone around the circle before sitting down with his own cup.

"So the teacher...." Virgil started. "The teacher allows you to keep the tea set in here?"

Logan nodded, starting to speak in his monotone voice. "Don't worry. The teacher, Mister Sanders, gave us permission to. Besides, a hot, cup of tea helps with reading a good book, does it not?"

Unsure of what to respond with, Virgil shrugged. "Uh....I guess you're right."

"Don't let yourself get intimated," De suddenly spoke up. "Logan's just trying to impress you."

Taken aback, Logan spoke up. "T-That's not it." Logan spoke up, his voice showing a tiny bit of emotion for once, almost insulted as he looked away. "I meant that- y-you know-"

"I believe you." Virgil interrupted, a look of relief appearing on Logan's face for a brief second. "Tea and reading isn't something I like to do myself but I enjoy a bit of tea."

What am I saying, Virgil thought, I don't even like tea!

"I guess you could say it's not your cup of tea." Patton suddenly piped up, interrupting the conversation. Virgil let out a small laugh, and Logan face palmed, soon taking a sip of his own tea while looking at the suddenly interesting floor.

"So, Virgil, what made you consider the literature club?" De questioned, raising an eyebrow and smiling at Virgil. Said person was starting to get the feeling that he shouldn't tell him he was dragged here by Patton.

"Well I haven't joined any clubs yet," Virgil started. "Plus, Patton seemed really happy here."

De had a small. . .smile on his face. "Well then, we'll make sure you feel right at home! As president of this club, it's my right to make sure every member

"De...I'm surprised. Why'd you make start your own club? You could be a club leader of any club." Virgil paused, suddenly remembering something. "Actually, weren't you the leader of the debate club last year?"

"Well....I couldn't stand all the awful drama and politics between all the bigger clubs, and I thought I'd start a club for something that I enjoy doing that encourages others to join it and have fun." De responded, holding what's left of his cupcake in his hand.

"De's a really great leader!" Patton joyfully spoke up, a big smile on his face like usual. Logan nodded in agreement.

"Huh, I'm surprised there's not more members, then." Virgil rudely spoke, not thinking at all, before quickly covering it up. "It must have been tough starting it up, especially finding....well, everyone here."

"You can phrase it like that." De said, looking at Virgil and smiling a bit, although Virgil got the strange feeling he was looking not at him but, well, almost through him. Virgil ignored the feeling, blaming the feeling on being paranoid.

"Especially since....well, not everyone is exactly interested in stuff like literature...considering it's a bit.....boring..." De trailed off for a few seconds, before grinning. "But, I'm positive that we'll be able to convince people to join it, especially at the festival! Right everyone?"

"Yeah!" Patton piped up.

"We'll do our best." Logan monotonely said.

"You know we will!" Roman confidentially spoke.

All three different boys....somehow like the same thing and have the same goal....wow, snake face over there must have manipulated them well, Virgil thought. Or they...genuinely like it. Yeah, they probably do.

After a few seconds, Logan looked over at Virgil. "So...uh, Virgil, what kinds of books do you like to read?" He asked.

"Oh...uhm..." Virgil paused to think. Truth be told, he hasn't really read a lot over the past couple of years, so he didn't know how to answer it.

"Fairytales, but the ones with a darker meaning behind it and darker endings." Virgil finally answered, muttering. Although, he exactly wasn't lying, he has read a bit of them.

He thought the darker meanings and darker sides to the story were cooler, especially compared to the animated, family-friendly Didney ones made.

Virgil suddenly noticed Roman's head suddenly perk up for a second, and he like he wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

"Ah," Logan thought for a second, a look on his face that for once showed emotion that happened to be a small smile. "Not much of a reader are you?"

"That could change." Virgil, once again, mindlessly spoke. What was he saying?! "Anyway, what do you like to read?"

Logan thought for a second, absentmindedly tracing the edge of his teacup with his finger. "Well....let's see....my favorites are usually novels that are detective fictions like The Murder of Roger Ackroyd...but lately, stories with psychological elements have been emersing me as well. 

"Isn't it amazing how the writer can take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you off by throwing you for a loop? Anyways, I've being reading stuff like that and a bit of horror lately."

"Ah, I've read a horror book that once." Virgil spoke up, finally adding to the conversation. He would have earlier, but Logan seemed so invested in what he was saying and showing a bit of emotion for once, so Virgil didn't want to interrupt.

"Really?" De spoke up, "I wouldn't have expected that from you, Logan. You just...don't seem like the type."

Logan looked a bit off guard for a few seconds. "I guess you could say that... But, if a story makes me think, or takes me to another world, then it's rather hard to stop reading it. Surreal horror is often very successful at changing the way you look at the world, only if it's very brief."

"Ugh, I hate horror." Roman not-so-quietly muttered, causing Logan to look over and raise an eyebrow at Roman.

"Really?" He asked, showing a bit of curiosity. "Why's that?"

"Well...I just...." Roman trailed off, his eyes darting over to the emo for a second before looking back at Logan. "N-nevermind."

"That's right, don't you like to usually write about stuff similar to fairytales or really fancy royals?" De asked, causing a small blush out of embarrassment to show up on Roman's face as he looked at the snake like teen.

"E-excuse me?! What gave you that idea?!" He defensively spoke.

"Well....at the last club meeting...you left a scrap paper behind...." De started, Roman's face growing paler as De pulled it out. "It looked like you were in the middle of writing a poem called-"

"Don't say it out loud!" Roman interrupted, getting out of his seat and walking over to De's. "And give that back!" He grabbed the paper out of De's hand and sat back down in his own seat.

They all were a bit quiet for a few moments, before Patton spoke up again. "Heh, your poems...your cupcakes....everything you do is prince-like and cute just like you!"

Patton suddenly somehow slid behind Roman, and put his hands on his shoulders almost wrapped in a hug, while Roman looked like a mix between embarrassed and even a small hint of uncomfortable due to the touch.

"I-I'm not cute!" He spat out, as Patton went back to his seat. Virgil got the feeling he should say something, even if he messed it up like everything, so he decided to change the subject.

"Roman, you write your own poems?" Virgil asked, the boy in question got a confused look on his face as he looked over at Virgil.

"Huh? Well, I guess sometimes." Roman said, before slightly snapping. "Why do you care?"

"Well, princey, I think it's kind of impressive, that's all." Virgil said in fake defense. "Why don't you share them sometime?"

Roman averted his eyes away from him. "N-no! You wouldn't....well, like them."

"You...aren't a confident writer are you?" Virgil asked, Roman not responding.

"I can understand how Roman feels." Logan's monotone voice suddenly spoke up. "Sharing that level takes more than just confidence. Like someone wise has said before, the truest form of writing is writing to oneself. In order to do that, you must be willing to open up to your readers, exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart. If you have a metaphorical one, that is."

"So, you have writing experience as well, Logan?" De asked, Logan nodding in response. De seemed to have gotten an idea, so he spoke up again. "Maybe if you share some of your work, then maybe it'll encourage Roman to as well."

Logan's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, as if merely the thought of it felt embarrassing as he looked away. De sighed as Virgil spoke up. "I guess it's the same for him, then."

"Aw! I wanted to read everyone's poems." Patton spoke up, a small bit of sadness in his tone. The group all sat in silence for a few moments, everyone in their own thoughts.

Suddenly, De stood up with a grin on his face, causing the four other boys to look at him curiously.

"Okay! I have an idea, everyone! Let's go home, and write our own poems so we can share them with each other next time and everyone can be even! Won't it be fun?" De spoke, with an excitement that Virgil couldn't tell was real or fake.

Virgil noticed Roman and Logan look a bit not on-board with the idea. "I-uh-" he heard one say, while the other just stayed silent, trapped in his mind.

Patton, seemingly noticing the quiet as well, happily spoke up. "Yeaaaah! Let's do it!" De gave a small smile to Patton before looking over at Virgil, 'smiling' warmly at him.

"Plus, now that we have a new member, I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other, and strengthen the bond of the club."

Shoot, Virgil thought. During the meeting, it had passed Virgil's mind that they all thought that he was joining.

"Hold on," Virgil spoke up, "there's still one problem. I never said I would join the club. Patton just convinced me to stop by, but since I haven't made my decision and I still have other clubs to see....and....uh...."

Virgil looked around at the disappointed faces of his peers, looking at how upset they were and losing his train of thought as they all stared at him.

"I-...uh-.....you all...." Virgil begun, not really sure where he was going with it. He thought for a few seconds....was writing some stupid poems really a price to pay to spend time with these boys he could-hopefully-at least be friends with?

Virgil took a deep breath, before speaking again. "You know what, I've decided. I'll join the literature club."

The four boys eyes lighted up with relief, as Patton suddenly wrapped Virgil in a tight hug.

"Yay! I'm so happy!" Patton joyfully said, while jumping up and down.

"Patton....too tight..." Virgil said, before Patton let go, muttering an apology.

"Y-you really frightened me there." Logan spoke up.

"If you really just came for the cupcakes, I would have been pissed." Roman said, before De suddenly opened his mouth, grinning.

"Then it's official! Welcome to the literature club!"

"Thanks....I guess." Virgil said, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.

De suddenly clasped his hands together. "Okay everyone! I think with that, we can officially end this meeting. Remember to write a poem tonight and bring it to tomorrow's meeting so we can all share!"

De suddenly looked over at Virgil, who got the same feeling he was being looked through. "I look forward to seeing you again."

He walked away along with the other boys and everyone began to pack up their stuff and clean up, arranging the desks back into their proper places and putting the things away.

Virgil's mind raced. He wanted to impress a certain boy in particular, and the usual anxiety in him was somehow growing a bit. Suddenly, Patton appeared in front of him.

"Hey, Virge, wanna walk home together?" Patton cheerfully asked. "Since we're already here?"

Virgil slung his back over his shoulder. "Yeah, let's go."

After saying their goodbyes to their fellow club members, Patton and Virgil left, soon parting ways once again once they reached their own homes.

Virgil went home and went up to his room, setting his bag down and grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil and sitting down at his desk.

Who should he try to impress this poem with?



>Jamie.chr appears, a smile on his face.

>"Sorry this took so long! I've been busy and there was a lot to write, considering this chapter is 3490 words long minus this part."

   >Jamie.chr looked at something in the distance for a second, before looking forward again and smiling.

  >"Anyways, welcome to the first reader's vote! The thing you're voting for is...drum roll please...."

  >*Insert crappy drumroll sound made by a drum set here*

  >"It's for Virgil to decide who to write the poem to! Yay! Yeah....it's not as exciting as...others in the future may or may not be..."

  >"Anyways, comment on the boy's name you want him to write to! Voting starts now, April 7th, 2019 (its1amrnhelp-), and ends on April 10th, 2019! Plenty of time!"

   >"The boy with the most votes wins! Oh, and if anyone has a question or is wondering why I chose a certain side for each role, just ask politely in the comments and I'll be sure to answer!!"

   >[Your options are]



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